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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1982, p. 4

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. » liN DEALER • WEDJffiflPAY, MAY It, IMS EARL WALSH"" So I Hear jogra mora than a baBooa? It is Sunday nigbt and we have just returned from Clarence and LndDe Smith's Silver Weddtaf Tickets PoUcm Kathy U. beautiful downtown Vote. From ttava we joined relatives and frisndi at the Johnstmrc Community Chd> for feast and fun. Twaa a food ttaae as two fine Bev Erstege (Did I get thati open­ ing right?) phoned to let us know the 1966 official rules set forth by the Diamond Tool and Horseshoe Co. listo the distance of 40 feet between hor­ seshoe stakes. ti • Of course, the ladies geit special Consideration. Their distance is only 30 feet, but is optional. Cousin Melvin (self styled "favorite cousin") found the 40 foot in­ formation, but didn't come up with the 30 feet for ladies. The kid will have to try a little harder. With hot weather upon us, I'm not waiting for the official opening of the straw hat season. 'Twas an event to be remembered. It was the third annual Academic Recognition Dinner at Andre's for outstanding MCHS students. The Plaindealer issue last Friday covered the program so I won't risk duplication. Parents have reason to be proud of the Class of 1962 Honorees. With all the commendable activities of these young people, they have no time to get into trouble. This was the first year of the Distinguished Graduate Awards. They were chosen from 1902 through 1996 school classes and all had class. It looked likes famttvreunion as so many Andersons were present to help honor their brother Alvin. So pleased was he with his selection thst he travelled sll the wsy from Colorado. Thos who did not make it this year will have a chance in the future. Their nominations are not withdrawn. John Bauer, U. of I. football player a half century ago, passed swsy last week. To his friends snd neighbors in Woodlawn Park, this huge man had a heart in proportion to his overall size. Saw a sign on an entrance to a store that read: "Enjoy your food, drinks snd tobacco before entering". SUDDEN THOUGHT: Is there anything a little child en- Twae also a groat dsy for sports tens. The OAs and Sox both won. Can't stir up any argument when they both win. Death Toll Drops Traffic fatalities on Illinois high- ways decreased 174 percent in April when compared to statistics from April 1961, according to provWonaft figures relessed by the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Illinois State pottce. April 1962 fatalities totalled 112 as s result of 100 sccidents while April 1961 provisional fatalities totalled 106. The April 1982 figures also rsprsssut a 22.2 percent decreaae when compared to the provisions! fatality total of 144 for April i960. In all April 1962 accidents, there were 23 pedestrians killed in a ac­ cidents, five persons killed in four railroad croosing sccidents and 13 persons killed in 10 accidents in­ volving motorcycles. lack D. Segel, 2209 W. StfflMIl, ensooeyea a reo ugnt. Janet F. Refiner, 996 River Road, disobeyed a stop sign. Michael E. Fritz, 4166 W. Crystal Lake Road, dboheyed a stop sign. Alan L. Roaenpdet, 6166 Maiden, Spring Grove, diooheyed a traffic control device. Sharon Gaye Sturgill, 2911 Tower, speeding, 36 mph in a 25 zone. Donna S. Stack, S006 Memory Trail, iperrilng, 46 mph in a 25 zone. Mark L. Spencer, 6906 White Oak, Wonder Lake, speeding, 46 mph in a 35 zone. Robert E. Mentor, 4406 Clearview, speeding, 43 mph in a 30 zone. Edward P. Kennedy, III, 406 Shepherd Hill, speeding, 60 mph in e 40 zone. Gay L. Harris, 719 Fisher Road, speeding, 50 mph in a 35 zone. Robert C. Einspar, 609 Finch Trail, speeding, 53 mph in a 40 zone. Nicholas P. DiBlasi, 1602 N. Lakeland Ave., speeding, 44 ihph In a 30 zone. Peter M. Barroso, 1416 Sudeenew, speeding, 97 mph in a 40 zone. Thomas E. Thames, 3705 Riverside Drive, speeding, 39 mph in s 25 zone. Msrk E. Reinwsll, 3616 Bull Vslley Rood, speeding, 49 mph in s 30 zone. Scott D. Persky, 616 Lillisn, speeding, 40 mph in s 25 zone. Brian W. Landis, 3704 Young St., speeding, 54 mph in s 40 zone. ************** National Award Winners ? Families and friends of deceased war veterans ... Decorate the grave of your loved one with an American flag. * We are offering these flags during the month of May to observe the Memorial Day holiday. Stop by our funeral home be tween the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, or call for an appointment. There is no obligation to you for added services and this offer is * free of charge. . 35l<» W.-si Kim Stni'l Mi Henry. IliirxMn MX)M) (815) iH.S 2400 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Board of Directors, Medical Staff and Hospital Administration wish to thank all employees for a job well done in providing quality patient care throughout the year. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL for McMeory County 527 W. South Street Woodstock, Illinois Memorial Hospital MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STOKE 301 W. Virginia Street CRYSTAL LAKE 815-455-0333 MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER Mon. Tuev 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Wed., Thurv, Fri., 9 a.m. - t p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Use Cash MC Visa or our own Check Purchasing Card! 3 HOUSEWARES Sslo Dates Msy 19th thru Msy 25th --While Ousntltles Last-- Hsve You Visited Our Storo in Wauconda? OUR REQ. STORE PRICE BUFFET RANGE y REQ. $20.99 / NOW $1259 10-pc. Stainless COOKWARE SET Rag. $59.99 „ _ NOW *35" WOMENS SUMMER SHORTS Rag. $3.50 to $5.00 NOW H 4?o $240 WOMENS TERRY ROMPER Rag. $7.50 NOW $300 JEWELRY & WATCHES FOR GRADUATION 50% OFF OUR REQ. STORE PRICE POOLS for CHILDRENS SUMMER FUN 40% OFF OUR REQ. STORE PRICE y Am MENS LONG SLEEVE KNIT _ SPORT SHIRTS Rag. $13.00 NOW $6*° . MENS PULL* OVER SPORT SHIRTS Smsll Only. Rag. $0 Now »2°® OUTDOOR DRINKING FOUNTAIN For outdoor faucat Rag. $11.37 Now »6,° SOAKING HOSE For aartfan and lawn. 30 foot. Rag. $4.19-' N<n,*20# MEN & WOMENS FELT WESTERN HATS Rag. $20 to $25 Now $8°° BUTTERFLY CLOCK Bsttary Oparstad 3-Pc. Wall Sat Rag. $25.00 No. «1 0,#. WIRL-A-QIQ Lawn Decoration Mount on poat Rag. $3.59 Now »2,° FOLD-AWAY GRIL For picnic-camping Rag. $17.99 No, «1 0°° WOMENS WEAR 60o%ff OUR REQ. STORE PRICE KARLA USA MEYER The United Ststes Achievement academy has announced the names of two mure McHsnry ares young people who hsve been nsmed 1982 United Statea National Award winners. They are Karla Lisa Meysr of 4610 W Northfox lane and Kfith Adams. This award la a prestigious honor very few students sttain. The academy recognizes less than 5 percent of all American high school students. Karla, a senior st McHenry West campus, was nominated by Louette Amea, Home Economics coordinator st the school, and waa an award winner in Home Economics. • Keith, who sttends McHenry Junior high, wss nominsted sn award winner in Band by Mrs. DeVore, band instructor. The names of both young people will ap­ pear in the United States Achievement academy official yearbook, published nationally. KEITH ADAMS The academy selects USAA winners upon the exclusive recom- mendstion of teachers, coaches, counselors or other school sponsors snd upon the standards for selection set forth by (the scsdemy. The criteria for selection are a students academic performance, intereet and aptitude, leadership qualitiea, responsibility, enthusiasm, motivation to learn and improve, citizenship, attitude and cooperative apirit, dependability, and recommendation from a teacher or director. Karla, who earlier this year was inducted into the National Honor society at Weat campus, is the daughter of Barbara A. Meyer. Her grantyarenta are Mr. and Mrs. George P. Krickl alap of McHenry., Keith ia the son oC Mr. and Mrs. Jsck Adams. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Owens of St. Peter­ sburg, Fla. iff r Hugh Kirk of McHenry is shown with souvenirs (i wMch he brought back from recent trip to Peru. he ia wearing) Touring In Peru (This is the seventh in a series of stories by Hugh Kirk concerning his recent trip to Peru). "The food, on the average, was good, but always different and often a bit spicy, and I thought expensive. You aid hsve to be careful and you did see some sick Americans, but I managed to luck out, even going hungry once in awhile. "On any trip to a different place you are going to pick up some souvenirs. I brought back a lot. It was necessary to tie some up in my raincoat and the pillowslip got filled too, but nearly all got through o.k. "I won't bore readers mentioning all of them, but here are a few: seven dolls with native dreaa, three heavy, large, braaa ceremonial knives that can be hung on the wall, 10 or 12 brass decorative bottle openers, eight alpaca sweaters with besutiful designs, three pairs of alpaca gloves, three native alpaca headgear, one pair of highly decorated red alpaca socks, three llama models with real llama fur, two alpaca models with real alpaca fur, five decorated dishes, one decorated gourd bowl, two llama design brass dinner bells, a leather, 2- foot in diamater throw-piece made with pretty designs and with different colored furs of llama and alpaca, and of course, many pictures ana photos, a lot of Peruvian coins and a couple of big pieces of fool's gold. "The hardest thing to carry and care for was a glass frame with many beautiful tropical butterflies. "I highly recommend a trip to Peru and I would go back again if the op- p o r t - u n i t y o c c u r r e d ' ' MCHENRY SHORES Nino Keen 344-2665 Be On Lookout For Children - Animals To all residents driving through the shores, plesse use caution snd keep your eyes open for children snd small dogs playing on or near the street. This is especially important now that warm weather is here, and it stays lighter longer in the evening. Not only do you kick up dust and gisvel terribly when you speed down the streets, but it makes it hard to notice and stop if a small child would run out into the street. We have lots of small children and dogs here in the Shores, so plesse, there is no reason to race down the streets. Let's drive cautiously and keep our eyes open! BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES Belated birthday cheer goea to Angela Orin who turned 12 years old on April 14. Please forgive my boo-boo for missing your special day. Hope it was happy. SHORES GARAGE SALES A reminder to residents of the an­ nual spring garage sales to be held throughout the Shores, Friday and Saturday May 21 and 22. Take a drive through the Shores, and we'll bet you find just that right something! And to those of you who^re thinking sbout participating, it is still not too late to sign 385-0286 for Call Johann Bartel at its. ' CITY PICKS UP On the first Monday of each month, the eity of McHenry provides a very beneficial service to all residents (Hit you might not be aware of. City Public Works trucks will pick up tree branches that you put out in front of your house on the edge of the street So, if you are doing spring outdoor yardwork, keep this in mind. Please note that they come by very early, so have your branches out by 6 a.m. or out the night before. Also, while on the subject of city services, the city-wide cleanup days will be held the first week in June McHenry Shores area's day will be Wednesday June 9. The city trucks will pick up any items that you would like to dispose of as long as it is small enough and light enough to be lifted by two men. Please have your items out on the curb by 6 a.m. to assure pickup. VEHICLE STICKERS Don't forget your city vehicle stickers, $6 each, available at city hall till the June 1 deadline! A 14-member committee, made up of physicians and former prisoners of war, will advise Administrator . of Veterans Affairs Robert P. Nimmd on new VA benefits for 100,000 living American former prisoners of wars. M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O K E M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E YOU ARE INVITED TO THIS HBNHCIKTIK Christian Science ENTITLED "CfciistimuScienco: Gordon R.Clarke, C.S.B. MEMBER OF THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BOARD OF LECTURESHIP Friday. May 21 8i00P.nL First Church of Christ, Scientist Woodstock DEAN AND SOUTH STRfcfcIS CHILD CARE WILL BE PROVIDED -s. : BMSQfMC Hie professionol do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system ^ First Hour of Rental $1.00 par hour..for ovary hour thereoftei (ixamplo 2 hours... total charge $1 plus tax. Rate Coed Monday thrv THvrtdey KINSENVAC cl®®BS th# woy MOMeelaikala OT v rTvcwfn of (he coat OVtRMIOMTSfpCIAlf 8:01PM • *:SSAM S1S.S0 4400 W. RTC. 120 HI.

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