United Methodist Women Hold Annual Spring Lunch May 27 At Am May central meeting of the United Metho&at Women of the Pint United Methodist church of McHenry, £3 will be by Mount Hope U.M.W., ; May 17. Tickets can be beuMtf at the'door, or can be aaade with Marian Doenecke or Hasal Vercouter. She aleo reminded the ladlea of the School of Miaatans July 23 through M; *iteiu doy, July *. Those b»- terested in attending all amty the <Mve-ta day, are to Ms. Hurckes st once regarding warwathw ". n, •. Inaamuch as the program waa the 'Mad Hatter Tea", there waa no Mfci After 1 delicious refreshments, Bea introduced Lillian Bourne, well-known humorist and storyteller, who had aereral "aany" hata on display from her collection of SB. To start hor program. Ma. Bourne presented a "lucky" aihreraixpence to a few ladiee in die audience, and then nyA>f<i each'of tar hata, eaplainb ̂ their aignificance and how they came into existence. She related many cute experiences, was a delightful en tertainer, and provided everyone with a real pleasant afternoon. An add^attraction waa looking at the various hata worn by women in attendance; aome of old vintage, some elaborate, and some recent creations showing real imagination. The next general meeting will be Thursdsy, Sept It, st noon, with Priadlla Circle aa hosteeaee. The program will be a book revifcw. PAGE % - Pi MNDEALER - WEDNESDAY. MAY M. IMS fall. He la a 1M7 graduate of the local X FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the Mae of May M, ltt) On Memorial day again win ha ivea of thoi Pistakee Highlands Women's Club Enjoys Successful Year The Piatahee Highlands Women's dub ends another succeeeful year, and members are proud to have been able to donate to many deeerving organisations, such as the scouts, area rescue squads, pigtail league, pioneer center, and little league. Alao, they helped a hearing-impaired child further his education at the school for the deaf in Jackaonville. 111., and provided s 9100 scholarship for a deeerving student from John- aiu ||U« W& wK sourg nign scnooi These worthwhile projecta were made poaaible through varioua fund- raiaing projects held by the club members throughout the year, and they are grateful to all who eupported these functions. The 1183-03 officers were Installed during the club's annual banquet, and they will preside over the May 36 meeting, which will take plar? at the Piatakee Highlands Community center at 7 p.m. Officers are Louiae Novak, preeident; Jean Wilklnaon, vice-preaident; Tina O'Malley, secretary; and Sally Von- Bruenchenhein, traaaurer. This will be an open meeting and all area women are invited to attend. A craft demonstration will be preaanted by a McHenry crafts and gifta ahop, and refreahmenta will be served. decorated the grai soKners wno gave ineir uvea for tnetr country in the Civil, Spanish American and World wars. Among them will be a grave in Woodand cemetery where a marble stone marks the last resting place of CUnton Rorer, son of Mrs. of this city. Mrs. Button, who< yeara old laat December, baa the unique diatinctkn of being the only living Ovil war mother. On this Memorial day. she, no doubt, recalls the day her 10-year-old boy marched away to the defease of his country. With the call for recruita, local companlea were termed in McHenry and they drilled not far from the Rorer home. He enMeted la Company H, 10th niinoia Cavalry, in February 1004 The Plaindeaier invitee aa ita gueeta, Lewis J. Pitsen, Route I, McHenry, and one guest to witness the ition of "It's Tough To Be amoua,' banks, Jr., at the McHenry. fries, Co mm Tough 1 Douglas Fair- theatre in FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the fUee of May 30,lttt) McHenry la proud thia week to Alport the euccaaa of two of her young in college contests, lbs girl. Pries, is a graduate of our high school, while Andrew Kuby, has been a reaident of McHenry Ibr only a short time. Eleanor Pries, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William a freshman student In the mmerce department at the University of Illinota, wan first prise in the Pershing Rifles contest, her essay being judged the best out of MOO entries. Andrew E. Kuby, Jr., M yean old, aon of Mr. and Mn Andrew Kuby, Sr., of Weat McHenry, received the 01,000 American Academy la Rome award for arddtectun. He la a eenior at the University of DUnote. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the (Dee of June 0,1157) Combined action of the high and grade achool boards has ranuted in the appointment of Carl Bucknor aa assistant superintendent of schools, a new poeition made neceaaary by the growing demands on the position of superintendent. For the paat several yean, Mr. Bucknor haa been prin- of the high achool. Carl E. Tomm, aon of Mr. and Mn. Karl R. Tomm of Piatakee Bay, haa accepted a four-year scholarship to attend Northwestern university next It's that time of year when die stop sign is posted on Riverside drive, near ine oeacn, io assure me slowing uown of traffic at this point Be aire to watch for it as the children have started taking their daily dipe in the A record 100 pupils will diplomas from the Junior high school in graduation sxerciaaa June 0 in the school's new auditorium. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the Alee of June 0,1773) For outatandiitt contributions, John E. Loose haabeen awarded the Rotarian of the Year award for 1973. Don Weingart, preeident of the McHenry Rotary dub, preeented Loose with his service plaque. Alan Estas, Tim Tonyan, Michael Smith, Alex Themaa, Randy Mauch and Roger Ludwig an the six boys selected from the junior class at Weat to attend Boys State thia Trail Committee To Meet May 27 A meeting of the Trail committee of the Citiaene' Advisory council of the McHenry County Conaervation district haa been called for 7:30 p.m. X, Two McHenry girls graduated with k n m • mm * ** - *111 i-notion rrorn nw umi 11 Illinois university June 3. Kathleen Bolger, daughter of Mr. and Mn. William Bolger, received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education and graduated Sum ma Cum Laude. Barbara Anne Kidd, daughter of Dr. and Mn. Donald H. Kidd, gnduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Aria degree. the evening of May 37. It is to be I in the officee of the Diatrict at 0013 Harta road, Ringwood. Itema on the agenda will include: Lake county preaentation on Tecumaah trail, Com Ed Leaae review, enowmoblle grant suggestions, and site development committee schedule HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK * Admiaaleat: Edwin Lehman and Jamee Mahoney, both of McHenry; Charles Brichts, Jilliann Kee, Robert Kruger and Chlorean Hartung, all of Wonder-Lake. HARVARD Admission: James Jansen of McHenry. Grilling in the garage is okay if you follow this advice. Put the grill just Inside the big door and leave the garage door open. This will allow adequate ventilation for the burning charcoal. Style Show Aids Auxiliary LaFai Attain chahrpenea Carol Smith, left. Is style show, aad will he la Ita tweat; i s kavebeeaa La Faahiaa Affaire through the si ~te benefit McHenry hoepbal. The aaxttkury la i dice ted aery Ice to the hospital, aad provUea had- program year reuad. Mealeo raised by the auxiliary la trie patleata. aurgkal a aad services. Carol Smith waa pleased wtth the pabttc's nspoaae to the lead rslsiag project aad saM that sueh support Is alwayo eaceuraghag. PreeldeatHelea Smith saM "The c asps ration of local aserchaats la making this style show saeh a saceeae la gratifying' I community STARTS REGISTER NOW JUNE 14TH cRoVte^ COME JOIN VERL FOR SUN AND FUN ON THE J8 UPPER DECK •openingB IORIAL DAY WEEK •(STARTING FM. MAY LIMITED •ENROilMINT SWIMMING ARTS & CRAFTS GAMES HIKES PICNICS. ETC. fantasy farm Summer Day Camp 385-2499 FREE HOT 300? N. CH> McfflhlRY. IL 015-365-6699 . CHAPEL HILL RD. AMPLE DOCKING FACILITIES sptmjeon s aad aaakea woridag towards our aew I a real New Junior Women's Civic Group For mi In Community A new organisation In the McHenry area la the McHenry Junior Women'a Civic group, working toward the betterment of the community. The membon will be Involved In new projecta every month. Throughout the summer their Interest will focus on the park and Fiesta day programs, the Big Wheel nee, bicycle run and theatre. TTie chib also will be sponsoring the old time favorite Cuteet Baby conteat for which rulea will appear In the near future. The Civic group la alao involved with the library, volunteering time for atory houn and alao making wooden puzzlea for the puzzle drive. Women intonated In any of theee areaaor any other civic functiona an aaked to contact Mn. Robert Dalton before the next meeting, which la a salad luncheon June 10. HBQiaiC the professlonoJ do-H-yotinelf carpet clsss(A| rifif nour Of MHIjl FREE $1.00 par hour..for avary hour thoreaftoi (Example 2 houn... At MAaadk W.KTt. 110 ml • " ' Every blanket is now on sale at fcJCome e you can save up to ( OPE" memorial DAY Wondav;«%M 9 A M T O 2PM Big values? You bet! Every single blanket, comforter, sheet blanket and electric blanket is on sale... nothing s held back. Even our special orders are included! Use our FREE Layaway Plan or your charge card. Don't miss our once-a-year Cover-Up Sale - get your favorites while they last. Sale ends June 13th! Example: Exquisite Brook Garden by Chatham Delicate florals on 100% acrylic with rich nylon binding. Machine wash, tumble dry Choice of colors: coral or brown. 72x90" size. reg. $12, B.57 FAMILY HAIRSTYLING CENTER PHONE 385-4520 Monday thru Fridays • ta • PM Saturdays • to 3 PM McHSNRYMARKKT PLACE 385-4100