v#*P*It 1982 , 1 SECTION 22 PAGES 25 Walter RelchniDB, eonaaitler •( Bamdn ISIS, Vtterui of World War 1, holds the official can wora kjr Harold (Pat) Owen, which constitated tht tall aaiferm wora hy Owes whea ha wai camualer af the barracks. U has hate whrilhi far inehssiea la the 109-year Hue Cipnle ta he placed la Peart street part darlag Fiesta Days. Relchmaaa aaM Owea represeats a typical Aaierleaa Deagh Bay *f World War I from this area. He dlsd April SI. IStl. at the age of S4. At this tine, all remalnlag veterans of W.W. I are ever mjr£ la, &• Meanderm Merit Hearing Deputy Will Stay On Duty The Past... The Future For to all remaining veteraas of W.W. I are ever ye*STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Monday, May SI, veterans of World Warl will Join with others who served their country in the observance of Memorial day. While they remember the past, they will also ha looking to the rotate by way daiptaWMH of Hems for inclusion in McHenry's Time Capsule, to he placed In the Psarl street park for opening in SOU. Included will be the roster of veterans of the barracks dated Aug. 1, 1968, containing the names of 109 Today, there are about 35 remaining members Also included will be the cony of a letter to then Presidsnt-elect Ronald Reagan, dated Dec. 3, ISM, requesting a decoration for World War I veterans in the form of free license plates for In weiring the request, Itairhmsnn wrote to the President, "We are the grandfathers of all World War veterans that served in a world war ||||llll HUB nMIVi Ho VWlWIVPr past so years of afs. Many have no outstdl Income swept what our government might provide. Of the thoueands and thousands of young men who went forward from the homes, farms, and factoriss to make the world a better place for everyone to live (as we were told at that time), there are little more than 500,000 survivors, as SOO vsterans die each day". Also included will be a list of past commanders of the barracks. A McHsnry County ShsrifTs Msrit commission hearing on chargee against deputy Raymond R. Winikates of Hebron ended Wed- needay as Sheriff Henry R. Nulle agreed to discontinue proceedings for six months and retain the deputy on duty. Winikates' sttomey, Thomas P. McGuire of Long Grove, repreeeiited that his client had improved Ma performance since his unsatisfactory evaluation of Jan. IS for the year 1101. The sheriff had charged Wtnikatae with failing to psrfoim his duties effectively and efficiently baaed on ^aik^i^crfvioja ti*U»eta*i of command, ofparking In spies reserved for the handicapped, and of receiving an unsatiafactory per formance evalustion by his super visors. -At the conclusion of five hours of testimony snd arguments, McGuire and assistant State's Attorney Henry Sugden III worked out the agreement for a "six months' hiatus on proceedings" which Merit com mission chairman, Alexander MacArthur, said the commission would approve with the sssursnce that both sides entered into it in good faith This would mean no undue harrassmentof Winikates, aqd that he would sincerely try to continue im provement in his Job performance NjilsppintedoutthatH was already deifffhTAed *niat Winikates wss reassigned to another shift and would (Continued on pa#e SO) Invitation ryi n Ke s. at UM 4o Dance Robert Zajewski. sf McHsary Fire Company 1, dtsplsys tickets aew ea sale for the cempaay's tweaty-sevsath saaaal Firemea's da ace Saturday, Jaae S, at ths V.F.W. ehteaM. i 9 p.m. la ItSS STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Hospital Opposition The Social Security story rates No. l in American reading today, and no wondsr. It has all the sneponee, all the excitement, all the wonder of any tale you're liable to hear theee days. Social Security is enroute to bankruptcy if we can believe the aJghor, and we're assured we can. the reasons sre ss many as those making a response, and heading the list is the expansion of a program that was never intended to do the many things asked of It today. But regardless of the causes, the result remains the same - a dseperate situstion that will affect, at some time, a major portion of the population. The answers, then, are more im portant than the reasons. And one of them might very well lie in some legislstion that would eliminate benefits for non-resident aliens who, one way or another, have managed to weasel their way into the Social Security system. While the S.S. check Is a symbol of American bounty to some, thsre seems no reason that this bounty should tarn into s world-wide welfare system for aliens no longer living in, or contributing to, our country la spite sf ths financial condition of the system today, ever 91 bilben la paid in bsosAts each year to paopls living outside this country - 71 per- Charge Theft Of TV Service •HAW aaoiA news aevies McHenry County shsrifTs detec tives hsve been investigsting the theft of cable television ssrvicss and their probe has led to the arroets of four McHenry area rssklsnts. A complaint was filed Wednsaday by sheriff's police charging Troy L. Karate, 70S Kingston drive, McHsnry, with intent to defraud ths cable television operator, Lakes Cableviskm Inc., by assisting another person in obtaining cabts television service. Bond for Karate is set at SI,000 for a June s court hearing. Hmm I 1 1114 -* - of cable television 'service In defrauding Lakes Cablsvision by using cable TV without compensation. rSO) Laufer Annexation-Zoning/ Petition Generates Heat by Anthony Oliver A convoluted zoning hearing that reconvened last Friday took another turn ss the petitioner re-amended an amended petition and the objector reinstituted a withdrawn objection. The hearing concerned the petition of Lester C. Laufer for annexation and zoning of a four-acre parcel (ap proximate) located a half-mile south of Bull Valley and Route SI on ths east side of ths highway. - • The developer, Laufer, Is leaking appropriate toning for the con struction of s medical-profeesionaI office buildlAg snd clinic, with medicel servicee to be performed on the site. The petition also requests s height vsristion to allow the con struction of a 37-foot, two-and-a-half story structure. The major difference of opinion concerns the interpretation of the B-l zoning classification of ths city. Ths hospital contends that ths more restrictive B-l zoning will allow ths type of clinic snd services soucht by the petitioner. On the other hand, the petitioner does not went to impsde future use of the property becsuseof s technical interpretation of the or dinance. The hospital, represented by At torney Jeffrey Ladd, objected to the original request for B-J commercial zoning, fearing that the services of fered by the medical "clinics" could negstively sffect the finsncisl feasibility study for the relocstion of McHenry hospital. At the previous hesring, held April 23, the petitioners had agreed to amend their petition to requeet a more restrictive B-l commercisl classification, which was sgreesble to the hospitsl At the outset of the hesring, the petitioner's sttorney, Frank Grsdishar, ssid he hed had a real estate sppraiser examine the per- 'Confession' In" Murder Suspect McHsnry County shsrifTs uves ao not nave nign nopss clearing up a year-old murdsr 1 akemoor with the recent fess ion" of a known hoodlum. An FBI agent on Monday toid a U J. District court In Lao Vegas that m^hstvr Frank J. Pwhtti ea pane 10) My Dad's The Greatest Escape Injury In Home Fire Praiaetisa District Ore fighters ase smoke a heass dsauiied hy fire at a heat Mias^ |A ||m ai fl gAi W^rt CIIM IO nre AI IMH STAFF PHOTO-ANTHONY OLIVER mitted uaes of the city snd county clsssificstions. "We sre asking at this time to re- amend the petition to its original form and reinstate our origins! request for B-3 zoning," Grsdishar said. "To do otherwise, to smend to B-l, would be to down-zone the property and diminish its value." Attorney Ladd ssid, "I had been instructed by my client, McHenry hospital, to come today and indicate to the Zoning board that they were with drawing their objection, baaed on the petition as it had been amended." Ladd continued to say the move on the port of the petitioner csms as a "total surprise" snd objected to the B- 3 zoning request "We would ssk that the procedings be continued to such time that we can hsve witnesses to svsluats this testimony snd subsequently be sbls to testify on behslf of the hospital," Ladd said "Furthermore, I would ssk that this board issue s subpoene for Mr. laufer and ask that he bring any and all documents relating to the pur chase, sale and development of this property...including sny documents relative to planning, engineering, traffic, marketing, soils ana development of the subject property." The hospital sttorney reiterated statements made by Gradtshar at ths Isst hearing that the petitioner had "absolutely no intention of trying to compete with the revenue producing sspects of the hospital." "I assume today that ths amend ment beck to B-3 Is for the sole pur- poae of being allowed to operate a medical clinic, which is allowed under B-3 and therefore would compriee the very facility that he (Gradiehar) said, last week or two wesks ago, they had no intention of pursuing, i.e. radiology, slat and pathology labs as well ss outpetiont servicee," Ladd stated. Lsdd said ths continuation of the hearing was necessary so that ths objsctors could cross sxsmlns ths petitioner, in view of the "tremendous significance on the hospital feasibility study." --- Gradishar countered Ladd's SO) Wildlife Calendar 'Shading" Your Homo Pag• 14 FREE TV Guide In Today's Edition Begin Beach Sampling On Weekly Basis Rage 17 "SERVING THE CHAiN O LAKES VOLUME 106 NUMBER 87 FRIDAY, MAY 21 McHenry State Bank Drastic Reduction In Home Mortgage Rates McHenry State bank announced Tudkley that during the month of June, interest rates on home mor tgages will be drastically reduced. In makii* the announcement, Prssldsnt Thomas F. Bolgsr said the McHenry State bank is an Independent Com munity bank solely dependent on ths prosperity of the McHenry com munity. The McHenry economy • par ticularly the teal eetete section, is hurting snd we fed it is our respon sibility to try to do something about it," he declared. "The high coet of what we must pay for money snd what all financial in stitutions must pay has driven the home mortgage rate to historically high levels," the bank prssldsnt conUnusd. Bolger said there has besn s slight drop in the cost of money In the last tew weeks snd he feels if his banking institution is to do its Job and serve the community, there should be im mediate action to do something to attempt to help the real estate in dustry. "We cannot wait for Washington to. do it!" Bolger asserted. Richard A. Lane, vice-president In charge of lending, said that the bank was offering mortgages at below market rates in an effort to help stimulste the economy in the McHenry srea. Lane said there are many quality homes for sale priced at a fair market value. Lane announced that during the month of June, first real estate mortgages will be made on the following basis: McHenry ares-owner occupied home, 124 parent, 3 per cent service charge, re-negotiable (Continued on SO) PLAINDEALER REGION SINCE 1875"