• PMBf.mewwW'mMTiivimii.w Airline* eater to diet requirement* CITY BAND CONCERTS • A--...I m*rnM ukadilU Ifef Hill 'Lookvtktl cause you must adhere to a m- •mclivt diet1This wicnfkc may IMN always be necetsary Most of ike major airline* provide special, dietary me#l lerviec fur those travelers with medical, dietary, ethnic or reli- However. proper notification to four tow* notice prior to I* ^CfVttS U|i^y W me* be given wm mi j.1TnwJOTt1 of*ers a wide variely dietary meal preparations including bland dieheiic. gluten free, hlfh pwtein. low calorie, low cholesterol. vegetarian of low of which reuui M*>0m. Orient. So j |Mfcp | dishes requiring 24 huvrs ad vatwenntjft- Check with the airlme you fly to fmdout iti "WWflfflSL-- ClIANINO 'yyluHA'liA JAII 4ft TjkA iia MM VM CIIHM-1W7 KRYSTAl KlIAR ClIANINO ASKS... All YOU SUYINO A HOMf OR COMINO OUT TO A lUMUii MOU$5? Wl CAN HHP YOU OITI1TT11DI We'll come to your home first and completely •onitize your cabinet* and cupboard*. Wa ll do thadirty work...doaningyour ontlro houta. All you do i* mova right in...no mat*, evorything brand spanking daan. -OTHIR SIRVICISINCLUDI-- •Floor Stripping'Window Washing •Commercial, Residential A Industrial Cleaning FULLY INSURID ft SONDID Over It Vre. Of Satisfied Cuetomnrel odtls obovt org; Deenne ft Actam Mutton SEE THESE SUMMER FASHIONS AND MANY MORE AT... CANDYMAN'S CLOSET 30 W. ELM ST, ,585-0746 Th9 Annual Band Geneert tahadult Hr thil ya»r »i lined Ssiew. Arte residents rt invlt»d la imnd •ltd gnjoy thil delightful outdoor nmrt profum Weteh far weakly selections of fonp in the puWis madia and eeWe TV Location: Petri Street Mark Days; Thursdays Data*: June 10 July • June 17 July 1f Jun* 24 July 22 July 1 July 29* Times: - 8 00 9 00 pm •July 29 concert during Fiesta Week will be from a 00 to 10 00 p.m. • KIDS CAMPOUTS Spend the night under the stars. Participants must supply their own tents and sleeping bags. Location: Petersen Park Ages: 9-16 years old Dates: Thursday, June 17 Thursday, July 8 Thursday, July 16 (rain date) Time; . 7:00 P.M. Thursday to 8:30 A.M. Friday Fee; 94/person-includes supervision li even ins snack Registration: All Participants must be pre registered. Registration deadline is the day before each campout- Registration forms avail able after June 1 at City Hall. PISHING DERBY Area youths can enter this Fishing Derby. PriieS will be awarded for smallest fish, largest fish, most fish caught, etc. Registration will be taken at Peter sen Park Beach. Age: IS years old li younger Location: Petersen Park Beach Date: Saturday, June 12 Time: 6:30 10 30 am Fee: f 1 00/person Equipment: participant must supply own pole & tackle. Worms will be provided. Par Information Calii Parks ft Recreation Offico 844-1300 Fislti eg appeals te beth aese* **tf aSe New fun for ldd* & Hush PupBl«»* aummar aandale SANDS These are shots made for feet looking for real comfort. Your feet will just think that you forgot your shoes Because these are so comfortable your feet stay on vacation. So affordable, you stamp out inflation. aKSSIMMS 1307 RIVIRSIDI DR. McHINRY Mf-SSSI <S>On any live* summer Sim- day. families ecroas America take off far a day in the tun at their favorite lake. If you've ever taken chil dren for a relaxing day at Ike lake, you know the problem Nothing really holds their at tention fur very long They may raft for awhile, play in the sand or throw a beach hall, bui within a short time they're off exploring. Wandering off. attracted by new and unnimil- iar surroundings A new radio controlled E>dui.t may offer a solution dio Controlled (R/C) boats and off-road vchiclei with steering wheel transmitters al low the operator te com- r plctely control the model's speed and movement Smaller boats ean be operated from shore up to SO tcti away and larger models can be eon-, trolled up to vn mile. The Briekmann LaTra* Offshom Soais are powered by rechargeable Nitd bat teries that can he charged by ft* cigarette lighter mceptacle i* a car. boat or camper in IS minutes Completely preas sembled and ready to run. they am conupljed by a radio transmitter that permits a child to totally control the boat's movement through the waters-forward, reverse, right, left or fell stop Speeds v*ry with the model siac Oft-mad vehicles also range in scale siae and price (smaller models normally be ing lest expensive) Be mind ful of radio controlled toys that offer paly • limited range of controls- Th* rule of thumb: The mom control over the model a chilli was. the longer the attention span R/C toys thai move only forward or reverse am toon forgotten •*5 rt"1"** ^ ̂ ^|||PW ate let*-'