Before you travel, check your oar oat iriM-i m MI «p- pear* a*rt or he* * homed •mail, it'* time to have it • few mmu** •II radi BSt firm. A iii* *lr WA|A iwa? Ck«k far trucked * F^nif JFtytii er c halt* Thny trutfer power from the engine to such vital "Siii In A leek Ejmi ciuiii CM el 10 let awn. M •'* proce| M S 10 <%j^rtiSntighly checks willl of I P L P Individual* ere often and Mingy in little way*, and vice vena W H A T S M i i W e WIFKft 9MPKI . Check to make »urf Made* are fieiible end have not MMIMI (JIIImm TWa chime jday* any one of J4 different mat- %Ts * *;>] r •. • V « tl Im) KuMir 49* --i daHdeut Lfai4l yLU^n I 36 .87 . . . |||m ^1999*ys 1 ft Ijji I We. IMF, I«»U% VtNtyMI Canto Iff 16 .97 . . . fvnl 22^2- 3.87*5.87 N9l .MA8.4f MkJ Ma^j* l» fteafl lev* $$% teveMe H tel. 1 . 7 3 haldf " The eteelfhf Ilea inlaw d aor elfiir |y§ MflkM II MMif to fflM m*A ckia p"**®* JOB »"ewwf *• wwv* »w nff wv^v Tahe a WMf en «M yea Ne.ftUt. t r . t r 287 .67 a 317 .64 «~» 347.96 - aii, ,jt w WewWw ^?Wl»"rW Jvf t*11» Ju i* I I r, , . • t P«RI ^•YOUR 8AVIHQ STORE WITH • ouAurr • nmi • ww** tovtUS 2 .57 in MfhMnn ahteatell hrk|oe*« Rotdnaadedir " ft*. 1 . 1 7 I 88 gat||| I||a fkaftmml 11*11^1 Ww*» mffw l»flWfwwW f*VnPrt xrwrsr Imafcar tiff II 3 4 e 9 . ^ lldi cciff •I wnmmI faldlna tlda *mL "™'"a 91WW »le lew 111 97.76 105.7{ |§|k| ma||| ImIm^M M Ik. I •**" a"™ •"•iwww *e 1 ft en at ha ah- Me.'* Vftdl ft] llft.Nft 11871 Ret 1.8? level** ft • IMItl MU-.N'MWM. McHINtV ITOII 4400 W, ONLY DW.8TI u^yy finf n * I < .190. •Y