IS »!S35» '»,e*,' !!o< -••'̂ » '̂** Tn« «*•* PAGE l«.PIJUNt>KALtft-*MDA Y.JUNE 11, IStt • Want la lose weight? Try slumming calories 1 NO REFUND ON SALE ITEMS Ovcnwctghl doc sn *l happen overnight. Caloric by calorie, extra weight creeps up slowly. PofUMKly, however, calo rie by calorie. the extra weight can be loat. "A daily excess of just 200 calories -- the equivalent of one doughnut or two soft drinks -- will add up to It pounds of Cat over the course of p year," said Stephen Riggi. Ph D. of reaeasch n for the Pharaanceuticai pivi- tion of ftnnaialt Corporation. "By the saase token, con suming 200 fewer calories par - day wn result in dv loss of II poinds of Art ins year." The moat practical way to cut out the extra calories thnt allow excess weight to creep up is to substitute foods wint i,rody too** •-S5« (tiu ̂ p..*" >aW too*" w - meV <*reSSe*J ,\\su ê;ooê lone» 0̂, QX ftfi ®*^ ' ^ n ' o.5 / GREET SUMMER WITH A NEW STYLE Get info the spirit of the approaching summer season with o . brand new hairstyle FREE STYLE & 3(un with your summer cut. Good Thru June. By Appointment Oniy. Cut±-<zN-Cuih tjy D(im 385-6160 1400 S. *t». 31. Suit* 202. McHenry *.•>* ife* « ? ; >. j. - • v*\ •• * : ifflL V1**- ;V< Mi .. „ & 5 •' ' Wo carry abovo ground swimming pools, Solar Blankots, pool covors. filtors, sklmmors, pool toys and gamos, plus chomlcals. Spas, spa oqulpm*nt and pool paint avallabla, too I STOP IN FOR FREE WATER TEST FOR POOL WATER WITH OUR AQUASCAN... mm 10% OFF Lawn and Pool Products During Junal can cut down an unwanted cal ories and whenc yoi will attso -- hut which tm jm m and filling -- for the foods yon currently eat. "This way. youte getting rid of calories dwt you "I never even miaa," Riggi aatd. "Skimming the excess cal ories from your diet is the first step to slimming your body." Riggi said, "Leant where you STATKS by sahstitut- inp an t as. glass or tomato jun* (30 calories) far an I as. glass of pnue juke (170 calo ries). yon can saw* 120 cato- Suhsntuting one two-inch piece of sponge cake (120 cal ories) for a two-inch piece of chocolate cake with kmg (429 calories), can save you 303 Wiaely choosing snacks can add up to even greater savings. Munching on one cup of grapes (63 calories) instead of one cup of roaned peanuts (1,373 calories) can save a whopping 1.310calories. "cnch person has his own way of taking in those calories that add up to overweight," Riggi said. "For one person those surplus calories may be no more than an extra slice of buttered toast at breakfast, two eggs when one would be enough, a second helping at dinner or late night macks." FVople who "have to watch their weight" and ate doing so successfully have learned how to eat the foods they like in amounts that will enable them to maintain their proper weight without having to go hungry. By choosing portion sixes that fa your needs, you can eat what you like -- and still re duce. "A pie is usually cut into six pieces," Riggi said. "One piece may be worth 300 calo ries. but a half piece is worth only 130 calories and that may fit into your daily caloric al lowance." "Along the same line, one scoop of ice cream is 300 calo ries. You may be able to budget a smaller scoop for only ISOcalories." he said. Allowing yourself smaller portions of the foods you like is one of the keys to successful weight loss. ' 'Overweight is a food habit problem that must be solved personally and individually," Riggi said. Because we are all differ ent. the personal reducing pro gram of each individual is best worked out in consultation with a physician " A sensible program of regu lar exercise should also be pan of your program to lose weight, unless your physician prohibits it for a good medical reaaon, according to Riggi. "Once you establish a plan of regular activity. you should be as strict about following it as you are about your diet/ he said. "Unfortunately, some peo ple believe that exercise in creases the appetite and there fore defeats the purpose of cutting down calories to lose weight." 'AVe've discovered, how ever, that only the highly trained athlete finds his appe tite increasing as his activity increases." Riggi said. "For normal, relatively sedentary people, greatly increased ac tivity is not accompanied by an increase in appetite " Thnuigh a combination of skimming excess calories and sensible exercise, the extra pounds that have crept up can be taken off -- and kept off. ' 'Gradual weight loss is not only more comfortable but permits one to learn the correct hahtt* of eating that prevent overweight from returning." Riggi said. For a table of cakine con tents f«»r basic foods and more tips on skimming calories, contact your physic ian for the free booklet. "Are You Really S e r i o u s A b o u t L o s i n g Weight?"