PMMt Sports Calendar Jack Nicklaus wW b* on* of tit* top goH*re •fining to captur* th* 1082 U.S. Open. ABC airs exclusive coverege of th* *v*nt from Peb ble P*ach, Ca«f. laus Sports Canter in Kings Island. Ohio. Don Criqui, Carol Mann, Bruce Devlin and Bob Goalby report. °{NBC) SPORTSWORLD Live coverage of 10-round welterweight bout between Kevin Howard and John Cooper from Atlantic City; "Survival of the Fittest" Part Two; "Years Ago Today" feature (Sandy Koufax wins first major league game). (ABC) WtOf WOULD OF SPORTS (ABC) NCAA TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPION SHIPS (ABC) SPORTSSSAT (ABC) AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Members of the Kennedy clan go white-water raft ing on Maine's turbulent Kennebec River. 1 MONDAY (ABC) MONDAY MOHT BASEBALL 1 ' t 0 SATURDAY (NBC) MAJOR LEAOUE BASEBALL QAME-OP- TNE-WEEK The Cakfornie Angels take on the Chicago White Sox in the primary game The Cleveland Indians take on the Red Sox in Boston in the alternate jjame (ABC) U.S. OPEN Special golf coverage (NBC) LPOA CHAMPIONSHIP Semi-final round from the Jack Nicklaus Sports Center in Kings Island. Ohio. Hoet Don Criqui wiN be joined by Carol Mann. Bruce Devlin and Bob Goal- °\ (CBS) DANNY THOMAS QOLF From Colonial 'Country Club in Cordova. Tenn.. third-round action. Ben Wright and Frank GHeber are among the commentators (ABC) PRO BOWLERS TOUR (ABC) WIOE WORLD OF SPORTS (CBS) SPORTS SATURDAY Hosted by Brent Musberger, a 15-round WBA jun ior featherweight championship bout between champion Sergio Palma and Leo Cruz. Tim Ryan and Gil Clancy report the action (CBS) DANNY THOMAS QOLF Final-round coverage of the $400,000 Danny Thomas Memphis Classic Golf tournament Pat Sumerall. Ken Venturi. Ben Wright. Frank GHeber and Steve Metnyk report from Colonial Country Club in Cordova. Tenn (CBS) CBS SPORTS SUNDAY (NBC) LPOA CNAMPIONSMP Final-round coverage of the Ladies Profeeaionai Golf Association tournament torn the Jack Nick Spurts IH. Compiled by th* staff of th* World Almanac 1. Which city hocta th* annual Ub*rty Bowl football gam*? 2. In which had of fam* la Luke AppNng 3. Nam* th* awlmm*r who won eev*n gold m*dala at th* 1072 Olympic*. 4. Name tha pitch*r who r*c*ntty won Ms 300th nam* 6. What t*am did ha d*f*at? 5. In what aport la tha Ryder Cup contaat*d? 7. In which track and fl*M *v*nt did Dick Foabury gain fam*? 8. Which actor portray*d th* groat pitch*r, Orov*r Cleveland Ai*xand*rr In th* I960 flWn "Th* Winning T**m"? 9. Who won th* U.8. Op*n wom*n's aingl*a tennis championahipe In 1081? 10. Who did aha d*f*at In th* finale? • tsea computes eAomaiA*N aupjaw *01 upony Aoejj. e ueBeay pt*uoy -g dumfuSM l It 00 S -A-N "S Ajj*«j pjoiAaf) > *Wd« 1»*l X PMHI Z uu*l'*MduMM i sxa*ts\x?