•TU»i > «r: <j " • V • %.< PACih t - PLA1NDEALER-FRIDAY. JL'NE 18.1182 \ . *» Here And There In Business Open New Business * Realtors Record By Yvonne Beer. Executive Officer, McHenry County Board of Realtors YOUNG GRADUATE-Following a delightful singing program. 178 pre schoolers at Cooper Kiddie College were presented with graduation diplomas. Above, Jeremy Gudauskas receives his well earned diploma from his teacher, Mrs. Doran. A potluck picnic was enjoyed by all after the graduation. Accountants To Provide Small Business Counseling The nation's small businesses will gel free training and counseling from 17.000 members of the National Society of Public Accountants < NSPA) under an agreement signed by the society and the U.S. Small Business Administration The agreement was part of SBA's efforts to win greater involvement from private organizations in small business issues and problems. "This agreement is part of our effort to implement President Keagan's goal of increased private sector initiatives and to deliver more business management counseling and training to the small business com- munityT*1 Sanders said. "The more than 17,000 members of the NSPA will provide invaluable assistance to our district offices in helping small firm- s " Sanders said such training and counseling is more important than ever for small firms "Most small businesses fail not because of capital shortage but because of poor management" he said Since 1970, more than 100 trade and professional associations have worked with SBA to assist small businesses with specific management problems NEW BELL SERVICE Illinois Bell's new Calling Card service does a lot more than open doors The new service allows phone users to make Calling Card calls (formerly called credit card calls) without assistance from an operator. Customers in central and northern Illinois communities in the 309 and 815 area codes are the first in Illinois to be introduced to > the service Calling Card Service was introduced Monday, June t4 Older homes might be saving a new wrinkle on the energy horizon. Many are located in established communities where public tran sportation, shopping, schools and churches are just a walk away. These houses are often well insultated and frequently offer more space for the money than new homes. Craft smanship and architectural detailing are added features in their favor. But older doesn't always mean better. How can you tell a vintage home from one well into dotage^ Here's a top to bottom, inspection inventory for examining the exterior of the older home before you buy: -Find out the age and condition of the roof. Certain roofing materials are more durable than others. Slate and clay tile are your best bets They can remain in good condition for 40 years or more. Wood and asbestos cement roofs can last up to 30 years. Common asphalt shingle roofing is serviceable from 15 to 30 years. Inspect the roof for loose or missing shingles. Check out the chimney for loose mortar -Gutters and downspouts should be clean, rust free and in good repair Downspouts should empty into splash blocks directed away from the house, into drains or an underground well The ground should slope away from the house so that rain runs off. -Take a good look at the outside walls. If they're made of brick or stone test the mortar -especially near the ground - with a screwdriver to see whether it is firm or powdery Crumbling mortar may let in water that can creak the masonry and damage interior walls. Scrutinize brick walls for bulges that could in dicate structural defects or loose brick veneer Check non-masonry walls for good fit at joints and in corners. Gaps will give water a chance to rot the framing underneath If painted walls show signs of blistering, flaking or peeling down to the wood, it could mean the walls were built with no vapor barrier. -Inspect the outside wood elements of the house Deck supports, for example, should rest on concrete to prevent rot and deter termites -- wood's biggest enemy Ask the owner for proof of recent termite inspection and control. / -Examine paved areas around the house. Look for cracks or uneven settling in the driveway, patio and sidewalks. -Visit the house after a rain to see how well the gutters, downspouts, runoffs and basement handle poor weather conditions There's a vast difference between a, deteriorating home and an older home A sound exterior is a good in dication you've picked a timeless treasure Chiropractic Health Dr. Peterson Opens Office Boger Wilhoit, manager of the McHenry Yegt Bear Mini-Golf * Snak Shoppe. stands beside Yogi himself. Both Roger and Yogi will welcome the public to the grand opening of the business Saturday and Sunday, Ji on Rl. 31 north. ! 18 and M. It is located / \ u i i a f / i V 0 ° i n i t u i t C t n t t x WHY PAY MORE FOR GOOD FURNITURE? Duy Name Drond Furniture or Less Than Warehouse Prices SAVE 38-58% ON SOFAS LOVESIATS CHAIRS MATTRfSSfS SLEEPER SOFAS RECIINERS BEDROOM SETS KITCHEN SETS OCCASIONAL TABLES ovS 4507 Hwy I ?0 A f K O S S f H O M McHenry dunkin donuis 344-5400 American Legioq Post 491 RMGW000 ROAD, McMEMtY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 • MO P JI.) •PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT •OTHER MENU AVAILABLE PLUS GIANT SALAD BAR INCLUDED HALL FOR RENT DR. PHILIP K. PKTKRSON Dr. Philip K Peterson, son of Mr and Mrs Ted Currv of Pistakee Bay, McHenry, announces the opening of his new office of Chiropractic Health It is located at Whispering Point center, 4302 Crystal l ake road. McHenry. Dr. Peterson also main tains an office at Barrington Chiropractic center I)r Peterson is a graduate of the University of Illinois and the National College of Chiropractic Patient & Research center in Lombard., While >• attending National cullegi, he t tbta received a Special Excellence 'award in Human Anatomy In addition to modern -chiropractic procedures, the hispenng Point office makes available other sj>ecial services of computer assisted elec trocardiogram diagnosis athlete training and spor ts fitness The grand opening of Yogi Bear's Mini-Golf & Snak Shoppe of McHenry is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, June 19 and 20. It is located on north Rt. 31, with Roger Wilhoit as manager A ribbon cutting and opening ceremony, with Alderman Elizabeth Nolan assisting, will take place at 10 children's mini-golf a.m. i-gc tin and continue through the afternoon. Highlights of Saturday afternoon will be a championship acrobatic trampoline performance by Diane Nissen from >2 to 3 p.m. and a STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD championship space ball demonstration by George Cole from 3 to 4 p.m. Diane is a former United States and world trampoline champion. George Cole is regarded as the inventor of the trampoline and spaceball. He is also a former United States tumbling champion and a member of the President's Council on il Fitness. _ Cindy and-Boo Boo Bears will be on hand for the sutrtof each of the special events throughout the dev. Surprises are promsea throughout the day Sunday. Physical • Yogi, C McHenry Resident Named "Employee Of The Month" Dr. Philip R. Peterson ANNOUNCES THE OPF.NlN(, (>» "\ PERECT FOR WEDDINGS. BANQUETS PARTIES AND MORE Remember Dad June 20th with these Father's Day Specials: Buy any Dress, Sport or Golf Shirt at Regular Price - and gel the Second Shirt at . Price Half Price Selection must be equal to or less than regular price purchase. Shorts >»dPajamas.... 20% off OTHER GREA T FA THER'S DA Y GIFT IDEAS... Belts •Neckwear •Travel Kits •Sportcoats •Slacks •Slippers •Suits •Wallets ^Jackets •Leathers •Jewelry NEXT TO K-MART, CRYSTAL POINT MALL CRYSTAL LAKE 459-7666 PETERSON CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH Whisptrinfl Point Center Berrington Center 4302 Crystal Like Rd. 420 W Northwest Hwy, Suite F Suite A McHenry, 111. Bartinglon III (81S)3S5 1600 (312)381 1630 Plca?<r Phone J I.FONOR MATHENY I,eonor Mathenv has been named "Fmployee of the Month" for June at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, second selection in a new program conducted by her fellow employees to recognize dedicated and unusual service to the public. Lee, an employee at Memorial hospital for five years, is in the business office and works in Kniergency room registration on the 3 lo li p in. shift When Quality Counts... WHAT S NEW Peri-A way Paint Peels off old paint- up to 18 coats thick; works on any surface. New formula ends sand ing and scraping. Com pletely safe to use. re acts only with paint, var nish. lacquer or shellac. From Dumond Chem icals. Dept. PWWA-42 Dumond Place. Gfen Head. New York 11545. CASE, the best choice for your place - MO AC...durability, built to last, retains value longer, costs lass to own. , r MORC... convenience, easy to operate, single lever cushion control -- of speed and direction MO AC... dependability, starts when there's work to be dona, saves on repairs. MORC . big tractor styling, pride ol ownership -- a pleasure to drive, a pleasuie to own MORC... performance, designed to tackle tough jobs and keep going. Case OuaJfty AvaiteMe Only At Quality Case Oeators "She's the first person moat people see when they come to the Emergency department during her shift," said Mrs. Yvonne Wolff, committee chairman. "She's compassionate and efficient and adds a new dimension to her value to Memorial hospital because she's bilingual. "She often helps as a Spanish in- trepreter for patient and staff com munications in various situations, not only in the emergency department but elsewhere in the hospital," Yvonne continued. Born in Mexico, raised in Chicago and now living in McHenry.Lee helps translate for doctors who are in structing and explaining procedures. She helps ih instructing laboring and post partum mothers. "She has come to the hospital on her days off to help translate. "Yes," smiled Mrs. Wolff, "she has interrupted her vacation to be helpful. Her cheery personality endears her to those of us who work with her." Lee has three daughters, Michele, 12; Maria, 13; and Sarah, 3. Com mittee members are hospital em ployees who accept nominations, then announce the selection at a surprise get-together. LONGSEfcVfo: In recognition of 10 years service to patients of Memorial hospital, a pin symbolizing that service waa ' given recently to Edith Gibson of McHenry. AT ANALYSI8 SCHOOL Christopher D. Byrnes, Country Companies insurance agent in McHenry county, recently completed the com panies' Personal Needs Analysis school. Part 1. The five-day school was held in the home office in Bloomington. Byrnes, of McHenry, Joined the Country Companies as an agent in April, IMS From HIGH ENERGY COSTS! WITH A ROUND ONE CENTRAL AM CONDITIONER Buy now and save 2 ways: " Low Prc-acaaon Prlc«» • Year 'Round Savings Starting Right Now your owMmymSfy. Buch Bros. Pbg. ft Htg. 3012 120 McHmtry. II. (115)3*5-5300