i .••••••••••••••••••••a*. Keepin' Healthy Will this be the year that you take a trip abroad or go on a Caribbean cruise? If it is to be your first vacation in£ foreign countries, you probably have questions related solely to your health - such as what vac cinations do you need. While vaccination requirements are fewer than in past years, there are still some shots that are necessary for certain countries or I under certain cir cumstances, such as anj epidemic in the you're planning to The Center f< Disease Control, The McHenry Ploindeoler 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry. II. 60050 3 YEARS • $40.00 I 3 YEARS-140.00 2 YEARS • $20.50 P 1 YEAR-S14.50 14 MONTHS -44.50 i i PAYMENT ENCLOSED Address • • • • • • * • e - e e e • e e e e City Prices good in McHenry County home and start taking the medicine at the prescribed time, before you arrive in the malarious area. There are some diseases that have become rare, or at least very unusual, due to vaccinations in the United States, but which are still a problem in «*ne other countries. These include cholera, typhoid polio-myelitis and measles. Most adults have been protected against these diseased But if you're r -rm V\*c r *w taking Wof your children, or if you have % any doubt about your own protection, check with you doctor. A trip abroad is not the time to be without the same that are wow tor in the United States. If you have further questions, contact the Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Pood, Drugs and Dairies, SSS West Jef ferson, Springfield, 111., mi. I At.t. It • PLAINDKALEK • FRIDAY .JINK I*. ISK retains the President's tax relief program, which will slash another 10 percent from your tax bill on July l. By capping federal pay increases, this proposal will save $36 b By U .S. Rep. Lynn Martin The House of Representatives has finally passed a budget for fiscal year 1*3. Action on this framework for future spending has been as slow aa molasses. There are many reasons for the sluggishness, but the paramount one can be labeled aa "tough decisions." We knew we had to keep the deficit below $100 billion, and to accomplish that, every member of Congress had to swallow some program cut or tax increase that he or she doesn't wholeheartedly support. The bi partisan budget that I supported and passed the House was not perfect, but unquestionably was the better of the two. The bi-partisan budget held the deficit below $100 billion, asked for much smaller tax increase!*, and while cutting toe President's' Jefense budget by $10 it leaves in place enough funds to insure our national security priorities. In addition, this budget billion the next three years. For thoae areas hardest hit by unemployment, this plan allows for a 13-week extension of unemployment benefits. You may be hearing and reading about how this budget has further cut domestic spending. While there are additional cuts called for, in moot cases the growth of the program will be slowed. One example you will hear repeatedly is that there are "drastic cuts" in Medicare. The truth is that even with program reductions, Medicare outlays will increase from apprdximately $50 billion in fiscal year 19tt to more than $73 billion in fiscal year 1005, or about 13 percent per year. Theoe are just parts of the overall plan for 1003. The next hurdle is to make sure each Committee in Congress adheres to this plan, and cuts spending in their own area to the levels of this budget proposal. It won't be easy, but we've taken a necessary step. Further "tough decisions" will have to be made, but a healthy economy is the goal and whatever decisions we face, we must keep thatv goal uppermost in our minds. Only in this Way can we bring lower interest rates, which are so sorely needed to boost the economy. "» world-wide records communicable dis-l eases. They, in inform state and health departments physicians who vac-| cinate. Most local healtt departments or your family doctor can gh you the shots and validated certificate, sure you get this validation, or th< quarantine authorit may require you revaccinated or quarantined. No vaccinations are required for direct' travel from the United States to any country in Europe. Certain vac cinations are required by some countries in Africa, Asia and South America. And if you should be traveling from one foreign country to another, you may have to have certain vaccinations. The World Health Organization declared the world free of smallpox a year ago, but two countries, Chad in Africa and Democra t i c Kam- puchea-formerly called Cambodia-still require the vaccination. However, your doctor will give you a written statement indicating that a smallpox vac cination is con- traindicated for health reasons. The risk of a t r ave l e r ge t t i ng smallpox is now zero, so . a vaccination is always more dangerous. Those countries that have outbreaks of diseases, such as Cholera, Denque fever, or African sleeping sickness, usually ex perience such outbreaks in the back country. The risk * for the in ternational traveler who stays in modern hotels and in or near modern cities is small. All travelers should take precautions when they're in a country w h e r e n o n - quarantinable diseases exist. Malaria, for example , occu r s frequently in certain areas of Aaia, Africa, Central and South America. You should avoid exposure to mosquitoes by sleeping inside well- screened areas or under mosquito netting. There is an anti-malarial medication; so if you're going to be in a country where ma la r i a i s a problem, you should get a prescription, have it filled before leaving I t s s T ru t ' ! Wo lo -hovmq o Hugo URGENT STOCK REDUCTION SALE! Never be fo re hav* v pr i ces been so low and se lec t ion so la rge ! you I I f i nd a is les and a is les o f topo ' ' qua l i t y merchand ise d ras t i ca l l y re duced 30 40 even 50% o f f ou r tegu la r p r i ce* Don t m iss the so le o f the season a t HORNSBY ! . , Th.e sr:; All Fanritare Threw Covers Solids, Florals, Herculon plaids 40% OFF Reg. Prices ftvaiin 9«I9CI vrtvp PA A/ of Curtains, 50 /O Drapes, ami OFF Oedspreads Reg. Prices (whil* quantities last) Cannon® Floral Sheet Sols 9.87 13.87 Quoon Sot Rug. 27.37 19.87 Chaooa from blue ot yoHew gingham floral I priibo*? C» •- . - ' W9 5# Twin Sot Reg. 13.37 Full Sot Rag. 19.74 Raffled Eyelet Print Comforters and Accessories Twin Comforter Reg. 24.07 10.07 Full Comforter Reg. 32.17 21.07 Quoon Comforter Reg. 99. *35.07 Bed Raffles Twin slso Reg. 13.44 0.07 Quoon slso Reg. 14.47 10.07 / |̂ ||||l a I j- .A\ ̂WtttW IwO' j SAVE *00 Swivel Rocker with Velvet Covering Oar Bag. 1*9.07 or beige Family Time Wall Clocks • a OV Square, hexagon, I W X M elongated. Rog. • " • wM 31.47 end 33.47 Sailcloth Chair Pad 3.07 Our R*f. 1.44 Sailcloth Chaise Fad Si dH* • ffilfl V^pWWVOTa Save Op To 47% Rath Towol Rag. 1.44 I Hand Towol Rag. 1.17 Wash Oat* Rag. 1.21 4 *20 OFF lof. Prlcog 50% OFF Rof. Prkoi lonftoo Mfla§ op H 40% OH Standard Rag. 4.94 2.37 Industrial Grado Rog. 9.97 3.07 All Lav Soveral stylos, while they last! All Troos A SMg Many varlatlos, while quantities last Foomos Braid 20%- . X . 10 •} \ «>£ Bobbie grooks, PTG, PrasontCo. ffllO/ Quoon Casuals, Fire Islandar, vV /O Many moral OFF Reg. Prices Little Oiris as Olrls Jackets. 30% gOF Reg. Prices Select Oreap of *•(/ Janier Misses, Aw /O Ladies Dresses and OFF Pnnt Salts Ren. Prices Entire Stock Lndles 0(0/ Straw Pnstel, White " /0 ̂ OFF Rag. Prkas ir Parses iNwilhtUm SMMI WUri-A-«l« Yard OnNnnaacts Docoratlvo ornomonts to mount on post or buildings Saw 30% MI Spray 'g 9ro« SprMlor Syitow Gentle mist system, 24 foot long o OFF Reg. Prices 40% OFF Rof. Prkog 18.17 Reg. 24.94 25%- 40% gfF Reg. Prices Ladles Rain or Shlae Coats and Spring Jackets An colors, stylos Maternity Dresses and Jumpers® UPTOaJ /O OFF Rep. Prices Entire Stock of Hafo Selection Miss "Arrow" nnd "Peritan" CoH Shirts Compare to 420 elsewhera, fashion collars Mens Shorts Jog stylo, slsos S to XL, cheka of solid colors, fleece lined 9.96 Potlo HUM Kite Choose from square, round, foot shapo ft mora 50% OFF Rof. Prlcog Sovt 30% Vlforo A AT I g v g F o r t H l i o r I P e W * Covers 4000 sq. ft. R*g- ®-44 20% Toddler, LMMe Oiri, AV /O and Olrls'2 Pc. OFF Sandress/Hnt Sets **0* 'r'tM 19 94 Assorted colors, stylos, slsos S, M. I NOW 4.96 of tank Tops Short Sleeve Entire Stock of Linen at Dleiers Select Oreep of NOW 5.93 4M R«f. t.n Moas "Tobias" andl A QO "Angels Flight" 1 ** Dross and Casaal Slacks Assortad slsas and colors Days Select Oroap KaH Shirts Fashion collar, short slaovas, SfMrtSUvto Short sloavos, Parma Press1* SWT«M%WM4 Fomco 4 ft. long x 24" high 2.27 Rag. 3.24 Bog. I7.I0-S4.96 5.94 Sgv«25% Jobog FoiKllsor Stakog For troos, shruhs, evorgroons 2.37 Rag. 3.17 Sgvo40% Oypgy MoHi Traps 3.76 Rag. 4.17 Rog. 4.94 Jifl'T" 14.94 17.93 Orlll Portable tahlo top grill no. 121001 28.67 Rag. 34.47 Levi® Permn Pross,MShlrts ft TA f>--•• !• BIO O • Comporo to >18 alsowhara long sloavos, slsas S to XL Solid Color T-Shirts First quality, crownock, short sloavos, slsas 2/4 to 14/14 rflfftt 8Ri M8II _ SaUd colors, assortad slsas. 1.17 Rag. 1.97 29.97 Rag. 42.93 Sovo $4M Lmwm Boy Jr. Toy Movor Sofa, battery operated. Looks Ilka dad's All MIIm TIU 12" k 11" ft f* 4' tiles. In stock tllas only I Soft 2S% 7.87 Rag.11.07 20% OFF ftof. Prkog | T94 Rag. 3.94 «b(Fan* w0Rt \