PMMM THURSDAY. JULY 1 • MyMfM. 0 © I UW UMV IB HMWUdni K 3D 49 39 iMl of MM VMM 99 I AM YM ANYMYT 39 M TKTTA 39 AM IN NM P«Nrtly IImnAM 1 Yw AiM hr It © (39 O MI 6:30 PM D (29 •* 9 32) Word and ton • MHU 11 „̂|„ i (33) 81 39 wwwN«« lobw (El m ID Ym Asked For N 0 Twa IN MM BM 39 49(8 îlgn pi OnPNSi COdi MY OLD MAN Warren Oates stars in "My Old Man," the reunion of a down-and-out horse trainer and his energetic daughter. The drama will be rfbroadcast THURSDAY, JULY 1 on CBS Kristy McNichol stars as the daughter. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME ©1M3 CompMiOQ JWwovkee New Yerfc ĵjĵ MImi 9(8 Ayvdol dm • <39 Ouv» • (39 CD Andy OrifftMi S**Mota ̂ MenftoeJ* 0 TiB i ilif'i WerM 7:00 PM SO0@ MognwNi, PJ. Magnum it Mrod by a tbeft of nakible codes. (It) (60 trim.) CD (9 9 FNNM Doris befriends « Hm agi runaway. (I) (AO mln.) O ® (D Moth ft MMy O MOV* fho OH* «t M t _ -I- -1 1- - - l-*t Urn HfY^w iwo v-uftfwOw'*i'w tUK^eri wy-- Joenns Dm, Rlcbard loom. 1954 © (32)F.M. i (D On 33) CD 39 WIM--IN CD MOVM: "Victory at Son' A Wortd War M documentary with deKribiog tht §H#cti ond Hw wai of Hi# wor •ro. Norrottd by / Scoorby 1955. CD i 7:30PM m ID OwdMto# [Qon^CflpMoiiid] QP (32) Yaw Asked For N 33) ® 39 To Mm a 1 explore a now Mo together. Kristy Aft [Mill ill - . - BM mtrticnw, frontfi vUlll, CRVVn Irorwon. 1979. O 6B ID OWf mM Skekee An Indton loodor Mwiti AAr. Drvwwofld (top digging on a burial iMo. (R) [OoMd-Copfioned] • O 9 [flonri fnilliinul] IE) (32) MOV* •HoN h for lutrti-wiory Of* aro of dorod to stove off a Gorman attack, each giving his Me to carry out (bo command. Stove McQueen, lobby Darin. Nick Adams. 1962 CD 33) CD 39 Previews This wook's movio 'Megaforce' and 'Mod* Runner'. ffi (2TT 'Choi |« MN' OOMMM/MlyUdNi • 1 j » tfc » M Uf, „ „ Q)39M^W 09 Pn 1 siring Inn Lm Angels i CD (8 Votao a# MMi 10:00PM A O (23) IB ID <39 M*A*S*M ID 33) CD 39 Urt of Mm IE) (39 A tmaM in Murgio. 1979 Ot«R o I MOV* far Yaw tyes Only' T :00 PM CD O O (23) I Man' A * MOV* 'My OM I toen-oger ond her down1 and1 out horse-trainer father aro reunited after WHY MY MMI Pti tttD MNUDVVMt Buy Nome Drond Furniture At Less Than Warehouse Prices... SAVE 30-50% ON I SOFAS MATTRCSSKS I LOVCSIATS . SlIIPIR SOFAS I CHAWS WCHWillS Pi S3 YotaFroace U.S.A. 8:30 PM C9 CD <D OMTMN* Strati as Tootle, from 'Facts of life,' visits IQmberiy. (R) O ® D T«l [Gosed- C optional (D TMs Otd Hawse 33) 0) 39 Pother Door Potbar CD <39 fOMb US M Fray 9:00PM ODSimmmi •twos Captain Purffo gats a load on tbo murdoror of Ibo puMc defender and Caffy is surprised wbon bo on- swors a domestic cat. (R) (AO minn.) 80 ID *>/» I «r 33) ID i CD (8 Juegss dot DOOMNO 91 ® 7M dab €9 Or. FolnMNfs . €D AN In MM FMNMV I leg ii ftneobaMi Benny HM Una ow Yofb Yankees ' I O'JO PM CD OtfMy Ouincy is concerned for Ibo health* of a high school football star. (R) (AO min.) O (23) AM IN MM O €B 39 ID (32) Sonny MM CD IMImm 33)®® ID M*A*S*H ID Wg VnNov ID <31 MOV* 39 CD <39 Today b» Sfrto Frepbsry CD Van Ota urn Ptana CD YM Evening Honrs come involved with a gang of bank robbers. Abbott and CdihId. Ginny Simms. 1943. CD MOV* IFIIIIIWIO' A una! Half. Micboie ~ Murgio. 1979. 09 r CD 9:15 PM (D MOV* fMstary of MM Wort# tart I 9:30 PM 01 pie devotes time to tbo pursuit of gomes untl a woman of mystery mows in. Sknano S ignore!, Coan. Katharine Rom. 1967 i