Head McHenry Jayceettes m RINGWOOD NEWS Doris Low Koty Christopher t> n t ' 650-9262 365-6007 PAGE S -PLAINDEALKH • FRIDAY. JUNE ». ISSZ Methodist Women Secret Pal Party The secret pal party for Rinfwoqd United Methodist Women, scheduled Thursday evening, July 8, has hen moved to the home of Marge Evans in Wonder Lake. The ladies will meet at 7:90 p.m. All ladies of the church are Invited whether or not they have pal. this year as feey gathered at the home of Sue wrtfcy and family in Woodstock Sunday, Father's day. Eddie snd Marcy accompanied grandma Low when she came home, and spent Monday giving her a hand and also they got to go swimming in CHICKEN BARBEQUE Tickets are available for the chicken barbeque at the Ringwood United Methodist church Saturday, July 10. It is recommended that you have your tickets before that day and you may obtain them by calling one of the following numbers -- 7*4322, 398- 2178, 852-9862. <83-3284, 288-7848, and 985-8087. ' TRAVELERS Art and Mary Baker, with daughters Cindy and Laura, spent an enjoyable weekend in Iowa visiting family members. Both Art and Mary's mothers are well and enjoying their flower and vegetable gardens. THIS AND THAT - The Low clan was small in number PatU's pool. A graduation party was held for Scott Lehman, way out there on Ridgeway road,by his parents the George Lehman's. A good time was had with some 70 relatives and Mends joining in to help make the day a success for Scott. Mom Joyce served some delisious food for all to enjoy. George's 80-year-old uncle came from Lyons and drove himself out. It would have been nice if the weather had been better, but, it could have been Nothing special at the Sally and Chris Delby homestead this weekend ex cept, Sally put up a new fence for her favorite horse snd Chris looked into the prospect of putting up a solar house in the Richmond ares. The unusal thing about this is that these two kids usually do things together but this weekend they did their own thing. They did talk to their dads though, it being Father's day. RINGWOOD COMMONS Appreciation is due those who mowed the lswn of "Ringwood Commons" again and made it look so nice. It certainly is nice to see it looking so spiffy and to know that there are a few folks who care about our little town and want to help keep it looking nice. BIRTHDAYS Congratulations to Paul Winston, David Betts, Harry Hartjes, Mrs. Tina Gorski and Millie Olson on June 28. Alice Mae Wilcox will add another candle to her cake June 20, with July 1 being that special day for Walt Low, Jim O'Halleran and BiU Cristy July 2 finds Rubs Carr and Mary Ann Wegner adding another year to their natal day, as Kate Weiser will do July 2. July 4 is the dsy for firecrackers and we have a cracker jack of a kid also celebrating his natal day. Aaron William Bork, grandson of Martha and Bob Betts, will be a whole six years old. * 4 ANNIVERSARIES We all wish Phyllis and Dick Zell a very "Happy Aaalversary'*, way out there in Colorado, and we hope they have many bliss more years of wedded DATES TO REMEMBER June 27 - Worship service - 8:15 s.m. - Ringwood church. July 4 - Worship service - 0:15 a.m. - Ringwood church. July 8 - Secret Pal night- 7:30 p.m Marge Evans home. July 10 - Annual Chicken Bar-B-Que - Ringwood church lawn - Serving 4, 5 and8 p.m. - tickets on sale now. July 8-10 - Dollar days in McHenry. GOD BLESS Divorces Judgments for dissolution of marriage were recently granted in 19th Judicial Circuit court, Wood stock, to: Barbara Rode and Raymond Rode; Sally A. Belter and Robert E.A. Belzer, Arthur R. Panknin and Brenda L Panknin. Russell M. Hollister and Beverly R Hollister; Linda B. Thomas and Thomas J. Thomss; Mary C. Hagstrom and Douglas B. Hagstrom. Lori J. Jenkins and Rodney Jenkins; Linda Nits and Paul Nitz; April L. Carey and Robert W. Carey. Jerome E. Cook Jr. and Michael- Maria Cook; Marion J. Ulsaver and Terry L. Ulsaver; Patrice Kulisek and Lloyd E Kulisek Jr. Michelle L. Dierker and Richard H. Dierker; Fred R. Spears snd Suzanne J. Spears; Audrey J. Dunn snd Demaree D. Dunn. Diane Reynolds snd Richard C. Reynolds; Teresa L Veldhuizen and Dale A. Veldhuiien; William C. Stake and Shirley M. Stake; Thomas C. Hare and Cheryl L. Hare. Tracy W. Schmidt and Gary L. Sch midt; Debra N. Casillas and Frank S. Casillas; Cynthia Johnson and Robert H. Johnson. Jsyeeettees, McHeary's newest yoeng w--en's organisetfoa Is weB aader the leadsrship of new officers. They have a fall schedule plai beginning with presentation of lap blankets for the residents of Royal Terrace Nursing home. Nest, they leek forward to greeting the public at McHenry Fiesta days. They will have a com roast on sqaare dancing night July 28 nt the Pearl street park and Theme night July 98, also at the park. Recently elected officers, front left, are Cheryl Fan, president; Linda Swansea, internal vice- president; Nancy True, external vice-president; and Pat Dicker, state director; Karen Pick, secretary, and Debbie Crago, treasurer. Anyone Interested in becoming a member or wnnting more Information may contact Cheryl Flam at 344-4818. Fiesta Days Grand Finale The grand finale of the 1982 Fiesta Days promises to produce a more colorful parade than ever. Any business, club, organization, group, or individual is welcome to enter. From simple costumed characters to marching bands, from twirling units to crazy cars, from fabulous floats to neighborhood knickerbockers, from circus fee. tions to simple cycles • all are to participate • there is no entry A commercial float firm has 20 floats in stock that can be adjusted to specifications and they will be delivered, driven through the parade and returned, for a reasonable fee. Full color pictures of floats are on Chamber office. e parade i display at the JAMES MONROE When James Monros (1758-1821) stood for reelection as president in 1820, he became the only presidential candidate other than George Washington to run unopposed. Monroe received 231 of the electoral college's 232 votes. As this nation's fifth chief executive, the Virginian proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine to block any attempt by European countries to regain possessions in t h e w e s t e r n hemisphere. Monroe also created the "Era of Good Feeling" which won much amity for this country. During his career, Monroe was governior of Virginia, senator, secretary of state and of war and ambassador. He also won acclaim for his part in negotiating the Louisiana Purchase. American Legion Post 491 •swnnu.admv OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (&00-M0PJL) •KKMUYOUCHUl 4TKI MEW MJMUMI PIUS GIANT SALAD BAR INCLUDED HALL FOR RENT WE FEATURE A FULL LINE OF: HSESSSSSB^ linSLLT smm\ NA04AL Tims OPBN • DHYS PER WHK EUROPA MOTORS 385-0700 % MILE EAST Of McHENRY ON PTE. 120 PERECT FOR WEDDINGS BANQUETS PARTIES AND MORE ft SENIOR CtnZIN'g CORNER MELPRN. BIAS FOR SUCCESSFUL IKTIBICNT f A wise man i i once MM, "i won't fet old, I'D just get old er." Think about it, because it makes a lot of sense. Death is the only barrier to the process of setting old er. Betas considered old has a lot to do with perspective. A teenager is old in the eyes of a toddler. Most teenagers believe that 30-year-olds are over the MB and someone over 80 is long gone. Perspective, pure sad simple. In reality, it works two ways. Witness the conversa tion of two oldtimers warm ing themselves on a park bench somewtaere in the sun country. "Soy, Joe, I understand there's a new tenant in the apartment building. Have you met him?" "No. but I understand he's a young fellow, la his late sixties." Perspective, again, the pure and simple other side of the coin. Age is a matter of chron ology. Youth is more keyod to the heart and mind. Regard less of how many pages have been torn from the calendar of life, one can be young at any ^e. If you cannot quick ly come up with one or more adults who refuse to act their age, you simply aren't pay ing attention to what is going on around you. We live in a world of slo gans...Think Safety... Drive with Care...God Loves You... Crime Doesn't Pay. Let's add another: Think Young. Thinking young is very im portant to the aging process. First, we think; we use the mind, which needs exercise. And, because we do think, we approach both the joys and the toils of life with a "can do" attitude. We are thinking young when we re fuse to admit that age can cancel the right to be active and productive. gk Jim We're celebrating our 15tb and 2a4 ANNIVERSARIES! Mi SATURIAT. JM with an ITALIAN FEAST INCLUDING: I, the classic Italian first choice, followed by homemade HIWUEI AIVMM. After your IVAI1AM SALAO, the main course of an ITALIAN. FBfTAi a delicious assortment of our Italian entrees. To end this delightful experience in dining, choose dessert from our tray of FMM FMT and ITALIAN The price Is 8 per person Reservations Suggested Call 888-1779 or 844-8780 OPEN 7 DAYS M-f for Lunch M-Sun Lunch ft Din. One mNs North of ft*. 120 onto. 47 OPEN DAILY 4 PM Til 11 PM Friday & Saturday 4 PM Til Mklnifht 3311 W. Elm Street In Mchenry ms A NEW EXPERIENCE IN PAINT QUALITY White Swan Uniforms Stay Fresh and Bright... And you'll look smarter than ever in our brand new styles! These good looks come in carefree woven textured poly: A Tab-pocket pantsuit. 4-16 : 130 B Raglan sleeve dress. 4-16 $25 C Bib-front pantsuit, 8-20 $90 MSTOCK Maternity Uniforms & Lob Coots for Mon ft Woman OffN SUNDAYS 10 TO I McHINRY MARKET PIACI Thorn McAn Whito Uniform Shoos For Lodios mode of genuine toother with cushioned Insole. SizeeS'A -10. £ Reg. $25.99 ft $26.99 WHEN PERFORMANCE AND VALUE COUNT SAVE $5.00 EXTERIOR LATEX HOUSE PAINT Warranted 15 Years! * Warranted one coot coverage * Warronted 15 year durability * Warranted non-cholking and non-yellowing * For um on wood, aluminum, hordboord siding and masonory * Resists blistering and pooling * 100% ocryttc formula White only (104-100) $1199 • ~ GAL. 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