DAYTIMI 7:00 AM 1 hNHi ® • ® 6:15AM • (9)1 6:30 AM I Sign On/Nawa * m*~ m m (9 A M. It I Onm af g| Spiriri ( SoQpWorld 152r£ I I J 7:30AM • ® 3$ STV «< AM Ormmmi || fgifgm (23) a>m ttc.pln ABC hopes Rambo will wow tho women I Dwaty'a TmhiKii BTIMOM •:00AM 9 0 WMrfy ABC It miles ahead of its competition in the daytime MsHssn ratings undoubted ly because it gives extra attention to its shows. Pro motion Is heavy and every detail, particularly casting, is scrutinized by the network's daytime division. Most importantly, the network knows that serving up attractive leeding men such as "General Hoepital's" Tony Geary and Rick Springfield to Its predominantly female audi ence is a key factor in booeting the ratings. ABC hopes that Its newest sen sation wHI be Deck Rambo, who has |ust Joined "AH My Children" as hard-driving attorney Stephen Jacob! Rambo first began exhib iting his dark good looks In the late '50s and eerty '60s when he and his identical twin brother Dirk were teen idols. The two were discov ered by Loretta Young whNe they were attending mass during a visit to their aunt in Los Angeles. They became nationally known on "The New Loret ta Young Show." Deck lat er appeared for a year on"Never Too Young." a youth-oriented soap opera. When Dirk died in a car accident when the twins were 23, Deck went through a major crisis -- or so he thought. "I thought I did a pretty good Job of getting through my grief the first year, but I never reeNy accepted it (3§IUWUkv WmM hiymi 10:00AM Mom Tina O itTiw Q O OMnk • BttMh 9 52 'oo cu (H) • ® • • Vartarf 10 Ox Smart Q® ltH» W ifca Hiwl» I Wwiwn'i Day USA I Q9 fhhafal I O Mch Van Dyfc* •:15AM i a •:30 AM Oshhmm 81 B Tk Tac D»i>|li S Pktvr* af MaaMi 10:15AM • I 10:30 AM until lest year when I went into therapy. Rambo met his current girlfriend, actress Meiinda Naud, two years ago when both co-starred in "Sword of Justice," a short-lived NBC series. The couple retired to Rambo's central California cotton farm before the call came from "AH My Children." "ABC Deytime had been after me for a long time, but I told them I wouldn't do a soap unless I could play someone narty. Ste phen Jacob! is the kind of guy that goes after any thing he wants and damn anyone that gets in the way." Stephen's first target is the show's fair-haired mar ried heroine Nine Warner (Taylor Miller). WHI Ste phen win her heert? WHI Deck win over the women in the audience as ABC ful ly expects? Tune in and ® laa»a ft la tm IIP CMUran'* m OOwtaOay 9:00 AM SmomwU O & OaaOar O Mavte 0 ® Rkfcard at a Tka* 11:00 AM So 0 & Mary Tytar MUara IB ASMyCMMran iP t iiama m » ® ® McHonry County Comprehensive Mental Health Sorvico System Mental Health Crisis Lin* For McHenry County 1-800/892-8900 t ** Toll ft-- 24 Hotfr imtrgency Number f. ®i Professional Staff Will Answer Your Call.