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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1982, p. 14

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Legal Notice repealed; end RWS:lh 6-30-82 1+6+1 THE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES OF THE McHENRY- PUBLIC LIBRA R Y DISTRICT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS any part of resolution be adj invalid or RESOLUTION 1962-83-7-1 NO. PAGE 14 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, JULY 9,1M2 this adjudged : un- conatilutional, »uch adjudication shall affect that part of this act ificaily covered which shall be therefrom, and shall not affect any other provisions or parts of this act. PASSED by the Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District, M c H e n r y C o u n t y , Illinois, on this 24th day of June, 1962, by a vote of: A Y E S : C o l o m e r , Mueller, Adams, Suess, Smith NAYS: None ABSENT: Fuhler ABSTAINING: None APPROVED: s Frank Colomer, President, the Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois (SEAL) M c H e n r y C o u n t y , Legal Notice Illinois; and 9 I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that the a b o v e a t t a c h e d RESOLUTION NO. 1982-63-7-1: RESOLUTION D E T E R M I N G T O LEVY AN AD­ DITIONAL TAX OF UP TO .02 PERCENT OF E Q U A L I Z E D O R CD VALUE OF RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO LEVY AN ADDITIONAL TAXOFUPTO .02 PERCENT OF EQUALIZED OR ASSESSED VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY FOR PARTICULAR BUILDING PURPOSES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ILL. REV. STAT, CHAP. 81, SEC. 1003-1 WHEREAS, the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, is a public library district organized pursuant to 111. Rev. Stat., Chap. 81, Sec 1001-1, et sea., the Illinois Public Library District Act; and WHEREAS. the Board of Library Trustees of the Mc- Henry-Nunda Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, is the corporate authority of said public library district, pursuant to statutory authority set forth in Sec 1001-5 of the aforesaid statute; and WHEREAS, Sec. 1003- 1 of the aforesaid act provides that the cor­ porate authority may levy an additional tax of .02 percent of the value of all the taxable property in the district, as equalized or assessed, for the pur­ chase of sites and buildings, for the construction and equipment of buildings, for the rental of buildings required for library purposes, and for maintenance, repairs, and alterations of library buildings and equipment' and WHEREAS, the corporate authority does hereby deem it in the best interest of and of the greatest benefit to the public library district and the electors thereof and the residents of said public library district that revenue be made available for the aforesaid designated purposes, as set forth by law; •..* NOW, THEREPetiB, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, that: 1 The board hereby determines to levy an additional tax of Five Thousand and no-100 Dollars ($5,000.00), but in any case not in excess of a tax rate of 02 percent of the value of all the taxable property in the district, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Local Government Affairs, for the equipment of buildings and for maintenance, repairs, and alterations or library buildings and equipment, pursuant to 111 Rev. Stat., Chap. 81, Sec. 1003-1, et seq., and for such other purposes set forth in the aforesaid statute. 2. This resolution shall be published at least once in one or more newspapers published in the district, of if no newspaper is published therein, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation within the district, in accordance with law. 3. If within the thirty (30) day period after publication of this resolution, a petition is filed in accordance with law. signed by electors of the district equal in number to ten (10) percent or more of the total number of votes cast at the last ATTEST: s Edna Mueller, Secretary CERTIFICATE I, EDNA MUELLER, DO HEREBY CER­ TIFY that I am the duly elected, qualified, and serving secretary, and as such am the keeper of the books and records of the Board of Library Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District, TAXABLE PROPERTY FOR PARTICULAR BUILDING PURPOSES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ILL. REV. STAT., CHAP. L, SEC. 1003-1 Is a true and correct copy of said resolution which wm recorded fcy'said Board at their regular meeting, on June 24, 1982, by a vote of: AYES: Colomer, Mueller, Adams, Suess, Smith NAYS: None ABSENT: Fuhler- ABSTAINING: None DATED this 24th day of June, 1962. s Edna Mueller, Secretary, the Board of LiBrary Trustees of the McHenry-Nunda Public Library District, McHc County, II" (SEAL) ROBERT W. SMITH Attorney at Law 707A Davis Road Elgin, Illinois 60120 (312) 695-9600 (Pub. July 9,1962) No.i 1177C CROWLEY BARRETT &KARABA Attorneys 111 West Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHenry, SS. - In the Circuit C o u r t , C h a n c e r y Department, McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois Wheeling Trust k Savings Bank an Illinois banking cor- PlaintTff, v. foreclosure of Mortgage and Other Relief con­ veying the premises daKrfbed as foflows, to- wit* PARCEL 1: Wwae parts of the Southeast Quarter of Fractional Section , 13, Township 45 North, Range 8 East * "m Third Prin- Meridian, and c a r v e ; t h e n c e continuing Nor- thwesterty along the center line of Jotansbang Rond, 186 feet, more or lev, to the waters edge of the Pea River; t h e n c e S o a t h - of the dpal 1L„ o f t h e S o u t h w e s t poration, Wheeling Trust Savings Bank a banking corporation of No. Illinois, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated the 21st day of April, 1978, and known as Trust No. 78-207; K.B. Borres, Incorporated, Restaurant Cor­ poration; Cibil, Inc.; Bauer-Os terday Company; Crescent Bay Landing, Inc.; Mattco- Richard J. Matt- Curtis J. Dax; Ned Payne; William M. Fraser and Unknown •Owners, Defendants. The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, "Unknown Owners. Defendants in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court, Chancery Division, McHenry County, Woodstock. Illinois, by the said plaintiff against you and other defendants, praying for the Quarter of Frac­ tional Section If, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described aa follows: Com­ mencing at the moat Eaaterly Corner of Lot so in Oakland Subdivision, recorded June 7, 1983 aa Document No. 31386, in Book 4 of Plats, pages 90 and 91; thence Southeasterly on the Northeasterly line of said Lot 20, extended a (Balance of 71.50 f e e t ; t h e n c e ; Eaaterly at an angle of 48 degrees 54 minutes to the left of the last described line extended, a distance of 659.62 feet to the center line of Johnsburg Road; thence North­ westerly along the center line of Johnsburg Road, (having a radius of 1710.58 feet and b e i n g c o n c a v e Southwesterly), a distance of 625.93 feet to the point of tangency of said Fax River more or fkjruMSMicny tine 01 Lot 38 in said O a k l a n d S u b ­ division; thence i» line sf said Lot 38, a t of 137 Mt, more or leas, to the of " * PARCEL 3: Part of t h e P r a e t i o n a l Southweat Quarter of Section 18, Township 45 North, Range t East of the Third Principal Merfcftan, deecribed as follows: Begin­ ning on the South line of said South­ west Quarter at a point 38 feet East of t h e S o u t h w e s t corner thereof; *hfwe K--t along said South line for a distance of 833.65 feet to an in­ tersection with the center line of the Highway leading N o r t h e r l y t o Johnsburg; Northerly along the center line of said Highway being a curved line to the left, having a radius preceding regular district election, asking that the question of levying nl such a .02 percent tax be sub­ mitted to the electors of the district, the question shall be submitted at the next applicable regular election, or at any special election called in accordance with law. Said election shall be conducted in all par­ ticulars as set forth by statutes. 4. If no petition is filed in accordance with law, this district shall then be authorized to levy the tax, and the tax levy ordinance for fiscal year 1982-83 may con­ tain a direction to the county clerk of the county or counties within which the district lies to levy such ad­ ditional tax. 5. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication according to law, and any resolutions or ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby REAL AR ADIO The all "neW" WMCW radio Listen to US for LOCAL news and AREA information PLUS: Local Sports Area Weather Daily Tri-Counties News Coverage Area Farm News and Markets Brewer Baseball and a new sound WMCW AM 1600 HARVARD YOUR TRI-COUNTIES INFORMATION CENTER • V V rnndja jhilly inwutd Your retirement funds are fully insure? up to $100,000 by the FSLIC Why take risks Enjoy absolute safety. 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All Marengo Federal Savings retirement accounts insured up to $100,000 br the FSUC. Marengo Federal Savings and loan association of 1710.86 feet, for a distance of 284.85 feet, thence West the center line of a private read, a distance of 881.85 feet to a point that is 18.5 feet South of the Southeast earner of Lot SI of Oakland Suhdhrtskm, the Plat thereof recorded aa Document No. SUSS in Book 4 of Plats, 88 and 91 iSouthat to the deecribed line 90 feet to a point: thence West parallel with the South line of Lots 31 and 32 of said O a k l a n d S u b ­ division, for a distance of 119.84 fast to a point 88 feet Eaat of tne East line of Lot 45 of said O a k l a n d S u b ­ division; thence South parallel with the East line of said Lot 48, for a distance of 117.5 feet to a point of intersection with the South line of Oakland Avenue e x t e n d e d E a s t ; thence West along said extended line, 80.9 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 47 of said O a k l a n d S u b ­ division ; • thence South along the East line of said Lot 47 and said line ex­ tended South 118.8 feet to the South line of said Southwest Quarter and place of b e g i n n i n g ( e x ­ cepting tnerefrom the North 30 feet of the East 661.65 feet for road purpoees) in McHenry County, Illinois. PARCEL 3: Part of t h e S o u t h e a s t fraction of the Southeast Frac­ tional Quarter of Section 13, Township 45 North, RAnge 8. East of the Third Principal Meridian; ALSO the Southwest fraction of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the T h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian all lying on the Easterly side of t h e F o x R i v e r , d e s c r i b e d a s f o l l o w s : C o m ­ mencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 18; thence East of the South line thereof, for a distance of 850.82 feet, more or less, to an in­ tersection with the center line of the highway leading N o r t h e r l y t o Johnsburg; thence Northerly along the center line of said highway, being on a curved line to the left, having a radius of 1710.58 feet, for a distance of 384.85 feet to a point for a place of beginning ; t h e n c e N o r ­ thwesterly along the center line of said highway, being on a curved line to the left, radius of 1710.58 feet, for a distance of 1149.5 feet to the point of tangent; t h e n c e N o r ­ thwesterly being on a line tangent to said curve, a distance of 188 feet, more or less, to the waters edge of the Fox R i v e r ; t h e n c e Southwesterly along the waters edge of said Fox River, a distance of 681 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the Northeasterly line of Lot No. 20 of O a k l a n d S u b ­ division.-- recorded June 7th, A.D. 1923 as Document No. 59286, in Book 4 of Plats on pages 90 ;and 91; thence V Southeasterly along said lot fine, a distance of 145 feet, more or less, to the m o s t E a s t e r l y corner of said Lot No. 20; thence Southeasterly along said lot line ex­ tended, for a distance of 71.5 feet to a point; thence Easterly on a line forming an angle of 40 degrees 54 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of the last described line, a distance of 110.5 feet to a point: thence South at right angles to the last described line, a distance of 507.0 feet to a point; thence Easterly on a line forming an angle of 89 degrees 03 minutes to the left, with a prolongation of tl le last described line for a distance of Don't buy an IRA until you check Marengo Federal Savings. Put these items on your IRA shopping list: ^ ~ . ij ' "V <*• ' J + ' v ^ ' * ; >•* '/A' Is I W I ̂ I ALEXANDER LUMBER CO "BEST OF EYEIYTMM6 FOR TNE BUILDER" FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN •LINCOLN WINDOWS •KEMPER-MILLCREEK •GAF SHINGLES ' CABINETS •BUILDERS •ANDERSEN HARDWARE WINDOWS •PREFINISHED •PRE-HUNG DOORS PANELING •NORD SPINDLES •STANLEY •ARMSTRONG GARAGE DOOR CEILING SYSTEMS OPERATORS Phone 385-1424 909 N. Front St., McHenry i eis/see-TiM • : Www «7 •*< C**ww 4400 Ml Km. ISO, eis/sse-7440 • aaSfcoM.1 Debbie Harmer tells: HOST 50 LBS. IN 111 DAYS at Nutrt/Systam. I feel batter than ever before and have more anargy toot" e No diet pis or Infections e No starvation or e Loee under a supervision delicious, e No food e i 1 Al lAKf *4911 8X1. SI. sum 8*COUJO« MU 631.85 feet to an intersection with the center line of the aforesaid hi^say to the place of b e g i n n i n g , i n McHenry County, Illinois. (Excepting that part thereof ' d e s c r i b e d a s follows: Those parts of the Southeast Quarter of Frac­ tional Section 11,. Township 45 North, Ranges Eaat of the Third Principal Meridian and of the Southwest Quarter of Fractional Sec­ tion 18. Township 45 North, RangeoEast of the Third Prin­ c i p a l M e r i d i a n , d e s c r i b e d i r f o l l o w s : C o m ­ mencing at the most Easterly corner of Lot 20 in Oakland Subdivision, recorded June 7, 1923, as Document No. 58286, in Book 4 of Plats, pages 88 and 91; thence Southeasterly on the Northeasterly line of said Lot 20 extended a distance of 71.50 f e e t ; t h e n c e Easterly at an angle of 40 degrees, 54 minutes to the left of the last described line extended a distance of 659.62 feet to the centerline of Johnsburg Road; t h e n c e N o r ­ thwesterly along the c e n t e r l i n e o f Johnsburg Road (having a radius of 1710.56 feet and b e i n g c o n c a v e Southwesterly) a distance of 625.93 feet to the point of tangency of said c u r v e ; t h e n c e c o n t i n u i n g N o r ­ thwesterly along the c e n t e r l i n e o f Johnsburg Road 188 feet, more or less to the waters edge of the Fox River; t h e n c e S o u t h ­ westerly along the waters edge of the Fox River 681 feet more or less to the Northeasterly line of Lot 20 in said O a k l a n d S u b ­ division; thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 20, a distance of 137 feet to the point of b e g i n n i n g , i n McHenry County, Illinois. nly 3309 North Char R o a d , Illinois. Now therefore, unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the complaint in the said suit or otherwise make y o u r a p p e a r a n c e therein, in the Office of the Clark of the Circuit C o u r t , C h a n c e r y D i v i s i o n , M c H e n r y County, in the City of Woodstock. Illinois, on or before the 2nd day of Aug. 1982, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a decree en­ tered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Dated: Woodstock, Illinois, June 28, 1982 Vernon W.Kays, Jr. Clerk Crowley Barrett A Karaba 111 West Monroe Street Room 2200E Ch (312) Commonly known as i Ch M c H e n r y lapel V H e n r Hill icago, Illinois 60603 12) 726-2468 1982) (Pub. July 2,9,416, No. 820280 (01I)<0I F8SS (9 mm-fpm) (SlS)aSt 4488 Legal Notice MEETING NOTICE The Nunda Township Cemetery Trustees will hold their regular Board meeting on Monday, July 26. 1982, at 7:00 P M. at the To Office, 3510 Bay Crystal Lake. Illinois. Anita Sherwood, Executive Set NundaT Cemetery F Dated: July 2, IMS (Pub. July 9.16 4 July 23,life) No. 820285 Legal Notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that aa July 7th, 19B, a cer­ tificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names ana post-office addressss of all of the persona owning, conducting and transacting the business known as McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION of IN­ D E P E N D E N T I N ­ SURANCE AGENT8 located at 808 N. Front Street, McHenry. IL., 80860 which certificate sou forth the ownsrs as f o l l o w s . - H o w a r d Diercks, George L. Low. Doted July 7, 1882 Rosemary Assam •waP

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