* AOf M IT MY MRTS TOIEJMITM. At Caret tUtfc. • cmi- Over 40 yeors of nptrian- ce, txckniv* methods ad vanced equipment and trained " dermatkians, ossure you of superior results. Call toon and end the hurt of "leaving it on". CSiol Black PWHANfNT IMR ttMOVW. CRYSTAL IAKI 411 Coventry lone SottoN CALLs (115)455-0990 14 Othoc Locations 112-475-2133 NELL NIBBLES Nell (Ned Carter) joins a club for overweight people and the Chief (Dolph Sweet) becomes convinced he needs to shed a few pounds, too. ttit Nell's cooking dissolves their resolves in the "Do or Diet" episode of "Gimme a Break." The NBC sitcom airs THURS DAY, JULY 15 CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIMF ©1M2 Compulofl rta, David Iplsfcorg. 1977 360 AM O© (B At Twelve 1950. >9» esH ml QD CH freei Ike $9 Xmr4 Uee i ? i £ • • to psr«om» a Q Tito Ts 0 dlM talked Q) i *-- »• 6.30 PM O O ID (39) 1i W RON ISO AY. JUIY 14 Gery tocswood. 19/U Sesfc' Tho Saint hsips doughtar of tf» San Francisco poJct commis- Oaorgs Sondm. W«ndy larrts. lorry FHsgsreM. 19)9 (D <32) NHe Owl Servko (D M*Cevett Sscond of 4 part* Richard Burton Is Ike fuosf. Larva 1)45 AM o MOVM: -MUMo' A rid) fM and th« wrong man gst < P.M. €0 Voe CD 93 twin* tacrvtiy switch fiancf». o vsntril- oquitt team bogins to wori out it* marital probismi and Mb Wh in lovs with a widowed fethsr. Guost > tarring David Nsison, Ruth fcuil and Tony Robort*. (R) (40 win.) fl|(9 Bet retool O MOVHt <Ms Mveto Secretery' A niloiieln's son is •» pioitod. John Woyna, tvaiyn Knopp. 1933. 1931 2:00AM fl| Joke Davidson 12:30 AM CD ®MOV» ®91«eHl CD O Nows/Upo O* Q| MOVM: ttedT A young men who against his lothor b» [ami tho idol el his tooneos no- phaw. Poui Nswnan, Mslvyn Douglas. Patricia Noal. 19*3. 12:45 AM ONaws IKK)AM O MOV*: to MM Matter of Keren AenQeMee'Th* QuMnns atlsmpt to he*o o Ms sup port lystom I'ses nd fross Ihoir tor- minaRy • daughter and sacountar unaxpactsd rsilttoms and world- wids publdty. trtew KsMv 9»or lea- IB SI MOVA TI»o Msh WMshoy |yu in Ae^v^n is Monty IKis< WHO tlOv TtPO Iw M running rum off ths coast al Firo Is- 4*45 AM land In 1937, looping ans »tsp ahood of both ths Coast Guard and /? #M mob. WHiam Dovans. AIMS, Moore. Richard MuAeon. 1979. 2J0AM B MOVMi "HHdo Clone' A young wonion rstums hows to cs svaiuata hsr Rfo after two I960. I WeHd/Lergo 7i00FM BBO® Mognnw, 9J. A roduss, hi* ghott writsr and a Senator'* wits farm an unusual trlowgte In a dangorou* situo Hon. (R) (40 ntln.) Rruno con ItoUn on* of his iswgi- (R) (40 min ) Guy Madison. Jsan Plana Awmant. 1934. lecy the 13Nt' Certor O MOVMI UowM' A novafist mvitos his vdfo'* ievar to hit houso for en owning of fun ond dtodpomii toyronco OSvier, Mi cKoti Cam#, Aloe Cowthornt, Eve CHoonioQ, J-ptvfl MfltKtWI eeee 1973. <32)rj«.i 2:45 AM B 1731 " sndsts old of pirols to RgM two