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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1982, p. 3

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From The Desk Of Illinois State Council On Nutrition by Virginia Hill Thar* are yon can eat quite a bit. fooda that - Ifi bathing suit time again, when we lo* ta that full-length mirror and •ee the ravafea of winter, especially Una winter with all its ice and anew when you Just couldn't get out and wafe. And there it is, that extra roU of fat just whert the nice tee should be for the bathmg suit Scientists have found a chemical that inducea hibernation in animals. Wouldn't it be nice If we could just sleep through the winter? Then we wouldn't bare all thoae problem* of inactivity and overeating that create v thoae extra lines of adipose tiaaue - Well, we can't, so we might aa well make the beat of it and deckle we're going to get rid of that extra tee. I'm not going to give you a lot of tipa on the foods you should eat or the type ! of diet, other than to say that I hope } . you will eat a balanced diet. But there £ . are some ideas that might help you if V-'-- you have a problem and need to get a & little extra weight off. r « • Get moral support from someone a. h * neighbor, a friend, and hopefully your 5 family-so they will know what you're £ doing and give you encouragement. •J Set a target date for the beginning of your diet. In other words, make the decision that you're going to loae weight, say you're going to do it, and stick to it. Alao, if you say you're going on a diet Wedneaday, that doesn't mean that you should eat everything in sight on Tuesday. What ltdoea mean is that it will give you time to "de-fat" your surroundings. But don't set your target date so far in advance that it takes sway your resolution. Us* this lead time to get rid of high calorie-low nutrient foods that you might be storing and to use up your leftovers. And, don't buy foods that might in- ' terfere with your diet plan. Plan each day's menu the night before so you know exactly what you're going to eat. Use your imagination. Doot act tee you're paying penance for your previous overeating sins, but are starting a whole new way of life. By planning ahead, you know that you will have the appropriate foods in the bouae. If the wrong foods are in the hauae, it is much too easy to get discouraged and just go grab them. If you don't know portion sixes. It would be a good idea to meaaure your food until you recognise mem. Check on yuurself-a little scale heipe and can be bought rather inexpensively. broccoli, celery, lettuce, cucumbers, mushrooms; and any kind of greena all have rdetivety fow catarlee, and you can add lemon juke rather than dr easing. Not only have I givenyouahstof free foods, but thoae are also vegetabke which you should have every day. In fact, eating more fruits and vegetables is probably one of the beat ways to diet HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK Admlssleaa: Christopher Lemerand, Shorn Wilson, Mrs. Sharon Spirk ana bat afl of aa., at Good Barrington, Shepherd hoepitnl, 111. Maternal PACK 3 - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY, JULY S, IMS Also when on a diet, you include a treat for yourself once in a while, such as a dessert or a reataurant meal. You don t have to go off the deep end, but you don't want dieting to represent unrelieved deprivation either, since the whole Idea of toeing weight is maintaining your weight loos. Then, afterwards, you won't have so many difficulties with all the 'binges' that might result from being deprived for so long. Weigh yourself in the morning without any clothes. And sometimes if you weigh yourself too often, you'll get upset that you're not losing weight as fast as you want Very often, sudden weight differences are due to either water retention or suddenly getting rid of water. If you try to avoid too many high sodium foods, you can keep theee fluctuations st a minimum. Prepare yourself to lose weight slowly. Weight loos in the first few weeks tpndi to be greater than it is later on, and women usually loee slower than men. A woman might toee one to two pounds a wesk, while s man might loae two to three pounds a week. And larger people tend to loae more rapidly than smaller people. When you finally come off the diet and see your bathing suit lines are a little bit smoother, you can add extra foods, one at a time, until your weight One of the marvelous spring and summe you're trying to toee weight is that you can get outakfte and ride a bike, walk, swim, or whatever physical exercise you want It is sn eaaier time to loae weight becauee you can burn up thoae cailoriOs more easily and ths fresh fruits and vegetabloe are ao plentiful. Demolition Derby Shows Aug. 6-8 Entry forma for the two Demolition Derbies plsnned ss feature at­ tractions at the McHenry County Fair Aug. +• are available now, Dorothy Schultx, fair secretary has an­ nounced. The form is available at the McHenry county fairgrounds, Mc- Comell road at Route 47, Woodstock, open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, in Building D, and alao at several business firms. Mrs. Schultx said a total of fTOi In prise'money is being offered for the two shows-7:SO p.m. Aug. • and Aug. 8. The program is conducted by Nation-Wide Demolition Derby, Inc., and has proven an outstanding at­ traction for both spectators and contestants. Detailed rules including preparation of the car, type of car permitted, and running capability are available as part of the entry form. Persons wishing to examine the rutoa prior to entering, may call the fair office at 338-5315, and a copy will he mailed to them UrllMini ^ .. , JBoCesf _ ^ Sobers and Frederic Veeck, both of and Bonnie Vrasich of Grove. HARVARD Hetga Broemm of McHenry and Irvin Hermes of Wonder Lake. nta are Harry and Jean of Barrington. Mrs. Peggy Brickaon of Homewood, 10. la the paternal grandmother, Tanya Maria is the name choeen by Bernard J. and Helga Kocxor of McHenry, for their fourth child. The 8 Ibe. 13 os. baby girl arrived at Good Shepherd hoapftal, Barrington, HI. on June JR. She was welcomed home by Bernard J. Jr., age 13; twelve-year old Christina andBobby, 10. SINGLES DISCUSSION-DANCE The Aware Singles group invitee all singles to a discussion on "Are Women the Stronger Sex?" at 8:38 p.m. Friday, Jul* 8, at the AiHagten Park Hilton, Euclid avenue and Rohlwing road, Arlington Height*. A dance with live muaic will follow. Per more information, one may call 313- 777-1008. Aware la a not-for-profit organisation concerned with the needs of single, divorced and widowed people and is a member of the Chicago Association of Singles Clubs tCLAS). * p'*™s Bruce and Maureen Montreaaor 4413 Clearview drive, McHenry became parents of their second child July 4, and named him Patrick John. McHenry " i was four and a half Maternal psnteerents are Mr. and Mrs. John P O'Connor of Westchester, IU. Mr. end Mrs. Bob Montressor of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Damien (Buster) and Cynthia (Fuchs) Amore, 113 School street, Twin Lakes, Wis. announce the birth of their first child July 3. Amkrew Robert was bora at McHenry hospital and weighed 7 Ibe. 13 oa. Maternal pam^Mirenta are Mr. and Mra. Robert Fuche of Twin Lakee. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Amore of Solon Mills. IU. are the paternal grandparents. Julius Bruce Is ths name choeen by Bruce T. and KaroUn C. Otto, 4514 Garden Quarter, McHenry, for their third eon. The 7 Ibe. 15 as. infant entered the world at McHenry hoepital July 1. He tea two brothers. Jacob ana Jemee. Maternal grandparenta are Guet and Angeline Dimopouloa of McHenry. Mrs. Marie (formerly Crescent Day Landing) Presents by Popular Demand... u\ THE BRITE SET NO COVER Wednesday, July 7th Friday, July 9th Saturday, July 10th 8:30 pm til dosing Otto of McHenry grandmother. is the paternal A girl, Dana Jeanne, was born June i to Way * ~ McHenry. 34 to Wayne and Wendy Erickson of Billed in at 7 lbs Speciolizing In Seafood & Beef Lunch: Mon.-Frl. Dinner: Tues -Sun, Sunday Brunch She Reservations Requested! 3309 N. Chopel Hill Rd. McHenry, Illinois >85-669< "Do-It-YourselF* Requires Planning I've reed al the aews aad pabttdty iboat hew fee and hew ceet-serlag It is to do-H-yeerself, bet 1 dee't believe K. I tried petatlag several rooms aad yea cooM tcfl the Job wes dene by aa sanMear--or a cMM. fve tried to ripslr theirs, tables, caa opsaers, aad the oaly saccees I ever bad was la reptadag a faahy faacet washer. That I caa do, bat thet's all. I'ai aet chnasy, aor sai 1 buy--so why caa't Ida soaw thlags right? Probably because you don't realize that preparation is a vital element for success. You can't practice law or medicine without a license. To |et that license you must study and you must learn. You earn the license by demonstrating that you are prepared to do the job. What you don't know about fixing a chair or a table is some­ thing you need to lesrn before you sttempt the task. Numerous "do-it-yourself" books and publications are available at the local library and book store. Do your re- aaartti aad puwill then be atyfto do the job. Makeabmtiful lqpidyonrom. Exclusively at McHenry Savings & Loan. TOM HOPKINS ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF AN ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL OUILDINGS INCLUDING PASSIVE SOLAR AND EARTH SHELTERED BY APPOINTMENT LICENSED IN ILLINOIS AND WISCONSIN THOMAS M. HOPKINS ARCHITECT MA41 H A A AIM A fR M Hf-NPY .^OOSO 815 3ft ' - 4602 (Loses I8OV2 PoundsnT) FOLLOWING CONWAY DIET PROGRAM Sandra Mahaney weighed 314% pounds when she came to her first Conway class in 1900. She now weighs only 134 - a loss of 100% pounds! "The amazing thing is that I was never hungry. I learned how to change what I ate and how I cooked. Even with my weekly fee, I saved money by cutting out all the extra junk food. There are no pills • just food food, an education program, a wonderful cookbook and a lecturer who is a big help "I'm really looking forward to this summer - I feel so good about myself!" SAVE $5.00 WITH THIS COUPON Bring this c oupon with you to any meetio* livted and you will tave 19.00 off the Initial Registration fee of $7 50 and Weekly Seminar fee of $4 SO Pay only 17 00 instead of $12 00 FOUNDS SAVi If you bring any friend* with you when you )om, then the coupon wiN be worth more. SI 00 for you end SS 00 for each of your friend* Offer eipires Friday. July 21. 1902 1 > > a i a B a « < a > a i a i a a i a i « a i a i a i s i a i Weekly Insight-Motivation Seminars McH#nry.Wodnesdovs. 7:30 p.m.. Shepherd of the Hill Lutheran Church, 404 N. Green Street. Crystal L«fca-Moodoy», 7:30 p.m.. Crystal Point Moll, 6000 Northwest Hwy., (ftte. 14) or Coll 517-1395 Registration $7 SO plus Weekly Seminars S4 SO - a L. .Mfele^MA (fCkiriwayD^, NP No fish Required llSliUte fo, centuries, me peart surrounded Hv U uk rem ti 11 he ̂ i Am u mi I i i n India11 im ili> J ! l icenced' i N H lcIs ( i I m i i l l . | >f 1 1 i i f t Mc 0< i i i i t i i ' i i i . i l l i >' m Hi en i.11 l l> 1 >t t jecM JIkvhK finished K /UmOOfc these m l lu red Ixau t io van I .Kmr* ft 14s e.u • avium's with n !U(! di Pi >' K »v-e t • 1 mi .im i 111 tigillv 1 111 in •dmnmet pu 1 e iih liidinj,' a de'u 11v ! r t dm i t vr pi. .111 110 Id.u 1 * eli 1 n' pi .11 v . i t t m;: .nul 1 t <>mauti< p< .111 >mi 1 «. n ' nei V l .n t \ ! l » l i .un^ and «. 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Mi Mi 111 VMM# fwvwf j »m Ml Hfli MM Isar |Mlip Aa lalftUI Will UN NHull prdasi if My H tto (Bewi leifw *• m m emeemn m m \m m vm fS PUT JUMML 1 MMMM MIIMM 111a a* aa aa sua INHM MiailM m lie tie aa 1a aa 1 MMMM #Wle*ei nm aa aa na aa t IM HI r taM MIMMM 21a aa nm ua aa IMHMI MIHMM na aa mm aa aa IWMrM • NltaM tm nm aa vm 22a aa MMier ttS ita nm nm aa IMMV aa aa nm aa aa INHiM tm Ml aa aa aa aa • mmwtm ma mm aa aa taa tiMMnr^e n» nm aa aa aa MM ma mm aa aa SeectetONer UreM I Pw FeM% 'SONUS fUeCNASI flANi With each oddmonal depot 11 of SI00 or mofe you pay only thetf pricet

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