FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 14. 1932). Tbe Fax Pavilion at McHeory will preaent in person Maurie Sherman and his College Inn orchestra, direct from an extended appearance at the College Inn of the Hotel Sherman in Chicago, on next Saturday, July 16 On Sunday. July 17, Johnny Maitland will appear in person with his orchestra. Another tather sudden death oc curred in our midst last Wednesday evening, July 6, when Mrs. Emma Kennebeck, one of McHenry's most respected citizens, died about 11:45 o'clock, following a complication of diseases, her condition not being considered serious until a day before she died. The season opened at Piatakee Yacht dub on Saturday, July 2. Commodore Erickson and his en tertainment committee wait all the way in starting the season of the Bay off with a bang and the large at tendance at the opening night created the impression that there is no depression at Pistakee Bay. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 16, 1942). On last Tuesday, July 14, a banquet was held at Eva's restaurant on Riverside drive in honor of one who has been foremost in local educational circles for almost a quarter of a century. The event was planned by fellow members of the high school board who were present with their wives to pay respect to Jos. W. Freund, who has served continuously for the past 23 years. In June of this year the last $9,000 bond was paid, making the school absolutely free of indebtedness. Present at the banquet were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jus ten, Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker, Jos. W. Freund and sister, Mrs. Catherine Barbian. Much might be said of a com plimentary nature regardti^ last week's band concert at the city park. We might mention the popular selections from 'The Firefly" That is, we might have spoken of all this had it bm possible to completely hear the concert without the com petition of s variety of sounds which have been the bane of music lovers for years. Psrents who sllow their^ children to run and shout, unrestricted, and cars circling the block are signs of thoughtlessness. It is believed that a few remarks asking those responsible for these annoyances to refrain from such practices will be sufficient. If asking courteously is not effective, however, more drastic means will be taken. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the flies of July 25, 1957). Two businesses which opened their doors to the local public recently have grand openings scheduled for this week. One is McHenry Gift En terprises which is extending an in vitation to everyone to see their new store at 523 W. Main street. The owners are Sam Schmunk and Ora Colby. Also scheduled to have a grand opening is Schramm's Toys at 301 W. Elm st. owned by Carl E. Schramm and Paul W. Funk, formerly of Chicago. A bridal shower was given in honor of Miss Patricia Henn by Mrs. Law rence (Bud) Freund with 20 guests present to enjoy an afternoon of games and a lovely luncheon. Those present were Mrs. Victor Miller, Mrs. LuAnn Smith, Miss Delores Vales, Miss Maureen Henn, Mrs. Carol Hamil, Mrs. Edward Pfannenstill, Miss Beverly Blish, Mrs. Evelyn Justen, Mrs. Elmer Hettermann, Mrs. Roy Miller, Miss Joyce Weber, Mrs. Marie Krueger, Mrs. Vera Thelen, Mrs. Charles J. Miller, Mrs. A1 Henn 1 *TI. *1 (1* (•IS) MS-3TM 600DWRENCN RECOMMENDS: Coupon •INCLUDES LABOR •PARTS EXTRA 7/19/92 Coupon •INCLUDES UNTIL 7/19/92 Coupon FRONT 9 REAR BRAKE CHECK 'i'.-yi • •INCLUDES LABOR GOOO UNTIL 7/19/92 $12so c; W W W W w W w w w w v> ) I I ju » ., • ' • ' < MCTBCMKSamSAt I: :• h„ h § ****** ausisHcsTsai S Y. ft.. (•*») CAMLLAi POISTIAC .»»*! iIn* Minn's Kathlrrn. Rrrky and Mattr lltnin TKN YEARS AGO Taken from (he files of July 19, 1992* Dr. bi "gory Eckstein was riiiscted to serve as president of the Montini Catholic sch>"il board at the July 16 meeting. Anthony Piatosd was named to serve as vice-president and Mrs. George (Barbara) Gilpin, as PAtiK IS-PLAINIM-; Two new mamhtiri elected recently were seated at this meeting, Charles Adams and John Coughlin. A fire with estimated damage of 646,000 destroyed the beautiful of the Roger Stillers at 614 Wl. Hefner road, Pistakee Bay. Fire Chief Glenn Peterson said the exact cause of the fire is undetermined. Edward Thennes underwent surgery Monday at the University of Wisconsin General hoapital. ANTIQUE SHOW More than 60 antique dealers from the Midwest will offer a variety of antiques snd collectibles at the Lambs' Antique show Sunday, July 16, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Junction of 1-64 Tollway and Rt. 176, two milea east of Libertyville. All profits benefit the Lambs, non-profit program for handicapped adults. Wildlife Calendar (A monthly column by the Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Project of the McHenry County Conservation District, by Louise Miller). "Ownership" is a term that has no relevence in the natural world. In nature, the strawberries are there for any living thing that can reach them, including microacoptc mildew, grabs, birds, chipmunks, and raccoons. So "our gardens can become a potential site of conflict between wildlife and people in theae summer months. If you want to protect your garden from most of these innocent intruders, build a screened enclosure around it. This is the only foolproof method to prevent sharing your produce with hungry creatures. But there are many simple and relatively inex pensive ways to minimise foraging upon your garden plants. Since moat wildlife is supicious of new and moving objects, a simple perimeter string with small pieces of white cloth, aluminum foil or foil pans tied on every few feet can be used for short-term protection of young plants. You will have to change the objects periodically because birds and animals will overcome their natural caution once they get accustomed to these objects. That'sfwhy crows eventually perch on a scarecrow. Rubber snakea or 19-inch pieces of black rubber hoae placed near plants are also effective deterrents since real snakes are natural predators of small animals. Plfstic hawks* and owls may also help The best protection from rabbit damage is a low fence around the garden or chicken wire around in dividual plants, since their food is plentiful and available, rabbits and other herbivores (plant eaters) seem reluctant to expend the energy to Jump a fence to get at the garden crops. The fence can be low enough for you to step over easily. For gardens in wooded sreas, a supplemental feeding station will help reduce loss of produce. The garden is already an attraction for wildlife; the feeding station is a diversion. Stock it periodically with prunings from willow or apple trees, plants thinned from the garden, sunflower seeds, dried bread, vegetable parings or dry dog food. Raccoons and other animals like sweet corn and they will go to about as much trouble to get it as people do to grow it. About the only deterrent in this case is an electrified wire around the corn or the garden, placed about AMCK - WKI»NKM>AY. Jtil.Y 14, ISM 12-18 inchcs off the ground Itarn lime, spread around the perimeter <>t thejiarden. is also effective. This is inexpensive, but needs to be replace after each rain. If these simple and general hints do not work for you, try to positively identify the animal who came to dinner in your garden. Investigate its natural habits snd foods snd then design your solution accordingly. Encourage the presence of natural predators, such ss snakes and toads, that don't eat vegetables Put up nesting boxes for screech owls snd kestrels. They will be a much more effective and natural control than traps or poison. And remember that not all wildlife activity in the garden is detrimental. Grubs, caterpillars, beetles and weedseeds are consumed in between bits of tomato. Aldo Leopold in Sand County Almanac said, "When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect" If you have a persistent problem with wildlife or if you find an injurt J or orphaned wild creature, please call Sally Joosten, director of Wildlife Rehabilitation at 615-336-3276 or the office of the McHenry County Con servation district at 815-336-1405 or 815-676-4431. V Co\9 1.4 Ounce Colgate Toothpaste 1.4 <M Winter-frash gel. Maximum fluoride protection. Small enough lo us* on vaca tions. REPRINT SPECIAL ! //. 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Hefty"" 80 Count Sandwich Bags--i Malta lunch pack ing a breeia with Hatty aandwich bags. 46* Dr. Scholl's Exercise Sandals Toddler Twill Shortalls 12.88 _3.66 Ml wood tola with non-alio rubbar All wood aola with non-allp rubber bottoms Theae sandals exercise your feet and legs with evary step No rainchecks. Orass am up in styia with our adorabla shortalia Shortnlla availabla in many colora and mres 2T-4T. Mirro 16 qt. Covered Sauce Pot &76 2 5^ >»hiv . tits In 28 Ounce Suave Shampoo 1.52 Your Choice • Henna, pen to help retard boil overs. Sturdy plastic handles, heel proof cover and knob. No. C7666. * Aloe Vera. Try this new super sav ings site in these natural shampoos snd conditioners. Black & Decker Hedge Trimmer L i g h t w e i g h t : weighs S 3/1 lbs. 18" double edge blades cuts in both directions. No. 8134 31.87 Covered Canner 2 Ounce Lady's Choice New Lady's Choice tetld Antlpersptrant lianHnfait aualleM^ lea OVOOQflm ivllltVIV Ifl unseented, regular -- -- --» -- -- *-- -- ana lit •GVnt, ino "fin vcvni • V--7 A © Black 4 Dtcktr Deluxe Grass Trimmer 2156 Deluxe electric nylon string trimmers. Lightweight enough to be handled by any sdult member of the femlly, •" swath No 8304 PRICES EFFEcn|JE JUL* 1 **Tee2L3ve Prices ***** ottsfimte* last- mm ciptS YOUR SAVWGSNW Dally 0 to 9; Sunday 10 to S Rt. 47 ft Country Club Rd. Woodstock, Illinois 4400 W. Rte. 120 • McHenry