imer Clearance Sale of Indoor/Outdoor Carpeting )o-It-Yourself Carpeting Summer Clearance Priced! Special Purchases Were Made For This Sale! CARPET WITH PADDING ATTACHED You'll see over 50 rolls of urethane becked cerpetlng specially priced for this sale. You'll find It easy to Install this carpeting, light to carry, durable as any other carpet you can buy, and soft to walk on and a pleasure to touch. You'll find the latest In fashions and be able to Install your carpeting in any room In your home at a very reasonable price - here are some savings you'll be able to take home this weekend!' A Special Purchase From •Jbkm& queen CARPET MILLS You'll find nothing higher than $10.95 par square yard in our entire do-it-yourself inventory this weekend and it's made by the best. You'll pay only $6.44 par square yard (for an average bedroom carpeting you'll spend $103.04 plus tax) for a durable nylon multi colored shag carpeting. Ideal for your child's bedroom or recreation room If you want to do your living room or family room you'll find a soft and lovely saxony plush in 6 colors for only $8.09 par squara yard, a savings of $3.00 a square yard. " Now for the best - a sumptuous carved saxony in luxury Col ors, Blue Bayou, Catuc, Wild Oats, Windsor Tan, Albino. Burnished Rust, Frosty Beige, Natural Splendor, all for only $8.75 par squara yard. This carpeting can easily be installed by yourself In any Hving room, dining room or hall! (Average cost for a Living Room and Din ing Room and Hall - $350. plus tax) Kitchen, family rooms, utility rooms, stairs and halls -- any room where you'll have excessive traffic, lots of spills and spots to remove, a special purchase of carpeting will give you a price you can't afford not to buy •• $6.53 a squara yard for a durable floor covering that is extremely easy to clean and install yourself. This is it - you'll have to shop at Tidy's Annual Summer Clearance Sale This Weekend! And you'll be able to install lux ury carpeting in your home this weekend, too! x>lem aQUEEN Carpets.. Leaden In Do-lt-Younelf Carpeting. e Htlu Carpets & Floor Coverings #*». INDOOR/OUTDOOR CARPETING Know the facta about Outdoor Carpating. Tidy's Indoor/Outdoor Carpeting ia incredibly tough, cleanable and beautiful. You'll be able to chooae from the complete selection of the latest faahiona of Indoor/Outdoor Carpeting. Not all Indoor/Outdoor Carpeting ia the same in durability, cleanabillty and looka, so come and aee why Tidy's ia the beat this weekend! Some Indoor/Outdoor Carpeting looka aa nice around your pool aa it would in your family room. You can't afford to mtsa out on the savings we'll have thia weekend for you and the tremendoua selection either. Here's what you'll find... SHERIDAN 6- RMOCO THE LOWEST PRICES IN OUTDOOR GRASS CARPETING in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. You'll pay only $2.95 a squara yard and you'll have a grass carpeting that goes with any color. Don't be fooled by this low price. This isn't junk, it's a good temporary quality grass carpeting ideal for any area outside your home. You might want a grass carpeting that will wear from 7 to 10 years - we have that too. Guaranteed not to fade for 5 years. THE LARGEST IN STOCK SELECTION... Youll choose from the following colors! Black, Red, Brown/Black, Cinnamon Twist, Fan Festival, Spring Green, Mocha Brown, Cocoa, Lagoon Blue, Red/Black, Lawngreen, Spring Green, Candy Stripes, Aztec Clay, Black Walnut, Lotus Green, Brown Sand; Irish Green, Verde Green -- all in stock ready for immediate pick-up, delivery or professional installation (20 colors in stock) GUARANTEES ALONG WITH low prices, large selection, you'll also fine our Sheridan Grass Carpets are guaranteed by Amoco for fade resistance, from 1 to 5 years and one even is guaranteed to be golf spike proof for 3 years - you'll get special prices, an unbelievable large selection and even a written guarantee, This Weekend During Tidy's Summer Clearance Sale! Prices will range from $2.99 to $14.95 a aquara yard this weekend. Tremendous savings tor you and your family! Carpets «£? Floor Coverings ' K*. MM 117 E. NW Hwy. - Barrtagfoa, 312-381-7597 IL. 289 WasklBftee • Woodstock, IL. 815*338-1989 663 Villa St. - Elgin, IL. 312-697*2699