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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jul 1982, p. 4

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Jl I \ EARL WALSH" So I Hear Hold Brown My readers know bow I like to stick to ihe facts (well, sometimes), so conflicting stories about a couple of Riverside Drive barbers has me confused. Another vacation! One story is that those overworked clippers need a rest. Another report is they have to clean house and catch up on their garden work. One close observer claims the cash register conked out for lack of oil. We know the lure of fishing ponds in the north couldn't be cause for a vacation. It is all so confusing.^ For more than half a century I have heard the same story from sweet talking receptionists in M.D. and dentist offices. "Sorry, the doctor is running a little behind schedule today." If he's a little behind, I'm a little behinder the longer I sit. John Busscher phoned and wanted to concede victory to the American League in the All-Star game. No dice. I want to beat him on the field of-ptay. On second thought, he decided he needs two more dollar bills to finish papering a room with bets he has won from me. " - (I won't know until this issue has gone to press). Grandma, Brendan, Aleen and t drove out to Happy Jack's for ice cream cones and had a good time. Mrs. Ev Hansen is still a Cub fan. Old Cub fans never die. They just suffer along Wish Dennis Welter had a season iK-krt for the While Sox When things looked darkest for the Sox. Dennis went to a game and the Sox beat the Tigers 7-S. That was tifc . night Harold Baines hit three home fiQQ SO/TI InOT The same night Dennis Lamo shut out the Tigers, allowing only four McHenry County cottage will hold We generously gave the Cubs Ken three free seminars during July. Kravec for Lamp. The Brown Bag laminars, apon- -- * f. sored by the College's ReEntry Like the swallows that return, the program, win be held July 14, Jtfy 15 Walter Careys are visiting McHenry. and July 19, Haven't known Walter's wife ao many The July years, but find meeting her to be as comfortable as an old shoe. Thought of Emil Simon and Ms wile while being a two-time loser at a bank drive-up. Side by side in lanea, we both waited and waited. My next time, I had two choicea. Naturally I picked the wrong one. It isn't slow service that causes the delay. Nope. MCCULLOM LAKE Down Milter 005-4901 The McHenry Plaindealer NliWm llm tl'M) [Utn 33$ 200) I art McHenry iHlMii MOM FhonatIS 3*5 0170 Pufclith»4 l».»y A fr>4my •• lllinoit Second Clan PAID it McHenry lllinoit by McHfNRV PUUItHIMG COMPANr POSTMASTCR tend oddroti chenfet to McHonry Ploindoalot Ml} W llm Si McHenry lllinoit 400*0 Swbitriberi ere requested »o provide immediele notice ol chenye ol ad dree* le The McHenry Plelndeder 3(1} A llm Si McHenry III 400S0 A deduction ol ene month Irom the eipirotion ol e tubt<"ptio« will be mode where e chtnfe o4 eddretft it provided throufh the Pott OHice deparlmenl Thomo* C. Miller Publisher Adele Froehlich-iditor 9toarb ©inning ilftofipaper MEMOIR NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Veor $14.50 In M« Men» y County I Year $24 00 Oulnde MrHeniy -- Cciwly - CONSUMER ̂ CHECKLIST Loaded Paper Bags Those heavy grocery bags can be hazardous to your health. People with low-back problems, hernias or heart disease should ask the checkout clerk to put just one heavy item in each bag along with lightweight items, and use smaller bags if possible "Zeke" dipped into his budget and ordered a stack of cross-word puzzle books for me. When the package arrived, I thought, "Now what?" Then Alvina found a card I had over looked. (Wives are that way.) Haven't seen so many puzzle books since we visited Coach Stringer. In a letter from Coach, he said he is going to live to the age of 100 years. It just came to me that it will take that long for him to work all those puzzles he has stacked up. Another change in our neighborhood -- a big change. Bill Kreutzer fought a good fight, but finally loat his battle to live. There couldn't be a better neighbor than Bill. He was always ready with a helping hand. We lived across the driveway from each other for 34 years and the only difference we ever had was the long standing Cubs vs White Sox feud. So long, Bill. Hope to meet you up there some day--with just a driveway between us. an- Gcaertc Drugs You may be able to pay less for prescription drugs. Un­ less your doctor prescribes a specific brand name drug, your pharmacist can select a less costly, yet effective, gen­ eric drug when filling your prescription. ALPINE FESTIVAL The Lake Zurich Lions club nounces its fortieth annual Alpine Festival to be held July 16,17 and 18 in Lion Fred Blau park, Main atreet (Route 22) in Lake Zurich. The perk will open at 6:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday evenings and at 2 on Sunday immediately following the Alpine parade For additional information regarding the Alpine Festival call the Lake Zurich Lions club at 540-0321. July 14 seesion en Biology Anxiety ie a look at whet gooe on in an introductory erience claaa by in­ structor Janice Young. The will be in Room 145 from 13:19 to t p.m. The July IS seminar wiB be a talk on Feminism and the Stop BRA Movement by Mel Wallace, MCC criminal justice instructor and coordinator. The noon to 1:10 p.m. session will be held in Room 144. The July 19 Brown Bag is a session from 7 to J p.m. in Room 149 on the Duties and Responsibilities of a Security Organization. MCC In­ structor Christopher Cardamom will conduct the seminar which prssents a general overview of a succeesful security operation. Althragh the Brown Bag seminars are free, enrollment is limited becauae of available seating space. To register for the Brown Bag seosions listed above, telephone the college's registration office at (919) 4594910 and ask to register for a summer Brown Bag aession. Assistance For Cooling Needs The McHenry County Housing Authority is now accepting ap­ plication from low income households which tre experiencing a medically neceaaitated need for cooling. This assistance will take the form of payments to the household's cooling energy vendor on behalf of the household. Households whose rent includes their utilities are aleo eligible to apply. Households who are eligible must have incomes which do not exceed a 90 day maximum income limit and must have a medical certification which clearly statee that a member of the family needs medical cooling. For information about the cooling component of the Illinoia Home Energy Assistance program for low income, senior citizens and families may call the McHenry County Housing Authority at 915-339-7752 and ask for Diane Kelly. While her McKlms Host Florida Guests Marie and Welly Hojnacki are here rie, Fla. visiting daughter Allan McKim. its are up here, iwn Branson and Tommy, came down Wia. to spend a week visiting, while husband Tom is off fishing ih Canada. The McKim household must be a very happy one with the family all together in one state. BEACH GALS MEETING Nine ladies were present st the Beach Gala' July 7 meeting when the 4th of July fund raiaer was discussed. There will be s bowling night July 19. All the ladies attending should meet down at the beach at 9:30 p.m. After bowling, the girls will go out for something to eat. The Aug. 4 meeting will be the super summer salad supper which will start at 9:30 p.m. Everyone ia asked to bring either a cold or hot salad and a good appetite. Linda Bacon brought refreshments and the prize of perfume, which was won by Lynn Morris. BIRTHDAYS Hsppy birthdsy wishes go this week to Bruce Walter on July 14; Chuck Miller, July 15, happy day Dad; Pat Wyman celebrates July 16; Lisa Martini turns 14 July 17; Sandy Lasco shares July 19 with Don Milbratz; Jason Weisenberger turns 10 July 19 and Marge Stacknick's special day is July 30. We wish you all many happy returns of the day. COMMUNITY CALENDAR July 20 - Conservation club meeting at 9 p.m. at Spojnia barn. All residents welcome to attend. Downsfate Problems JUNE TRAFFIC TICKETS David W. Horin, Wonder Lak» speed SO in 49 m.p.h. zone. Randall M. Think, Antioch, no tail lights on trailer. ^ Peter J. Ott, Carpentersvilfe disobeyed stop sign. Scott K. Brittich, McCuUom i^y disobeyed stop sign. James A. Conway, McCullom Lake improper starting. Delorie Lake D. Flynn, Wonder speeding 50 in 40 m.p.h. zone. Stuart Howerton, McHenry speeding 51 in 40 m.pJL aone. Jakob Katxenberger, Wonder Lake speeding 50 in 49 m.p.h. aone. Rosemary J. Wagner, Wonder Lake, speeding 59 in 49 m.i Robert J. Hermes, Wond expired vehicle reg. Robert A. Tournaa, McHenry, speeding 57 in 40 m.p.h. aone. Daniel L. Weeoloski, Round Lake, speeding 97 in 40 m.p.h. zone. Dale J. Tocik, Wonder Lake, speeding 57 in 40 m.p.h. zone. Thomas Damiano, Woodstock, vehicle reg. Jauregut, Cary, illegal trane. of lkniar. Roberto P. Villarreel, Cary, illegal trans, of liquor. Virgil D. Price, Jr., Carol Stream, speed 30 in 90 m.p.h. zone. Kelly J. Duggan, Island Lake, speedi'ig 50 in 40 m.p.h. zone. Carliale F. Stone, Greet Lakes Naval, speeding 53 in 40 m.p.h. zone. James G. Springer, McHenry, speeding 50 in 40 m.p.h. zone. • Matt J. Kurtz, Wonder Lake, speeding 55 in 40 m.p.h. zone. Richard M. Lindquist, McHenry, speeding 31 in 20 m.p.h. zone. Matt A. Adams, McHenry, speeding 30 in 20 m.p.h. zone. Mark A. Slonina, McHenry, disobeyed stop sign. John F. Bradach, L.I.T.H., speeding 54 in 40 m.p.h. zone. Review Tollway Authority Policy Regarding Bridges ile 0*1 NEW! 20-Pc. Boiled Shrimp Dinner $3.29 THRO AUGUST 31, 1982 t 4313 West Route 120, McHenry f • With thib coupon: 3-Pc. Fish Dinner Special $2.79 Each dinnei has 3 tish fillets. '. fryev slaw b 2 hushpuppies Offer expires: July 31, 1982 i'-ft • Good only at: 4313 West Route 120, • I • • I • With this coupon. 2 Fish & Chicken Dinners *3.99 Each dinner has 1 fish fillet. 2 Chicken Planks," fryes G slaw. Offer expires: July 31, 1982 Good only at: 4313 West Route 120, '1 • • • • • MABbtyUSKtT mt A customer dissatisfied ** • Z ' sumtr not think,k--- per way But some others When you write to the manufacturer, keep a copy of your letter and all bills, for future reference. A courteous letter usually brings results, and some companies even have hotlines to handle con­ st satisfac­ tion. If you are'dissatisfied with a product or service, complain at the local level first. Usually a local dealer will stand behind his pro­ ducts. If you have a legitimate complaint, prepare to explain to the dealer juet how the item or service was unsatisfactory. Be as specific as possible with the dealer and carry along your receipt. If, as happens occasion­ ally, the deal* do* not satis­ fy what you see as a legitimate claim, you must contact the manufacturer. Oct the manu­ facturer's name and address from labels on the product or from use, care or owner's manuals. * If you i or do not receive a i from the manufacturer, you will have to turn to an ap­ propriate government agency for help. |flall»9aMNv Wise runaers aad joggers Buy want to aiodify exercise routines as summer temper­ atures heat up, but there is no reason to stop running. A physical fhaess expert warns ioggsrs to be aware of their . If the sweat is drip-eoff and not evaporat-k" k is tkne to slow down. Senator Jack Schaffer, R-McHenry county reports that the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Adviaory committee, at its July 6 meeting, requested, the operations committee of the Toll Highway Authority to look into the Authority's policy as it relates to the maintenance of local bridgee over the tollway system. The action thr fiqusst of Senator reft wno Slniicated, "thit were starting to develop in many downstate counties, including Boone, DeKalb, McHenry and Lake, concerning the maintenance of overpass structures that were built when the Toll highway as originally cone true ted" Schaffer pointed out that many of these smaller two-lane bridges are for local townahip and county roads where many of these counties and townahipe do not have the funds to pay for expensive deck work. Schaffer cited one example from his diatrict of Spring township in Boone county, where the local bridge tax leVy brings in approximately 96,000 per year. Minor bridge deck repair projects can coat anywhere from 15,000 to 9100,000. Major bridge repair can coat from one-half to a million dollars. Needlesss to say, Spring townahip ia in no noeition to pay for theee types of projects even though their roads cross the tollway and are vital. Schaffer indicated during the course of the Advisory committee meeting, "there appears to be three alternative poeaibilities: one, that tyie bridges be allowed to continue COMMUNITY COUEGi DISTRICT NO. 509 COUNTIES OF KANE, COOK, DEKALB, DUPAGE, MCHENRY AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Elgin Community Collogo Tax Lovy Notice The public 19 horoby notified that o public hearing concerning the propotod lovy Increase will bo hold an July 27, 1902, of 7:90 o'clock p.m., at tho Board Mooting Room, Elgin Com­ munity College, 1700 Spartan Drive, Elgin, lllinoit. (1) Tho amount of property taxos exclusive of election costs, extended or estimated to bo ox- tended an behalf of tho taxing district for tho preceding year, Is $9,099,691. (2) Tho amount of tho proposed levy, exclusive of alactlon costs, for tho current year, Is $4,900,912. (9) Tho porcontago increase Is 14.1%; and (4) Tho data, time and ploco of tho public hearing are sot forth oforosold; pursuant to Public Act 02*102, effective July 29,1901. Dated June 22,1902. Donald E. Waters Secretary Community CoMogo District No. 509 Elgin Community Colloga ' (Published July 14,1902) catting Off vital roads; or three, the Toil Highway Authority would have to re-think their current policy and work in cooperation with ' local unita of government to maintain its bridge system." Schaffer stated, "It ia obvious to me that the only workable alternative is the third one and urge the Toll High­ way Authority to adopt a realistic policy."' Toll Highway Executive Director Gayle Framen indicated that over 100 bridges were involved and the coat implications were in the millions. Attempted rapea are leea likely to be reported to police. White women are leas likely to report rape to police than black or other minority women. FREE When you purchase a dozen donuts % ou»g«th»s coupon into any participating Dunktn' Donuts\hop and purchase one doaen delicious donuts arythe regular price We'll give you six j more doniits free Ca--Aktnarihsiiwidi ujrdHrWhr. OFFER EXPIRES 7/21/82 LIMIT: 2 OFFERS PER COUPON M worth the trip. 4S04W.RTE. 120 H i >- $

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