WL Sports Calendar trainer t̂f chem ĵl̂ ^ns, wfJH l)̂ t At rtngelde, Sunday, July 18, deacrtbtng the action whan CBS airs a 12-round UMA MgMwatvM Championship bout batwaan former WBA champ Art Frtae and tha WBA* Mo.6- rank ad contandar Ruben Munoz. SATURDAY (NBC) MAJOR liiMHft 1 QAAM-Of- (CBB) SPORTS SATURDAY A live 12-round USBA welterweight champion bout between Marlon Starling and Kevin Morgan. Same day coverage from London of the race between current world's record holder in the mile Sebastian Coe and the former titleholder Steve Ovett. SUNDAY . . r (NRC) SPORTSWORLD The Michigan 500; "Survival of the Fttteet;" and a report by Dick Enberg on the J982 Tour de France' bicycle race. (ARC) BRIT1SN OPEN Golf action from England (CBS)SRORTS SUNDAY A 12-round USBA Lightweight Champions!*) bout between former WBA champ Art Frias and tha WBA's No.6-ranked contender Ruben Munoz. Tim Ryan and Angelo Dundee are ringside. The "Cal*,«, gary Stampede" of rodeo, from Alberta,,Canada, with Tom Brook shier, Terry Bradshaw and Larry Mahan. (ABC)SRORTSSIAT The Kansas City Royals take on the Boston Red Sox st Fenway Park The Cinncinati Reds visit the Cardinals in St. Louis in the alternate game. "TSutPAYTHirH "̂" A woH oltocti cfeonQOt or wmocoot (ARC) MONDAY MONT BASffBALL "OV* 'Amaxing D»h»|. •omm. Ion Oon*y, Jr., Roipfc lot- lamy. 1WS k*lp a U.S. und*»to»*i ag*nt wag* • WW on trim#. Frod Attain. 3:90 PM ws. KJ» O @ CIS V MMWWMII 5:00 PM I I Wkat WM Tkoy Tkink i (9 w 2:00PM O MOV* 'Scaio- wog' A gang o( «af •bonds took tr*a*ur* in lata Cat IVumlni AAjij-L | ̂*4 fornia. KM UbUyfOI, mOfl IBB •rand 1973. O M«Mk Oty 1 Cawntry Hit* >kwi Top 99 Skoat/Dan't Ska* t 99 Nova 'Tk* T*tn Man Eipto dan.' Tkw *pnod* loalu t at SM M» i*̂ ^̂ oloji*i kit at ci aaHng a w- JHqd WHKH could (*r«* to trawl-- HI our ftvos again. (AO min.) (Clowd CcytionBii] (3D 99 (39 r** Mw •kols 0 MOVM: 'ANMTWT 0 ®| rWtraW *• a 99 MOV» Tk* Hoykoy of tka Wadatn WWM* A dUaidhd and inn an Ik* WM coart mi a remote and toS* a tapti.atoiu ttory ol kow Ho mur- Ills foiliBc an McKaana, ̂'O' y oymond EltpBlH 19*3 IRHTRBHBRBI Track and Md> On jikii 'SI Moot Inm S Q9 Huwan Dim •nsion • Slack 1**II ty 99 (9 C»i*«ly Adai ms 7:30PM d Mov* TI». Tfciaf A Communis ipy itooh <**wt Mcrah, tfwn nNm *w tor tor** •( conwm Ray MMand. Ma Gam Martin GaM. 195J MOV* M m* (39 Twita i ® • ® i ® a® 4MPM0OMM O O Mary Tytor MOOM 9 WM* Warid of ® Maple of OS Painting ® • (9 To* V Tk* T< 3:00 PM ® • ® M)*w 'tMt otf < \ P Wgar Say IOMMOIMW O <8 Iparta Aftoid O 2® MOWBi 'Ionian THa TMng fcow Vmmm' A Kwn*« bo- »o*** ikat an lull *fa Bawl ol V*nut hoc cam* to rid Ik* tank of man'» a MP** party at WWam and Sandy * Sat. (SO mm ) |Ctot*d Cap I 'iMt Oty ai Si* Ju -̂WWI and UMM.' (SO min.) (9 Ska Ha Na V SOVft 'Ho'nmpc' O MOVK 'Faro* QUtMitNa^y TV IS* 0 Vk Srod.n. ' • *»-Trafc © $9 MOVK IWr Dongkln IN* In a mwdcal lamSy 01 IOMC dî fii and wkat Hap pant wk*n «WY ri M h IM* »Si Ik* torn* man tan* Satori. •aim. iakn OarfMd 1S3S VawC Mag far Nana. • 09 evtdaSna/FamSy living • » (9 4:15PM 4:30 PM PjRM 'Twawfy WorKy Drew Woofc 5:30PM A O NiHaS of • 1 Noack CM I WwM of IM* l<fetS*ar Spi i/Smid OM Opry I VM CM'I 0* Ttwl On TV