WW? SATURDAY, JUIY 17 N O W O P E N E O k Y O U K D I N I N G P I I A M W | t • t i r \ i t t t Y i T \ ̂ 1:30AM • Mm Jaoa 10:45 PM • Dar die HUM of Gmm tplet Richard Burton. CBht Eottwood. Mary UN. 1W 11:00PM Oh* 0 ® Bteobtg at tbo faaprav 0 MOVft Yoar lyw Only (0 0 MOVft Red DM *- Th. i.imn of an Mo-Ommm planta tion citoln havoc whan lw foBt in low wMt the wife of a young engi- imt. Clark Gable, Joan Harlow. Gono Raymond. 1933 9 9 Nows/SIgN Off O MOVft Lady Thief 1:45 AM 0 MOVMb The «r> of the Cmh' A young Roman ark- tocrat tacrtficet a> for l»«o of o Oirtttian girt. Frederic March, Oau- dette Cofcert. Chariot LM#HII'I. 1932 2:00 AM 0 MOVft fab* •< Tenor While driving with hit girff riond. a young man hat an and it thocked Mo amm driver Peter Carpenter, Thome 1971 Q Nightboot O Movie Cont'd r u i o n v v i * ON s w o u r F n IN \ \ I H i NW "A Delicious Polish-American Smorgasbord" Everyday HOUR* Specials Roost Roof. Rakad Hqpi, Friad Chick on. froth Polish Sousago Potato Poncahot, Pwrogii, Blintzot, Sow p. 12 Salods 12 Dwnrti and much, mwch mora L U N C H : T U E S D A Y f H I D A » I I 1 0 . < D I N N E R . T U E S D A Y T H I J W M ) A » i O H > v o n ER IDAY AND SA!Uk [1AV T OF P. S U N D A Y ' A N D H O L I D A Y S NOON H 00 FOR RESERVATIONS PIEASE CAU 344 0330 C L O S E D W O N D A Y PuioiiiHaiii IHJ Britkh Open from Troon, fullwi • Third nd ® CKrhfTl 5:30 AM OiMNwM > Onto Cbetth 11:30PM _ _ Mtrifwri A Oerman, matĉ jorad- ing ot a Switt, it block wotted Mo aiding in the eeptore of a Gorman cargo thip hunted by pie Britith. Morton irando, Yut " Howard. 196S Austria Cup "Wi Semi ftnoh 0 MOW: The Mb finger of Fete' The Jwup t̂orawrt of the Fin- gon of Fate invofcot o young, voco tioning Amertcpn In unoepected odventure Tab thMerj; 1947. 2:30 AM 0 movft iMMMt and Smoke' A neurotic tpMter grope* for the love of o hudtnmt young doctor who doet net thore 6:00AM • NoMe/JeMo Q Sign On fBP Sv̂ iniNNi 0 ® 700 dub _ 1961 0 From tbo MMor't Doek Cu^rTfinlb* « Cm* I Day of PlMOtory I Church Growth fatter aK 7:45 AM •:00 AM 0 <29 u i • (»»«. 9 MOVft 'Tbo b-- "*•' A man taAen from jad and ptoced in the BrWtk Atop Intelligence It o» tigned to get back a Britith Kientitt who hat left the country with- a to- crot Me Michael Come, Nigel Green, Guy Do lemon 1963. 12:00AM 0 Atiieiito't Top TOM B Sntmtoininont Thi* Wotk o MOVft KM and KM Again' 2:45AM O MOVft AM el A*M' A war hero reach to the kiB ing of the enemy whom ho doe* not per mw idly herfe. Richard DU. Efiio- both Aden. Ralph BeRamy. 1933 0 MOVft Weffen 3:00 AM O mov» 'i*«wbb Stripe* An e«-con trying to go ttroight tacrificot himteff for hit kid brother who n about to go wrong. Humphrey Bogart, WWiom llolden, George Raft. 1939 0 MOVft To fto Announced 0 MOVft Tbo *ay OIT A gang leader, raftag through hit tu- 6:15AM O 4:30AM 0 0 Stmt of My Beet Mom4 BR Rottboi Bunch B MM fat But/bit 0 My TbrM IOM 0 Sign On • C tbo Cryetol Cathtdiol 0 (H) 0 3® «b H It Written 0 5§ 700 Oub 0 MOVft *R Muet Die' A Hun garian Irving in a South American coentry gott kwolrod In polMct. in- duMiol choot, murder end the at- lotiinatior of Bte exiled politicol leader. DarrM McGavin, NMda " 1973. 1930. 3:30 AM 3:45 AM 0 Rat * 4:00 AM 6:45 AM 0a«w 7:00 AM 0 (W Battle of i SB bet b SpMO Nod. Surge* MerodHh. 1973. fp BPN Special OoR 0 MOVft R% tbo KM Mtt PioMtileHtn. 19M BrtMtb Open •J from Troon, Scottond - Third 12:30 AM O Dm* Kbtcbttor't Bock Contort 4:15 AM 0 World/Large -- -- -- 4:30 AM 0OWoO«H Service U.S.A. 12:45AM O MOVft Tbo Ptdtt Mgbf A federal agent md hit mm are pitted agoleit the cor rupt poeior dnMure of • toudmm _ .y a .. Me. ChrPlepkii George, Ralph AJ9I IV Mottoy Nlilliit 00 O Day rt Oltf »»ry 0 ® Church of C 0(H)0® 0 Uok-ln •:15AM 0 •:30AM 0 O Old Btbortt and You I Mo* Mat In Connal Path a 1:00 AM 1*6* Tale* of tbo 0 MOVft 'lb* Woman Hunt or1 A woaBhy »imw b t the fear Aat an I ((mundmyj) (If) 0 (10 SB Baa Hum IB Oral Bobortt 7/H/82 and murderer » M. R< 1973 5:00AM O OoMb ib« 7:30AM 0 0 Tbb b tbo Magk Dw . Z Sport* BMy Nb to f MM SU' MOVft Web aad 0 $$ STV MM «F 9:00 AM 0i 0 bwid* Out