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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1982, p. 1

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PLAINDEALER & "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875 FRIDAY. JULY 16. 1982 VOLUME 106 NUMBER 101 1 SECTION 18 PAGES 25 Lakemoor-Fritzsche Dispute Near Climax George Hack, engineer for Baxter been denied the constitutional and Woodman who calculated the guarantee of "equal protection under retss, testified Tuesday that the the law," thus violating his rights The charges were set, based on a sttorney ssid applications hsd been "rsssonsbls amount" that should be made st the commercial rate of ISO ihsigsd to an Industrial user, Poper per month, but bills had been charged sakL at the industrisl rste of $75 per month. On more than one occasion, Yost Poper conceded thst there msy isfsrrod to grant aukMlnes which have been a mistake in billing. said ths user should pay an amount "He (Fritzsche) has a right to ob- proportionete to the amount of sewage ject to the amount, but he does not put into ths system. have a right to object to the propriety "Unices you have a metered of the rates," Poper ssid. system, that is irrdevent," Poper In the fall of 1978, the Village of said. Lake moor instslled s connecting "We are trying to show that the sewer line to the sewage treatment Industrial park volume is a very small fscility st Island Lake. The Village of percentage of the total," Yost said. Islsnd Lake charged Lakemoor a per- "If that is trat, then the bills are thoussnd gsllon charge Lakemoor dsproportionete." then sdds the cost of line main- Poper added, "We have to estimste. tensnce, operation and ad- He's got to show that our sssumptions ministration. were wrong. Unless he's going to About three yesrs sgo, Lakemoor rebut George Heck thst this is what passed sn ordinance estsblishing can ha reasonably expected to be put monthly rates for sewer use -- $10 for into ths system.... He can't show residentisl, $30 for commercisl snd lecords because he's not hooked up to $75 for industrisl. ths system." Fritssche then ssked to use meters, Yost challenged the spplication of contending the only sewage generated the ordinance saying Fritssche had •*•••• 16) by Anthony Ottvsr A three- to four-year-old dispute ever sewer ratss set by ths Village of Lakemoor Is nsarina issolutlim in the 18th Judicial Circuit courtiuom of judge Roland Hermann. It apnsnred a sstUsment might be reached toward the end of the second day of testimony, Wednssdsy, but that was not to be ths eats. The village tad said it would acespt 117,100 la back chargee and payment sf aD hook-en fees but this was rejected by William C Fritssche, owner of Fritsschs In­ dustrisl Park and party to ths suit. The crux of the matter Is the sewer rates set by the Village of 1 skwnnnr. Fritssche, through his attorney Stephen Yost, of Cary, argue that the ratee are exorbitant and the law unconstitutional. Ilia industrial park BMnager is iwsiring to Install meters #0 that they can pay a lower metered toe rather than the flat rate ihargad by the village. Village Attorney Michael Pong ssid the burdsn of proof Is on Frits­ sche to prove that the rates are exorbitant by "a dear and convincing margin." Dissolve Village Association President Hugh Glsves echoed residents' concerns recently. "We were better off ss sn sssocistion," he said. "In s village this smsll, I don't believe it csn afford s new squsd car and shotgun." Another dissolution sdvocste, Ken Msjewski, seemed the village boerd of being negligent snd fslling to msintain the rosds. "1 don't see that the village is going anywhere," Rachel noted. But, on the other side of the coin, v i l l a g e o f f i c i a l s b e l i e v e w e making rapid progreSuMisnWender Lske bees me incorporated, it inherited $13,000 in sccumulated debts incurred from road repair work while under aasociation control. According (C*«iMnw«4 on MS* 14) Village Presidsnt William Andres sakL "Not a single solitary one can be proved. It's hsrd to prove s lie." Tsn petitions for dissolving the village of Wonder Lake were cir­ culated over the Fourth of July weekend In the village and gathered 18$ signatures, mere than the 133 signatures needed to place the qusstion on ths Nov. S ballot. rarmor vtltoas presidsnt, James Petitions for ths dissolution of the Villsge of Wonder Lake were presented to and accepted by Village Clerk Duane Zeman Tussdsy mor­ ning. "That is ths village's statement," she ssid. For new, the village board sesms content to wage a waitiag game. Offldftls are confldsnt thsre has been About 500' manufacturing com­ panies snd industries currently fag in McHenry county are turvtyed this month to deter-their special concerns snd Spesrhesded by the Economic Development Committee (EDC) of the county board, this industrisl survey is psrt of sn ongoing program aimed at retaining local firms snd even sssisting them to expend, thereby improving employment opportunities and the overall economy of the county. A nine-page questionnaire has been mailed to eech of the companies, from small plant to large corporation, and 180 of them wifl he followed up by a visitJrorn^a team^of municipal of- Quastions range from recruitment snd training oflebor, to availability of services, to legislative issues such es workmen's compensation laws. To fscilitate a project of this magnitude, lead agencies have been enlisted for each major community In the county. In moat instances, eithsr local chambers of commerce or economic development commissions hsve accepted ths responsibility for mailing out the questionnaires and forming visiting teams. Thsre Is also a pool of resource poisons Iran Us matter now rests with ths patitloasrs. "ty (evidence) will become a matter of public record at the proper time," Mrs. Zeman said. She would not say whan that would be, but Mated It would come soon. "We've heard a lot of charges," oft request. "We want Industriss to know we care about their concuma and wish to do what we can," said Bill Hubbard, county board member and EDC chairman. "It's Important for ths public and private sectors to cooperate in efforts that wiH stimulate ths economy, not just for this year, but for the long haul." In McHenry, lead sgsacv Is ths McHenry Economic Development commission. John Smith, Smith Engineering, Is chsirman of the survey teems. For each call on in­ dustry management, several of the following win form s team: Barb Gilpin or Jack Papptog, representing the city, aad Kit Gtrsteaa, Dennis Wonderlick, Chuck Neugebauer, Tom Botger, Bryce Klonts, Dave Gelwtcks, Butch Meyer and Dan Curran. The McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce and Fran Olssn, director, have handled the mailing of the questioonariss and follow-up phone calls. Smith said 88 of ths largsst com right out of their mouths." proponents would like to see the sres return under the wing of the Sunrlss Ridge Property Owners sssocistion, ths orgsniistion It seceded from ebout seven years sgo. In recent weeks he has welcomed, on a dally basis, five early spring ducks now sbout two-thirds grown. A ramp allows essy access to his Iswn, where the handout is ssgsrly con­ sumed. Last Thursday only four made the visit, snd Behnke wondered what had heppened to the missing duek. The answer came the following day when he detected something straage clinging to his wandsrtng feathered friend as it returned. On close examination he found a rubber worm attached to a fish hook which had been caught In the duck's wing. The nylon line had become ensnared in a heavy piece of cdilad wire snd the duck was unable to free itself. Swimming was difficult, and flying impossible, but the dnck ap­ parently became so hungry It managed to reach its sccustomed feeding soot. A tamer game warden for the State of Illinois, Behnke freed the duck, snd found that although ths wing was bloody, it sppeered not to be broken. After s hearty feeding session, it joined the othsrs to queck lts***gv A 'report that water lilies ere making a comeback in the Bay area gtvee rise to one person's speculation thst the condition of the wster msy hsve improved. It is something we will be checking out. If true, it is good news to everyone who hss long reslised the vshie of the Fox-Chain O'Lakee area in its effect on both business snd general living But whetever the snswer is found to be, one of the river's young duck population feels ths improvement Isn't sufficient to guarantee safs living conditions for himself snd the hundreds of his kind that inhabit ths waters of ths McHenry area. Carl Behnke, who resides along River road, loves the wildlife that make their home here, and he doee as much or more than anyone elae to •lake their lives s bit eastar. Throughout the winter he joins s small number who partidpete to a large ecals feeding program. But the advent of spring doesn't halt his ef- Theme Bight. Friday. Jaly 38, will be e colorful Mead of musk, seag. dance aad a da is ling variety of local talent aad specialty acts aa pert of Fleete Days. As the time capsule Is filled with aemsrsm Items, sround which the Theme eight show Is being creeled, the Snmmerfest Pis yen will provide s musics I bridge throughout the eveelng. Pictured are Snmmerfest performers, at ten, Colette Wipper; middle row. Busy Bird. JUI Scheefer and Carolyn Bird; front row, Dylan O'Leary, Jeff Cook, end Sue Smith. Net pictured, but also performing sre Annie O'Leary. Andres Pace, Doug Marls, Robin Irwin. Msdeleine Ahem. Megdelenj Dewe, Rite Richardson, Maureen Serritelle, and Aflee Smite ., who la writing aad directing the Shew. Theme eight esersoslsas will open In Pesrt street perk st 8 p.m.. with sntertstnmsut beginning at 7 p.m. and running continuously to 11 p.m. Mark J oaten will emcee the event, which promises to be s major highlight of Fiesta Days 1883. Routes 888 AIM B will result in sn annual saving of 80,888." Rt. S0QA provided one morning trip from Richmond to the Milwaukee time snd piece in the twentieth cen­ tury. The capsule is scheduled to be reopened in 8083, snd Items to be Included focus on msjor events in politics, social changes, and cultural In a show written, directed snd produced by McHenry raeidsnt A1 Smith, and featuring some fsvorite locel talsat, toe time capsuls will bs packed with historical artifacts and memorabilia reflecting this Friday, July 80, Pteeta Days' Thorns night bursts on the en­ tertainment scons with a latent- In a multi-media ex- irresponsible Bills To Promote Business Action In Sprlngflold Pago 8 FREE TV Guide In Today's Edition County Fair Talent Show Entry Doadllno July 28 Pago 18 mm « J

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