McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jul 1982, p. 10

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P \t«K »«* PI \1M»KAI.K.H HtH>.\V.JIH,V 23. I9H2 r«<vw<» n pripiW «<>. CwA *t Tliiiii. *w m4 OW«H MM MUST bt p«M In Th* PUIwdeaUr to m« fMpimtli far tmn In to aftar Mia flnt IwnrHn. Cfcack yaw arf ^ 1 aaA«4laa Aaj| ĵ JI jy<a 4a mm IM»W» Vvvvv WW ^̂ P™1 wW' aiiw""*" ""f CUBIC FT AMANA Side FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Side Refrigerator; 38" Yamaha MX 100; I960 OmaHQUBi MOMOAY-MHDAY StSSAM TO fiMTM SATURDAY 9 TO IS NOON C1ASSIH1D COPY PiAPUMi WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4:00 PM FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4:00PM 815-385-0170 DO a c wi no •riei li F len 00 T6p & OBEDIENCE COUCH * LOVESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent lition 8125.00;; Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 JUST REDUCED Fi keyboards with rhythm 820.000 to $14,500. 5 section, excellent condition Giant Oaks Estates. CLASSIFIED ADS! N SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, many sizes. FOOSBALL TABLE $225.00. • 7-24-7-31C autos beige-brown pattern, vinyl mmma placemats $2 00 Call after 7-24-7-31C 5 HORSE POWER Clutch FORD 1977. ton Super Cab 5pm after 5pm. driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks Camper Special, power Cash only, all prices firm. 7- with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard. 3 years old. First FOR SALE JttUHTJTt ACRE High and IUSMOS SCMHCES Htlflftt SCtWCES muLmiwi 3 mbwiaiT STEAMEX STEAM CARPET cleaning "gentle but thorough", living room k hall $45.00, additional rooms $20.00 each. Bauman Carpet Cleaning 815-943- 4793. 7-2tfc MARIAS ALTERATIONS, For Fast Service k Low Prices. Open Monday thru Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 3pm. 815-385-3209. 4821 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 7-7tfc COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE •Traa Trimming •Traa Ramoval •Stump Ramaval •Firewood •Snow Ramoval •Fraa C*tlmot»* •Fully Inturad (815)385-6733 Mum Now accepting consignments for summer auctions. Items on floor for sale at all times For more information contact 815-44S-4200 between 1UAM & 6PM Open Daily 6/l$.r/3t 6/L6-7/3$C PROFESSIONAL PAINTER Hovo awn oqwlpmont Extonor-lnforior. Commercial. Residential Industrial Sondblotting and High Prestur* Woter Slotting Raotonabla PrltM Stnrki Yoa CM D«F«^ 0> •15-344-2087 I n I JO i n ROOF REPAIR DON'T BUY A NEW ROOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 74 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED RIID I SON CONST. •15-344-1020 • • • • • • • i r r D R BUILDING SUPPLIES Senco Guns, Noils & Stapler Wiremesh -- Rebar PVC Pipe & Fittings Corrugated Pipe -- Sump Pits Sonotube -- Culverts Duraform Tys & Forms Window Bucks & Inserts f Assorted Contractor Tool* 1903W.Rt». ISO McHenry, III. BfB-385-6445 Siding Wood Decks S. Slake (SonAtzuctioH Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and draw plan» tor your now homa or ramodaling needs €jjlW Roof ing Free Estimates Call John Blaka 385-5593 after 5PM Concrete Patios 7/JTFJ CONTROL SYSTEMS CONTRACTORS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Industriol-Commerciol-RiesidentiQl Serving McHenry-Cfystal LoKe 25 Years Experience Lighting Specialists Free Estimotes Phone: 312-520-3555 After 6:00 P.M. 1-385-3231 815 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Res iden t ia l Commerc ia l I ndus tno l h.g \ovmqs on Residential work Pi oven by thoutondt ol stjtivliod cuMomen SPRING DISCOUNT • Moi hint» I aid 'New Onypj • H«'»uilo< mq *Porking lots •St-al Cootinq All woiU guaranteed F r<>«< (\fima*<>% 312-546-5600 _ G r a y s l o k o I I I ' MARK KEIL, Exterior It Interior Painting. Also paint barns. Free estimates, insured. 815- 338-1378. 7-23-8-27C SCHUERR WAY Builders. All phases of Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing, Heating, Tiling. No job too small. Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4808. 7-2tfc NEED AN ESTIMATE For Your Concrete Work? Call Ken. Quality Work. All Types Of Cement Work. 815-728- 1548. 7-2tfc INTERIOR k EX­ TERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates. Call Jim 815-458-3877. 7-2tfc PIANO TUNING. Summer tune-up time! Call Vincent Dorr, 815- 385-7981. 7-21-7-30C SEAL COAT Driveways and parking lots. Professional job, for less than if you did it yourself. 815-459-4888, 312-381-6589. 7-21-7-30C --mn-- DOIT RICH! AUTO REPAIR Mechanical-llectrlcol at vary reasonable rotas Free Estimotes 815-728-1040 aher4».m. WELMM SERVICE -All Types Welding- SPECIALIZING IN *tsat Prap Rspain *C«$tM Trailar Hrtchts 2912 W. Rta. 120. McHanry JM 5-385-4929 > RUSSELL SEFTK SERVICE • • REPAIRS * ELECTRIC SEWER ROliW listallatioi of ROW siptics 8153856445 WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Sifting your m COMMERCIAL-HISIOCNTIAI 28 ynrs ixftrinci. Wi ire m tikiii •rim. Dili iinct with IWMT I sm!! Coll anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312 223-5634 UBERTYVILLE 312 3674676 JJir, MAIMISOir SEPTIC SERVICE Now Saptlc Installation*, and Rapalri. Sockhoe Work. Questions about your septic lyitamit Clva us a call. llflit Hauling, Drivaway graval. top tall. sand and fill. I15-344-398Q 211 •Clictricil •fMily •MaiatNiacf Fm Dtcks t PorcJus •Ham Ripairs Na Jab Taa Small Coll HvryL Viuns Ib UMstnctdi 815-385-284 Largest I N'HPI. I* M* 4 Midd* Mf On Oriveweys Ova 1000 Sq Ft •Parking loti«New Drives •long Lanes •Pitching •Resurtacmfl'Seal Costing 24 Hour Sarvlca All Work Guorontaad Fraa Istlmotes •li LAWN CARE. Yard Work, Hedges, Mowing, Weeding, Feeding, Trimming etc. Very reasonable. David 815- 455-5598. 7-2tfc REMODELING. CALL US for your remc needs or garage ditions. Free estimates. 815-853-7281. 6-25-7-23C PAINTING, Patching and Light Repairs. Very e. David 815-reasonable 455-5538 7-2tfc ALLANS BLACKTOP R4S DECORATING, Custom Interior k Exterior Painting k Wall papering. Free estimates. 815-459-4264 7-2tfc BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Profess ional Dog Grooming. All breeds. Cal l 815-385-2018 for appointment. 7-2tfc NOW IS THE TIME to do your concrete work. Call for a free estimate. C k E Concrete. 815-385- 3596. 7-2tfc MONEY IS Available! If you are in need of a loan, call 815-728-0404. Patrick James Letizia, Financial Planners since 1968. 7-2tfc ALBRECHT Con­ struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. 7-2tfc CONCRETE CON­ TRACTOR, Foun­ dations and aU types of Concrete work. Quality, work, flree estimates. 815-385-4390. 7-7-9-lC PACK k SHIP, via UPS, Post Office, Bus, Air, Boat. Hours 9am to 5pm, Saturdays by appointment 815-385- 3074. Pack k Ship, 4727 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, II. 60060. 7-2- 7-30c PLUMBING, New work, remodel ing, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725. 7-2tfc LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reasonable rates. 815-385-9386. 7- 2tfc SEWING MACHINE RE P A I R , D o m e s t i c I t Industrial,In Home Service. We carry parts and suppl ies for a l l sewing machines . Keener k Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728-0672 . 7- 2tfc NORTHERN ILL. MECHANICAL, INC Plumbing, Hot water heat, Sewer k Water, Sept ics , New work, S e r v i c e w o r k , Remodeling Resident ia l k Com­ mercial. Licensed and Bonded. Fully insured. 312-546-1474. 7-2tfc W I L L C L E A N Basements, Garages. Also do Lawn Work. Reasonable. 815-653- 6896 7-14-7-23C PROFESSIONAL HOME CARE With a Personal Touch... And We Do Windows! For all your cleaning needs at a reasonable price. 815- 455-5536. 7-14tfc J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION. An­ tique, furniture repair and refinishing. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-385-4024. 7-2tfc R.T.4 R. PAINTING CO. Commercial It Residential. Interior k Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . ' F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0178. 7-2tfc CUSTOM PRINTED Tee Shirts, Jackets. Uniforms, etc. Check our prices first! Blue Seas Enterprises. 815- 344-1563. 7-2tfc HELP ME HELP You' Plan Your Financial Future. If You Don't, Who WUL Patrick J. Let ix ia , F inancia l Planner since 1988. 81V 7284X04. 7-2tfc INTERIOR k EX­ TERIOR Painting. Call us for a Free Estimate. We're very affordable! 815-386-7736 anytime or 815-344-1722 a f ter 6:00pm. 7-2tfc PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry. Free es t imates , references k insured. Best Price Around! Call Bill 815-386-2843. 7-2tfc TOM HUBBARD, A w a r d w i n n i n g magician, is available f o r s c h o o l s , auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312-386-8006. 7-2tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449. 7-2tfc NEW NO DEDUC­ TIBLE major medical plan. Dad 28, Mom, two or more kids, $108.80 per month. For personal quote, call Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815- 338-3328. 7-21-7-23C lifiCE DAN RYAN DECORATING interior-Exterior PAINTING Fully Insured Free Estimates FN EMvtyvl 4 Inrs H MINTS 7tapAfMk Meal Preparation Shopping Light Housekeeping Laundry Personal Care ALSO AVAILABLE Nursing Care Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses Home Care Assistants 24H0UR 115-568-5488 TRULY CARING SERVICES, INC. Rm. 206 100 W. Washington St Marengo, IL Licensed & Bonded Employment Agency S/7-7/J0TF2 LIST LOST In Lakeland Park Area, Tan Leather Sporta Bag. 815-344-0459. 7-23 LOST AT Pearl Street Park, July 15th, pair of maroon converse running shoes size 104. Would mean a lot to get them back 487-3178. 7- 23 PACM.ITI8S CAN'T M ADVKRTISID According to tho Child Coro Act of 1969. it i» a misdemeanor to coro for 4 or moro other person's children in your home unlets thai home is Itcerwtd by the State of, Illinois. It la alto illegal to adver­ tise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well- being of the child. For information and Licen­ sing contact: ILLINOIS DCPARTMINT OP CHILDREN • FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. BOM 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villo, 111.60046 312-WI011 AUCTION Fine Estates Liquidated On Your Premises Or Ours For Details Regarding Our Ne«t Auction Cad 815-448-4200. 10004 Main St.. Hebron, IL 60034 ATTENTION: DOCTORS, CLINICS. NURS­ ING HOMES, HOSPITALS, RESCUE SQUADS, MEDICAL DEALERS AND SMALL BUSINESSES. LOCATION Rt. 14 to 178. Eaat to 33S Terra Cotta. Crystal Lake, IL WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS. SUNDAY, JULY 25,1982 TIME: 1:00 P.M. SHARP PUBLIC AUCTION NOTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (N.I.M.A.) MEDICAL EQUIPMENT: Echo cardiography (Hoffrel System 201) cryosurgical instrument medical scale Byrd resusitator (Mark 10). pediatric table with scale e« am tables blood pressure gauges and instruments ten ographer optomoiogist automatic cardiograph spot lamps super 8 videotronic steriliser fume hood coulter counter Spencer microtone medical carts Mayo stands hydrohc e*am table micro fides goose neck floor lamps electronic microscope and much more MEDICAL SUPPLIES: Back supports irrigation trays si mgs ankle braces waist supports Nu Gauze Zonas porous tape Ice to 60cc syringes DeAtros <E*p Dec 82) urethral catheters elastic bandages sani spec vacutamer ihokJer) Welch AHen spects Phoenu swabs Emesis basin drainage bags barium enema kits needles laytei gloves (Micro Touch) sutures hydrogen pero*Nle. He*echile tape oxygen masks and lots of other supplies COMPUTERS, OFFICE EQUIPMENT 8 SUPPLIES: inter office intercom, addressograph office desks typewriter tables, adding machines NCR Model 6401 programmer desk top files, book shelves waste baskets library tables, magnetic board round top table water cooler tile cabinets smaN fNe boxes electric typewriters office chairs, steel record shelving AB DICK 980 Copier sta tionary UARCO forms burster Model 2035 UARCO forma deleaver Model 2205 UARCO forms imprinter Model 2440, folder and inserter and many other items too numerous to mention MISCELLANEOUS: Commercial washer and dryer Com­ mercial Stmpiu Mangel Box lot hot 6 cold cups lockers time clock dehumidifier humidifier carpeting hand truck hot water heeler steel shelving paint sprayer Jacobson lawn mowers, rug shampooer and much more AUCTIONEER: M. C. PALMER Auctioneer s Note Auction will be held inside the building at 388 Terra Cotta with ample seating tor everyone Lunch wagon will be outside NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR THEFTS TERMS: CASH OR ACCEPTABLE CHECK THANKS II IA SPECIAL THANK'YOETO: The Rescue Boers who helped our three sons, The Fire Departments, Rescue Squads and Police Departments. The George Just en Funeral Home, especially "Mark", The McHenry Hospital Emergency Room staff and McHenry Hospital Saint John's Parish, especially Father Banal The Johnsburg Community Club personnel, especially Katie Huff and aU her helpers Johnsburg School District No. 12 personnel and students, Thanks to all our family and friends who have been so helpful. We loved our Dill deorly' but God loved him too So the years he wos with us were happy, but few. In the hours of sorrow Good friends were there To help and sustain us with their love and their prayer. So we thank God for friends who helped us pull through And for all of your kindnesses may God keep and bless you 7/31-7/33 \ t < I I O \ THANK YOU St. Jude for favors granted. D.P. 7-21-7-23C NKS to the Sacred ear t of Jesus for favors granted. D.S. 7- 21-7-23C THANKS TO ALL Contributors to the John k Doris Pitzen Medical benefit dance. Special thanks to the band. Two Beers 4 a Coke, Jack Slaughter, Ray Bujak, Nancy Daurio. 815-344- 0580 (Stuc's Pizza) for the enter ta inment . From the Host Com­ mittee and John, Doris 7-21-7- SITIIATI0N ID ANTED EXCELLENT CARE For Your Child by Experienced Certified Teacher, in My McHenry Home. 815- 344-4821. 7-9-7-23C RELIABLE TEENAGER Available for baby s i t t ing in Holiday Hilla-Griswold Lake area. Call Denise at 815-385-4772. 7-21-7- 23c HOUSECLEANING BY CHRIS. Keep it clean. Keep it bright. Let me do it right. 7 Years experience, references. 815-344-4878. 7-21-7-23C JUNK HAULED. Lawns mowed, b lacktop dr iveways sealed , painting, odd jobs done. Call 815-385-5247. 7-21-7- 23c WANTED Apartment Building in need of Manager, Maintenance Man. Will do all types of Repairs, Landscaping, Clean up or Total rehabilitation, in ex* change for rent. References , Cal l evenings, 815-385-9881, Ken. 7-23-7-30C WILL DO IRONING k Mending in my home, 815-344-0403. 7-23-7-30C LICENSED DAY Care in my Lakeland Park Home. Experienced Mom with large indoor- outdoor play area. 815- 385-8993. Lie. No. 1538287 7-21-7-23C M I D D L E A G E D Reliable Woman would like to house sit in your clean home while you vacation. Please call after 5pm. McHenry area. 815-385-3983. 7-21- 7 23c LICENSED DAY CARE Home has openings full time. Art projects, Educational periods. Also meals and snacks set by U.S.D.A. Requirements. Call 815- 338-8875 after 1:80 pm, License number 55230? 7-21-7-23c T imrrvi •IRTHDAY MAPrY 25th the rest "7ZT~ COLUMN TO BE GIVEN AWAY, 8 week old, adorable, very mixed breed puppies. 815-344-1007 after 8pm. 7-23 KTS m SALE M A L E G E R M A N Shepherd pup, A.K.C. registered, whelped 5- 21-82, large boned sable, wormed, 8125.00. 815- 385-4718,815-344-2878. 7- 21tfc MOTORCYCUS 1880 SUZUKI RM 100, good condition 8475.00. 497-3268. 7-23 1979 KZ 750, like new, many extras, 81500 firm. 815-385-0886. 7- 23tfc 1 9 8 1 H A R L E Y DAVIDSON, wide glide wi th fac tory f lame paint, 2,800 miles, 84750.00.311-898-1175. 7- 21-7-23C 1979 YAMA1 850 M MCMMUM In loving memory of Howard Dowoll who passed away three years ago, July 23 I miss you Dwr. so deeply, No words could ever say. Th« days hma passed so lonely. Since you have gone sway We knew so much of happiness, We had our cup of |oy And memory a one gift of God Thai daeth cannot destroy Loving Wife and Family INSTmtCTWiS 1 PIANO LESSONS. Have you been wanting to learn piano? Now is the time! 815-344-5389. 7-9-7- 23c »o*tst k awes NEW 9.8 MERCURY outboard motor 8750.00; "Coke" rubber raft 820.00; excellent con­ dition, must sacrifice. 497-3381. 7-21-7-23C SAVE 8900,9.5 Evinrude motor; Sears car top 12 footer row boat $595 firm. 815-385-9284. 7-21- 7-23C 1975 VANDESTADT 18* Day Sailer with ample cabin, main ft Jib Sails, 4to Hp. Aux. Outboard, 4 heavy duty galvanized trailer. 82,500 or trade for power boat. 815-853- 3901.815-858-3801. 7-21-7- 23c aims 1«71 TOYOTA PICKUP With cap Needs work, beet offer* 815-728-0072. 7-21-7-23C Special with Fairings like new, 2200 miles, 81,880.00. 815-344-0808 after 8pm. 7-23 HONDA 750, new paint; Bultaco 200 Pursang, dirt bike; Honda SL125; beat offer. Call 815-344- 0*74. 7-18-7-23C 1 9 8 7 H A R L E Y DAVIDSON SMcc, 8808.80 firm or best offer. Good condition. Call Tom, 81*888-8748. 7-18-7-28C 1979 HONDA 750K, black, luggage rack, fairing, stereo, 82100 or best offer. Excellent condition, low miles. Call 815-728-0882. 7-7tfc 1979 SUZUKI RM 125 Motorcycle. Totally rebuilt, have all receipts. Good con­ dition, asking 1880 or beat offer, Must aell. Call 818-888-1888 after 5pm or anytime weekends. 7-Mfc 1974 A*iC MATADOR, new Irakes, new exhaust, new battery, good tiree, 8850.00. 815- 385-5853 7-21-7-23C 1978 CHEVETTE, good, 80 mpg, clean interior, good body, •tielr shift. 81,500. 815- 385-8864. 7-21-7-23C 1984 GTO, 4 speed, recently painted, 82,900 or best offer, or trade forTrana Am; also GTO parta. 815-344-4884. 7-21- 7-23C 1971 FORD, 4 door, good tranaportation^, good condition 8850.#. Call after 3:30 pm, 815-844- 5808. 7-14-7-28C WE BUY CARS and TRUCKS m any condition 815 338 0270 Frot» Towinq

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