IVUiK 12 - IMwMNUKALKR • FRIDAY. JULY Q. 10S2 CAftAtt SALE -- -- MIKi UU GARAGE SALE, July 24th k 25th, 2604 Ben jamin, Wonder Lake. Route 120 to Wonder Lake Road, North mile to Maplewood, West 1 block to Ben jamin. 10 hp Wheelhorse garden tractor; 6 ft. work bench with grinder and vise; Cement bird bath: Many electric hand tools; Lawn t<S>la; Sprinklers and hoses; Dehumidifier. Much more. 7-21-7-23C GARAGE SALE, 337 N. Lily Lane, McHenry, 0. (Lakemoor). July 23rd k 24th. 9am to 5pm. Household Goods: clothes; antique flat ware; some sterling; 1901 Singer Sewing Machine in oak cabinet, original hand book, attachments 4 tools (mint); Copper wash tub with cover ; Antique driving Light; model-T wrenches and other antiques-Dealers In vited. 7-21-7-23C REAL ESTATE 3-2 SPLIT LEVEL on 125x192 corner lot, 2 car garage. Assumable mortgage. Sunnyside. 815-385-2951. 7-23-7-30C BULL VALLEY AREA, Builders Contemporary on two acres. Sacrifice, no reasonable offer refused. 312-382-1546. 7- 23-7-30C 2,000 DOWN, $240 00 month. One bedroom fix-it house. Gas heat. Vacant. Liveable. $28,970. (9 V* percent). 815-385-0169. 7-21-7-23C 3 BEDROOM FIX-IT House. Gas heat. Vacant. Liveable. $29,870. (9% percent) $3,000 down, $245.00 month. 815-385-0169. 7- 21-7-2 m McHENRY REALTY Serving You Since 1953 7508 Hancock Drivo Wonder Lake, Illinois 60097 (815)395-5922 OR (815)453-2211 NOTICE McHenry Realty has consolidated its' offices- Please see us at the "A- Frame" 7508 Hancock Drive, Won der Lake. Call (S15)3t5-5922 or (815)453-2211. A£&OOt> AS GOLD! ABUSINESSOF^ McHen Car Woi ry: Cor Waih Owner will itructur* »ol« to h*lp buy 4 bays plus ••mi S bui itl up 2 hours a day tor going profitable bu»in*t» $35 000 00 Wonder Lake: Bait shop and home on Wonder Laka Road with 10 room hom* and 2"/i bath*, 1 flraplac**. ba*»m»nt solor groan hou»« and raady for thlt lumnwr'i oc cupancy $77,900.00 Volo: Tha Shutter Hut Ona Acra on Rout* 12, thlt vary profitable butinett offer* an ettabllthed clientel with comfortable work area and garage $95,000.00 McHenry: 2975 tquare toot concrete block warehoute with elevator, 200 AMP electrical service, 4 ten foot door*, excellent parking. $98,500 00 McHenry: Cat ttatlon. bulk plant, ettabliihed oil A gat routa. equipment, real ettote. It't all tat up to jutt walk in and go to work. $295,000.00 GARAGE SALE. July 23 k 24, 9:00 to 5:00, 5407 Meedowhill Lane, Pistakee Highlands. Household items, fur niture, size 12 womens clothing, like new. 7-21- 7-23c M/tL UTATE WHISPERING HILLS- Mc Henry. Impeccably maintained 2 bedroom ranch for sale. In move- in condition. FHA k VA Buyers welcome, $56,900. Sue Henry- Coldwell Banker Realtors. 312-566-4900. 7-21-7-23C McHENRY, CEDAR Home in country set ting, river rights, many, many extras, mid 70*s. 815-385-7879, 815-344- 3076. 7-21-7-23C BY OWNER $3,000 down, $25,000, 12 per cent contract. Lilymoor, 2 bedroom, 800 sq. ft. house. Lot 100x110, deep well, septic, minor repairs. No realtors please. 815-385-2933. 7- 21-7-30C CONDO FOR SALE, Very Gean. 2 bedrooms, 14 baths, all ap pliances, plus pool privileges, $38,000. Call for appointment after 3pm or weekends, 815- 344-1999. 7-7tfc FOR SALE BY OWNER, Like new 2 bedroom, 2 car garage, on over one acre in Pell Lake, Wisconsin. $45,000 terms available. 815-385- 3762. 7-16-7-23C LOT FOR SALE, 60x125, Lakeland Park area, 1713 North Meadow Lane. Sacrifice, best offer 312-678-6989 7-16- 7-23c FOR SALE 3 bedroom ear round home on ke Oelavan, $55,000. Call 815-568-7793 or 414- 728-2470. 7-23 E DUTCH CREEK WOODLANDS Qn the yyaiRr, 4 bedroom, 4 tyath tri level, '/? acre mini estate, 2 fireplaces All drapes, carpeting and ao pliances stay In ground 1 /x35 It pool Drive by at 3108 Cove C ourl Johnsburg of rail 815 385-7150 THREE YEAR OLD RAISED RANCH 2 bedrooms, garage, family room $49,700. - Only $b,U00 Down McHenry County Dully 815-385-6990 GARAGE SALE, Saturday July 24, Rain date* Sunday July 25,10- 5. 101 N. North Blvd., Lilymoor, one block west of Lily Lake Road. Storm windows, pocket calculator, digital watch, etc. 7-21-7-23c GARAGE SALE, 7-22 through 7-25. N Gauge train and 4'x6' layout; Yamaha 125 Enduro; TR-4 engine block; toys; ladies clothing size 14 A 16; mens suite, 44 R k L; bicycles (t); home furnishings; air conditioners (2); double window; exterior door; bath sinks; chord organ; clarinet; and many miscellaneous items. 707 Meadow Hill Cour t , P i s t akee Highlands, 497-3723. 7- 21-7-23C MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale, Val Mar Estates, 1411-1405 Appaloose, July 24-25 Only, 9:00 A.M. till 2:00 P.M. Only. Many househo ld i t ems , childrens clothes and toys, sporting equip ment, and much more. 7-21-7-23C YARD SALE, 1 Day Only, Saturday July 24th, 9-4. No Early Sales. 7706 Orchard Road, Wonder Lake. 7- 21-7-23c 4 FAMILY GARAGE t SALE, Lawn tractor; ' BB gun; Childs bike; Avon collectibles; Kids clothes; Golf Balis and clubs. July 22nd & 23rd, 9am to 4pm, July 24th, 9am to 12 noon. 5503 Nor th R idgeway , Ringwood. 7-21-7-23C GARAGE SALE, July 22 , 23 , 24. 710 Logan, McHenry. 9-5. Baby, childrens clothes & equipment. Much more. 5 Families. 7-21-7-23c A GARAGE FULL of bargains. Beds but no too l s . Thursday th ru Saturday 9:30 till 5:00. Wilmot Road at Channel Beach Avenue, Sun nyside. 7-21-7-23c FARM YARD SALE, 3019 N. Ringwood Road, Dinette set, attic fan, air conditioner, sewing mach ine , conso le stereo, 10 speed bike, snow blower, generator, a n t i q u e O l i v e r typewr i t e r , an t ique cava l ry sadd le , p ro jec to r sc reen , western saddle & bridle, mens and wopiens c l o t h i n g M u c h miscellaneous. Friday 6 Saturday, July 23-24, 9,5 7-21-7-23C Gntuifc CARE REAL ESTATE, INC. 3717 W. Elm, McH*nry, III. 60050 344-1033 W«'r» N*lghbor WHY PAY RENT? Buy thl« 2/3 bedroom chalet Totally rtmodtltd and lender it offering a lower than morket In- terett ratal (39.900. iood Spoclolists CANT BE BEAT. Aluminum tided 3 badroom home. cantrol air. large garage two lot*, Johntburg school* and tpeciol financing! $47,900. McHenry - Johnsburg • Spring Grovo • Richmond 4f ONLY $49.900111 6 room raited ranch with largo motttr badroom, (lldlng glot* door* off living room loading to dock and a lorge bock yard. SPECIAL FINANCING. Ownor will a**i*t buyor In securing lowor thon morkat Intarast rata on thl* 3 badroom ral*ad ranch on lorge foncod lot with larga datachad garoga. $98,900. ° Homos-Farms-Watorfront-Lots-Estatas BRAND NEW 111 Lovaly tri I* val on half ocra lot In Johntburg »chool district with 3 bath*, finished family room, Storage tpoca galora and vary attroc- tiva financing! $86,700. HEIGHTS Suporb homa in fina araa. 4 badroom* 2 firaploco*, huga fomily room, screened porch. 4 antranca*. clo*a to schools and pork*. Idaol fomily homa! MUM UU MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale. Furniture; Household and knick- knacks. July 23 k July 14, 1709 and 1705 West River Terrace Drive. Enter at Raymond's or WeingartRd. 7-23 MOVING SALE, 9am to 5pm, July 24th k July 25th, Cash only. Fur niture; TV; Lamps; T o o l s ; M u c h misce l l aneous , in c lud ing c lo th ing . SpringDale Trails, ISIS Spririg Court, Spring Grove, Illinois. 24* miles North of Route 12, Richardson Road and English Prairie. Follow signs. 7-23 HUGE GARAGE k Yard Sale. Cleaning out Grandma's attic and Grandpa'! garage! Antiques; Tires; Avon Collection; Fish tanks; Camping equipment; Generator, Insulation; Snowblower; Lamps; Jewelry; Beersigns; Salt k pepper collec tion; Yard lights; Dishes; Much, much more. 1413 Bayview Dr ive , McHenry . Sunnyside, east of Wilmot Road, Friday July 23rd, 9am to 5pm. 7-23 GARAGE SALE, Friday k Saturday, July 23rd k July 24th, 9am to 5pm, 4616 Lakeshore Drive, McCullom Lake. 7-23 HUGE GARAGE SALE, Holiday Hills, 2811 South Lake Drive, (Sunset to Holiday, left to Hickory, left to Lake than right), 10am to ? Saturday k Sunday . Tab les ; Dresse r s ; C lo thes ; Misc 7-23 G A R A G E S A L E , La wnmowers; Bikes; L a w n f u r n i t u r e ; Miscellaneous fu rn i tu re . 5022 Westwood Pistakee Highlands. Friday k Saturday, 9am to 5pm. 7-23 i GARAGE SALE, 1003 Hayden Drive, Pistakee Highlands Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 9:00 to 4:00. Furniture, P mr,te.b°7tV 23c ^ SS SElf WASTES WANTED, PULL TIME Cleaning Person to clean booses, offices and Parade coshanaea. Must be able to sew and f -- -• -*•_ • - ^ m A repair CKwmm Must have excellent work record. Call Mr. GUhsrt at 3116» MM or at Fox Valley Systems in Cary. 7-M-7- 23c Tils International Company ex panding into this aree, needs young men and women General office, warehouse and manager trainees. Can earn $6.86 per hour pan time and up to $385 per week full time. Will train. Students con sidered 31M314914 7/21-7/J0 il*UCUDV nClftRKT HIGH SCHOOL WEST CAMPUS Has openings for two part time typists. Apply in Person or Call. Mrs. Cretdz 815-385-7077 7/23 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to hsto COB 7-21-7-J3C MATURE PERSON to babysit 2 days a Mth. m • •• STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS taking for dealers. Can make $10 to $15 per boor. 1 will i sell products. Clara Call 815-728- 7-21-7-tSc -\. r . " . WANTED MATURE Responsible woman to come to my home only, to care for S children, weekday murnlngi and occaaional all day, reliable person only need apply. 815-344-3656 7-21-7-28C PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER, mlidmun 2 years college with experience in early childhood education. - 5:30 CaU 815-385- 7-18-7-23C MOVING SALE, 4517 Giant Oak, 176 to Roberts to Portens. July 23,24,25 9-5 7-21-7-23c GARAGE SALE, 909 W. N o r t h A v e n u e , Lilymoor. Wednesday 21 thru Sunday 25, 10-7. Large Variety. 7-21-7- 23c M I D S U M M E R Miscellaneous Sale inc ludes ca ree r ga l s ' clothing & accessories, sizes 8, 10, 14, 16; home furnishings, tables, lamps, drapes, curtains, queen bed linens, glassware; Scotts lawn mower; tools; bike carrier; little bit of eve ry th ing Fr iday , Saturday, July 23, 24. 9am-4pm. 4610 Front Roya l , ac ross f rom Whisper ing Oaks Community Center. 7- 21-7-23c IICAL (STATE 11 PERCENT Finan cing with small down will buy huge land s c a p e d c o r n e r over look ing p r iva te l ake . Brea th t ak ing views. Country kitchen with stone fireplace, hardwood floors, gas heat, Jacuzii bath and more. Call 815-7*0669 7-21-7-»c OPEN HOUSE By Owner . Sunday Ju ly 25th, 1:00 to4:00. Raised Ranch, 3 bedrooms with room for 4th, dining room, large family room, excellent terms. Assumable mortgage. Rewrite FHA or owner will finance long term contract with $7,000 down and $800 per month for 1st 3 to 5 years. 1908 N. Highview Avenue, Lakeland Park, McHenry. 815-344-3288 or 815-398-4804. 7-21-7- 23c hop mum MEDICAL ASSISTANT for doctors office, part t ime , exper ience required 312-507-3015. 7-18-7-23C Avon BE A SUCCESS Sell Avon whera you live or work $?l) investment, over TEACSBSeF GRAPHIC ARTS Must have Voc. Cert, or 4 years of work related ex perience. Contact Mr. Rob Gough Principal Johnsburg High School S15-395-9133 Between 7ffl) end 3 pro Monday thru Friday 7/21-7/» 7/aio RELIABLE BEAUTICIAN, part time, flexible hours. Modern shop in downtown McHenry. Call 815-385-7140. 7-21-7- 23c * . EXTRA EARNINGS. Need 3 people who have 10 to 15 flexible hours per week. Can earn up to $75 to $100 per week. depending upon time. For complete in formation call 4pm to 6pm, 815-344-2977. 7-21- 7-30C EXPANDING COM PANY Has Immediate Openings: Management Trainees, Advertising, Sales, Public Relations. Can earn $7.00 hour Part Time, $350.00 week Full Time. We Train. 312-232- 6550. 7-14-8-Oc 18 call Nancy NcClart 81S-3S54105 1 73 medical opportunties RN'S Memorial Hospital has opportunities for ex perienced nurses in the following units Nuraory 11-7 ICU11-7 We provide excellent salaries and TOP benefits Call the Per sonnel Department for more details 815-338*2500 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL lor McHenry County 527 W South St. Woodstock, il eooee Equal Opportunity Employer M F IMMEDIATE OPENING PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Full Time Ws ars an equal opportuni- 10 IcHENRY COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 815-339-2040 Ext 102 TRANSFORMER WINDERS Musi have experience operating paper section multiple winding machines. Full time day shift, permanent position Excellent salary and bonuses. Apply in person tMLY LEMCO ELECTRONICS INC. 1330 Belden St., McHenry, Illinois Tho Wffl. Ton yon Industrial Pork ma IMMEDUTHY Experienced Secrttort/taeflMst for tomporory position. Job ro»pon«ib>litio« In- dud* routing calls, typing, filing and torn* bookkooplng. Courtoous tolophono manner, 60 wpm typing, 10 koy od- dor and figure optitudo otsontiol. Must bo Hoxiblo and obi* to pay at ton t ion to do toll. BtdrkCo. 4012 W. Mate Si. HcHenn. I. ZJLLM NYWAL THERAPIST A registered physical therapist is needed to work with or thopedic l̂ly hendcapped students in a school setnng. Salary dependent on experience Excellent benefits Con tact, <•••11 (SOU) MCHENRY HIGH SCHOOL WEST CAMPUS Has the following openings: 'Attendance Secretary, Full Time "Guidance Secretary, Full Time 'Class room Aide, Full time 'Cafeterie, Part Time Apply in Person or Call Mrs. Creutz 815-385-7077 LikLJL GOLF CLUBS NEW, 8110.00 ft op, 8 trans, S woode. Up to 88 percent cam. 815-728-0177 7- 21-7-JOc ' SEARS BMX DIRT BIKE, 2 jeere old, beet offer. 815-859-0848. 7- 7tfc ANTIQUE SOFA' ft ClHrir, Orange end beige with carved wood trim 8000.80; Duncan Phyfe dtakg *mhiM 5 chairs plus buffet 8158.00; Sears Washer $80.00, Dryer' 190.00, < Set $100.00.81MB-7M8. 7- 22-7-SOc TINTED-GLASS Vega Pickup Truck Camper. Sleeps 5, complete washroom. "Like New!" $1885.88 or best offer. 815-3880108. 7-28- 7-SOc POOL 8'xl8" with cover 822.00.815-8444015. 7-23 LIKE NEW Seiectkms of K^rsch Drapery rods; Crib, excellent con dition; TaMetop dish washers; Toys; Baby scale; Drip coffee makers; Cassette r e c o r d e r s , a n d Household Goods. Bsrnyard Bargains, 1701 Richmond Road, McHenry. 815-344-44S8. 7-23 8 HP RIDING MOWER, excellent condition, $300.00.815-385-4514. 7- 23 ' ROGER DeCOSTER Dirt Bike Frame ft Fork. Best offer. 815- 853-8048. 7-23 WARDS SIGNATURE Heavy duty 20, electric dryer $125.00, ueed 2 years; Rug 1 year old, tan, 11x11, $00.00; Childs carrier bike seat, like new $8.00.312-087-4012. 7-23-7-SOc LADIES WINTER Jackets aire large. Tan reversible sip out sleeves, sweater-nylon vest; Yellow aki jacket; Tan waist length Jacket. 815-385-7028. 7-23 BEDDING PLANTS II > - fej-V and Pottod 8 Oomotft Cpctw owd Hiwi Pfowta SCHLESSERS GREENHOUSE 28499 W. tte. ISO (1 Mock oott of OorraN Rd) V 7/2TT; PULVERIZED TOP SOIL DELIVERED 7 Yards 880.00 12 Yards 890.00 20 Yards 8120 JO J. PEASE AAllAWyiAMAaa CONSTRUCTION CO. 1 815-875-2582 312-587-0387 RED SPANISH Sofa with attached alale end tables, matching state coffee table, velvet trimmed tamps, $225.00. Spanish hanging tam p- table $00.00. Wrought iron candelabra $35.00. 815-305-4142. 7-21-7-23C 1800 JEEP TRENCHER with snow plow, 1970 Melroe Bobcat, 1974 J.ftJ. equipment trailer. Call 815-4590818 or 815- 075-2281. 7-21-7-23C WINDOW AIR Con ditioner, $20.88 or offer. 815-385-3533. 7-21-7-23C 1875 GMC ALL STAR Motor Home. , Air conditioned, self con tained, 10,000 miles, $0,000. CaU 815-344-3084 after 5pm. 7-21-7-23c AMANA 28 CU. FT. Chest Freeser; Garden King Rotottller; Bee at; Bee hives Equipment with bees; large amount of miscellaneous tools. Call after 5pm, 815075- 8330. • 7-21-7-23C L A Z Y B O Y RECL1NER; gold swivel rocker, excellent condition; mini-bike; Lawn boy lawn mower. 815-385-0054. 7-21-743C useage; rubber JOHNSON MOTOR with less than 50 hr. Seylor 2 man boat, oars and cushkma. Used twice, worth $150.00 now $75.00; stereo unit with speakers; antique portable organ; 5 hp lawn vacuum sweeper. Call 815-7284800. 7-21-7- 23c OFFICE DESK, and chair, like new. Call Fred, leave message. 815-344-0070. 7-21-7-23C N E W W I L S O N Blueridge golf clubs, cart and bag, RDA 12" B-W TV, maple coffee table, marble table with leaf, 30 gallon aquarium with equipment, ad vance rug shampooer, floor buffer. RCA 28" color TV, Zenith etereo, car carrier, deok, as is. 497-8881. 7-21-7-23C, ; u. i i T 7 t") >it LADIES BIKE $48.00; Dining Room Table $75.00; Dresser $50.00; Antique Cabinet $80.00; Manual Typewriter $30.00. Cockateil Cage $30.00; Clothes baby to adult .10 cents sad up; Suzuki Endura 100, $125.00.815-385-8883. 7- 21-7-23C HONDA 350 Four, at tractive side car, adult driven, 4,700 miles, $1,800 or best. 815-728- 1180 after 5pm. 7-21-7- 23c Rabbits 83.00; Steel windows, aeveral aizea $25.00 takes sJl; Oscar Schmidt Auto Harp $35.00; Conqueror Classic Guitar $35.00; Hoi ton Cornet $80.00; Olds Cornet $70.00; Yark Trumpet $20.00; Conn Trombone $70.00; Harmony Electric Guitar $20.00; 12" Rock well Radial Disc. Sander 1 HP motor $250.00. 815-385-5711, call between 8pm and 10pm 7-21-7-23c BUSINESS erreaTeaiTV R.N.'S-LP.N.'S NEEDED We care with love end love to cere. ROYAL TERRACE is a growing progressive sk<ped care facility WILL YOU COME GROW WITH US. Excellent benefit package, fuN time, pert time positions available for more information call Dora Lindeman R.N. D.O.N. Royal Terrace 803 Royal Drive , McHenry, Illinois • (815)344-2600 f O E rvr /» BUSINESS WANTED: Small established. Route, rack, salea, service. Full er part time. 810 880 8848. 7-81- 7-23c •f STAII Paperback book exchenge for sale in McHenry. In cludes eN inventory, shelving end office equip ment. Low rent $5,000. Cal between 10 e.m. 8 S p.m. Tuesday through Saturday 7r»vim MEDALLION OAK CABINETS And ctodranc* on KHchon Kompact Cabinwts. HP TO 60% OFF on slightly domogod and discontinued cabinets. Special prices on laminated coun ter tape and cultured marble and onyx vanity tops. We con supply all your storage needs for kitchen, bath, family room, bor, laundry room, or oHice. Bring in any room dimen sions you have for free estimate. NOW! I All sales cash and carry Monday through Friday 8:00 AM • 4:90 PM wWT M vQOy 9:00 AM-2:00 PM TOPFOMCUNC. 74H Hancock Dr. WonU*r Lok*. II . S15-72M203 8