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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jul 1982, p. 13

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M SA if tVMMKRi'lAL . Meat SHcer 1225 00; Regina electric broom. $10.00; Set of golf dubs, moot with wood handles, hag and cart, best offer. 815- m-im. 7-23 SOLID Hard Rock lfaple Trestle table 78x40", bench and 4 cap ta ins cha i r s , excellent condition, 1660.00 or best offer. 815- \ 7-23 NEW * USED RR TIES, Bulk Grass Seed. We Deliver Woodstock Farm ft Lawn Center, 2080 South Route 47, Woodstock. 815-338-4200 • ' J 7-2tfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality Water Softener for 83.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free in­ stallation. Call collect 815-338-3344. Quality Water Conditioning. 7- 2tfc APPLIANCES: REFRIGERATORS, Freosera, Washers and Dryers, electric and gas ranges. Clean and like new at reasonable prices. All recon­ ditioned and guaran­ teed. Wahl Used Ap- pliancea, 3421 B. Pearl. 815-385-1872. 7-2tfc HEARING AIDS. Sales, Rentals 4 Repairs. Free Testing. Call anytime 815-385-1135. Whispering Point Hearing Aid Center, 4302 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 7-2tfc 1 year old Appalooaa Guitar; Brand new Odeasey II with 3 car­ tridges; 10 gallon Hex Aquarium; Food Processor 815-344-0033 7-2tfc 2 CHAIRS, One Blue FloraJ swivel rocker, one brown vinyl chair with ottoman, $50.00 each. 815-385-3837. 7-21- 7-23c SEARS ORGAN with bench 8225.00; 90" blue couch 880.00; Welding torch kit and tanks new 1300XX); Kitchen nook with table and chair $125.00 or best. 815-459- 0418. 7-21-7-23C ZENITH 50" Giant Screen TV, like new portable. Remote control, cable ready, programable, $995.00. 815-344-0879. 7-21-7-23C MOVING SELLING DRAPERIES. One pair sheers, drapes and. rods to fit picture window 12' wide by 6*10" long, light beige; One pair antique satin light green 12'6" wide by 6'8" long; One pair antique satin gold 5'8" wide by 6*10" long; One pair gold 6'3" wide by V long, double spread to match; Two pairs medium green 5*8" wide by 4'5" long; Two pairs gold drapes and sheers 5'6" wide by 5'3" long. Call 815-385- 0965 after 5pm. 7-21-7- 23c ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT. Limited Time Only! The big, new amazing 31 ft. 1982 family size swimming pools, which include deck, fence, filter and warranty are now available for only $995.00 fully installed. Financing arranged. First come first served. Call collect. 815-562- 7027. 7-2-7-30C TWO 15" 6 Bolt chrome reversed and baby moons. Six 14" 6 bolt chrome revet sed and baby moons for Datsw and Courrier pick-up truck, 8250.00, win separate. Call after 6:30,815-385-4718. 7-2tfc 2 TWIN BED Foun­ dations and frames $75.00.815-385-9477. 7-21- 7-23C' ^ PIECE BEDROOM aet $200; Complete King site water bed $200; miscellaneous children toys and clothing, very good condition. 815-344- 3587. 7-21-7-23C WASHERS 4 DRYERS Reconditioned and Guaranteed. 815-385- • 7,-2tfc PICNIC TABLES for sale, 8 ft. $90.00; 6 ft. $70.00. Very well made 815-728-1292. 7-2tfc WEDDING DRESS It Veil, never been worn, size 12.815-385-0861. 7- 21-7-23C JOHN DEERE Garden Tractor 314, mower deck and snowblower $3500.00.815-338-3538. 7- 23-7-30C WANTED TO BHV CASH PAID For Junk Johnson or Evinrude Outboard Motors. 815- 385-4056. 7-2tfc MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying An­ tique Furniture, China, Glassware, Lamps, Xmas Ornaments, etc. 815-678-4141. 6-2-7-30C AUTOS, ALL Makes and models, running or not. Cash paid. 24 hours pickup service. 815-728- 1171. 7-2-7-30C ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED To Buy, any condition. Lets talk, call Roberta, 414-728-6190. 7- 14tfc N E E D E X T R A Vacation Money? Sell Your Jazz and Rock Record Collection. Call Names 3 HORSES FOR SALE, 81545M5C 7-Stfc PONY OF AMERICA Weanling. Must see to appreciate, $450.00. 815- «7V6204. 7-16-7-SOC m--m--m m mi ISf PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. JULY 23.1 1 BEDROOM SUMJCT, ready now, fully car­ peted, with store and refrigerator. 815-385- 7810 7-2tfc •ANTES TS SIST CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-526-3116. - 7-2tfc WANTED 2 to 5 acres on non-residential property in McHenry or Lake Counties. Call Van 815- 675-6678. 7-23-7-SOc RESPONIBLE COUPLE with one child, looking for 2 to 3 bedroom house in McHenry. 8154440881. V 7-23-7-30c WANTED TU RENT. Shop for woodworking - approximately 2500 aq. ft. Reasonable. 815063- 9844. 7-21-7-23C WANTED TO RENT: Parenta are viaiting August 15th thru Oc­ tober 15th and would like to rent in town McHenry a 1 or 2 bedroom furnished Condo, Apartment or Home. Please call 815- 6484328 after 6pm. 7- 7tfc Nl SENT RIVERFRONT. Available August 1. Large 1 bedroom home, moderate rent. Reliable person or couple. Security deposit and references. 1-815-450- 4206 7-21-7-23C JOHNSBURG, 3 bedroom home, 14 baths, full basement, references, security deposit, no pets, $400 a month or $450 with garage. 815-344-1973. 7- 21-7-23c McHENRY IN TOWN, 1 bedroom apartment, fully furnished, all utilities included, Mature female, $275.00. 815-385-6566. 7-2tfc SHOP SPACE, 20 x33' section for small business or storage, zoned B-4, $200.00 per month. 815-385-7065. 7- 21 tfc McHENRY, BRIT TANY Park. 3 bedrooms, IV* baths, 24 car garage, very neat, 3 years old, $450.00. "mrfntfi. Dayt *15*85 5000, evenings 312-656- 6773 7-21-7-23C OCEAN FRONT, Cocoa Beach, Florida 2 bedroom completely furnished apartment. Swimming pool. Call after 4pm, phone 815- 385-0282 7-21-7-23C CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rates^ 815-385- 8805or815-385VK. 7- 2tfc HOUSE FOR RENT, Wonder Lake. 8 bedrooms, 2 baths, extra large family room and kitchen, fireplace, 2 car garage, central air, 8415.00 rnenth. 815-385- 800. - 7-21-7-30C SLEEPING Working People. Tlie Mcrienry L/Cp0v noivi, 815-3854738. 7-14-7-230 4 YEAR OLD Appaloaa gelding, 164 hands, good disposition, flashy, requires experienced rider, $1,350.00, offer. 815-4550968 evenings. 7- 9-7-SOc AQHA 7 Year Old Chestnut Mare, $1,000.00. 815-344-3920 after 7pm. 7-21-7-23c MUST SACRIFICE 2 horses. 15 year old Gelding will ride English or Western, great peraonality. 16 year old Mare Strawberry Roan, kid broke, will ride trail, road, parade or anywhere elae, great dispoaition, call 815-385- 1132 or 815-385-6206. 7- 21-7-23C OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT It it tlmo for you to mo** up? Do*i your current offica spoca roprotont you wall to your clionts? Luxurious spoc* avoilobla in modorn Richmond Bldg. on U.S. Rt« 12 125 sq ft. to 1 000 sq ft. All utilities included Coll Bob May 815-67S-4S75 rm 1 iwimwra i LAKE cam Daluxa 1 4 2 badroom apartments fully cor- patad, 1% caramic both*, color applioncos. dish washar oir conditioning, laundry. largo ttorogo oroa, go* boat. By loko, savaral blocks from down­ town. 1331 W. Main St. lotto Wl. 414-246-4*72 Jim ON PISTAKEE BAY, one bedroom apart­ ment, $325.00 month. Utilities included, security deposit required, no pets. 815- 3854872. 7-14tfc McHENRY RIVER­ FRONT, Coach House Apartment, l bedroom, partially furnished, air Hospital, Country Club. 8850.00 a month inchidee all utilities, security deposit required. Small pet O.K. 815-450-9854 or 8154854470 7-21-7-23C McHENRY, 4 house, 1 bath, garage, basement. Available 8-1 for rent at $475.00 month. Security deposit. Credit check required. 312-5414220. 7-2tfc MODERN McHENRY Condo, 2 bedroom, lVfc bath, dishwaaher, washer, dryer, air conditioned and pool. $375.00 month plus deposit. Avsilsble September 1. 312-703- 8935. 7-9-7-23C McHENRY, CEDAR Home in country set­ ting, river rights, many, many extras, $475.00 month. 815-385-7879, 815- 344-3076. 7-21-7-23C WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom furnished Lakefront apartment with fireplace, car­ peted, no pets, $235.00 per month, available September 1st, security deposit 815-653-4776 or 312-381-4803 7-21-7-23C WONDER LAKE. 1 bedroom furnished, carpeted, Lakefront apar tment , wi th fireplace, lovely cabinet kitchen, no pets, $240.00 per month. Available Sept. 1st., security deposit. 815-653-4776 or 312-381-4803 . 7-21-7-23C 30X40 HEATED AND Air conditioned building with 12 ft overhead door. 815-3854445. ,7- 21 tfC WILL SHARE LARGE Attractive Florida Style home, one block from State Park. 5 minutes to McHenry, with female or male. Call 815-385- 5090 7-21-7-23C ROOM FOR RENT, in private home, on Fox River, in McHenry. Full houae snd kitchen privileges Mature female preferred, $125.00 per month. 815- 3854150, weekdays only. 7-21-7-23C 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 car garage, appliancee, no pets. Referencee snd deposit, $380 00 month. 815485-2298 7-21-7-23C SLEEPING ROOMS, Single or double. 815- 385-1M8. 7-2tfc MODERN 1 BEDROOM Apartment on Water­ front. Walk to stores. Csrpe t ing , S tove , Refrigerator. Adults. No pets. $270.00 phis security deposit. 815- 3854493. 7-2tfc McHENRY, LARGE 1 bedroom apartment, in sec luded a rea , f i rep lace , garage , utilities included, no pets, $350 month plus one month security deposit. 815455-2514. 7- 21-7-23C M c H E N R Y , 4 BEDROOM Raised Ranch , ava i lab le August 1st. $485 00 month, security deposit, credit check required. Days 815-385 2052,10am- 4:45pm, Evenings 815- :»O-OH77 . 7-21-7-23c READY NOW. large 1 bedroom apar tment , very clean, carpeted, appliances, big cloaeta, in •< /rn McHenry, security deposit. 815- *444855 ** 7-16-7-230 APPROXIMATELY 2800 sq. ft Retail space, will divide, Route 120, McHenry 815-385-1116. 7-16-7-23C McHenry , 3 TO 4 bedroom, 2 car garage, cent ra l a i r , 2200 sq f t . , $485.00 plus security and references. 815-385-5290 after 5:30pm. 7-214-6C 1 ROOM KIT­ CHENETTE Apar t ­ ment, all electric, air conditioned, $135.00 plus security deposit. 815- 385-1298 7-21-7-23C CARY, 2 BEDROOM apar tment , vacant , second ^floor, no children, no pets, close to train, shopping. 312- 639-2622. 7-21-7-23C WONDER LAKE, for rent, 2-3 bedrooms, 14 bathe, 2 car garage, tri- level home, all ap­ pl iances inc luded , private beach righta, boat, motor and trailer included with the rental, $650 month plue l month security deposit. Call after 6pm, 815-728-1580. 7-21-740C POSSIBLE 4 Bedroom house in downtown McHenry . ava i lab le Sept 1st $500 a month i n c l u d e s h e s t . Responses to P.O. Box 86, McHenry, II 60060 7-16-7-23C VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9660 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 7-2tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, Referencee and secur i ty depos i t required 815485-1079. 7-2tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available. Fritzache Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq ft to 15,000 sq. ft. 815-38M079. 7-2tfc READY NOW, 2 bedroom apar tment , wi th s tove and re f r igera tor , d i sh­ washer , ca rpe ted throughout. 24 bathe. 815-385-2181. 7-2tfc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT for two. Wonder Lake, leaae, no pels, 8900 per month. 815463- 9789 or3124304634. 7- 21-7-28C THREE BEDROOM House in Holiday Hills. Available immediately. Call 812472-7819. 7-21-7- 23c 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT with stove, re f r igera tor and a i r conditioner. Available August l, no children, no pets. References, leaae, depoait required. $286.00 per month plus utilities. 815485-7065. 7-21tfc WATERS EDGE CONDO-McHenry. 3 bedroom, 14 bath, all appliances including Central air, washer- dryer, dishwaaher and water softener. 1m- ' mediate occupancy, 1 year lease plus security deposit. References required. No pets. Call after 6pm, Monday thru Fr iday , anyt ime weekends $450 month. 815444-3897. 7-21-7-23C CLEAN 4 ROOM Apar tment , pay own utilltiea. Couple or aingle preferred, no pe te , 8210 .00 month , secur i ty depos i t required. 312-367-4675. 7-21-7-23C LARGE ROOM With Private Bath, carpeted, and fumiahed, for single male or female teacher, week day kitchen and laundry privilege, on water in McHenry , $65.00 a week. 815-385- 1190 7-21-7 28c WOODSTOCK, 2 bedroom home, living room, kitchen and bath. No peta, no utilities furnished, $350.00 per month 312-546-5211. 7- 23-7-30c 5 ROOM HOUSE, Secur i ty depos i t , $300 .00 . Avai lab le Auguat 15th, 815-385- 7069 7-23-7-30c ROOMMATE. Ideal Water f ron t home, Wonder Woods, Wonder Lake. $375.00 month, p r i v a t e b e a c h , boat house, furnished. Available immediately. 815-728-1430 7-23-7-SOc FEMALE .TO Share 2 b e d r o o m c o n - dominimum in Waters Edge. Call 815-385-4649. 7-23-7-30C RELIABLE WORKING Female to share houae in Wonder Lake, $200.00 a month. Call after 6pm, 815-6534087 7-23-7-SOc OFFICE RENTAL. 816 sq. ft, 5 rooms, kitchen, half bath. On Route 120, $250 00 per month . Essex Costello Real Estate, 815-385-7050. 7- 23-7-30c ROOM & BOARD for two adult males, 815-385- 6373 after 3pm. 7-23 7- 30c RICHMOND APART MENTS. Deluxe 1 4 2 bedroom, wall to wall ca rpe t ing , p r iva te balcony, large play area for children Immediate occupancy. 815-455-5510. 7-23-7-30c Open Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for your convenience Marengo Federal Savings and loan association Marengo. Woodstock, Crystal Lake, McHenry JOHNLFREUND FREUND FUNERAL HOMES • WONDER LAKI 7411 HANCOCK DR. 818.788 8281 COOPER-FRiUND •MARENGO 2M N. STATE 81*4417341 PAST 65 By Carl Riblet, Jr. byCarlRiblet Jr. Q. "Everybody haa acceee to a hotline where they can get answers to problems. Everybody, that ie, except senior citiaens. I don't mean a national hotline. What is needed in my city la a hotline for answers to questions sbout local problems - where to buy st low cost, what doctors are beat, where to get help when needed, how to fight city hall and audi questions. Is it sensible to have a local hotline?" - Sadie G A. Yea, a local hotline make* aenae. But to eetablish such s help to elders [ snn resesrrh it thing to think about ia what a hotline requiree! The first I i hotline can open to answering To determine that, the queationa the way McHENRY, 2 Bedroom, la rge fami ly room, newly decorated. Close to town, quiet area, next to farm 312-564-1972 7- 23 FOR RENT Or Option To Buy. 2 bedroom house in Wonder Lake, 2 car garage, double lot, hotline must have a board of sponsors The sponsors then can find out how much the phone company will charge for such a line, where Will the an­ swering station he situated, and who will answer the phone at what timee. Will the queetione phoned in be an­ swered at once (probably not) or will the callers be told they will receive anawera by return call when the anawera are finally available? A hotline for local uae in a city - large or email - is a good idea if the sponsors want to go to the trouble of organising it. It might coat no more than $50 a month if manned by volunteers. It might coat much more if the service is comprehensive. The planners can decide. Q. "You printed a letter from a man named Timothy. Poor Timothy, with $1,000 a month for him and hia wife from Social Security and not able to make enda meet. They either eat too high on the hog or they don't know how to manage money. Familiea with two and three children manage to have a good life on that amount - earned on a job with taxee withheld. "I receive ieea than $400 front SS and I have property taxee, fire in­ surance. life inaurance, utilltiea, car insurance and a hoepital inaurance policy. My checking account geta pretty low each month before my SS check arrives, but I manage and 1 don't eat dog food. "I buy foods that are in season or on special and I eat well. This state (Oregon) doea have prdperty tax relief, which helpe those at us living in our own homes. It has renter's rAef for those on low income. The gas tank on my 1974 car holds 10 gallons. I seldom fill it more than once a month. I drive to a shopping center', which is five miles away, or downtown aeveral timee a week. "It ia impoaaible for many of us to sympathise with Timothy and hia wife who have $1,000 to spend each month. His letter burns me up. Will you aee that he reads my letter?" - Mae. A. I can't make Timothy read your letter, Mae, but J can print it ao that he may be expoaed to it. Q. "Can you pleaae tell me if I am entitled to my huahand'a Social Security benefita? I waa married in 1946. I nave two children by him. He deserted us in 1950. He died in 1978." - Charlotte G. A. You can call or go to your neareat Social Security office, Charlotte. They can answer all queetiona if you give them full particulars and hiatory. To all who need anewers to queetiona on SS entitlementa, you would do beat for yourself, and sooner, if you would contact your neareat SS office. I do not know 99 percent of the answers to SS queetione. I try to research the SS manual but most times 1 cannot find the answer. The manual ia written for bureaucrata, not ordinary citizena. When a reader writee me with a question on SS matters. I generally telephone SS for the answer. If I doubt Its accuracy, I then phone another SS office to make certain the from each office matchea. If it not, I then phone the Waahington, D.C. office. The point here is that juat like you readers. ! have to aak. If you have a question on the problems of aging, write to Carl Riblet Jr. at P.O Box 40757, Tucaon, Ariz. 85717. He will try to anawer the queetion in this column. No identities are revealed eun porch, family room, all appliancee. security deposit and reference® required. Call 815-338- 8833, Sunday only. 7-23 Legal Notice STATE OF ) ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) OUR FILE NO.. 16343 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION NORTH WEST ) FEDERAL ) SAVINGS AND ) LOAN ) ASSOCIATION. ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs ) ) ROBERT NARCISI, ) ETAL. ) ) Defendants ) No.: 82CH033 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The requis i te Af­ fidavit for Publication having been filed notice is hereby given you, UNKNOWN OWNERS. NONRECORD CLAIMANTS ROBERT NARCISI Defendanta in the above entitled auit, that the said suit haa been commenced in the Ci rcu i t Cour t of McHENRY County , Chancery Diviaion, by the sa id P la in t i f f againat you and other defendanta, praying for the forecloaure of a ce r ta in Mor tgage conveying the premiaee described aa follows, to- wi t : Lot 3 in the sub­ division of that part of Block 7 lying in Section 18 of Levilla Vaupel l , a sub­ division of part of Sections 17 and 18, Townahip 44 North, Range 9, East of the Thi rd Pr inc ipa l Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded June 25. 1929 as Document No.: 88669, in Book 7 of Plats, page 18, in McHenry County, Illinoia Commonly known as: 1307 W. North Eaat Shore Drive, McHenry, Illinoia 60060 and which said Mor­ tgage was made by MIDWEST BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, TUT 72-09891 to NORTH WEST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION as M o r t g a g e e , a n d recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in County, Illinois, as Document No.: 735366. And for other relief; that aummona was duly issued out of the said Court againat you aa provided by law, and that the saio auit ia now £ NOW, THEREFORE, unleea you said above named defendanta, file our Answer to the omplaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in tne Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Cour t of McHENRY County , Chancery Divia ion , in the Ci ty of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 10th day of Aug. 1982, default may be entered againat vou at any time after that day and a Judgment tered in accordan en i nee with the prayer of said Complaint Dated: July 2. 1982 at Woodstock, Illinois. Vernon W. Kays^Jr. Clerk of THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. McHENRY COUNTY GOMBERG 4 SHARFMAN, LTD. 209 S. La Salle St. Suite 723 Chicago, 111., 60604 ^312) 782-6194 (Pub. July 9,164 July 23,1982) No. 820*86 Legal Notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Publ ic Not jce ie hereby given that' on July 20, 1982, a cer­ tificate waa filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinoia, aetting forth the namee and post-office addresaos of all of the persona owning, conducting and tranaactlng the bualnese known as McHENRY AUTO SERVICE, located at 928 N. Front St . McHenry. IL., 60060 which certificate eeta forth the ownera as fo l lows: John P . Siegmeier. Dated July 20,1982 Roaemary Azzaro, County Clerk (Pub. July 23, $04 Aug. 6,1982) No 820316 GARDEN Tomato Blights At you set out your tomato plants, you probably arc dreaming of luicy, red ripe tomatoes, fresh out of the garden Hut those tomato plants may get off to a great start. only to be stopped in their tracks by diseases in July and August Two leaf blight fungi are apt to infect your plants in the coming summer Septoria and Altcrnana, says Richard I alin, PurdueUniyersitye* tension plant pathologist T hese disease causing fungi live in almost all states and countries where tomatoes are grown Both attack anytime during the growth of the tomato plants And, both are more apt to infect and de stroy plants that arc weak and poorly maintained To stop the fungi before they can damage tomatoes, properly weed, water, and fertilize your plants Weeds should be hoed out in early summer, then mulch the plants with two to ihrec inch­ es or peal moss or bark chips, or four inches of slraw To- :iLt^ malo plants need one inch of water per week, so, if Mother Nature isn't providing enough rain, give your tomatoes a good, slow soaking. Once plants are established, apply a low nitrogen fertilizer (4- 16-16 or 5-10-10) at a rate of about two to three pounds per 100square feet. Water the plants thoroughly after fer tili/ing Plants may appreci­ ate extra feedings at month­ ly intervals Take care of your plants now and your dreams will be come a red ripe reality COMI STMT THIMBU WITH VS. POINTING IPEOPLtl rrOTHE SIRVICISi 10 AM Sunday SibU Study For All AQ« Group* 11AM Sunday Worthip ATM Sunday Evaning Worship 7 30PM Wadnatday Eva. Worship QU)f (Htjurrtj of (Eljriat (•/. block north of Rto. 176) Roymond T. Exum 401 N. Oak St., Minister Crystal Lake 49M1M . Macaroni Eight ounces of elbow macaroni equals two cups uncooked and four cups cooked LeaaSalt Try squeezing a few drops of lemon on meats like steak, veal cutlet or leg of lamb. The delicious taste just might help you cut down on salt. Food Safety Safety is important in thawing frozen foods. But some foods, like frozen bre­ ads, cookies, cakes and fruits and vegetables without sauce, can be thawed at room tem­ perature. V

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