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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jul 1982, p. 2

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P.UiK 2 l'l. \l\l)KALKR - FRIDAY. JULY 23^1»82 ^ ̂ - | <zA/(o±t[y <SocLa[ COMMUNITY CALENDAR McHenry BPW Awards Scholarships JULY 23-Aug. 1 Fiesta Days. JULY 24 Wonder Lake Rescue Christ the King church s.m. !Squad haU-9] p.m. to l STANLEY SOLLMAN AND ANTOINETTE WEBER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Warren Weber, 715 N. Green street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Antoinette Carol, to Stanley SoUman, ton of Mr. and Mr*. Lee Sollman of Huntinghurg, Ind. The wedding is planned for Aug. 21, at St. Mary's church in Huntinghurg. McHenry American Legion Auxiliary & Fenny Schulti, Girl's State delegate from McHenry East campus, Is shown with Marge Dati, Unit Girls' State chairman. Mrs. Dottie Measer, president of McHenry Unit 491, held the last meeting of her administration Monday, July 19, at the Legion home, after the usual opening ceremony reports were given by unit chairmen Special guest at the meeting was Penny Scnultz, 1962 Girls' Stater, from McHenry East campus, spon­ sored by the McHenry unit. Penny gave an interesting talk about her week at MacMurray college, Jacksonville, where she attended as a delegate to the forty-second annual session of Ulini Girls State, sponsored by the Department of Illinois, American Legion Auxiliary. The week of concentrated study of citizenship in action provided a unique opportunity to learn about govern­ ment through participation. Pearl Cooper, Membership chairman, announced she is taking membership for the coming year, and members can send their dues to her. Americanism chairman, Midge Scharf, announced an American flag was given to the McHenry Township office building. A letter of ap­ preciation was read at the meeting. A report of the Department con­ vention revealed the McHenry unit contributed $695 to Veterans Craft; $768 to Elgin State hospital and 1683 to North Chicago V A hospital. Birthday greetings were extended to Reba Owen and Ruth Mrachek. Veterans craft prizes were won by Marge Datz and Ruth Mrachek. Krrell Richardson was present to receive the Attendance award. Incoming president Dorothy Bennett announced that installation of the new officers will be held Sunday, Aug 8, at 2 p.m ., at the post home. All members and guests are invited to attend and those interested may call 385-0667 for reservations Refreshment chairmen for the meeting were Reba Owen and Lydia Fenner There will be no meeting in August. JULY 25 ' McHenry Sportsmen's club-Meat Shoot-11 a.m. to 4 p.m.-Weingart road, Pistakee Bay. Children's day picnic-sponsor, Polish National Union-Spojnia park- Flanders and Ringwood road-noon-6 p.m.-music, food, games, prists. JULY 21 McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, i p.m.-East cam­ pus-entertainment. McHenry Woman's Club-Board meeting, 10 s.m.-McHenry Public Library. JULY 27 McHenry Garden Gub-luncheon, 11:30, McHenry Country club- meeting, 1 p.m., McHenry Public Library. JULY 29 McHenry Chamber Industrial Committee Luncheon-Borre's restaurant, Johnsburg-social hour, 11:30 a.m.-luncheon, noon. Rules of the Road Review course- for senior citizens-McHenry City hall- first class, 9:30 a.m. (for eye test) to noon. JULY 31 McHenry Garden Gub~Plant sale, 10 a.m.-Pearl Street park, McHenry. ' AUGUST 2 McHenry Senior Citizens Hub- Executive Board meeting, 10 a.m - McHenry Public Library. AUGUST 3 Marcia Mary Ball Circle-annual picnic, noon-catered-home of Helen Walters, 3016 W. Mary lane- reservations promptly with Lyda Radisch, 385-2754 AUGUST 5 Rules of the Road Review course- for senior citizens-second class, 10 a.m. to noon-McHenry City hall. AUGUST 9 McHenry Senior Citizens' Club- regular meeting, 1 p.m.-East cam­ pus-annual flower and vegetable show. AUGUST 12 McHenry County Genealogical society-monthly meeting, 7:30 p.lfc.- Grace Lutheran church~W| street, Woods toek--"C< Research". . Rules of the Road Review course- for senior citizens-third and last class, 10 a m to noon-McHenry City hall AUGUST 16 T.H.E.OS.-annual catered picnic- home of Mae Stinespring-3329 Bay View lane, McHenry-Dinner, 5:30 p.m.-reservations, Lyda Radisch, 385-2754. AUGUST 23 McHenry Senior Citizens' club-no regular meeting-school registration. AUGUST 28 McHenry Senior Citizens' Bus trip- Wagon Wheel, Rockton-luncheon- leave Market place, 10 a.m. From Ml la right. Avis Gaas, MeHsss Jaye Ma PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD PERFECT TOMATO Will there ever be any such thing as the perfect tomato? We owe plant breeders a vote of thanks for bringing us such good varieties, but they Will be the first to admit that they need a breakthrough The perfecLtomato would combine good flavor with large, smooth- skinned fruits The flesh would be solid for slicing The plants would be of manageable size and would begin setting fruit early. But, most im- •« JULY CLEARANCE SALEM McHenry (Actom From Thalaih Shop) ilrUamn ll mwiwiiry, n« You csn easily keep your toaster bright and shining by cleaning it with club sods. »' It sparkles! portantly, the plants would resist sll major diseases and, if possible, serious insect pests. Aye, and there's the rub Finding and retaining multiple resistance in a given variety is difficult, but the tomato breeders are gaining. They are even finding tomato varieties that will set fruit during cool weather or very hot spells Thirteen tomatoes have won All- America awards. The newest is "Floramerica' and the oldest is 'Pritchard', which won a gold medal fifty years ago. Please, no jokes about fifty-year old tomatoes! f]C u i--e CHINA LIGHT RESTAURANT and LOUNGE FIESTA DAYS CELEBRATION JNUBKAUT JMPRT MAM ff • MY 25 SAMMY 4WVKAIKSAII *JRY3t feed • tear On the l»reet When members of the McHenry Business and Profs--iuual Woman's club met recently, they were treated to an outstanding evening of en­ joyment. The event took (dace at a local restaurant, where dinner was served in the style of an oriental feast. Following the repest, the program, furnished by the Scholarship com­ mittee, chaired by Avis Gans, proved to be of special Interest to everyone present. The business meeting was opened by Lynne Donarski, president, who introduced the officers seated at the head table. She then turned the meeting over to Mrs. Gans, who gave a short resume of the Scholarship committee since its inception in 1972. Mrs. Gans then asked each member of her committee to reed a letter which had been received from a former scholarship recipient and everyone was impressed with the progress and accomplishments of these girls. Many later commented on how gratifying it was to leern that their efforts to support this committee had been very worthwhile. A highlight of the program was the opportunity to meet the 1962 scholarship winners and hear of their future plans. Melissa Jaye Mayberry, daughter of Thomas and Charlotte Mayberry, 4501 Front Royal avenue, McHenry, graduated from McHenry West campus. She was a member of the National Honor society, Junior Engineering Technical Society teem Illinois State Scholar. Melissa moved to McHenry in August of 1976, is in­ terested in math and science and plana to attend the Univeraity of Illinois, college of Nuclear Engineering, and later tranafer to Chemical Engineering. Susan Marie Smith, daughter of John and Suzanne Smith, 908 N. Green street, McHenry, is a graduate of McHenry East campus. She wss on the basketball, field hockey and softball teams; vice-president of the National Honor society, and belonged to Student Council, chorue, Pep club and Outdoor club. Suaan moved to Jaycees Chicken Barbecue Aug. 1 One of the moat awaited attractiona of Fieata Sunday, Aug. 1, is the annual Jaycees chicken barbecue. It will be held in Pearl street perk starting at 11 a.m., sponsored by the McHenry Jaycees. Profits from this event revert to the community. This is a non-profit organization that provides leadership training for young men. Events such aa the barbecue are utilized by the Jayceee to try out different organizational and management techniquee. Young men between the agea of II and 36 who want to learn more about the Jayceee are aaked to stop at the park Aug. 1 and visit with members If this is impossible, they may write to the Jayceee at P.O. Box 163, McHenry. •in lMt, is interested In the | field of language, and plans to attend Illinois State university, Bloom ington, 111. and earn a degree in Binlnsss Mrs. Shirley Rogers, West counselor, was introduced as special guest. She has been very cooperative with the Scholarship committee and Mrs. Gans eapi sesed her appreciation. Three new members were inducted into the club: Barb GUpin, McHenry City Clerk; Liz Nolan, Alderman of the First Ward and in charge of the Beautification committee for the City; and G.G. Havens, who tran- MCACE Schedules Events stared from a BPW dub In Lafayette, Ind. Lori Huml, Membership chairman, preeentod each with a membership pin. Plans were finalized for the annual "Day At The Racaa" and a diecueeton of the yearly dinner-play outing resulted in a cancellation of this ac­ tivity this summer. President Donarski extended congratulations to Yvonne Ridsn on her retirement after 15 years of employment at McHenry State Bank. The McHenry BPW club will resume its regular schedule of business meetings for the 1982-83 club year Monday, Sept. 27. spital, charge MCACE (McHenry County Ares Childbirth Educators) will preeent the Lamase film, 'Nan's Claas' on Monday, July 26, at S p.m., in the cafeteria of Memorial hospital, Woodstock. The film is free of i and open to the general \ labors and deliveriea of five couples and a single parent are depicted and the reaults of Lamaze preparation and family centered maternity care shown. On Saturday, July 31, MCACE will hoet a booth at a shopping mall in Crystal Lake, with various materials available concerning childbirth preparation, and maternal health. Certified instructors will be on hand to answer questions and a continuous slide preaentation will be shown. , The next Early Pregnancy workshop is slated for Saturday morning, Aug. 21. Thia three-hour session is geared to meet the needs of the newly pregnant woman and her support person. It covers topics such as nutrition, body mechanics and exercises, do's and don'ta of pregnancy, sexuality and com­ munication techniques. Early registration is advisable as class size is limited. There is a small fee to cover materials and refreehments. The regular series of six Lamaze classes are held throughout the county on a regular basis and are best taken during the last two montha of pregnancy. Early regietration ia a must to assure a (dace in a claas moat suited to individual schedules. For further information or regiatration one may call Mrs. Tad M. (Marie) Walters of Crystal Lake:- tractive street length dresses. Later, ||kA jmumimI uikijik 1-- wlaaiia<i MUMAMM C i 1 w n i c n lriiiuucu opoitoorB, saw the girls aa they appeared in forma la and in bathing suits. Senior Walk-In Center Fifteen Candidates Vie For Miss McHenry County Title A county queen made one of her laat official appearances Tueeday evening as 15 hopeful candidatee made their firat bid for her crown. Julie Kuetemeyer, Miaa Wodoatock before her selection to reign aa Miaa McHenry County, preaented a brief resume of the exciting year now coming to an end, and encouraged the 1962 conteatants aa they prepere for final judging. Chapel Hill Country club waa the setting' for preliminary judging this week. Van Sella, journaliat from Wonder Lake, capably handled the dutiee of maater of ceremoniea, in­ troducing girls from 15 communities in the county. Dorothy Kloeckner, a former Illinois Dairy Princeea, addreaaed the large crowd in her role aa chairman of the queen committee. She introduced the committee members who have assisted her in prepering contestants for their appearancee. Charles "Chuck" Weingart of McHenry, preaident of the McHenry County Fair aaeociation, preaented highlighta of the Auguet fair, focuaing on the auction, queen pageant, and demolition derby, among other feeturee. He concluded with emphaaia on the weather, tihich, he said, ia the moat important aingle factor in the success of the snnual event". The girls enjoyed dinner in at- Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8290. The menu for the week of July 26 through July 30 is aa follows: July 16: Chop suey on chow mein noodles, green beana, breed, cookie, apple wedgee, milk. July 27: Steak sandwich, aquaah, pickle slices, potato salad, baked custard, milk. July 26: Chicken Marengo, rice, carrots, apple sauce, bread, cherry tart, milk. Jaly 29: Laaagne, toeeed salad, mixed vegetables, breed, pound cake, milk. Jaly 36: Hot turkey sandwich, mashed potatoes and gravy, cran­ berry alicea, wax beans, peach with cottage cheese, marble cake, milk. n h F L 122* N. MUM ST., McMNtY (Corner of Oroon ll mnd Rowto 130) KM CAMVOUT oaocat CAU M4-3S29 i J'r nc Open Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for your convenience Marengo Federal Savings and loan association Marengo, Woodstock, Crystal Lake, McHenry

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