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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1982, p. 10

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PAC.I-; ISPI.MNDKAI KU • U KI>\h.S»\V. itt.V 2H. I9K2 M^fnorttffvi WoM9a ttd to Ivy, m*d Ciri|i liln MUST te peM la Wiw €#. ("t'BIC FT AMANA Side Side Refrigerator :«" sto OfHCI HOUM: MONOAY-MHOAY S:SSAM TO IMPM SATUROAY « TO IX NOON CLAmfliD COPY PfAPUNi WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4:00 PM FRIDAY PAPER • WEDNESDAY 4:00PM 815-385-0170 K>K SAILOR TRADE. 1901 Yamaha MX 100: iMO roirrH & LOVESEAT THOMAS OKGAX. 2 Jl St KKDl < KI) Kj MSKSI SCfttJKES H keyboards «.»h rhythm $2u.oon «« «»4.3nu i 1 ( K . OB K D I E N C E E!! seciion. excellent nwdHimi liumt «*#ks Emotes. hoti »T SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, many sizes 7-24-7-31C FOOSBALL TABLE $225 00 7 -24-7-31 c 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks Ft >RD 1977.* ton Super Cob Camper Special, power Cash only, all prices firm. 7- beige-brown pat piacemats 12 00 C 3pm aftar ces fir vinyl after with Magic Genie. douJbe keyboard. 2 years old First m sau ritfi mi tswTt; ACRE High and II •NSMKSS SCMHCES SfflBLaBDHi Rim MISMV um CARPENTER WORK. WEDDING DRESSES Good fast work, Designed and Custom reasonable rates. Call made Call Carol, 815- Ernie Klapperich, 407- 344 1837 7-28-7-30C 3325. 7-28-7-30C NEW CARPET??? My Daddy can help you save money by in­ stalling your carpet professionally at the lowest price you'll find. My Daddy's name is Bob. 497-4453 7-28-7-30C W I L L C L E A N Basements, Garages Also do Lawn Work. Reasonable 815-653- 6896 7-28-8-6C ATTICS, BASEMENTS & Garages Cleaned For l>ess Will Haul Away 815-455-5536 7-28tfc G A R A G E D O O R SALES, Service & Repair Electric Door Openers All Work Guaranteed 815-385- 4010 7-28-8-27c MARIAS ALTERATIONS, For Fast Service k Low Prices. Open Monday thru Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 3pm. 815-385-3269 4821 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 7-7tfc LAWN CARE. Yard Work, Hedges, Mowing, Weeding, Feeding, Trimming etc. Very reasonable. David 815- 455-5536 7-2tfc PAINTING, Patching and Light Repairs. Very reasonable. David 815- 455-5536. ' 7-2tfc HAS DECORATING, Custom Inter ior i t Exter ior Paint ing I t Wall papering. Free estimates. 815-459-4264. 7-2tfc COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE •Tr*» Trimming •Tr»« Removal •Stump Removal •Firewood •Snow Romoval •Prao Ettlmato* •Fully Insured (815)385-6733 rtAtmiON SIPTK SERVKf New Septic Instollatioft*, and Ropairi. Bock hoe Work. Question* about your •optic syitemtT Give us • call. Light Hauling, Drivoway gra vol. top tall . sand and fill. •1S-M44M?,, AUCTION GALLERY Now accepting consignment* for summer auctions Items on floor lor sale af all times, lor more information contact 815 418 1100 Between 1 (JAM & HPM Open Daily 6 1/W 6 16 7 ?6C -ffiwin Tho Tic foe Doc II your watch won't tick or your clock won't lock Bring it to a Tic Toe Doc $3.00 off any repair of watchos, clocks or |ewelry 87 OrwH SI. Crystal Lake • 15-455-617* LI expires Aug 4th 7 78 7 30 ROOT REPAIR DON'T BUY A NIW ROOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK iuttiim CONST. 815*344-1020 •Electrical •family RIMS •MiiitMUCt Fm Dicks ft Pordtts •Hmm Ruiirs No Job Too Small Call Harry L Viizns C Constriction 8153852847 ALLANS BLACKTOP lirgisl Ritowil t»»r SO' Sq. fI. for Grading 4 Blacktop Only On Driveways Ovm 1000 Sq ft •Parking lots'New Olives •tony lan«l*Patching •Hesudaung'Seal Coaling 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates SI 5-450-3040 PROFESSIONAL PAINTER Hove awn equipment Exterior Interior. Commercial. Residential Industrial Sandblasting and High Pressure Watar Blasting Reasonable Prices Stf»ici YM CM DtftMl On •15-344-2007 7 23 7 30 » 28 WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING. INC. C O M M E R C I A L • R E S I D E N T I A L Sonriii yur an- 28 yurs ixforimci. Wi aro Rm Uki«| rial Dial dinct with iwmt I saw!! Call anytima for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312 223-5634 IIBERTYVILLE 312-367-0676 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Rpsidontial Commr>riial Industrial tin) savings on Residential woii> Proven B Y t h o u s a n d s o l s a t i s ( I « > ( I c u s t o m < M S SPRING DISCOUNT • Moi I oid • N«-w Or iv«>s • k i>»ui loc inq •far h mq I ots •S«>ol Coatinq All worl quaio'ilccd F mm- E\tmiat<<\ 312-546-5600 iS Grciyslakr III BOW WOW BOUTIQUE Professional Dog Grooming. All breeds Cal l 115-385-2011 for appointment. 7-2tfc NOW IS THE TIME to do your concrete work. Call for a free estimate. CAE Concrete. 815-385- 3586 7-2tfc MONEY IS Available! If you are in need of a loan, call 815-728-0404. Patrick James Letizia, Financial Planners since 1968. 7-2tfc ALBRECHT Con­ struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. 7-2tfc CONCRETE CON­ TRACTOR, Foun­ dations and all types of Concrete work. Quality work, free estimates. 815-385-4390. 7-7-9-lc PACK 4 SHIP, via UPS, Post Office, Bus, Air, Boat. Hours 9am «- to 5pm, Saturdays by appointment. 815-385- 3074. Pack k Ship, 4727 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, II. 60050. 7-2- 7-30c P I A N O T U N I N G . Summer tune-up time! Call Vincent Dorr, 815- 385-7961. 7-21-7 30c SEAL COAT Driveways and parking lots . Professional job, for less than if you did it yourself. 815-459-4886, 312-381-6589, 7-21-7-SOc PROFESSIONAL HOME CARE With a Personal Touch...And We Do Windows! For al l your cleaning needs at a reasonable price 815- 455-5536 7 14tfc INTERIOR k EX­ TERIOR Painting Call us for a Free Estimate. We're very affordable! 815-385-7736 anyt ime or 8 1 5 - 3 4 4 - 1 7 2 2 a f t e r 6:00pm. 7-2tfc MARK KEIL, Exter ior & Inter ior Paint ing. Also paint barns. Free estimates, insured 815- 338-1378 . 7-23-8-27c B BUSS CON STRUCTION. Car pentry. Remodel ing and Repairs Re-roofing 815 728-0288 . 7 28 7 30c SEWING MACHINE REPAIR, Domestic k Industr ia l , In Home Service. We carry par ts and suppl ies for a l l sewing machines Keener k Son, Wonder Lake 815-728-0672 7- 21 fc N O R T H E R N I L L . MECHANICAL, INC Plumbing, Hot water heat , Sewer & Water . Sept ics , New work, S e r v i c e w o r k , Remodeling Resident ia l k Com­ mercial . Licensed and Bonded. Fully insured 312-546-1474 . 7-2tfc S C H U E R R W A Y Builders. All phases of Carpentry, Electr ic , Plumbing, Heat ing, Ti l ing. No job too small . Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4808 7-2tfc NEED AN ESTIMATE For Your Concrete Work? Call Ken. Quality Work. All Types Of Cement Work. 815-728- 1548 7-2tfc STEAMEX STEAM CARPET cleaning "gentle but thorough", living room 4 hall $45.00, additional rooms 120.00 each. Bauman Carpet Cleaning 815-943- 4793 7-2tfc J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION. An­ tique, furniture repair and refinishing. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-3854024 7-2tfc R.T.a R. PAINTING CO. Commercial k Residential. Interior k Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates. Ron 815-7M- 0176. 7-Stfc CUSTOM PRINTED Tee Shirts, Jackets, Uniforms, etc. Check our prices first! Blue Seas Enterprises. 815- 344-1563. 7-2tfc HELP ME HELP You Plan Your Financial Future. If You Don't, Who Will. Patrick J. Letizia, Financial Planner since 1918. 815- 728-0404. 7-2tfc PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry. Free est imates , references k insured. Best Price Around! Call Bill 815-385-2843. 7-2tfc TOM HUBBARD, Award winni i^ magician, is available f o r s c h o o l s , auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312-3958006. 7-2tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449. 7-2tfc INTERIOR k EX­ TERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates. Call Jim 815-459-3677 . 7-2tfc PLUMBING, New work, remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumpa, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725 7-2tfc LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reasonable rates 815-3854386. 7- 2tfc Happy 'Sweet 16' KIM r VI Love, Mom & Dad, The Shadow & Butts im ffisoms ~ A BIG HUG, For My California Kids, Love Mom. 7-28 CONGtATUIiDONSl SCOOTER SCOTTY & MAMA MILDRED We Love Y.I Rat Face Ricky & Noodle NOTICE NOTICE STARTING OVER! New Group forming for Divorced, Separted k Widowed Persons. For information phone 815- 385-5070 after 6pm. 7-28- 7-30c I FACILITIIS CANT tC ADVERTISIO According to th« Child Cor* Act of 1969 it i» a mitdomoanor to coro for 4. or mora o»h»r person's children tn your homo unlow that homo •* ticonsod by tho Stat* ot Illinois. It i« also illegal to advor- ttto for tuch torvico* in on unlicontod home.. Those licenses are issuod froe to homos meeting minimum standards for tho safety, health and well- being of tho child. For information and Licen­ sing contact: IUINOIS MPARTMINT OF CHtLDftIN 8 FAMILY SCftVICfS Loke Villa Field OHke P O. Sox 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa, III. 60046 2imum BABY PHOTO CONTEST VOTNM-l' A Vm-NO UIMT During Buslnoss Hours Wednesday, July 28 Candymon's Closet Thursday, July 29th Friday, July 30th Saturday, July 31st Spurgeon's Smith's Children's Clothes Chamber of Commerce during Sidewalk Sales Days 10om-4pm Sunday, August 1st Pearl Street Park 12:00 - 3:00 P.M. Winner Announced 4:00 PJtt. Pearl Street Perk Proceeds to benefit Public Library, Park District, New Hospital, and! FISH. NOTICE Please be aware that due to Fiesta Day activities, the City of McHenry street sweeper will begin cleaning streets in the downtown areas at 2:00 a.m. on Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings, July 30, 31 and August 1st. This action is necessary to assure that clean up if com­ plete for the following days Fiesta programs. Put** 7/2B-7/3U i HAPPY 19th SWEETIE MM VOLKSWAGON RABBIT, 4 speed, air coodUkming, wrj low miles. 815-W6-7786 7-28- COLLEEN TURNS LEGAL 7/29/82 *PY 21st BIRTHDAY Love, Mary cms «rmwKs THANKS TO St. Jude for Prayers answered. T.S. 7-28 WE ARE VERY Grateful for the Com- passkm shown tis Doctor Miller and the SUff at the McHenry Hospital. The support of Father Gaynor and Father Schott will be remembered with deep appreciation. Thank you The Charles J. Brda Family 7-28 THANKS TO ALL Contributors to the John k Doris Pitzen Medical benefit dance. Special thanks to the band. Two Beers k a Coke, Jack Slaughter, Ray Bujak, Nancy Daurtoi 815-344- 0680 (Stuc's Pizza) for the enter ta inment . From the Host Com­ mittee and John, Doris and Nick Pitzen. 7-21-7- 90C WE WOULD like to thank our family and frienda, the Wonder Lake Rescue Squad and the etaff at McHenry Hospital, God and My Dad Sam Tomaaello for all the love and un­ ders tanding, their prayers and help in the many ways they showed it. When times looked pretty grim, it was nice to know we had a whole community behind us. "A friend is there before you know it to lend a hand before you ask it and give you love just when you need it most". May God Bless You All. John, Doris and Nicholas Pitzen 7-28-7-30C O U R R E C E N T Bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts towards Relatives 4 Friends. Your help­ fulness and comforting expressions of sym- pathy will always be remembered. The Family of George (Dot's) Steilen 7-28 1*76 HONDA CIVIC, excellent v condition, below average mileage, asking $1,895.00. 815-455- 4311 after 6pm 7-18-7- Aum 1873 GRAN PRIX, no rust. Muet see to ap­ preciate. call after 8pm or weekends. 815-456- <188. 7-2S-7-30C 1880 DODGE DART, 0 cylinder, automatic, a luminum mags, Michelin XVS Tiree. Good runner, never any rust. 38 mpg 815-730- 0317 7-38-7-38C 1070 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE Convertible, am radio, excellent condition $1525.00. 815- 738-1382. 7-28-7-30C 1074,134 FIAT SPIDER Convertible, good condition. Call 815-385- 1235. 7-28-7-SOc 1074 MUSTANG II, power steering, power brakes, air con­ di t ioning, rear defogger, good con­ dition $1,100. 015-305- 3826. 7-28-7-SOC 1071 IMPALA Con­ vertible, 400 engine, power steering, power brakes, factory air, new starter, bettery, points, plugs and paint job. Looks and runs good $1796.00.815-344-1544. 7- 28-7-30C 1073 FORD TORINO, needs battery $225.00; 1073 Gremlin, needs battery $125.00; 4x8 all steel utility trailer, excellent tires $300.00. 815-344-4412. 7-28-7-SOc LET US SHOP for your auto and cycle in­ surance. Preferred standard, Sub standard. Budget terms. For personal quote call Sunder lage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3338. 7- 28-7-30C 1975 VW RABBIT, good condition $1,450.00 or beat offer. 815-728-1382. . „ 4 Nkl.O t 7-26-7-30c 1976 CHEVY % Ton, 4x4 With Plow, $4100.00. Call 815-385-1709. 7-23-7-30C 1975 FORD TORINO Wagon, $800.00. 815-338- 3538 7-23-7-30C SUPER CLEAN 1978 Dodge Omni Custom 4 door, 40,000 miles, front wheel drive, automatic, power steering, 28 mpg, $3,800 or will accept older car in trade and cash. Call after 5pm, 312-497-3674. 7-23-7-SOc 1972 FORD TORINO, 2 door, 6 cylinder, stick, $250.00.815-338-3538. 7- 23-7-30C 1979 TRANS-AM, 10th Anni vorsary Limited Edition, Stored aince 1980, all options and documentation. Sticker still on window, low mileage. Call Fred, leave message. 815-344- 0070. 7-21-7-SOc 1078 LINCOLN MARK V, black with black interior, full power, moon roof, multiple am- fm stereo tape, cruiae control, tiree, like new. One owner, 18,830 or best offer. 312-740-9004. 7-28-7-SOc 1079 CAMARO, black with red interior, 306, V8, Automatic, Power Steer ing, Power Brakes, Rear Defogger, Air, Custom Stripe, Custom Wheels, Front k Rear Spoilers, AM-Fm Casset te Stereo, Sunroof, 43,000 Miles Excellent Condition $8600. Serious only, 815- 385-8299. 7-23-7-SOc 1070 SILVER PONT1AC Firebird Formula, 4 brand new radial, am- fm atereo, excellent running condi t ion, $2,90000 or beat offer. 312-807-0704. 7-387-30C WE BUY CARS a n d TRUCKS iM ony Ondi *> n 815 338 0270 F ror> Towmq 1075 k 1078 LINCOLN. 2 door. Continental Town Coupe. Striping for parts. 815-7284125. 7-28- 7-SOc 1086 CHEVY II SS 327 Hi-Preformance, 4 speed. Mainly stock and in good condition. Maroon with black interior 815-344-2515. 7- 28-7-30C CONVERTIBLE Fiat Spider. 35 mpg, red, black lop, good con­ dition. Must sell asking $1650.00.815-305-1407. 7- 28-7-SOc 1077 DODGE KARRY VAN. 50.000 miles, good condition, $3200 00. 815- 344-1180 7-2tfc 1977 RABBIT, 4 speed, clean car, runs well, 35 miles per gallon, $3,000 Blue Book, $2800 or beet offer 815-385-2071 after 5pm 7-28-7-SOc 4x4, 1979 J10 JEEP Pick Up, Golden Eagle package. Looks good, runs good, must sell $4,900 312-407-3034. 7-28- 7-SOc 1078 OMNI, Automatic, power s teer ing, a i r , stereo caasette, 48,000 miles, excellent con­ dition. $3,725.00. 815-338- 2371. 7-28-7-SOc FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1074 Camero, 53,000, miles, 81880.00. 815-385- 9681. 7-38-740C . aOTMKVOB 1079 KZ 750, like new, many extras, $1500 firm 815-385-0395. 7- 23tfc 1075 YAMAHA 250, low miles, new tuneup and battery. Must sell $600.00. Call 414-877- 3841. 7-28-7-30 KAWASAKI KZ 650, Mags, Triple Disc, LTD seat. Pro Custom Paint, Low Miles. Show Condition $1800.00. 312- 639-0167. 7-28-7-SOc 1980 KAWASAKI 440 LTD, mint condition, extras. Must sell $1150.00 or best offer. 815-455-3569 7-28-7-SOc 1979 HONDA 750K, black, luggage rack, fairing, stereo, $2100 or best offer. Excellent condition, low miles. Call 815-728-0932. 7-7tfc 1079 SUZUKI RM 125 Motorcycle. Totally rebui l t , have al l receipts. Good con­ dition, asking $560 or beat offer, Must sell. Call 815-385-1989 after 5pm or anyt ime weekends 7-2tfc 1074 JAWA 350 cc, ex cedent condi t ion, $380.00, call Dave 615- 344-0296 or 815-344-0311. 7-28-7-SOc 1075 HONDA MT 290 Street Legal, excellent condi t ion, aaking $530.00.815-385-4804. 7- 28-7-SOc HONDA CB 360. low mileage, cleen. Must sell, sacrifice, make offer. 815-344-S770 anytime. 7 28-7-30c NATS I MtTtftS 14 FT. ALUMINUM See King, with windshield. 35 hp motor, electric start and trailer $860.00. 815-455-3045. 7-38-7-S0c 1070 CENTURY 3000, 10 ft. Mercury I-O. many extras, mint condition, must sell 80.880.60. 815- 064-1042. 7-38-7-SOc --!HSr- i asrw 14' EXTRA WIDE Jon Boat and trailer. S5 hp Johnson outboard, decked but not turfed $1.500.312-407-3804. 7-28- 7-SOc 1066 THOMPSON BOAT, 10 ft., 75 hp motor, full canvas. Sportsman Trailer, Garage kept. Must see, completely recon­ ditioned. 312-407-3003. 7 20-7-30 28' TROJAN CABIN CRUISER. ful ly -recondi t ioned and refiniahed inside and out. Loaded with extras, hot and cold water systems, electric-ice refrigerator, 110 volt and phone wiring. Engine rebuilt June of 1982, depth finder, compass, search light, e lectr ic toi le t and holding tank, sterfeo, CB and weether radio. In water at McHenry Marina with 1003 slip paid, 1002 inaurance appraisal $10,000, asking $0,000. 015-34+ 1576 or 815-305-7000. 7- 28-7-30C TO GOOD HOME, Male dog 10 months old. Phon*815-728~0382. 7-28 GIVE AWAY, Excellent Watch Dog. Part Lab, Part Setter, 8 years old. Not recommended for small children, asvner moving. 815-344-2864 7- 28 GIVE AWAY Shepherd Collie mix, under 2 years old, loves kids, good watch dog. 815-338- 9169. 7-28 HOME RAISED Baby gray Cockatiels. 8 weeks old. Cockatiel still in boxes. 815-385- 5566. 7-28-7-SOc KT$ m uu ATTENTION HUN- T E R S ! G e r m a n Shorthair Pointer pups, $50.00, Mom k Dad on premises. Call 407-3118. 7-18-7-SOc M A L E G E R M A N Shepherd pup, A.K.C. registered, whelped 5- 21-82. large boned sable, wormed, $125.00. 815- 385-4718.815-344*2076. 7- 21tfc OLD ENGLISH Sheep Dog Puppies, Show qual i ty $350.00. Cal l Charm at 815-653-0301. 7-28-7-30C mill PONY OF AMERICA Weanling. Muet see to appreciate. $450.00. $15- 675-6304. 7-10-7-30C 4 YEAR OLD Appaloaa gelding. !$•« hands, good disposition, flashy, requires experienced rider, $1,350.00, offer 815-455-0988 evenings. 7- 9-7-SOc 3 HORSES FOR SALE. 815-488-8683. 7-0tfc •> TT» I I (

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