advised County Jail Medical Program Established VOLUME in. NO. 7 the McHenry County of Health). , of the activities of our mrsiaf A vtatea is a Jail Nnte program to Mm the inmates of the McHenry cmbI) Jail. With the cooperation of Uliaoia Medical society, we that met all the tt jail was the second jSTTI*11 to the State of Illinois to receive ~ -accreditation from the American Medical society. 55E;' Working with the sheriff, oar staff "ZZ* arranged for workshops to tram jail personnel aad have qaarterly meetings with the sheriff ana oar staff to improve the program and evaluate the progfeas of the project Our nurse serves the inmates three times weekly with physical exams, sick call, referrals to the physician or hospital, tests end supervision of medications, including reactions to the medication. Since canning aad freezing of home grown fruit and vegetables has economic as wfU aa palate pk»sing importance, we expect more people will be doing this this summer. Because improperly home canned food can cause lllnessss ranging from mild to severe and death, we want to remind you of some important points to remember before you begin. Use only lids, seals and jars manufactured lly for home canning and : all of the jars and containers for cracks and (suits. Do not reuse lids or seals. Everything used in the process - jars, pots and pans, spoons, dippers, strainers, funnels, etc., should be la hot with that lids. food. food for be sure to thoroughly wash raw fruits and vegetables and then process them according to the instructions. If you do not have canning or freezing in structions, they can be obtained from the University of Illinois Extension Service office in Woodstock. After having property processed the food into jars, fresser containers or dried food bags, be sure to put it into the correct storage temperature right away. Food for the freeeer should be frosen immediately, not waiting until after it cools to room temperature. Sealed jars can be stored while still warm, but should have more- "breathing room" until completely cooled and then stacked close together for long term storage. Again, remind children helping you that the jars will be hot and they will have to use gloves or hot pads in handling them after being removed from the processor. Final storage of canned goods should be in a cool dry place away from heat sources like hot water pipes or sunlight and away from moisture that could rust the lids. When storing the canned food, the seals should be rechecked and seals and condition of the food should be periodically checked to del the seek are still tight aad the I good Generally, signs of are obvious - mold, k bulging lids, bubbles in extreme separation of i liquids in the food, marked (Bacokration, unpleasant odors, etc. If any of your canned food shows any of these signs, do not taste it, but destroy it in a manner that wtH prevent children and pets from eating it. Happy canning and pleasant eating. HONEY DEW HONEY DONT Ever 'dream of the perfect honey dew melon? Oh, they taste good when fully ripe! Dripping with juice, smelling of nectar, icy white tinged with green like sherbet. But growing the perfect melon takes a real expert. Honey dew melons take a long time to mature. And, in climates where you have (by spells alternating with summer rains, the melons often ret before they mature. Foliage dlaeasss bother them in humid climates. But don't give up. There are now bush honeydew hybrids you can grow on plastic mulch to abeorb heat and regulate soil moisture content. And plant breeders are developing diaeaae resistant hooey dews that won't turn to mush in humid climates. There never has been an All- America award winning Nmeydsw, but there will be. There's probably a plant breeder right now saying, "Have I got news for you!" Women Of The Moose The July » business aseeting was called to order by Senior Regent Lil Baker, with M women Mrs. Baker read letters asking permission for fond raising projects goal of die new The annual Meoae picnic, to be held Aug. 14, was one of the topics covered Volunteers are still needed, along with donations for the food basket. Following the meeting, a Red Tassel ceremony wae held for collegian, Mary Ann Stott. College of Regents chairman, Vi Haack, gave a brief resume of activitiee of their program. Col)o0an Ila Hogan was the investing officer. Collegian Mary Ann Stott renewed her pledge to the Women of the Mooee and was invested with her red taaael aa a symbol of her devotion and loyalty to the Mooee. Guest speaker, collegian Doris Low, shared her experiences as a co worker with the McHenry chapter. She also stated that when advice or help is needed, co-workers should turn for e; and adviaed all to share to assistance; their responsibilities Collegian Low presented Senior Ftegent Baker with a crystal bell to signify the new theme, "Ringing the Bell for New Candida tea" Cake and ice cream was served by the College of Regents committee. The next chapter meeting is slated to be held Aug. 3. Jackie Maxurak Publicity Chairman PAGES - PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY. Jl LY ». ISC . State Officers At VFW % Ladies Auxiliary Meeting Reagan to take the necessary action to secure the release of POW's and MlA's who may still be living, and the' prompt return of the remains of those who are dead from the war in Southeast Asia. The district president, in regard to POW's. stated the state of Illinois will provide a lifetime auto license plate at no charge, but they must contact the state license bureau for the procedure. Charlotte "Peg" Rainey stressed the auxiliary attendance at the program seminars is important. They will be held in three areas throughout the state in August. She praised the hospital program at North Chicago Medical center for which Ila Hogan of Ringwood is co-chairman with Kay Kasting of Lake Villa. The depart ment president emblem is s rose and - it will be promoted throughout the state The district Child Welfare chairman stated there are 66 children in the State being aided by this program, where medical assistance is given to V.F.W or auxiliary members' children who are undergoing care and treatment of curable ailments. Members of the Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600, who sttended the meeting in addition to the co-chairman of the Veterans Administration Medical center of North Chicago, were Gerry Kuck, president, and Eva Snell, trustee of the local auxiliary. Helen Remily. chaplain, and Charlotte Ralaey. president of the State ef Illinois Ladies auxiliary to the . Veterans of Foreign wars, are shown in attendance at a recent 5th district Ladle* auxiliary meeting. State of Illinoife officers of the Ladiea auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars, Helen Remily^ chaplain, and Charlotte Rainey, president, attended the 5th district Ladiea auxiliary meeting. The meeting which was held in Antioch wss conducted by 5th district president, Lillian Nielsen, with 10 auxiliaries represented The district Legislative chairman diatributed petitions ssking President •••••••••••••••••••••••a Keepin* Healthy By Mary Richards An adult in reasonably good health actually needs to keep very few over-the- counter medicines on hand. Aapirin is o0e of them - if the use of it is not abused. There are some people, however, who should not take aapirin. Ulcer patienta, for one, because it could cause stomach irritation or bleeding. Nor is the use of aapirin advised during pregnancy or for patienta taking anti- coagulants. There are substitutes for . aapirin on the market. There are alao coated aspirins recommended for those with stomach ukers. Your pharmacist can help you- select sn aapirin auhatitute if you need one. Doctors, by the way, frequently preacribe aspirin is not narcotic. Over-the-counter cough suppressants are effective for minor coughing problems. A word of caution,, though. Moat, of these products contain sugar, so they may not be adviaable for diabetics. If you are bothered by a lot of mucus, s cough expectorant will help yod more than a sup pressant Suppressants keep the mucus from breaking up. Decongestants give temporary relief for colds. But you should not use nose drops or nose sprays too frequently. They may actually worsen the condition. If you want more information about over- the-counter drugs, contact the Illinois Department of Public Health. Food/ Dairies, 535 West Jef- f e r s o n s t r e e t , Springfield. III. 62761 Stress In Dogs A healthy dog has the beat chance, of coping with the stresses of everyday life,. a situation too many dog owners neglect. All sorts of factors can cause stress in dogs. Noisy children, a v dog show snd a long automobile trip are just a few. If your dog ia healthy and has good nutrition reserves, he is better equipped to handle such situationa. How do you know when your dog is st its best? There are several signs dog owners csn easily observe them selves including dog behavior, weight, coat and atool. If they are positive, they probably mean that the dog's nutritional rsserves are adequate to handle atreaa. If there's a », your dog could more vulnerable to other health disorders. To start, look for s shiny coat that is clesn, pliant, smooth and free of dandruff. To. check for proper weight, feel the dog'a rib cage. The ribe should be eaaily felt with gentle pressure but should not be seen. The dog's behavior ahould be bright, alert, responsive and in terested. Stools should be small, dark, dense and well-formed. ' If they are often, looae, abundant, pale in color or poorly formed, c o r i u 1 1 < y o u r veterinarian. CHRISTIANITY IS NOT JUST A RELIGION IT IS A RELATIONSHIP! COME LET is WOKSMP , GOD TOGEIHS IMS LOWS MY. Church of Christ 1304 N.PARK STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS wmmtmmmtm mhubbhu You might want to stock something for an occasional upset stomach. The most popular products c o n t a i n b o t h magnesium hydroxide a n d a l u m i n u m hytkoxide. They may be used to relieve excess acid conditions, but they should not be used on a regular basis because they may mask the symptoms of a more aerious disease. Second, these products can interfere with the ef fectiveness of other medications. Also, they are high in sodium; so they should not be used by anyone who has high blood preaaure. If you are suffering from severe or per- s i s t e n t s t o m a c h discomfort, you should see your physician. This is not a time to rely on over-the-counter drugs. S i n c e a l m o s t everyone suffers from colds, coughs and aore throats occasionally, you need something to relieve the schss and pains and to make you feel more comfotabte. Aspirin is still the drug preferred by moot doctors. Not thst sspirin cures a cold. It doean't. Bid It does reduce the inflamation and any fever you may have. The drugs of choice for cougns contain codeine or dex tromethorphan. Dex tromethorphan is as effective as codeine as a cough suppressant but ROSS FORI 3936 W. Main St., McHenry SPELLMAN CHEVROLET 908 N. Front St., McHenry OVERTON CAMUAC - PONTIAC CO. 1112 N. Front St., McHenry BUY YOUR NEXT NEW CAR IN McHENRY... And During August We Will Finance Your New Automobile At An Annual Percentage Rate Of 12.5% •Terms up to 46 months after cosh down payment or trode-m, equal to 20% of purchase price. MITCNKLL LINCOLN-MERCUR Y 907 N. Front St., McHenry . . . . . ,«*%• » . . J* . MITCNKLL ROKK A OLDS, INC. 903 N. Front St., McHenry ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT ASSISTANT LOAN OFFICER SONNY SIDE COMPANY 4810 W. Rte. 120, McHenry McHenry State Bonk In conjunction with Duss Ford, Europo Motors. Mitchell Buick/Olds, Mitchell Lincoln/Mercury, Overton Cadillac/Pontioc, Spellman Chevrolet and Sunnyslde Dodge Compony invite you to take advantage of their August Loon Special of l%Vi% ANNOAL PERCENTAGE RATE. When you do you will do business with knowledgoble professionals who con help you select the right cor to fit your lifestyle and budget. Come see Phil Oeffling or Keith Leathers at McHenry Stote Bank's Gerald J. Carey Building for your auto loon today! EOROPA MOTORS 2414 W. Rte. 120, McHenry A run SERVICE BANK "Serving McHenry and McHenry Area for 74 Yeon" McHENRY STATE BANK" Main Building: Corner ef Kim St. and Green St. J. Corey IwHdsy Corner of Richmond Rd. end PeeH St. I. Weber ftuMdlnf: Crystal lake Rd. endlMUen St. 305-1040 \