Pap* 66--Shaw Meda Group 1962 Far GuMte OLD FASHION FUN Antique Auto & Carnage Museums • Street of Vestervear • Old Time fire house • 1890*s General Store Museum • Antique Popcorn Machines * Motor ocles & Bk>4es • Animal Pet farm • Antiques & Collectables for Sale in OkJ Country Store 1H0 Ad "•v-svor* f to* Scoe & Restoxor« ) c-<3 i»*ne ccv^CN 6 ^Oue OJCO <*r> cooe Oc? FosNor Ccmtpv Kttter Restouror* Cr <e Oeorc Portoc,*- »o* coro«r<y>ecf Fur 6 rcoc? S3 25Aduta S2 75Servers Si ?5CNk>ne ̂ 4 to 12 oro«< 4 free GtxjpRores July 3 1 & August 1. 3rd Annual Country Com Roast & Brat f estixaT cresf> cou '̂% cor costed m husk Cold Oee< Augusts 7th Annual Antique Auto Sho» & festival? Pfe VcAJ Vor u a^^cs o^csoe (200 kMi yeor*) Aroque boot exfvtvt' \̂e I>*)e*oro Oond Com 0 IVot Roost1 Cod Dee- f̂ cnts free *coc G t>eef *ee Comsiderote pncesO F- All WlATMEt F\JN g "ST 01b B.I. 8. Museums & Billaqe Coaching the queens • ' / • • . 1 TW£ BEST AND WORST can happen to participants m competitions at (he M^enry Ccxmty Fair This harness racer, above left, gets off his rig with a mud- spattered i**1orm at iast years fair The Miss McHenry County Pageant is the o*mn«itir of many hours of worH tor Dorothy Kleckner.above. Of Harvard •deefcr*' coordinates the beauty pageant traditionally held on the first night of wiata* , People &. projects ?»»• Um» >Mn Sr«c»(»iOB»»C'«( Sc -<•*<