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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1982, p. 14

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~*"~7wy Cctoln Us In ttfotsMp ] V -IM TUC rui IDTU AC --Jr THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE £ ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 4206 W. WAUKEGAN RD., MchENRY 385-0859 or 385-1616 Rev. Hermann F. Graef DM Clwrch of St Mary of tM Assumption R*v. Jam** O. Goynor. Pastor Rtv. Jam** Novak, Anl. PrlMl Rov. Walter Johnson, M.M. Rtv. Stanloy Ryinor Rov. C. Alfred Dlotsch tot. Ev*. Mast 5PM Fulfill* Sunday Obligation Sunday Monti 6:M, 1:00, 9:90 9:45, 10:45, 11:00, 12 NOON McHonry Evangelical Free Church 3031 Lincoln Road 34^-! 111 Church Pa-f ;<r Roy Wlsnor I-653-9*75 Sunday Sorvlco 10:90 Sunday "vc Sorvlco 6:00PM Sunday School 9:15-10:15 St Francis Polish National Catholic Church Flondor* Rood Ko*t of Rlngwood Road Sunday Ma*»o* -11AM Fathor Jo*oph Break, Pastor Maranatha Assembly of M Pastor Lawranco Thompson 1909 N. Court St. 944-0557 Sunday School 9:90 Worship 10:45AM. 6:00PM Wonder Lake Bible Chirch Phono:720-0422 or 720-1607 7501 Howo Drlvo Wondor Loko, Illinois Morlo O. Conklln,Pastor Sunday: Sunday School 9:90 AM Morning Worship Sorvlco 10:50 AM pPrayor Naur.Wad. 7:90^M First United Methodist Chirch 9717 W. Main Street Church phone 905-0991 Thomas Lowery, Pastor Parsonago phono 905-1952 Sunday Service 9:90 The EvaNfelical Lithorn Chirch of All Saints 912-507-7727 (Office) 912-497-4527 (Pastor's Offlco) Rev. J. W. Hughes, III Sunday Schedule: Worship Services 0:15AM and 10:90 AM Sunday School 9:1 SAM Faith Presbyterian Al L uiwrcn 2107 Wost Lincoln Rood (Across from outdoor T hooter) Worship: 0:90 « 10:45 Children I Adult Sunday School 9:90AM Bible Study-Weds. 9:90AM Pastor: Dr. Krlc J. Snyder |Phone: 905-59M or 905-0460 I Nursery Services Available Horn* of The Joyful Noise rkrlaOlM Praarlinnl vfirimvn r rvvcnovi SI MM ON Baptist Catlwlic Church Johnsburg Rev. Leo Bortol, Poster Rectory Phone: 905-1477 Set. Eve. Moss 5:90 « 0:00PM Fulfills Sun. Obligation tun. Masses 7,9, 10:90 • 12 NOON IWeekdays 7:9019-Sat. QAM First Baptist Chirch 49101. Wondor Loko Rd. Wondor Lake, Illinois Phono: 720-1091 Pastor - Dennis Shaw Sunday Worship 11AM Olbla Study 10AM Wodnosday Prayor and Hblo Study 7PM itTsr Episcopal Clwrch 905-0990 9706 W. St. Paul's B Croon Rev. Wm. H. Morloy. vicar Sunday Sorvlcos 0:00AM Holy lucharist 9:90 AM Holy lucharist and Sermon Nursery provided Wed. 9:90AM Holy lucharist Holy Days as announcod •ays < Tni Mow lit Hope United Methodist 1015 W. iroadway Plstakoo Highlands William O. Johnson, Pastor Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Worship Servlce:10:90 a.m. Chirch Of God Wondor Laka, Illinois 4010 Westwood Drive Wondor Laka 015-659-9900 Janlo A. Long, Pastor Morning Worship Sorvlco 11:00 a.m. Evening Prayor Service 5:90 p.m. SundaySchool 10:00 a.m. Chain O'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Chirch 4015 N. Wllmot Rood Rov. Mltcholl Consldlno Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Church Phone 497-9000 Parsonago 497-9000 ZiM Ensplical LitlwrM ChMreh (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. WoukogonRd. (W. Rte, 110) Rev. Hermenn F. Graef 905-0059 905-1616 Sunday Worship 7:45B10:90 Nursory Services provided ot 10:90 Education for Itornlty Sunday School Children and Youth 9:00 a.m. anco Bible Chirch 9015 W. lull Volley Rd. Rev. Ceroid Robertson Pro-Service Preyer 0:15AM First Worship Service 0:90 AM Sundoy School 9:45AM Second Worship Service 11:00AM Choir Proctlce 6:00PM Ivening Service 7:00PM Wednesday Bible Study B Preyer 7>90PM Church of Christ 1904 N. Park St. McHonry, II Worship 9 AM Bible Class 10 AM Phono: 015-944-0547 OR 015-905-0667 Curia R. JastM Faaaral Hone 3519 WILM STRUT | McHINRY 905 2400 Glaviaao's litariore 414 S. ROUTI 91 905-9764 Brake Parts Co. P.O.BOX 11 905-7000 Ace Hardware 9729 W ELM STRICT 905-0722 McHeiry irvtk Line, lac. P.O. BOX 575 McHINRY, H. 905-0712 Nativity Lntheran Chirch 95061. Wondor Loko Rood Box 157 Phono 659-9092 Wondor Loko, Illinois Sunday Worship 0:00 n.m. B 10:90 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. (Nursory Facilities Avollebie) United Purtictstal Church 250 Sunnyslde Lokomeor Rev. Nolan Hllderbrand 912-279-6209 Sunday 9:45 a.m. B 6:90 p.m. Wodnosday 7:90 p.m. Blblo Study Friday 7i90p.m. Youth Service Fretted Funeral Home 7611 HANCOCK DtlVI WONDER LAKE 1-720-0299 liriWy Savings t loan 1209 N GRIIN STRUT McHINRY First Natioul Bank of McHenry 9014W.RTC. 120 McHINRY.IL. McHeary Plaiodealer ""•W.IIMITIML • McMhai NMIH McHeary State 9110 W. SUM STRUT McHINRY ft 1040 Riifwnid Methodist Cbnxb Rlngwood, Illinois Pastor Cordon Smith Ros. 640-2040 Church 659-6956 Sunday 9:15 a.m. Church School at 9:45 a.r MCHMT) CMTY FrMs| MMtilt (Qulur) 1 st B9rd Sunday, 11:00 a.m. For Information call 905-0512 or 912-6B9-9B40 Christ the Kii( Catholic Chirch 50061. Wonder Loko Rood Wonder Loko, Illinois Sun. Masses: 0, 10 a.m. andl Sat. Ivonlng Mats 5:00 p.m. Fulfills Sunday Obligation First Baptist Chirch 509 Front St. 905-0009 Rov. Marshall I. Worry Blblo Study-Sunday School 9:90 a.m. Worship Sorvlco I0<45 a.m and 7:00 p.m. Wodnosday Prayor Sorvlco | 7:00 p.m. St Punch's Catholic Chirch Rev. Idmwnd Petit, Pastor Sat. Ivo (Sunday obligation fulflllod) 5 p.m. 7:15,0:90.9:45, 11 B 12:15 Christin Scinct SscMj Lincoln Rd. and lastwood Lane Sunday Sorvlco B Sunday School 10:90 Wad. 0 p.m. Roadlng Room Tees. B Thurs. 2-4 Saturday 11-12 Noon Clwrch of God frf lirUaani OT mCHCnf J (Pentecostel) 9019 John St., McHonry, II. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.mj Sunday Ivonlng 6:00 p.m. John last. Pastor Phono 905-1904, 944-9950 Shepherd of the Hills Lntheran Chnrch 404 N. Croon St. Rev. Roger W. Schneider Phone 905-77B6 or 9B5-4090I Sunday Church B:90 B 10:451 Sunday School 9:15 Nursery Services Available | Li | y a h peter m. mm Funeral Hove 9007 W. ILM STRUT This space available to advertisers for pennies an issue. McHemr PtiiL Bliss ^wllwW J I Wnl| VlVfiv 9411 W X •mil Coast to Coast 4400 W. RTI. 12B McHINRY MARKIT PiACI JSS-UMl Legal Notice Crackdown On Illegal Signs IN THE CIRCUIT COURT or THE 10th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. MCHENRY COUOT.ILUNOIS PROLATE DIVISION ESTATE OF ANNA WARDY Deceesed, File No. 02-P-M6 ; • CLAIM NOTICE • Notice IB given of the deeth of ANNA WAR­ DY, of Richmond, Illinois. Letters of office were iaoued on July 23. 1002, to JOSEPH • 114 Dunrovam, Hills, IL., •0010" -CHA^LE^ LEBAR, Rt. 03 ft Wood Creek Rd., RR 2, talis, IL., by Kurt Begafca Mitchell Salos, he. SUTCK • OLDS 909 N. FRONT STRUT 905-79001 10010 whose attorney is HARRY C. KINNE, JR . 3431 W. Elm St., McHenry, IL., 00060. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstoci, Illinois, 00000, or with the representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Gerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 day* after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Gerk of the Court (Pub. July 30, Aug. 0ft Aug. 13,1082) No. 020330 A. •) A JOHN L. FREUND FREUND FUNERAL HOMES • WONDER LAKE 7*11 HANCOCK DR. I1S-7IH1)) COOPER-FREUND • MARENGO 205 N. STATE 8IMN-IMI "It's sort out of hand," sakf Brace Hunter, president of the Village of Richmond "You don't want five signs stacked on top of each other on a utility pole." The village board promised to crsck down on people who put up signs without per- misssion. That includes businesses and in­ dividuals, notices or just a garage satle sign. Hunter said the board is taking this stand to promote "aesthetic appreciation for the community." Violators will be sent a warning letter, and if the problem continues, citations will follow. Concerning other village property, the question of who will maintain Wilson road is still under study. Village Attorney Sam Diamond is researching when the road was built and by whom. "It might be a private matter," Diamond cautioned. "It may be an easement." Hunter ssid the village has no intention of letting "cars sink into the quagmire." If the owner is not located, or it turns out to be a public road, that was never dedicated, the township has offered to maintain the road, if the village plows the snow. New Pulse Rate Monitor Developed The marriage of a com­ puter and pulse rate monitor, developed by Texas A A M engineering faculty and stu­ dents, allows medical person­ nel to almost instantly detect changes in pulse rate that might be catastrophic for a patient. A visual display al­ lows constant supervision and a built-in alarm system en­ sures quick notice of a prob­ lem. The system gives a beat- by-beat indication of cardi­ ac activity and the alarms sound when pulse rates rise or drop below pre-set levels. County Plan Group Prepares For Fair With the County Fair only a short time away, members of the McHenry County Planning commission and staff from the County Planning department make preparations for a booth at the fair. This year's presentation, will graphically illustrate land-use designations presently in use in McHenry county. The booth will be manned by department and commission mem­ bers who welcome the opportunity to explain the Year 3000 Comprehensive Land Use plan and the characteristics of lands used for residential, agricultural-rural, transportation and utilities, industry and commerce as well as those set aside for open spec* and natural resources. In­ formation on the County board's Economic Development will also be made available. Created by action of the in 1003, tannine fti an advieorv board the responsibility of long ranee planting for County board of theMcHenry Ciunty Planning nry hoard the county and cooperating with units of goiernment in thsir planning efforts. The Commission from throughout the area and current­ ly include Chairman David McCloud, Harvard; Vice-Chairman Nancy Fike, McHenry; Treasurer John Zabor, Spring Grove; Dennis Won- derlick, McHenry; Ernest Bates, Woodstock; Chris Christensen, Marengo; Bill Hubbard, Crystal Lake, Gary Jensen, Algonquin; Dean Curat, McHenry; and Mike Pihl, Harvard. Missionary Speaks Sunday For Zion Lutheran Rites Both Pastor and Mrs. Wetatehi are natives of Illinois. They are visiting relatives around the state while on a brief furlough. Pastor Wetxstein is the son of the Rev. W. H. Wetxstein, retired and living in the Pistakee Bay aree. The senior Pastor Wetsstein assists the Rev. Herman Graef as pastor of Zion Lutheran church in McHenry. Christian missionaury work by the Lutheran church among the super­ stitious Panamanians offers unique challenges. Americans are gradually turning the operation of the Canal over to Panama and leaving the county. Pastor Wetxstein will speak Sunday of the need for "The Message of the Cross for 'The Crossroads of the World.' M American Legion Post 491 anmiMkM ansa IUICMV KIHbWUUu KUA1J MCHENRY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (WW 940 P.M.) THE REV. MERREIX WETZSTEIN The Rev. Metre 11 Wetxstein, s missionary from Balboa, Panama, will preach in the 7:45 and 10:30 worship services at Zion Lutheran church on Route 120 Sunday, Aug. 1. Pastor and Mrs. Wetxstein and their three children have been in Panama since November, 1900. For nine years until being called to Emmanuel Lutheran church in Dwight, 111., in 1977, the Wetzsteins lived in Belem, Brazil, and served over 20 preaching stations in the Amazon Jungle and among the Maranhao ranchers. Their mission in Brazil was con­ ducted in the Portuguese language. Then when called to Panama by the Lutheran church - Missouri Synod * Board of Missions, Pastor Wetzstein quickly learned to speak Spanish. CARPCT CLEAMM Two Stop Procnss ̂ Rotary Machino 2Stoomox * Rinsing PLUS GIANT SALAD BAR INCLUDED Scrubbing PERECT FOR WEDDINGS BANQUETS PARTIES AND MORE SHIPMATE8 IN REUNION There will be a reunion of former shipmates who served aboard the USSOsterhsus, DE 104, during World War II. It will be held Oct. 20 through 31 in Mesa, Ariz. Leaders in the reunion (dans are unable to locate the following men from this area: Elvis Allison, Donald F. Funk, George Dan McNamara, Angelo Mortellaro, Harvey J. Fletcher, Roy H. Ostrari­ der, J' D. George auid Nick C. Samothu Js. They should contact Ray Farris, 206 - 3000 Sheffield Avenue, Hammond, Ind., 40327, 210- 931-3304. An Egyptian pharoh who loved the cherries of Baalbek, in Lebanon, four hundred milee away, is said to have had them flown in fresh by homing pigeon. Needed: Dad Barry is s bright, 14- y ear-old with blue eyes, CHRISTIANITY IS NOTJUSTA RELIGION IT IS A RELATIONSHIP! CONE LET US WORSHIP GOD TOGETHER THIS LORD'S DAY. Church of Christ 1304 N.PARK STREET MchENRY. ILLINOIS WOW# 4 CONNMN f AN • MU CLASSES II AN PEOPLE TO THE SKRVICSS: 10AM Sunday Biblo Study For All Ago Group* 11AM Sundoy Worship 6PM Sundoy Evoning Worship 7:30PM Wodnosday ivo. Worship Sip GUjurrij of QHjriflt [Vt block north o* Rte. 176) Raymond T. Exum 401 N. Oak St., Minister Crystal Lake 4S9-41M and sandy brown hair who desperately needs a dad. The youngest of four children, his father died when he was nine, and presently he is living with his mother, s mentally ill woman unable to properly cau*e for her son. Although Barry is highly intelligent, he is easily influenced by his friends and is often truant from school, and violates curfew. He likes to fish, camp and bike ride. Someone who wants a challenge and cares for kids - either a single man or a husband and wife can make the difference in Barry's life. Interested persons may call 312-356-1021, Central Baptist Family Servicea, and find out how to qualify to become an Illinois licensed footer parent. Open Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for your convenience Marengo Federal Savings STTTsSc aixi loan association Marengo, Woodstock, Crystal Laka. McHenry

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