PAOR H MONDAY. AUGUST 2 tokot them Mo tit* world of crime Marl* Thomot. Chariot Grodin, Ir win Corey. Q) MOW: 'White Down' Three •hafen are ttranded among etkt mot of the Arctic Timothy loMowi, Worron Oatei, low Gotten. 1974. 9 ® • MOVMBIock Ouke A young woman involved in • plot to murder Cetar Borgia lolH in love with Mm. IdtBrti eW Pin ri r. **'M I v»*WTl̂ r̂ el "•ffCnwfi, lO HnitKjflCj, Conrodo Scvwiortin. 1962 12:30AM O NSC Now* 0 Captioned ABC Mow* 69 Signature • ti-l ' » »•« • ™W»w In»®* nWTWflQI 9 ® Newt/Sign Off 12:45 AM 0 MOVW 'Artonic A OM loco' Two iweet old lo^Ket wv t̂o lomtowe wen ifllo their parlor lor o gla*t of elder berry wine-ipiked with artonic Cory Grant, Joiephine Mud, Ray mond Motiey 1944. 1:00 AM O NK Now* r» 0 Joe frwklhi Show 1:15 AM 0 MOVM: A Reflection of Nor' A young girl't ahec ego goot on a murderout rampage. Robert Shaw, SaWy Kelt erman, Mary Ure 1973. 1:30 AM O MOVM: Odd Angry Shot m 1:45 AM O MOV* The Arlnnlan' A morthoi, trying to rnd lawleunett muJ protect htt brother end tl̂ phtt it ot̂ t with gang of crookt. Richard Dix, Pret too Fciitei, Mar got Grahame. 1933 Third Annyal Rich Unto and 8 2:00 AM Onwi O CNN 2 o 0 MOVM: 'Mod Dog Morgan' The ttory of the inlomout Mod Dog Morgan' during the Autlroitan gold ruth. Donna Hopper. David GwipiW. Frank Hiring 197* 0 MOW: 'Uet Ranch' Ambuth 3:00 AM 0 Today In Chicago O WlMotn Tat - I MOV* 'lye of the Needle I MOW) S O * 3:15AM OOH-LA-LA LA VERNE laverne (Penny Marshall) uses a cheat sheet when a date believes her boast about speaking several foreign lan guages and arranges to take her to an international party in the "Watch the Fur Fly" epi sode of "Loverne and Shirley." airing TUESDAY, AUG. 3 on ABC. ' CHECK LISTINGS E0H EXACT TIME ©MM Compute* 3:30 AM O Ireneida Ofl|ht Bach ^9 (mergency 4:00AM O To «o Announced CD P.M. Magaiin* CD CD You Atked Par M Two of U* Brentwood trie* to cheat Nan after toting at poker. (It) CD ®9 lavame a Shirley 89 Prog cont'd 0| Sign On/Now* 0| MOVNh 'Love Can't Loee' 4:15 AM 0Rat Patrol 4:30AM 0 0 0 ( 9 Muppot Show @0 St) Infer mac Ion © Spent Look @9 CSPN Sport* Cantor © Mack Beauty 0 Andy Griffith a furrier. (R) [Cloted Captioned] CD ® You Ackad Nr It ® 9 ® With OMM and Ruby o MOVM S O B. 0 Dante: La Me Mai Oar dee 0 <9 Haw Can I Live 9 ® Megan * I a 4:45 AM 0 World/largo ((to--day)) 6:00PM 0 O 0 O O ® (B Now* S 7:00PM S O O Crenkite't Universe o e Philodel- CD (32) I Lava Lucy CD MacNod-Lohrer Report O CD (S> Laet of the M CD Happy Day* Again o MOVM: Sitting Duck*' 0 Newt watch » m Tom Tyler, * 1937. 2:15AM 0| At 2:30 AM 01 MOV» Once upon a Time In the Old Wolf Q Family Affae CPl P*aM Colgty at 0 Are Vow Anybody? 0NAUWoaUy CD ($$ OwtdoBne/Famify O The Tomorrow People 0 ( j| AH In the FomBy O © CD Happy Day* Roth enlittt F on lie at her childbirth coach. (R) (Cloted Coptioned] O MOVM: 'Arrowhead' A cav alry unit in the Southweet uttompli to ugn a peace treaty with the T onto A pen he Charlton Metton, Jock Paiance. Katy Jurado. 19S3. 0 ® P.M. MaBa«bi» CD lard Mountbatton: A Man for the Century (33) 0 O Milwaukee PiefMei CB MOVM: Victory' CD 3$ Tribute to the Statfor I Diet to W Pague 8:00PM 0 O 0 ® MOVM: Desperate Voyage' Copt. Jocquet Burrifout. a corrupt nodtntday pirate, hat taken to M- jockmg yochtt on the high toot. Chiiitophoi Ptummer, Cliff Potti, CKnttme ReMord O @ CR Throe'* Company A food critic docidot that Janet and Tern ore more appetising than Jack's cuitine. (R) (doted Cap- CD (8 MOVM: The Caddy* A teacher and hit ttudent quarreh be fore a big golf game and cautet a Ci AMIIr>• |L|. ^^MBO an rllnrt Lv^dk i OTuitropnK rmii tnamg dotti ot thier careen Dean Martin, Jerry Lewn, Donna Reed. 1953. CD dD 9 (39 Danger UXB ditcovert the it pregnant while Rrian it caught in a mine explotion on a booby-trapped pier. (R) (B0 mm ) I Cloted Captioned] 10 <2§ S00 MMonot CP Auto BacbtB » CART |iM9n|WvMI| 200 IMHI Today tat MUo 01 3§ thapo-Up 6:30PM o S 0 i n * »A m « VP o Rntertainment Tonight O Rob Nowhart Q Carol Burnett and Mattdt 0 ® Sanford and Son 9 MM WtfM d Amimmk ® O ® (9 Hegan't MOVM: four Nr TOM*' Two fight until a crooked banker up with o doftardty tchome which lorcet them to unite for the common caute Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. Anita Ekberg. 1963. MOVM: 'Mlih>l>i and Parti 0 Cii MOVM: Part i 0| ToMtonco U.S.A. •:30PM • • m Too deee Pat Caiwtait Sara it a tuc- iet (R) 9:00PM • O •n t̂. Hart The Hartt dweooer the* Jen™ fer't father may bo a Nan war cri minal (R) (B0 tab.) ICtoeed 'S 7:30PM Ci O Ci OR)