Met* . TUCSOAV. AUGUSTS vmmg mm Morrta* a owMiy girt lor her Money and plan* to run amof with o waitre** until hi»M pnctad ol her mwrdor. Dm Aiv 1*49 • MOV*: Olery Tra* S^y of *M winding «f Mm Wm attef «t» War. TOM HUM. Joan Bar doy. 193* 2:30AM O i MM fcMM UMT A MOV* The *m bodnon In a We*tom town in Ordor W Ht *« |u*Nce H done Join Wayne 1934. 3:00 AM | Today in Chicago 'Tom* MM AM Si CART ftsttof%Hov*o«t MO ff##n MMKvov- bee, Wl 3 :15AM 0MOVf tMo l OoW and Ptodoui Staneo' Two tent an #» trail el tome nch--I MOM dta*. Tony Fran-dow, Su*an Saint Jamot. loo Mort- 1970 mM" V SIDNEY CRUISES Laurie Morgan (Swoosie Kurtz) persuades her friend Sidney Shorr (Tony Randall) to join her on a wrrtl named vacation cruise. But once on boor:J, he complains so much that she is tempted to throw him ovorboard in the "Sail Away ' episode of NBC's " love, S idney," a i r ing WEDNESDAY, AUG 4 CMF.̂ K I IS TINGS FOR EXACT TIME (S)M>e?Co»Wpu"uf| 3:30 AM O IronoWo 4:00AM O To So Announced Q) (32 I lovo Iwcy O MncNoB lehroi • CH) 9 ® tort ol the W (D Happy Day. Again 0 loach toy* la Concert W N| cont'd Si On/Now* d MOV* Stup*4 But Bravo 4:15 AM SRatM 4:30 AM OMin MOV* Ckoop.r to Koap MOW: 'Boot Fiiend*' Two CD (59 a Tin If lit © 'Yowl' Mag. for Woman 0 BfN Sportoforum O 39 Oavo Brooxo Report* © The Tomorrow People 0 (If AN In the Family SB Twkto • Woman 6:30PM OO 8 " d I War nor and Yaw CJP • » tfspsss 8:00 PM SOS® MOVlfc 'Sky mdoro'^A gong of 1974 SO O Facta of Ufo n» •wm a data lor Mr*. Oar rett. (R) 7:00PM s S 6 O S S S Tlw W «»y C«k People loMido I wive*. 90 crow country in o camper to rocoptwro the 'good oW day*.' tUhard Hatch. Dougia* Chopin. So- •anno Burton. 4:45 AM S Wartd/lnrfo 2) O @ Boh Newhert O Carol Bwrnott and Friend* Si $2 Santard and Son SI WM World ol Animal* <fl> ® ® To. over a jewel taief. (*) (AO Min.) *VAJ~ I • m^W >«Vvr«l TvCB YY® U*V Wml rSM|l • I - . * *• * . 4. ' *« » » • ' ' •' - UnL. vitntuwi• , w "WHI vvnnig voocYs v>u CÎ ^TWWO* Ioiw l̂w i progrwii iuv** at a 73 yoor old mlwitaoi at a lander wKo ipent ft** Man If (R) (60 min.) mg wtfft a hard ol wtid eiophom* |R|d0«N 3D Si ® World Spednl Sue (*) (40 Min.) rivers.' Tonight'i program oKominet HQUH, |i the experience* and horddiipt ol wfjr- --j . Joponoia American wrwon of the "nM^ut Hifo^Hwio Mssssolu bornbiogv a hoe-tptritad photographer and (40 Min.) hot iBogitimote dough**!. Fatty Si MOV* 'Vyo ol Hto Noodta' Dwhe Artin, David Birnoy. 19B0. (JJ | 6:00PM Si O fj| (2$ IS Now* UJ P.M. Magoiin* CB SI Yaw Aaked For It O MOV* Water BaWaa' CD i7 i Maw York Yankoos Si Voyage of OtaHoa Darwin 35 W 3# Swmtaai Spodai •We Live with Elephant*.' Tonight ! now op f n f ok vou f : [ ) i n ing p i r asure ON S ROUTF I I IN AV HF NK of wild olaphioit*. (*) (40 MM.) O MOVK 'Oaoh ol Hto Titan*' SI Stylo SI (2$ Ota* *e la Pafwo SI NAS Setter: Toronto at Si (9 MOV* The tare Brood* Drama c4 the Won in dM 1BBCi daalng wHh the intmiiurtlon ol Horlord cattic into 4m U.S. Jame* Stawart, Mauroon O'Mara. Brian Koith 1944 •:15 PM •:30PM SI fli Si Uw, Wwty towns coo vine •• Sidnsy to join h#f on o vocation crvmn (R) "A Delicious Polish-American Smorgasbord" Evorydoy Houm Specials Roatt Saaf. Sakad Horn. Fried Chick an, Fra*h Polish Soutogt I » Potato Poncak**. Piarogi* •lints**. Soup. 12 Solod* 12 D««»artt and much, much mora la Be 7:30 PM la win Blake may net bo her iHhor wMo Bioko aanaanaaa taat Ida (t) **> "Swrwver*.' To- LUNCH TUESDAY FRIDAY 11 10 ? 30 DINNFR: TUESDAY THUR^D/ " 4 00 ^ 00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 11 - M SUNDAY AND MOl lDArS N ") N N 8 00 FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL 344-0330 CLOSED MONDA .