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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1982, p. 4

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hAKL WALSH So I Hear This column is heading for another birthday or anniversary. { Come next week it will be 47 years since "Bacon's Strip" bowed out and SIH look over. While life had its rough spots, the same as everybody experiences, the column part of life has been fun. Never thought I would stay at it this long, but guess it gets in the blood. So--let's see if I can hit the 48th. It took me back a few years when 1 walked into the press, paste-up or whatever you call it room, and saw Patty Frett at work; One of my favorite girls is Patty. Everybody's favorite. As a young man, I was amused to hear an old Irish woman describe a man with a supercillious attitude this way "He thinks himself so smart". It was Napoleon who said, "Able was ere I saw Elba". It reads the same spelled backwards. Of course, you knew. Wonder if there are other quotes that go both ways. Printable quotes. Bill and Beth Malpede returned to McHenry for a visit and to get away from that terrible Arizona heat. This popular pair spent 20 years in our area as the family owned and operated the Pistakee Golf Qub. A usually reliable source tells us that Bill has -turned his talents in another direction. He's a song and dance man! Of course, the stage has also beckoned him for lead roles in some plays. Hollywood isn't far away. If you like crowds and excitement, McHenry is the place to be during this rousing Fiesta week. Spearheaded by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, many have given a lot of time and effort to make the gala period a success. _The weatherman keeps reminding us that this hot weather is Just a prelude to dog days. I'll bet the football players who have started practice have a name for these days. Football in July and Aufust never sent me into orbit. When I need a little chuckle, .1 pick up a John Turnipeeed book loaned to me by Laura Phannenstill and read a few pages. V Such books are good for the funny bone. Books from Paul Wallkington gave me a lot of amusement in recent months. r It's a diversion. I can't spend all my time reading prayer books. Yellow wax beans are my Idea of a good vegetable so 1 spread the word around after being unable to buy them in our travels. Not being bashful has its rewards at times. Came a call that a girl had a package ready if I would stop and pick them up. I was there within the hour. - Seeing Alvina chewing the fat with Mrs. Hanford in the back yard is PAPERWORK, PAPERWORK, PAPERWORK! There are all kinds of odds and ends. 1 just keep wishing he were here. When someone die* their deeds live after them. . ,»o does their estate. Survivors have to take care of many details that require paperwork and contact between lawyers, government officials, In­ surance personnel and banks. Cooking for one lets, cutting the lawn, managing finances and probating the estate can all be sur­ prisingly difficult tasks Our tendency may be to rush through this work because each encounter reminds us of our loved one. These reminders are grief producing and can be painful. Yet hasty decisions are not necessarily good decisions; they may in fact be bad. Take time to do things well. When your grief makes it difficult to make good decisions it may be wise to take a vacation or a short rest. When necessary seek out friends or professionals for support and help with emotions and practical matters. « Yes, I would like to know more about prearranging a funeral at no i obligation • • Please send me a TREE pre need lxx>k!et. Please have a Planning Advisor rail on me. Name | Address { City/State _ ' Phone Zip -3- Kycc yc 3 f. Y. 3519 West Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 (815) 385 ?tt)0 Crash course! Some people learn a lot about their Insurance after they've had an ac­ cident. At American Family, we like to make things clear before you have trouble What's more, we may save you money! So don't wait for a crash course Give me a call! \MkVc driving down the cost of insurance. TONY- CHUCK FICK LEWANDOWSKI 385-2304 CAM FAMILY Family Mutt Mortwv' 1309 N. PARK McHENRY GIGANTIC SAVINGS HOW Baber Quicks HURRY! UMfTED TIME nothing unusual. This time they had something cookin'. Alvina came home with something they called a "sukini" which may have a different spelling, but sounds like it rhymes with bikini. Thoae two gals must have either had a special recipe or decided you could toes in anything left over in the refrigerator. Darned if that concoction wasn't tasty. After three helpings I decided to quit and leave room for a slice of rhubarb pie. Electroliner Makes Debut The Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Electroliner will make its (Mailt Aug. 1 after an 18-year absence from the Chicago area. Visitors will be able to ride on the four-car Elec­ troliner for the first time since Che Illinois Railway museum acquired the train from Philadelphia this spring. The North Shore sold the only two f lectroliners, which are considered the most modern interurban ever built in the United States, when it aban­ doned service in 1963. The Electroliner will be the featured train operating during the museum's third trolley pageant. More than 20 streetcars, in- terurbans and "L" cars will be highlighted in a parade that will begin at 2:30 p.m. The museum will begin rides at 11 a .m. The museum is in Union. In­ fo rmat ion and d i rec t ions a re available by calling 815-923-2488 Fun Day Match At Lambs Aug. 8 Spr inger s and span ie l s , s e t t e r s , schnauzers and spec­ tators will have a doggone good time at a fun match sponsored by the Wind Chasers Lure Coursing club Aug. 8 at the Lambs The Lambs is located at the junction of 1-94 Tollway and 111. Bt. 176, two miles east of Libert yville. The all-breed con­ formation fun match, also featuring afghans and toy poodles, will run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Included will be special events of obedience, junior showmanship and ladies handling. Purebred dogs of all ages are eligible for th i s compe t i t ion . Ribbons and other prizes will be awarded to winners. All new dog owners are encouraged to enter their purebreds to gain experience for future competition. For more information about the event, call Cindy Brown (312 ) 748- 5624 CHAMBER GIFTS-Mark Juslen, who is in charge of the Time Capsals committee for Fiesta Days, presents C. of C. gift to Mary Olesxcuk, winner, asS1 Mariana May berry, runnerup, in the Time Capsule essay contest The girls were guests of the Rotary club Thursday. July 22. where they read their essay*. , STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Set Commissioning Service For Young Church Members There are no parking or admission fees for spec ta to r s to the Lambs' All-Breed dog show. . Proceeds from pur­ chases made in Lambs businesses directly benefit the Lambs' program for mentally retarded adults. ^Ani r i cn Vi iwMin t s Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens. --Daniel Webster Keep It Light In a small room, use a few pieces of furniture, and keep them lightweight and slender. DARLENE STABLA COOLS, ACSW CSW COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Individual, Couple, Family And Group Therapy (815) 728-1039 Sunday, Aug. 1, as people walk into the Wonder Lake Bible church, they will see a farewell message on the bu l l e t in boa rd . Ano the r Wr igh t family member will begin a new venture in Christian service and one of the young ladies of the congregation will be leaving soon also Rick and Donna Wright and their three sons, Scott, Steve and Todd, will be going to Westboro, Wis., where Rick wi l l become d i rec to r o f Development at Camp Forest Springs. Rick and Donna have grown up in the area and are products of the local school systems, having graduated from McHenry high school. Rick has also attended Moodv Bible institute in Chicago. His father, the Rev. Richard N. Wright, recently left his position as pastor of the Wonder Lake Bible church to assume responsibility as the general director of the Illinois Bible church mission, which is now located in Wonder Lake. Kim Nielsen, another graduate of McHenry high school, will be leaving soon also. She will begin her duties as a teacher of K third grade and music at the Carroll Christian school, Mt. Carroll, 111. Kim attended the Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music and graduated from Grace college, Winona Lake, Ind. On Sunday evening, Aug. 1, at 6 p.m., the congregation, families, and friends will have an opportunity to share in a commissioning service as these young people enter a new sphere of service. Former Pastor Richard > N. Wright will return to participate by giving a brief charge to the can­ didates. Pastor Merle D. Conklin will then give a brief charge to the . congregation. The elders of the church will dedicate the Wrights and Kim Nielsen to the work to which they have been called. -f. The Wrights and Miss Nielsen will' share briefly concerning the work they will be entering. Following the commissioning, both Pastor Wright and Pastor Conklin will share in se rv ing communion . Af te rwards there will be a time of fellowship and' refreshments. The general public, and especially friends of Rick and Donna (Raasch>'< Wright and Kim Nielsen are invited to' share in the commissioning service * Pastor Conklin's message at the1 10:50 a.m. morning worship will be' "Go and Make Disciples" and the texf * will be I Thessalonians 3:1 - 4:12. Looking ahead in August there will be a corn and brat roast on the sixth; the' Conk l in Fami ly S inger s on the f i f - 1 teenth; and Sunday School Rally day, on the twenty-ninth. The Wonder Lake Bible church located at the north aid of W Lake at 7501 How road. Bus service it available on both sides of the lake for 9:30 a.m. Sunday school and nursery!?! care is provided for all services;! Further information may be obtained by calling 728-0422 or 728-1687. The public is always warmly?* welcomed. mc sai is** iMwomri DAYS, EVENINGS AND SATURDAY HOURS BY APPOINTMENT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 82 CENTURY „*> r/ mrnwr / Miimi" MOW OM r "11954 The Biggest lax Break SttVMAMK •SftviAimi IN HISTORY!! HMMMU Bwu til,iii"l •NOW OM r| * All wage earners can h8ve their own IRA! * Maximum annual contribution increased to $2,000! ItSO CADILLAC II Srtjht >ad with whit* londow lop lo«M wiltioll powti | |Q •quipmanl including AM IW ilti wcoiitiK light tanlmol oulomolK alt wira III! • lalaitoping MIIM! UUII* n«W IIIM I mucli mon On# own#* 1971 OLDS STARFIRi PiftlNZA Sp*<iol Id. lion whita wiHi rod Kim • block owl »port ||Q potkogo oquippod with V6 automatic, oir powar •looting pawarkraha* tunraol oiacHic roar dotoggoi ruito control AM FM ttorao cattatta S much mora 197* MONTI CARLO COUP I Sw< gundy with maKhlng burgundy cloth tntoriat oquippad with Ml vinyl top automatic air powor (toaring. powar braho* lull whool covort 1*7* CADILLAC COUP* OCVIILI Thit cor i« mrntl Arctic whlto with light tilvor bluo mot iliac top • matching cloth m tor lot loodod with all o) tinaat including cruwo window* S locks is.000 low cortillad mila* two MONTI CARLO Modium bluo moll! lac with bluo cloth in tartar. Mil* car oquippod with go* Mving VS. automatic powor »tooring 4 braka* rally whaolt wida chroma rockot ponatt. AM radio low. low cortlliad milot 1*74 MONTI CARLO COUfl Sut gundy with matching burgundy cloth mtor lor equipped with lull vinyl tap. automatic, arc powar (tooting power brake* lull wheal cavort NMtlMH MIUWl 'jIHI * Existing IRA accounts may also be increased I »IMM * Start a plan with as little as a $30 per month investment! RCtTMIMC o.. Call NOW For Additional Information! *13,202 F O X L A K E 112 587 2555 Three Graduates In Family Last spring, Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Freund of 3909 W. Grove, McHenry, were the proud parents of three graduates. Ginger, 14, graduated from McHenry Junior high, where she participated in sports and extra­ curricular activities. She will be at­ tending McHenry East campus in the fall. Scott, 23, graduated from Illinois State university in Normal, 111., where he received his bachelor's degree in Industrial Technology. Scott specialized in industrial plastics and safety. He is now employed as a plastics engineer in a large Round Lake laboratory Jill, 22. also graduated from ISU, where she received her double Bachelor's degree in Archaeology and Geography This fall Jill will be at­ tending the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, as a graduate student in Cartography She will also be :< teaching physical geography and; working in the Cart-O-graphics lab a(* the university. < THEATRE AUDITIONS Forthcoming auditions for th Lakeside Player production o "Prince Fairyfoot" will mark the! return of children's theatre to Crystal Lake. Audition dates for adults and Y children seventh grade and over will be held Monday, Aug. 2, from 4 to 7 . p.m. and Tuesday, Aug. 3, from 5:90 to 7:30 p.m. at the First Congregational church of Crystal Lake. The church is located at 461 Pierson street. Auditions will be held in Fellowship hall downstairs in the church. Persons who are unaware that they#* are lying, even when in fact they are,> cannot be caught by a lie detector CLIP & SAVE* 50% ON ANY DENTURE REPAIRS DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST WHILE YOU WAIT WITH APPOINTMENT ROBERT T. SVEN, DDS., LTD. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IN DENTISTRY MOW 8 TBS TIME.... .COKB ON V Saber Buick IANIIOCH DENTAL CENTtt UD6. FOX UK Mill CORK MK. It LAKE STREET t* I. GRAND AVI. I L ANTIOCH. II. 40003 312-395-3250 FOXlAM.ll.MtM 312-5*7-5053 COUPON EXPIRES 1-31-12 ri IP a «*VFI

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