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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1982, p. 10

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Wf cw> whin* n »rmpmtd eds. Cards el Theufcs, In Md «• Ivy, mn4 Ow»|» Mm MUST k* peM in ». t CUBIC FT AMANA Side Side Refrigerator; 36" \ st H d «fwi In dmlfM eds aftar Ik* Km In--rtlew. duck •Iter the Hrit liwrWm mm4 call «k aWwtlsa te mmy mistakes. QFFICi HQUMi MONDAY-FIHO A Y 1:90AM TO S <6SPM SATUtOAY 9 TO It MOON fl.A$jlf HP COf Y PIAPUMI WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4:00 PM FRIDAY PAPER • WEDNESDAY 4:00PM 815-385-0170 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1961 Yatnaha MX 100: I960 iUSMESS B E D I E N C E COUCH A LOVESEAT. °?pA^- h 2 condition JUST REDUCED FroJ $20,000 lo $14,566. 5 Giant Oaks Estates. N SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, many sizes 7-24-7-3U- FOOSBALL TABLE $225.06. 7 24-7-3K* 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks AUTOS kArd 1977. 1 'on Super Cab Camper Special, power electric t>eige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after :>pin after 5pm. . Cash only, all prices firm. 7- with Magic Genie, keyboard. 3 year SAIl JJCUCSTATI ACRE High and sutmat ttmttt HORSES MTKC Aim MARIAS ALTERATIONS. For Fast Service & Low Prices Open Monday thru Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 3pm. 815 3853269 4821 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 8-4tfc PAINTING, Patching and Light Repairs. Very reasonable David 815- 455 5536 8-4tfc ALBRECHT Con­ struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815453- 6451 8-4tfc CONCRETE CON­ TRACTOR, Foun­ dations and all types of Concrete work. Quality work, free estimates. 815-385-4390. 7-7-9-1C McHINRY WILDING SERVICE -All Types Welding SPECIALIZING IN *loat Prop Repairs *CistM Trailer Hitcfcts 291 j w. in*. 120, McHenry 815-385-4929 6 l«a|COUPONaia« I $3.00 OFF ~ TIN Tic IK DK If yuur watch won't tick ot yuur clock won't took Bring it to a Tic Toe Doc $3.00 oH any repair of watches, clocks or jewelry 87 Ormrt St. Crystal Lake 815-455-4874 • *plr»» Aug. U ^ ^ •Electrical •Family Rooms •Maintenance Free Decks ft Perches •Home Repairs No Job Too Small Call Harry L. Viezees E Constriction gg 815-385-2847 8 4rt I ft H WASHER DRYER SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES All Work Guaranteed Call before 9:00 am or ••tor 5:00 pin 015-305-1453 • 4 V/15 • '4 K M WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING. INC. COMMERCIAL ' RESIDENTIAL Serving your m 28 years experience We are now taking onlers. Deal direct with owner I save!! \ * ' 1 Sool Coating Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 3122235634 LIBERTYVILLE 312 36741676 , „„ PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential -Commercial Industrial Big savings on Residential work Provpn by ihoutondt ol lalitlied <ustomefs SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine loid 'Now Di i vo i •Hosurfocing 'Parking lots •Seal Coaling All work guaranteed fipp Estimates -- 312-546-5600 ... W Grayslake, III. O R BUILDING SUPPLIES Senco Guns, Noils & Stapler Wiremesh -- Rebar PVC Pipe & Fittings Corrugated Pipe -- Sump Pits Sonotube -- Culverts Duraform Tys & Forms Window Bucks & Inserts Assorted Contractor Tools 1903 W. Rt». 120 McH»r\py, III. 815-305-6445 FROM THE ROOF DOWN Roofing ond Remodeling Aluminum Soffit and Fascia Reasonable Rates Free Estimates Call 815-385-2694 3V-395-1618 Fully Gue^inteed and Insured 10% Dim ounl with this ad lupitrs Sfpi. i. mtu *» » b mi j S i d i n g Wood Decks P- S. Stake Construction Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design ond draw plant for your new homo or remodeling needs • W A Roofing Free Estimates Call John Blake 385-5593 after 5P M NOW IS THE TIME to do your concrete work. Call for a free estimate. CAE Concrete. 815-385- 3596. 8-4tfc LAWN CARE. Yard Work, Hedges, Mowing, Weeding, Feeding, Trimming etc. Very reasonable. David 815- 455-5536. 8-4tfc MONEY IS Available! If you are in need of a loan, call 815-728-0404. Patrick Jairies Letizia, Financial Planners since 1968 . 8-4tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449. 8-4tfc INTERIOR & EX­ TERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates. Call Jim 815-459-3677 . 8-4tfc PLUMBING, New work, remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured Call Tom 815- 653-9725 8-4tfc B. BUSS Construction. Carpentry, Remodeling and Repairs Re- roofing 815-728-0288 . 8- 4-8-6C BOW WOW BOUTIQUE Professional Dog Grooming. All breeds Call 815-385 2018 for appointment 8-4tfc ALLAN S BLACKTOP laraesl Discount Ew St' Sq. PI. for Gra^m t Blacktop Only On Driveways (href 1000 Sq ft •Parking lois*New Onves •long lanes*Paichmy •ftBsurtacing'Seal Coaling 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates •15-459-3960 DAN RYAN DECORATING Interior-Exterior PAINTING Fully Insured Free Estimates 815-344-2525 Serving M c H e n r y C o u n t y for 10 Years RUSSELL II NOT ON SEPTK SERVICE • • REPAIRS * ELECTRIC SEWER ROCHMNt IdstallatiN if nw septics 815-385-6445 Concrete Patios • 6IF3 COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE •Tree Trimming •Tree Removal •Stump Removal •Firewood •Snow Removal •Free Estimates •Fully Insured (818385-6733 ul MATHIS0N SEPTIC -- ftm and Rapalr*. Rack hoe Work. Questions about your •optic systems t Give ut a call. llfkt Hauling. Drlvaway IAA oaII OA|||I Mv*vli IWp awtl 1 •wWw and till. •15-344-3m LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reasonable rates. 815-3854366. 8- 4tfc SEWING MACHINE REPAIR, Domestic A Industrial,In Home Service. We carry parts and supplies for all sewing machines. Keener A Son, Wonder Lake. 815-7284672. 8- 4tfc NORTHERN ILL. MECHANICAL, INC. Plumbing, Hot water heat, Sewer k Water, Septics, New work, S e r v i c e w o r k , Remodeling. Residential k Com­ mercial. Licensed and Bonded. Fully insured. 312-546 1474. 8-4tfc S C H U E R R - W A Y Builders All phases of Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing. Heating, Tiling No job too small. Free advice, no obligation 815-385-4808 8-4tfc NEED AN ESTIMATE For Your Concrete Work? Call Ken Quality Work. All Types Of Cement Work 815-728- 1548 8-4tfc STEAMEX STEAM CARPET cleaning "gentle but thorough", living room k hall $45 00. additional rooms $20.00 each. Bauman Carpet Cleaning 815-943- 4793 8-4tfc ATTICS, BASEMENTS k Garages Cleaned For Less Will Haul Away. 815-455-5536 . 8-4tfc G A R A G E D O O R SALES, Service k Repair Electric Door Openers All Work Guaranteed 815-385- 4010 7-28-8-27c MARK KEIL, Exterior k Interior Painting. Also paint barns Free estimates, insured. 815- 338-1378 7-23-8-27C W I L L C L E A N Basements, Garages. Also do Lawn Work. Reasonable. -815-653- 6896 7-28-8-6c CARPENTER WORK. Good fast work, reasonable rates. Call Bernie Klapperich, 497- 3325 8-4-8-6C C U S T O M S O L A R GREENHOUSE, Design and Con­ struction Quality and Innovation Our Main Objective We also distribute Brady k Sun, National, Etc. 815-338- 4950 8-4tfc INTERIOR k EX TERIOR Painting. Call us for a Free Estimate We're very affordable! 815-385-7736 anytime or 8 1 5 3 4 4 1 7 2 2 a f t e r 6:00pm 8-4tfc PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry F r e e e s t i m a t e s , references & insured. Best Price Around! Call Bill 815-385-2843 8-4tfc T O M H U B B A R D . A w a r d w i n n i n g magician, is available f o r s c h o o l s , auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312-395-6006. 8-4tfc R.TA R PAINTING CO Commercial k Residential. Interior & Exterior Ixjw prices. I n s u r e d F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176 8-4tfc PROFESSIONAL Tree Pruning, Schrubs A Hedges. Call 815475- 6410after6pm. 73044c J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION. An­ tique, furniture repair and refinishing. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-365-4024. 8-4tfc CLARA KLAPPERICH is a Stanley Home Product Dealer and will sell Stanley Products. 815-726-0836. 8-6-8-18c VACANT FIELD OR Lot Mowing done by Mitch's Green Thumb Landscaping 815-385- 6223 8-6-8-20c INSTRUCTIONS Enroll Now For Piano, Organ and Accordion Lessons Have a few openings on ­ fall Schedule 815-385-4070 8 6 8 11 8 II ~KT~ COLUMN FREE TO GOOD Home. L o n g h a i r e d D a c h s h u n d V e r y friendly, loves children Call after 6pm. 815-344- 2644 8-6-8-13C GIVE AWAY, 2 female black Gerbles I female Schnauzer Poodle mix Good Homes Only. Call 312-740-9244 8-6 GENERIC HUNTING DOGS: Mom is Lab, Shepherd and Hound Dad is Golden Lab. i male. 4 females, l golden. 4 black & tan Excellent puppies born 6-23-82. The price is right - FREE - to good homes only! Please call 815-648-4328 after 6pm. 8-4-8-6C GIVE AWAY DOG, 1 year old female, mixed breed, Irish and Lab Medium size spay ard shots. 815 344-3153. 84- 84c FOUND In McCullom Lake, Near Cullom Knoll Tavern, Female puppy, approximately 3 months old, German Shepherd mix. 815-385- 9659 ' 8-4-8-6C LOST FEMALE Golden Retriever mix, 6 month old puppy Vicinity of Bay Road. Creme colored 815 185-6292 8-6 MTS foe Mil M A L E G E R M A N Shepherd pup, A.K.C. registered, whelped 5- 21-82, large boned sable, wormed. $125.00. 815- 385-4718, 815 344-2976 8- 4tfc HOME RAISED Baby Gray Cockatiels 8 weeks old Cocketiel Cages still in boxes. 815- 385-5586 7-30-8-6C CUSTOM PRINTED Tee Shirts, Jackets, Uniforms, etc. Check our prices first! Blue Seas Enterprises. 815- 3 4 4 - 1 5 6 3 . 8 - 4 t f c HELP ME HELP You Plan Your Financial Future. If You Don't, Who Will Patrick J. Letizia, Financial Planner since 1966. 815- 728-0404 8-4tfc NORSIS APPALOOSA GELDING, Gentle, $450.815-338-2240 8-6 HORSE FOR SALE, good rider. 14 years old, $450.06.815-344-3776. 8-4- 84C RJtrrv tllTMOV ONE YEAH OLD Male Cockatiel with cage, he talks. $85 815-385-4330 8-6 beautTfu L HOME Raised Baby Parakeets. 3 weeks old, $10. 815-385- 6883 6 M I X E D B R E E D Puppies. 4 females, 2 males. $io oo each. 815- 385-5721 3 HORSES FOR SALE. 815-4564583 8-4tfc FOR SALE, Double Registered Appalooaa Gelding. 6 years old E x c e l l e n t s h o w Prospect, $1600 or beet offer. 414-473-4747. 7-30- 6-13c HAPPY SWEET 16th Love Ya, Krissy PERSONALS STARTING OVER is a group for Divorce and Separated people. In­ formation phone 815-385- 5070 after 5.30pm. 8-6 N E W N O D e d u c t i b l e Major Medical Plan. Dad 28, Mom 25, two or more kids $102.60 per month For Personal Quote, Call Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815- 338-3328 8-444c IN MfMOftUM WANTED TO RENT JOHNSBURG TEACHER and Wife, wish to rent 2 or 3 bedroom home in Johnsburg, Wonder Lake or McHenry area. Please call 312-377-3627 fUJUr HOME CAME FN CWBTIj Of IHMCqjpm 4 tan to 24 Mors 7 lip AIM Meal Preparation Shopping Light Housekeeping Laundry Personal Care ALSO AVAILABLE Nursing Care Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses Home Care Assistants 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICES: $15-568-5488 TRULY CARING SERVICES, INC. Rm. 206 100 W. Washington St Marengo, IL licensed & Bonded Employment Agency t±XL£HL In Memory ol Our Muihei , SARAH RILEY It's been a year since we've heard her special words of comfort, her warming smiles of cheer, in the pleasure she always gave us |ust by being near, in her helpfulness that showed us she WHS behind us all the way Mother "We Still Uive You", every day In the patient way she listened, in the gentle way she was strong. in her willingness lu stand beside us always, light or wiong, in the thoughtfullness and caring her te:tdei looks conveyed Mother, We Still love You", everyday Vow fawHy 8 6 CARD Of THANHS T H E M c H E N R Y Heautification Com­ mittee would like to thank all of the following who helped us with items for our Mini Float in the Fiesta Days Parade; Rich Adams, The Eckstein Family, George Freund, The Kepper ('Ian, Lockers, Mar-Ray. Mrs Connie Moy k Petals k Stems. We Won First Prize!! 8- 6 T H A N K S T O T H E Sacred Heart for favors received J &J.C 84 unlicSnsio I FACILITIES CANT K AOVtiiTiSiD According to th« Child Car# Act of 1969. it is a misd*m»anor to cor* for 4 or mor» othor person * children in your home unless that homo is licansod by th* Stat* of Illinois. It is also illogal to odv*r- tis* for such s*rvic*s in an unlic*ns*d horn*. These licenses ar* issu*d free to homes meeting minimum standards for th* safety, health ond well- being of the child. For information and Licen­ sing contact: ILLINOIS DCPARTM8NT OF CHILOMN 6 FAMILY SIRVICKS Lake Villa Field Office P O. Box 269 21S North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa. Ill 60046 1811 SITUATION IPANTI0 RESPONIBLE COUPLE and one dog, want to rent 2 bedroom house in McHenry, Crystal Lake or Wonder Lake area. Between $300 and $325 month. 312-7414236 after 6pm fUJUr O l O'W. I • 7.0 DUICK SKYKAWK, power steering, tilt wheel, am- fm stereo, km miles, $1,990. 815-344-2573 and 815456-1303. 8444c 1178 PONTIAC LeMANS station wagon, power steering and brakes, automatic, air, am-fm radio, luggage rack, wire wheel covers, nice, $3,900.815446-2000. 84- 04c 1970 CHEROKEE CHIEF, 4 wheel drive, EXCELLENT CARE For Your Child, by Experienced Certified Teacher, in my McHenry home. Call 815-344-4621. 7-2844C WILL BABYSIT For kindergarten child in my home afternoons. Foxridge area. Call after 5pm 815-385-0466. 8 4 0 0 c CHRISTIAN WOMAN will baby sit in my home, McHenry Shores. 815-344-4388 8444c I WILL BABYSIT for you afternoons, if you babysit for me mor­ nings. Foxridge area. After 5pm, 815-3654466. 8444c HOME STYLE DAY Care. Over 5 years experience, early childhood education, Crystal Lake Manor area Full or part-time. Phone 815-4554817. 84- 8-13c CHILD DAY CARE, in my home. Lakeland Park , McHenry. License number 546000. 815-344-3896. TRAVELING SQUEEG1ES Back Again! Just call us and tell us when. Window washing. Reasonable rates 815-3444078. 84 PROFESSIONAL MAN, 29. Seeking Ad­ ministrative, Management Position, McHenry County Aree. Marketing, Sales Ad­ ministration, Com­ munications B a c k g r o u n d w i t h Nationally known In­ surance Comapany. Excellent work record. Salary open References on request. 815-7304053. 7 3044c BABYSITTING In My Home. Experienced, with references. Nice play area inside and out. Reasonable, 015-344- 2153. 7-3044C HOUSE CLEANING By Chris Keep it deea! Keep it bright* Let me do it right! 7 years experience. References. 815-3444070. DUE TO THE UNEXPECTED BIRTH af twin daughters. I im forced to part with ny pride and joy 1981 Corvette Fully equipped • im­ maculate condition Power Steering power brakes power windows, power locks power rear we* nw rors power teats power antenna rear window detogger a* conditioning AM FM stereo cassette radio cruise control tilt and telescoping wheel leather interior smoked glass T tops Eagl? rachats over chrome nms Claret ov«i red sacrifice aN but my Ichddren for $15,500. •15-450^322 015-330-0470 1971 VOLKSWAGON Convertible (Carmen Ghia) new top, excellent mechanical condition. 9675 or beet offer. 915- 3054829. good condition, must sell. 92,500 or offer. 815-344-3305. 644- 6c 1973 OLDS REGENCY 99, drives beautifully, $700 or best offer. Reason for selling, bought my sons car who has left for the service. 815475-2860. 8444c 1 9 7 4 P I N T O STATIONW AGON, $325 815-3854029. . 84 1975 HONDA CVCC, 4 door, hatcback, good condition, $1,250.00. 015- 6754204. 844-13C 1978 SUBARU DL Coupe, front wheel drive, cassette stereo, regular gas. Asking $2,756. After 6pm, 815- 344-4996. 84 1973 FORD LTD wagon needs work or good for parts. 815-344-3652. 84- 8-13C 1975 TOYOTA CELICA GT, 5 speed, am-fm radio, 815-3854110. 7-30- 04c FIAT SPORT Con- vertible, 35m pg Must sell. $1,250 or best. 50,000 miles. Phone 815- 385-1407. 8444c 1973 OPEL, Yellow k Black, runs good, great gas mileage, price negotiable. After 6pm. 815-344-2644. 84-8-13C 1 9 7 4 C A D I L L A C Limousine, good con­ dition, 815-385-3660 or after 6pm, 815-385-4294. 8444c 1964 GTO, Recently repainted, good con­ dition $2100.00. 815-344- 4864 8444c 1977 DODGE KARRY VAN, 50,000 miles, good condition, $3200.00. 015- 344-1180 84tfc "GUENEVERE" 1966 Pontiac Firebird, 350 automatic, Verdoro green. Phone 815-385- 8447. 73044c WE Buy CARS a n d TRUCKS in ony < ondition 815 338 0270 Froo Towinq 1975 MONTE CARLO, 68,000 miles, good condition, $1,800. After 5pm 8154054450. 044- 6c 1 9 7 4 O L D S TORONADO, 50,000 miles, sharp. Full power and all extras. Asking $1,100. 4406 West Shore Drive, Lakeland Park. 815-3854587 after 6pm. 8444c TAKING BIDS On Two 1979 Olds Cutlass wagons Will separate. Good condition. 815-385- 8571. 8-4-84C 1971 TOYOTA WAGON, automatic, runs good. Good tires. A good second car. $750.00. 815- 385-9387 8444c 1967 T O R O N A D O , e x c e l l e n t r u n n i n g condition, new dual exhaust, good tires, body good condition 9650.00.3124394567. 84- 84c 1970 FORD VAN, Needs little work, $200 or best offer. 815-344-3776. 84-8- 6c 1975 A 1978 LINCOLN, 2 door Continental Town C o u p e . S t r i p p i n g f o r parts. 815-7204125. 84- 84c 1975 VW DASHER, 26 miles per gallon, $1,560. Blue book $1,675. Ex­ cellent condition. Call 8154864400. 0444c BOATS k MOTORS FOR SALE, 8 ft. Hydroplane, excellent condition. All cables and hardware $175.00. 815- 728-0513 or 312482-3828. 7-3044C l f T F I B E R G L A S S BOAT equipped with skis, ladder and 115 HP motor, $1,450.00 815-728- 0659. 8-4-84C 1 9 6 8 C E N T U R Y C H E E T A , 1 6 f t . Fiberglass, 318 inboard. Boathouse kept, trailer, $3,500 815-344-2829 after 5pm. 8444c CANOg, II* dflfcn mum, ft 1 R <rto FULL SIZE Rubber Raft with car adapter air pump. $75.00. 815- 385-7439. 8444c 1958 18 FT CHRIS Craft Sea Skiff. Very good condition, $1,900.00. 815- 653-3000 8444c MQTOftCVOtt 1(74 JAWA 350 CC. $ 3 5 0 . 0 0 , e x c e l l e n t condition Call Dave 815- 344-0211 or 815-3444298. 84413c 1971 HONDA 450, ex­ cellent condition, low miles, $475. 8154754371. 844-13c 1975 HONDA 500 twin, low miles, excellent condition, with ac­ cessories, first $035 takes it. 815453-5347. 8- 444c 1979 HONDA 750K, black, luggage rack, fairing, stereo, $2100 or best offer. Excellent condition, low miles. Call 015-7204982 84tfc 1979 SUZUKI RM 135 DIRTBIKE. Totally rebui l t , have al l receipts. Good con­ dition, asking $050 or beet offer. Must sell. Call 015400-1000 after 5pm or anytime weekends. 04tfc i

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