Movie Week-- SUNDAY (ABC) MOVIE SPECIAL "THE BAD NKWt MARS" (1976) Walter Matthau. Tatum O'Neal Humorous account about what Little League baseball shouldn't be. (NBC) SUNDAY NIQHT AT THE MOVIES MTHf ARCHER" (1961) Lane Caudell. George Kennedy Mystery, witchcraft and barbarism hinder a young drifter's plight to avenge his father's murder (ABC) SUNDAY NIQHT MOVIE "A STAR It BORN" (1976) Barbra Streisand. Kris Kristofterson Life in the very fast lane of rock n' roll. - SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 O'dacfc' A priost aidod by throo con vict® LOWS IHT (VII of tho cMdviii on a South S«o island when o volcano •rgplt. Sponccr Tracy, Frank Sinatra, Ksrwin Math»wt 1961. €0 Wifch| w/taland Martin 2:00 PM O Mary Tyiar Mian m Novo 'Pake* of Mights.' To- doy'i program looki at a San Fran- citco mmwn that it coNd 'tho b«tt K««t mvMum in Hm world.' (60 mm.) (Oosod Captionad] (0 €D © Fox Musicals (0 MOV*: Tartan Mia Apa Man' CD <31 World af Survival 0D MOVIt: King l.l.m.n', An expedition craw oo MONDAY (NBC) MONDAY NIQHT AT THE MOVIES -THOU SHALT HOT KILL" (1982) Lee Grant. Robert Culp. Diana Scarwid When her client is accused of two counts of disobeying the titular commandment, his lawyer realizes she has quite a case on her hands TUESDAY (CBS) TUESDAY NIQHT MOVIE "THE SOLITARY MAN" Earl Holliman. Carrie Snodgress In this divorce drama, it's the woman's turn to want out soorthci far ltv» Hidden trooturc of King Solomon. Dovid McCoMum, I Eklund. Patrick MOCNH. 1976. €0 ISPM Mama HsmMsfBiiiBii fr%m 8® Bf 6) ® Ofiuiy €0 MOVK: 'A Yanfcoo in King Arthur's Cavrt' A hondymon from tS» 20th-contury find» WmtaH in 6th-c*ntury Comtlot Sing Crosby, Rhonda Flaming. 1949. O «e»dai 2:30 PM IB MOVK: Xaast H Coast1 QD <31 OO SD Tka li WEDNESDAY (CBS) WEDNESDAY NIQHT MOVIE "THIH ICI" Kate Jackson. Gerard Prendergast. Lillian Gish. The-̂ -.. _ _ title answers the question. "What are a high school teacher and a 7? ® <*ovl11 ***• student walking on when they fall" wCotsd wAimiSui rostorad to Ma. Pstor Cwthmg, Polar Woodttwp. 1964 0 Vk I FRIDAY (ABC) FRIDAY NIQHT MOVIE "AMERICAH HOT WAX" (1978) Tim Mclntire. Laraine Newman The story of 1950s disc jockey Alan Freed may lack some tactual finepoints. but the era's music is the real story here. «od AMod ship iocatiam it kid napped by Nasi spies. John Gorficid, Nancy Colemon. Raymond Mettay. 1941 SB 3$ BaaaMfwl Karaa Jack tan's Warid af B O i O 3:30 PM • • (23) ess OP m CO POA <fc--pl--big (DOaMng €D O (Mitsfi 3:45 PM ©® 4:00PM BO Sao4 Train (D Magk af ON PebHbsg oqion 'Prisoneri of War.' Christina restores Ptambordi la a working farm. (60 min.) (Closed Captionad] CD MOV* *WaH» Babies' (B Uarai * Hardy €B -i • 6D *YaaT Mag. far Waaan €D (31 SaHrtm/Pandty Uying €9 Warfd Aec. ta Nicholas €9 31 Kang Pa 69 TMc Weak In BaeobaN €0 Owter Limits 4:30 PM O FartraW af a CD G5 Beach Bays b Ciniart 09 Praba OOlaMOaM QD Ara Yaa Anybady? A^v#nfw9s In O CD 540 PM OwNWaNaf Kris Krletoffereon and Barbra Streisand fight, love and finally tear each other apart in "A Star la Born," a powerful love story, rebroadcast Sunday, Aug. 8 as "The ABC Sunday Night Movie." Earl HoHlman stars as a solid, blue-collar family man whose wife tears his world apart by suddenly demand ing a divorce in "The Solitary MM," rebroadcast on "The CBS Tuesday Night Movie," Tuesday, Aug. 10.