FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the file* of August 28, 1932). An interesting event in history of McHenry has taken place recently and for the first time in its nearly a century existence this city claims a native son for its very own doctor and physician. Dr. William A. Nye, son of Dr. N. J. Nye of McHenry, has completed his seven long years of study and preparation and has come home to join his father in his practice. The son just recently received his state license and is fully qualified to medicine in its several The Altar and Rosary society of St. Patrick's church will sponsor en tertainment on the church grounds for the benefit of the church. Many friends and former residents will gather at the Woodman hall at Ringwood to attend the seventh an nual homecoming which becomes a greater event in the history of Ringwood each year. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the Hies of August 20, 1942). THEDOG HOUSE ^ tTkMTu• ̂ \ we MN® *, '< THE DOG HOUSE Corner of Elm St., I Crystal Lake Block Top McHenry Daily 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. CHILI ITALIAN & POLISH SAUSAGE SUBS ITALIAN ICE AND MOM! The entire populace of McHenry was shocked at the realisation that one of the city's most respected citizens had been taken unexpectedly from their midst by death. The fact that be was a native resident with a pleasing personality which bed made friends for him for almost 52 years only added to the sorrow which spread with news that John Karls was dead after an illness of little more than a week. Dr. G. L. Watkins announces the opening of an office for the practice of dentistry at Lookout Point, Wonder Lake. Dr. Watkins has been located in the Medical and Dental Arts building in Chicago. Minus their regular battery, George and Joe Jackson, the McHenry In dians had to swat their way to victory at Hebron, winning 12 to 11 in the tenth inning. ^ , TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of August 22, 1987). A Ashing rodeo, the first of its kind in McHenry, is being scheduled for young folks between the ages of 6 and 13 (grade school pupils) on the river near the McHenry Country club. It is being sponsored by the local police department. Youngsters are asked to bring no fishing equipment except a fish stringer and bait. All other items necessary to participation in the rodeo will be supplied. A beck-to-school fashion be held at the 1 street, sponsored by the bethel of Job's luncheon will be Northeastern Illinois to the Pfc. Robert L. Weber is onjoytag a furlough from Army duties at Fort Leonard Wood, Me. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from thelites of 1972). A half century mark of the area will be marked Sept. H, the Johneburg Community dub of ficially celebrates its fiftieth •HrlAuMft i through Initial plans call for a parade the Johnsburg community, featuring the Viscounts, Ugh school band and floats. Parade marshal will ha Congressman John B. Andsrson of Rockford, according to Parade Chairman Philip Bartmann. v Mark LeFevre baa bean contract procurement specialist for Pioneer center, the organization sponsored by the McHenry County Association for the Retarded that provides work, work training and social experience for mentally and physically handicapped. Bill and Sue Kegel of McHenry won the Appalooaa-Gelding-3 years and under during the Western horse show at the Illinois State fair. Review Archaeological Work The Sauk Trail chapter of the Illinois Association for the Ad vancement of Archaeology will be holding its regular quarterly meeting Saturday morning, Aug. 14, at 10 a.m. at the Mchenry County Conservation district headquarters on Harts road, north of Ringwood. The business portion of the meeting will cover a review of the ar chaeological work done by a number of the group's members this summer in and out of McHenry county. Future plans for the organization will also be formulated. Following the business portion of the meeting, Richard A. Wagner of Marengo, a chapter member, will display and discuss a portion of his extensive artifact collection. The public is cordially invited to atteod. Call 815-653-9459 or 815888-5458 for further information. ORCHESTRA AUDITIONS Musically advanced high school and college age instrumentalists are in vited to apply for membership in the Metropolitan Youth Symphony or chestra of Chicago. Auditions by the conductor, Pamela Overstreet Culley, will be held Sunday, Sept. 12, in a downtown Chicago location. Audition appointments can be made by writing to Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra, 3023 N. Narragansett Ave., Chicago, 111., 60634 or by calling 237- 1558 or 253-1140. In McHenry... And During August We Will Finance Your New Automobile At An Annual Percentage Rqfe of 12.5%* •TERMS UP TO 48 MONTHS AFTER CASH DOWN PAYMENT, OR TRADE-IN, EQUAL TO 20% OF PURCHASE PRICE, TO QUALIFIED BUYERS WHO LIVE IN THE McHENRY STATE |ANK LENDING AREA. Phil Oeffling, (loft) assistant vice president, of McHenry State Bank, is visiting with "Rad" Mitchell, (center) owner, and Frank Kudla, general manager, of Mitchell Lincoln Mercury. Phil is at the dealership explaining to "Red" Mitchell and Frank about McHenry State Bank's August Auto Loan Special. They invite you to stop in and see all the new Lincolns and Mercurys on display. McHenry State Bank in conjunction with Buss Ford, Europa Motors, Mitchell Buick/Olds, Mit chell Lincoln/Mercury, Overton Cadillac/Pontiac, and Spellman Chevrolet invite you to take ad vantage of their August Loan Special of \V/x\ ANNUAL KKENTAIK RATI. When you do, you will do business with knowledgable professionals who can help you select the right car to fit your lifestyle and budget. ifr* *y „ •' Come see Phil Oeffling or Keith Leathers at McHenry State Bank's Gerald J. Carey Building for your auto loan today I "Serving McHenry and McHenry Araa for 76 Years" McHENRY STATE BANK Main Building: Corner of Elm St. and Green St. Gerald J. Carey Building: Corner of Richmond Rd. and Pearl St. Robert L. Weber Building: Crystal Lake Rd. and Lillian St. 3S5-1M0 Predict Water Shortage With Deep Well Overpump will experience a water supply shortage if they continue to ovwpunip the deep weDs at the current rate. A recent stady completed for the Illinois Department of Transportation projected thnt the water levels in the deep sandstone aquifer, a primary groundwater source far this region, w4tt -*- - iii i It i tl -a win ewenne orasuctiij bug rwen critical levels aa early as 1180 in some "Even if all 86 •;» groundwater - communities which hsve received an allocation of Lake Michigan water hsgta using lake water instead of groundwater, water levels In the deep aquifer will continue to decline throughout large areas of nor theastern Illinois," noted Donald R. Vormahme, director of the Division of Water Resources, Illinois Department of Transportation. The study, which waa conducted by the Illinois State Water Survey of the Department of Energy and Natural Resources, revealed several im portant findings: . -Even with full Implementation of aO Lake m**»g«n allocations, the projected demand for water from the deep aquifer will exceed its safe yield by e (actor of almoat two. -Because of this continued over- pumpage, critical water levels (the point at which intermittent or con tinuous loss of pumping capacity occurs) are forecast as eerly as 1880 In Aurora and by the year 3000 in the Joliet area. -By the year 1080, critical water levels are forecast for Joliet, St. Charles and Beta via. -As deep aquifer pumpage is reduced in DuPage county ana nor thwest Cook county, water levels will recover In the vicinity of the wells but regionally water levels will continue to decline throughout these areas. -If DuPage county communities do not utilise their. Lake Michigan allocations but continue to rely heavily on the deep aquifer, critical water levels will occur in many arees of DuPage county as well as in parts of Kane, Will and Grundy counties. Regional loas of pumping capacity win approach 40 percent by the yeer 8000. -Increasing deep aquifer with drawals in Wisconsin will result in additional water level declines of as much as 80 feet near the State line. The Cambrian-Ordovidan aquifer system has been e reliable source of water supply for the communities in the northeistern Illinois region for many years. However, with the in crease in demand for water and the resultant over-utilisation of the the water level within the Involved in the tttversiau of Lake Michigan water bee made it poealbla for an additional 88 communitiee which are currently using ground water to receive an allocation of Lake Michigan water. "The primary value of this study la that it confirms the need for com modities to switch to Lake water la the very neer future," noted Director Vomahme. "It also warm other communities that they'd better begin planning to develop other water resources to meet their future needl. Careful planning and management of our water reoourcee is essential to ensure a plentiful supply for this region in the yeers to come." McHENRY POST No. 491 aquifer eystem has drastically declined. For example, the deep aquifer in DuPage county is preeently being over pumped by approximately five times its sustained jrield. Water levels have declined as much as 900 feet since the first deep wells were drilled. To preserve the deep aquifer as a water supply source for the region, it is neceesary to reduce future pum- page. An important first step will be for thoee communities which hsve received Lake Michigan allocations to begin using lake water in lieu of water from the deep aquifer. Recent changes in the accounting procedure P.O. BOX 447 2505 N. RINGWOOD RD. McHENRY, ILL. 60050 BY BRUCE T. OTTO While it is fashionable in this era to look down on the military and eepecially on the Vietnam veteran, there is one organization in our midst that stands solidly for America and the veteran - the American Legion. Our city is indeed fortunate to have an active post of petriotic men who serve their nation in peace' as they served in war. We are a non-profit civic organization founded by veterans and run by veterans. We are community orientated and want to serve our community as we served our flag. On Sunday, Aug. 8, American Legion Post No. 491, McHenry, was proud to install to its ranks the following officers: Veterans of World War I, McHenry Barrecks 1315 - Commander, Walter C. Reichmann; senior vice- commander, Henry Rahn; Chaplain, Garfield C. Benson; quarter master, Charles Brichta; trustee, 1-year, Bernard Bauer; trustee, 2-yeer, Fred O. Schoewer; trustee, 3-year, Paul H. Leubscher; legislative chairman, Charles Frey; hospital chairman and adjutant, Floyd S. Cooley; sergeant at Arms, Walter Dehlman. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 491 - President, Dorothy Bennett; first vice-preeident, Pearl Cooper; second vice-president, Vicky Bottari; recording secretary, Dorothy Messer; treasurer, Sandra Schultz; historian, Harriet Larson; chaplain, Betty Lou Smith; sergeant at arms, Margaret Scharp; assistant sergeant at arms, Norma Lanz. American Legion Pest 491 - Commander, Robert Chovanec,; senior vice-commander, Tom Wade; junior vice-commander, Ray Thoma; finance officer, Lou Schreder; ad jutant, Robert Honeyman; chaplain, Henry Rahn; historisn, Bernie Matchen; sergeant at arms, Jim Hermle; assistant sergeant at arms, Dave Hansen; and appointed public relations office, Bruce T. Otto. TRUTH IN TAXATION NOTICE Notlca is haraby given that tha McHanry Township Fira Protection District intands to adopt an aggregate levy in amounts more than 10$% cf the amount of property taxes extended upon the levy for the preceding fiscal year, May 1, 1981 to April 30.1982. The amount of property taxes, exclusive of election costs, extended on behalf of the taxing district for the preceding- fiscal year, May 1,1991 to April 30,1982, was $407,215.00. The amount of proposed levy, exclusive of election costs, for the current fiscal year, May 1, 1902 to April 30, 1903, is $447,518.00 The increase Is 9.8 per cent. A public hearing on the proposed budget and the proposed levy increase will be held on August 24, 1982 at the building located behind the fire station at 3410 West Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois at 8:00 P.M. Daniel M. Schmltt, Secretary McHenry Township Fire Protection District (Published August 13,1982) No. 820334 FULL" SERVICE L BANK A KM