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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1982, p. 16

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CAVALIER C1ERA PAGE li - PLAINDEAUER • WEDNF«DAY, AUGUST 26. II State Fair Reserve Champ LAKEMOOR-LILYMOOR AREA Mor$QWt Koros 365-4934 Present Award "•*; "» To Brian Deeke Soutfcside and Lily Late Md was benefit of the LUymoor by mtH, tar ffai. Marion was Louise, and others in The association's coffers wore enriched because of their efforts and Marion took the leftovers to Good WHL The association will .not have the monthly meeting on the first Monday of die month asSept. I Is Labor Day. Residents are aated to come to 1MB N. Dale Sept. IS, when for and problems about LUymoor will be Brad Scott, McHenry, exhibited the reserve champion Land of Lincoln Hereford bull at the Illinois State Fair, Springfield. The reserve champion, S Royal Dom 0450. also topped the two-year-old class. Pictured with the hall, left to right, are Sue Ann Sage. Penfield, HI.; Joan Bauer, Bonfleld, III.; 1982-83 Illinois Hereford queen Lori Sayre, Virginia, III.; 1661.62 Illinois Hereford queea Annette Sweatmaa, Virginia, III.; Brad Scott, McHenry, at the halter; and Dong Parks of Rockford. Scott also exhibited the reserve champion Land of Lincoln Hereford femhle at the Register of Merit show et the fair. ^ Photo by American Hereford Association white background, with the south wall; the world apdbooks on the north side; red arrovM pointing to the red entrance dsor; and a lettered sign above on the west side, are all the planning and work of Brian, with (he assistance of other scout members. Also present at the Court Of Honor were Margaret And Bruno Karas, ifprmnting the McHenry Nunda Library Board of Trustees, the sponsor of Brian's project. Residents of our area can all enjoy the attractive new of the library ex­ terior. Appreciation is also extended to parents Ed and Lorry Deeke, very important aida in any scouting achievement. WORK FOR ULYMOOR Marion Vornkahl was busy Thur­ sday and Friday, Aug. It and It. A garage sale held at the Gurske home BUNCO NIGHT The Lily Late Lddtaa League en- toyed their bi-monthly get-together last Wednesday. Prise winners were Julia Kraus first, Connie OHouffcCs guest Donna second, Millie Narcarti booby, and Millie Nejedly special. Connie was hostess serving appetisers sad zucchini bread. Any ladies in the aree wishing to i the L.L.L.L. should contact Helen president or any of the mem­ bers. jointl Para, FOOT FACTS: REPLACING WORN AND PAINFUL JOINTS IN THE FOOT Courtesy Of M. JACK JPE CHULEN0ARIAN fTf Medicine A Surgery Of The Foot i Ankle [)t Jack Chulenganan, loo! specialisl and surgeon of Graytlake and Waokegan, is utilizing loial mplacemeni ol worn and pamful |0tnis in The (oat with a silastir. prosihenc (implant) The end result u reliel ot pain, improved |omt (unctions in terms ul toe oft power, greater stability and better cosmetic results The implant is constructed of silicone lubber with a central poly«ter mesh reinforcement for added strength Its design allows for complete correction ot preoperative deformity with inherent instability, while allowing a near normal active and passive range of motion through its flexible hinge The advantages of this prosthetic is that it offers, aver conventional resection |oint remodeling, a greatei consistency of pain relief without shortening the toe, or loss of toe power, and easier correction ot the deformity with the ability to maintain correction We have been using this technique with great success in painful and serverely destroyed |oints attributed to bunion deformity, or limitation of motion of the big toe, recurrence ot painful symptoms and deformities trom previously failed surgical techniques, and corrective surgery lor pain ratal m rheumatoid ot WMOSfthritts. whan mora constrvative procwKitBS will not sufttce" located In Downtown •RAYSLAKE - 106 Center St. Ilh Minutes Imm Downtown Mi Henryi M*dlcol S Surgical Inturanco Accoptod FMt Consultation Available Upon Roouoat Afflliotted With McHenry Hospital for An Ap^inlmcnl-Call^lrilji w MCHENRY PLAINDEALER NEWSPAPER Available At The Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY •McHENRY DRUG •BELL LIQUORS •BOLGERS DRUG STORE •BEN FRANKLIN •OSCO DRUGS •JEWEL •HORNSBY'S •HERMES t CO. •LIQUOR MART •VILLAGE MART '»#A RtfOM •McHENRY HOSPITAL •FOOD MART • J t L GAS • ACE HARDWARE •LAKEVIEW •SUNNYSIDE FOODS •ADAMS GROCERY •LITTE STORE •FRED t IRENE'S TAP •SUNRISE GROCERY •STEINY TAP •McCULLOM LAKE GROCERY •NORTHWEST TRAIN •BITS* PIECES •RiVCODJWft^ v •ISLAND FOODS •CONVENIENT FOOD •COUNTRY CUPBOARD SAFETY HINTS by Secretary of State Jim Edgar If you are involved in a vehicle accident that results in death, bodily injury, or property damage in excess of $250, you are obligated by law to fulfill three requirements. The nearest police station must be notified as quickly as possible. If no police station is nearby, notice can be given to the county sheriff or the Illinois State Police. If the driver is unable to give immediate notice of an accident, one of the pasiTOgers must compltofwith this accident loust be filed with tht Illinois Department of Tran­ sportation no later than 10 days after its oc­ currence. Report forms can usually be obtained from a police officer or automobile insurance agencies and are kep) confidential. If you are involved in an accident within city limits, be sure to ask if an accident report is necessary. Many cities require you to file ad­ ditional reports. Make sure you report any accident in which you are involved because failure to do so can result in the suspension of your drivers license. (A copy of the Rules of the Road will be sent to you upon request. Write to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111., *2756) WEEK IN WISCONSIN - Prudence Huffman of LUymoor, accompanied by children Robbie and Hecky, left Aug. S for a week at work and visiting with Mother Hammer in Manitowish Waters. Mrs. Hammer was moving from her big home into a smaller completely furnished house. Prudie and her sister Prtscilla from California, helped decide what was to' go where. Anyone having had the experience of which memories to preserve and which ere expendable can appreciate the tortures of the decisions that had to be made. On one of the trips to the local garbage dump, Prudie had the van all loaded with disposables. Becky and Robbie were Just getting ready to unload, when Prudie saw this big black form rooting in the garbage. Needless to say there was nothing dumped, as the humans left deciding to return after the black bear was finished with dinner. Mosquitoes too, were terrible. .Impossible as it seems, Prudie thinks they were more veracious than here. The drive home was a crowded one, with Prudie driving, Becky trying to sleep and Robbie trying to stay awake, all in the front seat. The back of the van*waa loaded with stuff, in­ cluding a bedroom «tnftsH*adf been Pruuie's mom's as a child. Prudie is a geneology buff, so really appreciates having a family heirloom. Aug. 10 was unloading time, and with husband Art's help, all was done. thouow - •vaootocnoc* Frjtzsche Estates has been doctoring with a neck infection. Wishes for good health also go to Elberta Horton, Anna Odom and Linda Pickett. CITATION OMEGA CELEBRITY CHEVETTE Hurry! Limited Time Offer Only! Ref rtgerator Dills 20 or 22 firm fresh cucum­ bers, 3 l/i inches long 3 ibsp. white vinegar 3 cloves garlic. peeked 2 up. mixed pickling spices I isp. mustard seed 3 bay leaves 3 bunches fresh dill v« cup pickling sail 3 pints water Wash and drain cucumbers and pack lengthwise in three hot, sterilized quart jars. Add 1 '< of the garlic, spices, mus­ tard seed, bay leaves and dill to each jar. Make brine of salt and water, heat to a boil and pour over cucumbers to within Vi inch of top. Seal immediately. Store in refrig­ erator one week and use wtth- in the next week or two. Makes three quarts. Saftlag It Away Nature's method for deal­ ing with natural brine (salt) seeps in the Gulf of Mexico is providing duet for dealing with man-made discharies in the oceans. Ecologisu arc studying the changes in ma­ rine life and chemical aspects of a brine overflow in an underwater the Gulf of mexico IS miles southeast of Cialve6on. FAMILIES SADDENED Howard Dorsey of bakemoor died AIM. 14, leaving bis wife Genevieve, sons Michael and Donald, seven grandchildren and two great­ grandchildren. Howard was an avid who introduced many licHenrvitee to Lake Gogebic, Mich. JwnesW. Pryon aleodUd on A«g 14 He was the father of Betty Mifce and Mrs. Watkins of Fritsache Estates. He had been in ill health for some time. He also leaves grand­ children Chris, Steven and Sherry Watkins, and Vera, Caroline and Lesley Miles. Dale Rasmussen's mother, Marion, died this past week Cheater Atkins also passed away. Sympathy is extended to aH the families in their pain. a LATEST HAPPENING Mitxi Gurske of LUymoor had been requiring the use of the mottcal profession less than any member of her family, but that has how been phfnpH as she is hobbling about with a strained tendon in her ankle. As of last Wednesday, the doctor was trying to decide whether or not to put a cast on her leg, depending on Mitri's pain tolerance. On Sunday Aug. IS, Mitxi was to pick up husband Skip at the airport. Unable to drive, Ross curley did the neiriiborly thing snd drove for Mitxi at five in the morning. Needleaa to say, Skip had many humorous remarks to make about Mitxi'S con­ dition. Son Anthony is back home from his annual summer vacation In New York. He wanted to stay anothsr week, but s little thing such as gitting ready to go back to school interfered. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Aug. 26 - Lakemoot Village meeting, • p.m. Aug. » - McHenry Nunda Library Board meeting; 7:90 p.m. at the library on Lily Lake road and v Columbus drive. Sept. 2 - Free blood pressure screening. Senior Citizen Meet and Eat Center. Sept. 9 -- Lakemoor Village meeting, 8 p.m. Sept. 13 - Lilymoor association, 7:90 p.m., 1008 N. Dale. CELEBRATING Lesley Miles of Fritzsche Estates celebrates her birthday Aug. 25. Lesley waits all year for her next birthday, only to find school starts shortly after. Roberta Mayhew of Lilymoor adds a teen year on the 26th. Kevin Epperson and Michael Martin share Aug. 28 as a birth date. Elizabeth (Betsy) Pahlke's bir­ thday is Aug. 29. Among well wishers will be neighbors Alyce and Andy Kowal of Lakemoor. John James . Nixon, also of Lakemoor, will celebrate his sixteenth birthday on Aug. 90. The families of Corey Krawczyk, Robbi Caldwell and Kristy Snow of Parkside will also be celebrating their birthdays jj|the Hedie and Rick Foss of# Lakemoor add another year of marriage on Aug. 29. May you all have a joyful memory of your special days. GOD BLE88 J* Promote Tree Planting The National Arbor Day foundation is giving three free American Redbud trees to all new foundation members Joining during August. The free Redbud trees are part of the foundation's effort to promote fall tree planting. "Fall is an excellent time to nlant trees because the roots establish themselves over the winter and support faster tree growth in the spring," John Rosenow, foundation executive director, said. "However the advantages of fall planting are often overlooked. That is why the National Arbor Day foundation is making this special offer." The American Redbud is sn ex­ tremely hardy flowering tree with pink blossoms in the early spring. Three three-to-four feet trees will be shipped this fall/fcoetage paid, with enclosed planting instructions. The trees are guaranteed to grow, or they will be replaced free by the Foun­ dation. The National Arbor Day foundation, a non-profit organization, is working to improve the quality of life throughout the country by en­ couraging tree planting. The foun­ dation will give three free Redbud trees to new members contributing $10 or more during August. To become a member of the foun­ dation, and to receive the free tress, a 810 membership contribution should be sent to Free Redbud Trees, National Arbor Day Foundation, Arbor Lodge 100, Nebraska City, Nebr., 68410, by Aug. 91. The only survivor of the Battle of Little Big Horn, where Custer made his last stand, was the horse Comanche, whose embalmed body now stands on display at the University of Kansas. Be alarmed. Get a discount. KSITM SONMtCHtSM McHCNRV. ILLINOIS PH. 344-2772 Now Country Companies II give you discounts U D t o i 5%onvourK of up to 15% on your home­ owners insurance premium if you protect your home with fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, deadbolt locks and certain other alarm systems. Your Country Companies agent has al? the facts. Call today. That's the spirit LOSSM MH.LIR RICHMOND ILLINOIS Your Country Companies Agents. DON KMtTIN WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS FM. 916414* COUNTRY COMPANIES fctsuure i' .md kwrstnwm Srrvtu-s Minor Problems Often Have Simple Solutions plnwbtng iioMhaj basse and having to replace a washer ia a bathteb, lavatory* I have jest noticed that the flxtarea (< plated) aw becnmlng scarred ftoanhcnse of \ pitcn. now vkp• piivciihm( Place electrical tape or adhesive tape strips around the fittings before you remove them. If you don't have either, use an old rag or piece of cloth. The pliers or wrench should still take firm hold. sinker KRYSTAl A ft-- Cl#!nnaJ 9 noon MvippM • WmJUmt L-> W WsWWi wv 'Mew • Office Homing • CM* ® Sanitum or ^ful lymSJMD tiONOfD I1S-H5-H77 I t ' s A I w a y s Vot/TDea/ A t I t I ' r i i t l c t (H r i smob i f r 5̂ 1 Ell HOURS Da i l y H-9 Sa tu rday 8 s Sunday 11 4 Hfll ITTP ^ J S S S o u t h R o u t e 4 7 8 1 S / 3 3 8 - 2 7 8 0 W o o d s t o c k ™ « r«vu»

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