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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1982, p. 18

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PAGF It - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. AUGUST TT. IMS Leqal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE lfTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVING8 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, an Illinois Corporation, Plaintiff, -VS- DOUGLASW. GLOSSON; etal.. Defendants. NO. 82 CH 224 NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, NONRECORD CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN OWNERS,jr Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit nas oeen com­ menced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t , M c H e n r y C o u n t y . Illinois, by the aforesaid Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, p r a y i n g f o r t h e foreclosure of a certain m o r t g a g e m a d e b y D O U G L A S W . G L O S S O N & J A C Q U E L I N E J . GLOSSON, to McHenry Savings and Loan Association, Mortgagee, conveying the following describecT premises to wit: Lot 67 in Brittany Park, a Subdivision of part of Lot 7 of the County Clerk's Plat of the West Half of t h e N o r t h e a s t Quarter of Section 28, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Prin­ c i p a l M e r i d i a n , according to the Plat thereof recorded August 13, 1976 as D o c u m e n t N o . 671580, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is c o m m o n l y k n o w n a s 5525 Sherman McHenry, I l l i n o i s ; t h a t t h e aforesaid mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of D e e d s , M c H e n r y County, Illinois as D o c u m e n t N u m b e r 781576, on October 12, 1979; that summons was duly issued out of the court against you as provided by law, and said suit is still pending. NOW, THEREFORE unless you, the said above named Defen­ dants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make y o u r a p p e a r a n c e therein, in tne office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t , M c H e n r y C o u n t y , County Building, 2200 N o r t h S e m i n a r y Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 20th day of September, A.D 1982, default may be entered against you at any time thereafter and a judgement en­ tered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. DATED: Woodstock, Illinois, August 13, 1982. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FREDERICK C. - CAPPETTA Attorney for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312 ) 726-9600 (Pub. Aug. 18, 25 4 Sept. 1,1982) No. 820359 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY .ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF ELLA B GILLIFORD Deceased, File No. 82-P 258 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the d e a t h o f E L L A B . G I L L I F O R D . o f M c H e n r y , I l l i n o i s . Letters of office were issued on August 6.1962. to McHENRY STATE BANK, 3510 W. Elm St., McHenry, IL., 60050 w h o s e a t t o r n e y i s D O N A L D W . TRUCKENBROD, 4108 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry, II., 60060. Claims against the estate may oe filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at 2200 N. S e m i n a r y A v e n u e , Woodstock, Illinois, 6 0 0 9 8 , o r w i t h t h e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e , o r b o t h , within 8 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Ksys, Jr. Clerk of the Court (Pub. Aug. 18,164 Sept 1.1881) No 820357 Legal Notice CITY OP McHENRY, ILLINOIS TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT I, Jon Meyer, Treasurer of the City of McHenry. Illinois, hereby certify that the following statement of receipts and disbursements of the City of McHeniV, Illinois for the period from Ajpril SO, 1881 to April 30, 1982, is a true and correct copy according to my best knowledge and belief. Jon J. Meyer, Treasurer, City of McHenry STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ° >8S COUNTY OF McHENRY ) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, ihis 13th day of August, 1882. Anne M. Kranz, Notary Public CITY OF McHENRY ACCOUNTS » General Fund 47,123.48 Water-Sewer Fund 435.74 1978 Sewer Construction Fund 78.84 Police Pension Fund 7,580.36 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 11,580.57 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 1,331.28 Special Assessments Principal 33,484.88 Special Assessments Interest 21,462.00 Payroll Fund 2,000.00 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS General Fund Water-Sewer Fund 1979 Sewer Construction Fund Police PensionFund Motor Fuel Tax Fund Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Special Assessments Interest IJeveloper Donations Fund ' Capital Development Fund Depreciation Reserve Fund Bond Reserve Fund CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Motor Fuel Tax Fund Developer Donations Fund Water-Sewer Fund Capital Development Fund Depreciation Reserve Fund Bond Reserve Fund Police Pension Fund 784.49 125.72 518.83 13.78 2.919.65 732.07 „, 187.29 10,082.07 4,864.80 11,900.61 893.92 100,834.93 338,000.00 125,000.00 105,963.70 30,219.27 8.918 05 57,209.96 777,766.38 DEVELOPER'S REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNTS Total of Cash on Account 30,519.28 GENERALFUND RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Balance on Hand April 30,1981 Receipts: County Collector-Property 'flaxes State of Illinois SalesTax : State of Illinois Income Tax State of Illinois Replacements Township Replacement Tax Vehicle Licenses and Fines Matured Investments Interest Earned Sale of Property Park Revenue and Donations Dredge Donations Sale at Equipment Parking Permits Received from City Clerk Other Expense Reimbursements: Communication Desk Salaries Property Damage Officer's Training Employee Insurance Disability From Develooers Sidewalk Construction 4 Repair Police Salaries Police Grant Public Works Reimbursement Transfers from other Funds: From General Fund From Water Sewer Fund From Library Fund From Developer Donations Fund From Petersen Park Fund From Lakeland Park Principal Account From Lakeland Park Interest Account From Federal Revenue Sharing Fund From Motor Fuel Tax Fund From Depreciation Reserve Fund From Police Pension Fund 31,467.45 874,678.08 ^ 933,318.84 214,931.71 17,959.83 3,241 54 42,951.00 1,456,586.65 28,887.23 1,886.30 62,652.38 4,268.39 5,557.00 8,070.00 181,578.41 48,299.00 13.550.00 7,550.92 5,362.61 821.46 5,339.25 5,667.30 1.241.17 40,973.90 3,382.05 147,295.85 256,203.28 82,160 23 572,096.97 1,920.39 110,000.00 15,000.00 241.007.16 99,000.00 19,000.00 4,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 85,316,438.90 - TOTAL AVAILABLE: 85,347,906 35 (Balance & Receipts) CASH DISBURSEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR OF 1981-1982 CITY OF McHENRY. ILLINOIS GENERAL Fl)ND A. A. Anderson Inc. A & A Properties Ace Hardware Adams Bros. Radiator Service Adams Bros. Steel Div. Adams Enterprises Adams, Jim Auto Body Adams Lawn 4 Leisure Adams. Peter A. Adellzzl, Paul Adelizzi,Shons AerobicDancina Albrecht, John F. Alexander Chemicals Alexander Lumber Aleckson, Mike • Alecks on, Sheila Alpine Valley Ski Resort Althoff Industries American Blueprint k Supply American Planning Assoc. American Professions! Marketing American Trauma Society - 111. Div. American Truck Parts American Ben Motor Repair Serv. Anderson Tree Service Aqua Pressure Cleaning Equipment Arnold, Randy Art's Village Service Artel Enterprises Arvidson, Ben k Sons, Inc. Arvidson, Marlene Associated Planners The Athens Companies Inc. Azzaro, Rosemary B k H Industries B.S.N. Corporation Badger Uniforms Bsllowe, Timothy Bangle, Dorothy-. Barrett, Willlaifr Barrington Transportation Co. Bart, Jenny Bartels, Otis Barth, Kathy Bauer, Donald Baxter k Woodman Inc. Beacon Products Beck, Susan Belohlavy, Benjamin Belohlavy, Sarah Belvidere Camera Center » - Bennecke, William Benti.Don Berg Christian Enterprises Bernie's Auto Body Beyer, Thomas Birk, John Blslewicz, Amy Blske, Kathleen Blake, Mike Blumenfeld Sport Net Bob's Colors Bolger. Walter J. Bolgers Drugstore Botts Welding & Truck Service Bowman, Kathy Brake 4 Equipment Co. Brand Oil Co Broadcast Engineering Bruce, Kenneth Bruce Municipal Equipment Bucaro. Jack Buch, Dennis BuckeridgeDoorCo. Buhrman. William Building Officials 4 Code Admin. 75.44 75.00 9,902.46 1,142.69 3,885.94 5,459.60 686 85 89 10 180.00 36.00 22.00 4,506.00 180 00 1,280 88 2,175.72 12.00 10.00 672.50 4,981.88 256.04 34.00 28.75 25.00 1,106.38 22.00 4,960.00 117.57 6.00 170.90 45.29 24.06 10.00 1,334.00 853.76 8.00 262.39 38.70 1,647.96 12.00 30.00 12.00 98.00 12.00 18.00 51.00 12.00 1,649.35 210.00 7.00 13.00 12.00 304.44 23.00 84.00 162.45 317.06 375.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 50.00 278.00 2,808.30 66 25 l30 10.00 3,211.33 904.55 31.25 13.00 749.04 10.00 12.00 33.99 30.00 148.50 Bunting, Connie Buntinfc Michael Bureau oTteBtJng Service* §E?gy£K Contracting 58.00 Iroquois Popcorn Co. Inc. IOOO IrwSTRomkl 738.75 378.88 UM j m Battery 3,534.57 18.88 Northern HI. Police Crime Lab. Northern Key 41 Jack Auto Parts Cajthaml, Kit itral Distributors ltral Supply Co. Chambers, Pam Charoenying Adrieme Chicago k Northwestern Tran. Co Chuck's Towing Clerkof the Circuit Ct. of L*ke Cty. Clerk of the Circuit CUMcR Cty Clem Williams Films Inc. Clerk of the Circuit Ct. of Cook Cty. Clerk of the Circuit Ct. of KaneCnr. Coast to Coast Stores Commonwealth Edison Community Auto Supply Conaghan, Diane Conagahan,Steve Conney Safety Products Co. Constable Equipment Co. Coughlln, Jonn Court Reporting Services Covalt, Kelly Cowlin, Cowlin and Ungvarsky Crain's Chicago Business Crestlve Kitchens 4 Baths Crosbie. Ellen Crown Brake 4 Clutch Cuda, Anns Mae Cuda, Charles Culver, Douglas Cunningham, John Curran Contracting Co. Curran, Daniel Curtis industries Cvitkovic, Cica D. R. Building Supplies Ds-nlte Equipment Co. Datz, Edward Daves Automatic Transmission Davids, Cheryl Davidson. Leslie Davis, Brian Davis, Richard Dawson, Karen Deen, Patti Jo Dehn. Joe Des Plaines Sod 4 Garden Center Diamond Chemical Dick, A.B. Dictaphone Diedrich, Geo. Director of Labor Dodge Plumbing 4 Heating Donerty, Todd Dolan, Stephanie Donahue, Raymond Donarskj. Lynne Donor's Forum of Chicago Drake, Daniel Dunne. John Durabilt Fence 4 Kennels Dyna Industries E 4 H U t i l i t y S a l e s East Jordan Iron Works Eby Brown Eckstein, Sandra Ed's Rental 4 Sales Enterprise Ready Mix Erickson. Dorothy Erkenswick, George Even Steven F.vertsen, Tricia Ferguson, Dawn R. Femstrom, Gordon Fick, Anthony Fick. Finch, Marie Finkbiner Equipment Co. First National Bank of Barrington First National Bank of Chicago First National Bank of McHenry Fischer, Wendy Fitrgerald William Foerster, Jeffery Foreman, Nicole Fouse, James Fowles. Richard Fox Lake Office Supply Fox Lake Service Center Foxcroft Meadows Fox River Welding Products Frank. Robert Sr. Franklin, Carol Freund, Gene Freund Equipment Co. Freund, George P. Inc. Freund, Joseph M. Freund, Marfc Freund, Richard S. Freund, Robert L. Gallagher, Arthur J. Gerrard 4 Company Gerstad, Mrs. Donald Gerstung, Linda Gibson, Johns Gilpin, Barbara E Gilpin, Barbara, Petty Cash Fund GUiser, Jason Glidden Paints Glosson, Joshua Godina,Kathleen M. Gough. Gary Greet Lakes Fire 4 Safety Equip. Greer, Courney Greer, Kathe Greaorio. Ramon G r i f f i n P i p e P r o d u c t s Grippo, Mike Grove, Mary Jane GroveProducts Guelzo, Lori Habkh. Bob Hahn, Andy Haines 4 Co. Haines, Susan Halogen Supply Co. Halverson, Kay Hansen Marine Service Harbecke, Bruce Harbecke, Marybeth - Harker. George Hairy AltherlCo. Hartford Insurance Group Harwood.Tim H. F. Harrison 4 Assoc. itaald. Mary Lou Helns, Lance Herb's Used Auto Parts Herdrich, Charles * Sons Inc. HlUer, Karen Hlimer, J. W. Sales* Squi Hobson, Lisa Hoffman, Mrs. Hoffstetter Landscaping Inc. Holas. Frank Holan, Elizabeth Home State Bank of Crystal Lake Honee, Lisa Hoover, Dick Hornsbys House. Don Robert Howell Tractor 4 Equipment Co. Hoyle Road Equipment Huemann, Joseph 4 Sons Inc. Huff.Shawnii Huppv and Leo's Hustler Sport Center Inc. IBM Corp. Identi-KitCo. Inc. Illinois Assoc of Park Districts Illinois Bell Telephone m., St. of, Dept. of Conservation Illinois Dept. of Revenue 111. Emergency Serv. Mgmt. Assoc. ' nT Fire 4 Pol. Comm. Assoc Illinois High School Assoc. Illinois 1 inois 1 lent Fund India Interna' iquip. lAapc. il Inst, of Mun. League •*•8:5 12.00 20.00 8.00 188.84 4,001.50 84.77 10.00 38.00 580.00 190.00 150.00 35,224.00 . 88.90 100.00 100.00 88.40 67,848.73 3,428.36 34.00 15.00 45.93 2,308.71 12.00 183.50 15.00 1,707.50 30.00 1,219.40 25.00 270.78 90.00 434.00 10.00 12.00 77.971.38 24.00 929.74 52.00 45.96 230.38 1,994.93 400.00 13.00 11.00 66.50 191.22 35.00 24.00 182.00 2,850.00 292.67 53.70 677.00 5,509.96 4,848.50 989.58 3.00 5.50 375.00 50.00 8.50 5.00 12.00 1,049.20 398.00 234.72 1,750.00 4,317.08 20.00 316.29 11,326.40 10.00 375.00 400.00 5.50 46.74 10.00 71.00 n'.OO 24.00 91 95 177,206 7!> 65,875.00 400,000 00 5.50 375.00 415.00 30.00 120.00 12.00 2,454.38 184.30 948.60 37.75 27.00 10.00 78.00 24.22 14,101.58 5.19 15.00 29.42 250 00 93.468.0u 29.34 21.50 10.00 12.00 734 76 1,304 18 1200 801 00 10.00 18.00 13.64 178.75 8.50 21.00 375.00 1,167.86 10.00 20.00 40.00 25.00 434.00 5.00 306.74 10.00 1,108.13 110.00 62.65 156.00 43.00 1,400.00 1,807.00 14,400 00 50.00 8,305.00 30.00 5.50 300.00 80.00 34.00 277 84 8.00 30.00 12,600.00 100.00 12.00 8,888.75 1200 10.00 1,001.71 13.00 1,443.00 308.87 73.34 5.50 330.38 70.00 488.50 380 00 135 00 8,187.88 7,153.00 38,316.57 Tloo 137.50 38.00 744.50 327,818.10 1,888.17 85.00 1,342.83 48.80 Johnson, Brian Johnson, Tom Jones Oil Co. Joyce! Patrtek gffi-.osr- Keller. Maureen King, Joseph Kimerk, Daniel KirchnerFire Extinguisher Klrsdi Kirsh, ich, Brace ran Jffi P.O. Knuth'sCo. Inc. Kofler, Bill Korzuchowski, Dennis Kranz, Robert Krystal Klear Maint. Service Kunns, Charles Kunzer, Mary Kupstis, Fred Lake Auto Supply Inc. Lake Cty. Dept. of Emer. 4 Public Safety Lake CountyTruck Sales 4 Service Lakeland Construction Lakeland Distributors Lakeside Repair Shop Lambourn, Robert Lance Construction Lane. George La ndis, William Langdon, John Lantvit, John Larkin, Julie LaRocco, Vikki • Latta, J.S. Co. Lazy C Ranch Lee 4 Ray Electric Co. Leva, Tony ' Lexow, Howard Liberty Asphalt Lively, Ttfcla , Lockers Flowers Looze, Betty Lukowski, Marje Lyle Signs Inc. Lynott, James V. MBc M 4 M L _ M.P.H. Industries Main Paint 4 Decorating Mar Ray Costume Shop Marathon Oil Co. Marengo Federal Savings 4 Loan Marinangel, Kathy Marlin Industries Marriott's Great America Martin, Mary Matthew Bender 4 Co. T. May Interprlses Mason, Peter Mauer, Jennifer May berry, Mariann Meade Electric Co. Means Career Apparel Meier, Richard Meinhardt Products Merkel, Peter J. Meyers, Jeffery Meyer, Jon J. Meyer, Jon, Trees.-Pol. Pen. Fund Michael, Betty Michaels, Cindy Midway Motor Lodge Mihevic. Lori Mike's fool Sales Mill tano, Anthony Miller, Alan R. Miller, Danielle Miller, James m! !S:&,E. MlJJer, William E. %£& tlon Equip. Co. Auto Body J. BuickOlas Mortal, Tracy The Morning Herald M or tell, Robert Morton Salt Motorola Inc. Mullen, William Multi Regional Criminal Justice Municipal Clerks of Illinois Municipal Code Corp. . *b'ii , i Music Performan erformance Trust Fund McCann Construction Specialties McCarrole, Wm. McCracken. Leonard McFaul, Debbie McDonalds Restaurant McGee's Store for Men McHenry Aree Chamber of Commerce " " Area Rescue Squad Auto Body 'Auto Pans ' Checkpoint Inc. tv of Deprec. Ree. Fund Fund fKJ fy of, Dev. Don. Fund tyof.Fed Gen City of, Ps; .City of,Pol McH., City of, Water Sewer Fund McHenry County Building 4 Zoning McHenry County Clerk McHenry County Communications McHenry County Municipal Assoc McHenry County Health Dept. McHenry County Recorder of Deeds t Electric 4 Supply rFS j'u Fiv. Sport Center McHenry Firestone McHenry Floral McHenry Lumber McHenry Oil Co. McHenry Paint, Glass 4 Wallpaper McHenry Plaindeahsr^ McHenry F^Plannin^Comm. McHenry State Bank ** McHenry Studio 4 Camera Center McHenry Tire Mart McHenry Township Fire Prot. District Be i Road District : Disposal Idk McHenry Trophies Mc&aKtLjaaies! McVlcar,Stewart 4 Park Assoc. 849.00 5,396.80 1.355.00 3,845.00 5:8 National M--itfer i>eunvr. New England Business Service MjMllllMjII U'IIL D tl n f I meworougn. Brett Joseph M Nimsgern iSwim Northwest i Nuhshaum Nylander I Nystium,! 183.72 15.00 5.88 35,888.83 1,088.48 393.85 13.00 191.58 100.00 13.00 8.70 12.00 3.50 13.00 • 21.68 285.00 8,398.97 34.00 1.400.00 10,673.30 18.00 106.86 28.00 13.00 108.86 60.00 1,008.00 8.45 119.16 103 JO 120.49 127,000.00 800 98.28 467.40 10.00 82.68 194.70 12.00 18.00 9.00 9,092.75 1,153.80 975.00 235.71 506.00 111.00 "8:8 12.00 1,500.00 36,587.62 18.00 11.00 841.12 8.00 107.80 375.00 30,306.08 9.00 84.80 20.00 M.00 10.00 16.65 555.00 130.94 258.30 865.59 34.00 23.52 50 00 3,753.69 7,645.30 100.00 378.00 15.00 1,984.80 10.00 13.00 2,000.00 52.00 34.00 30.00 18.00 59.04 640.00 305.00 28.00 18.00 17,008.77 65.32 19,000.00 177,500.00 343,688.32 196,000.00 34,000.00 137,900.00 108,444.78 882,094.02 66,561.03 101,700.15 5,582.84 1,436.07 15.00 384.38 3,846.06 843.90 15.00 100 00 88.41 1,578.93 331.37 3,045.86 Gagr William Pontiac P. F. Pittibone r> a i_ • t/ • raorocKi, ivnsiinc Palermo, Kim Jeonl .Laurie recnous, noger Pedna Plastic Co. .Jack la General Bottlers (4 Stems Peter Baker 4 Son Peters.Karen Photo Forum Inc. Photocom Photography by Gaylord Photography-Kevin M. Shay Pierce, Karen Plntozzi, Anthony C. Plstakee Country Club Pitney Bowes Pickett, Johnathon Pierce, Karen Plum Garden Club Ponzo. Rita Portable Tool Sales 4 Service • Postmaster, McHenry, IL. Postmaster, McHenry, IL. Prairie State Charters Prault, Janelle Prazak, Kenneth Primrose Oil Co. Prokop, Ryan Prudential Im. Quill Corp. R4DAutoServlce Radicom Rascon, Ralph Raycraft Septic Service Raz, Marii/L Rebars4Sted Recorder of Deeds Recreonics Corp Reid, Michael \ Reitryga, Susan Riverside Bakery V Rockenbach Chevrolet Rockford Industrial Welding Supp. Roewer Roofing Rogers, Dolores M. Romano. Joseph Rosing, Richard Ross Bus Sales Rossetti, August M. Roth, Chris Rous, Edward C. Route 14 Used Auto Parts Ruiz, Sharon Rupp, Cynthia RiSco, Edward M. Ruzicka, Pam Rydln Sign 4 Decal Safford Industries Isva3lf\vnfred Sbertoli, Louis Scan Am Schabow, Bob Schabow.Pattie Scharff #»aul Schlender, Joe Schllnder, Victoria Schmidt, bebi Schmidt, Linda Schmitt, Gary Schmitt4Scnmitt Schneider Jason Schuerr, Barbara Schulze, Gary Schwegel, John Scott, Michael Seabaugh, Juanlta M. Sears Anderson Inc. Seavey, Beth Secretary of State Seeber, Paul Seeking, Paul SeitheTTheresa Sernrow, Ellen Serritella, Cecilia Shanahan, Michael Shanholzer, Scott Sheridan, Bernice The Sidwell Company The Signmaker Silver, Linda R Simplex Time Recorder Co. Smallmann, Christopher Smith Alignment Smith, Betty A Smith, Carol Smith, John niA I Tools , . Marie Solar Plumbing 4 Heetlng Somar Enter Sony Sound ( _ ^ * of Illinois Inc. Vlfilam Power Equipment Co ?6mce&Mhlne8 ite Chem jral Manufacturing Co. _ jffel I Reihsnsperger The Streamliners Strojny, Joseph P. ' W « iperintendent of Documents calender, Judith 'fCjSn^ Clark County Tanner, Thennes," __ Theodore, Steve Thomson Publications Frank Thornber Co. Toalson.' Michaefl ' ones, Inc. Mfl A JB Northwestern Univ. ' rius Products Inc. Unique Devices i Jnited Fleelwy 'sJSS Votght, Walt bisney Films Wertz, Janice West Publishing Co. Weet SM Tractor Sales Northern! /

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