Woman's Club Hosts Luncheon W. 9, haa I to Informed of the a will be program to* ton McHENRY POST No. 491 P.O. SOX 447 2905 N. RINGWOOO RD. McHENRY, ILL. 60080 BY BRUCE T. OTTO Agricultural Experiments At by Kurt McHenry County maint Women Of The Moose B&: Tto Aug. 17 burt«w meeting was called to order by Sr. Regent LU Bator with II woman in attendance; and tto Attendance award waa given to Violet Haack. Raeanratkn application* for tto Peoria Convention, being told Oct. 1-3 are available and thoae intereeted in attorning can aee Sr. Regent Bator for mare information. A letter from Collegian Eunice Totoy Newton waa read to the ladtea and farought back many memoriee. A Joint meeting with tto Men of the lfooae ia elated for Aug. Si. Tto Men of the Mooee will to mkbraUiii tto lodge'a thirtieth an niversary with a dinner-dance on Sept 11, and Mrs. Baker auggeeted that tto ladies sttend it. Boothe are currently available for tto Christmaa Bazaar scheduled for Nov. 14, so it is not too early to start bazaar projects now. August birthday gals are Shirley Slunkoetch, Betty Reimer and Elizabeth Dorsch. Following the meeting, Mem bership committee and. chairman Peggy Pearson served cake and coffee to tto ladies. The next chapter meeting is slated for Sept. 7 and enrollment will also be held. By Brace T. Otto Public Relatione Officer i you ever wondered ertot goea on at the American Legion? For an etampla, on Sunday, Aug. Si, we are having our aocond annual August Feet Taere will to band musk ana a performance by Tto Amaalng Haudini, who haa an excellent magic show for alL Beer, aoda, brata, and hot dogs, are included. There are gamee with prisee for ages 1-3, S-S, 6-12 and yea, adult prism. This August Feat atarta at noon and will end at 7 pm. EmjtMng la In cluded. Yea, it ia open to the public and will be held at the American Legion located at 2S06 N. Ring wood road. A charge will be made. On Saturday, Sept 4, at Pearl street park in McHenry, ia our first October Feat and what a fUn time It will to r^ We begin with tto preeentetkekof the American flag by guard and a 31-gun salute to( of McHenry. At IS: IS musk will be played by a 4- piece German band. At S, another band wUl entertain ue until 9. The day wUl come to a cloae at 9 p.m. with tape being played in tto park. Besides theee two activitiee, we have a banquet haU used by tto :. This hall public. is alao uaed by tto ROYAL NEIGHBORS PICNIC Mary Kantorski, 90 years young, hostess for the annual picmc sponsored by Royal Neighbors of America, Riverview Camp, 6818. A special tribute was given to Kate Worts, and a gift was hended down to her from a paat oracle. Kiwania, Rotary, Liona, Cub Scouts and a 4-wheel (hive club. On top of aU this the American Legion haa a bar open to tto public. Remember, we are open to the public and we look forward to seeing yrw Diamonds are a proper gift to give on both tto sixtieth end seventy-fifth anniversaries. Dance Films At Open House Barrett, el tto agricultural program at MOC, theee projects provide for individual ea* preeelon and allow atudnta to ex periment with different growing techniques. Breeding, crafting, i nee and buaineaa all are ilremed 'It's an attempt to diecovar which crepe are hardiest" said Richard York, ornamental horticulture in structor. Tto program encouragee business sense and aeif-eufficency. "We try to make it aa much of a husineaa aa poaaible," Barrett added. According to Barrett about half tto college's SOO agriculture studenta are involved in the program. Primarily during the school year they work from 8:30 a.m. until dusk, in two shifts. About a dozen students work con sistently over the summer. The trial gardens include 48 varieties of punts under different condition -- raised beds, thoae at ground level, outdoor tods with plants in rows snd others with staggered deaign, and inside the greenhouse using pots. One offshoot of tto trial gardens is the rock wall garden begun two years ago. A wood imp path winds its way 1 paat treee, ahrube, flowers, bulb areaa and S3 typee of ground covers. These low-growing plants beeutify snd help prevent sou erosion. Another project is the evslustion of Biomaas, a high-yield, natural fer tilizer. Manure ia tree ted through an accelerated decompoaition proceas. It literally cooks in its own best generated by bacteria, Barrett noted. The finished product csn be re-fed to cattle aa a protein supplement or used on plants directly. Banett ssid it is both cheaper and more effective to uae. Ten tons of regular manure has the fertilizing power of two tons of Biomaas A third project is working to breed corn plants with larger root systems. If successful, these hybrids will contribute more organic matter to the soil and deter erouon. It is time- consuming work, requiring hsnd pollination and root observation of every plant. A grape area dubbed Hilltop Vineyard haa progresaed from wine to table grapee over the last five years Barrett hopes to implement sn annual acres are eet aalde for Industry lUng exhibition in the future at MCC vintage wUl to aold. another project tavohree ex perimenting with sero-tin farming. Thirty-five a - com and soybeane, SB of to raiee share crepe whteti all agricultural program, on their own -- and in oonjBction with tto McHenry Comity Soil and Water Oonaervatien district and prtvste industry -- are < different varietiee ei planta, i herbicides and ineocticldoa. In the no-tin proceduie, new crope are planted amid tto stalka of laat year. Organic material return to tto aoil and reducee erosion. With juat a two percent grade, a farmer knee 80 tone of soil per acre per year, Barrett said. This is reduced to two tons per acre with zero till. AU of theee corn fields are in a government set-aside program. TMa enables tto college to receive a higher selling price at harveet time. Tto program, run through the Agricultural Stabilisation Con- servetion Service (3S8-0444), is designed to take land out of produc tion and thereby raiae prices Farmers alao have tto option of either selling tto crope they raiae to the federal government or storing them In a warehouae until pricee climb. A field day for aero till, which laat year Involved about 180 farmers, waa held Aug. S4, at tto McHenry county fairgrounds. Tto golf green aree waa in tto 10 years before construction two years ago. Tto green waa reducing the construction cost by 83,000 to 84,000. Construction waa carried out by the advanced turf clam. Seed waa tried first but waa waahed out and replaced with sod. Its major purpoae ia to promote student involvement in maintenance. Lastly, there is s nursery for propsgation and replacement of trees on campus. These trees and the labor involved are supplied free to the college. But the sgricultursl account is not credited, Barrett said, and he reeenta it. The only money budgeted for any of theee projects and demonstration areaa ia through share crop funding, with the exception of the massive root project. Barrett anticipates a profit of about 88,000 after costs are deducted, which la out of an estimated 810,000 the college stands to earn from ita 8 - PLAINDEALER . WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 88.180 set-aside stare crepe thanks to fwym Of that 88,088, Barrett said 83,000 will be spent to meet labor coata. representative! often are to com In labor hired primarily over the Bummer. Barrett charged that restricts supplies and continued growth of the program. "Hare you have a school that tto actool doaan't m Barrett aald. He adds concerning the programs, "They (college officiate) have never come acroea with a nickel for it Yet they aspect ua to create miraclee." Associate Dean of Inatruction Robert Frank refuted tto chargee and believes tto college continues to take a aerioua intereet in the program ! BIRTHS He aald the admlnlatratlon Is simply curtailing the money while the agricultural account remaine 81,000 In the red. "We don't have any program the baby's greet-grandparent at tto college with an unlimited ex- Among recent births recor Betty and Martin Thomaa Conway of Heather Ridge, Gurnee, IU., an nounce tto birth of a eon Ryan Thomaa on Aug. 17, in Lake Foreat hoepital. Tto Imant entered tto world weighing 8 the. IS as. Maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. William Wolf of Gaylord, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Earl "Marty" Conway of McHenry are tto paternal grand parenta. Jamee and Glende Goodman, 308 S. Sheridan road, McHenry, became parents of their eecond chud and first daughter Aug. S. Becky Sue waa bora at Memorial hoepital for McHenry county, Woodstock, Ql. and weighed 8 lbs. 18 oa. She waa eagerly awaited at home by tor brother Jaaon, age five. Maternal grandparenta are Johnny and Lorene Eaton of Morehouae, Mo. Verion and Clara Goodman, alao of Morehouse, are the paternal grand parenta. Delia Eaton of Morehouae ia penee account" to aald. 3 HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK Admlaalena: Pamela Litka of McHenry; Robert Frank, Joann Kenncbeck, Jason Walker and Daniel HudMn, aU of Wonder Lake. HARVARD Adssieeiea: Leonard Morris of Wonder Lake. recorded st Memorisl Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock, was tto Aug. SO birth of s boy to Mr. snd Mrs. John Psnek of McHenry; Aug. 31 birth of a boy to Psmela and Warren Litka of McHenry; Aug. S3 births of s boy to Mr snd Mrs. Robert Fitzl of McHenry snd s girl to Mr. and Mrs. Scott MscKenzte of McHenry. When first born, tto toby kangaroo is the size of s bumblebee. Noel Coward wrote "Private Lives" In two weeks. Courthouse Squares W N DOCTORS f*AY WRITE TMEIR PRESCRIPTIONS IN ILLEGIBLE LAT1M BUT TMEIR BILLS ARE AMY S VEGETABLES K1E 12 & 31 RICHMOND II IHURWRKAT SPECIALS THURSDAY "The Magic of Dance," a BBC film seriee planned, scripted and narrated by Dame Margot Fonteyn, will be presented by the Woodatock Fine Arts association this fsU in cooperation with tto Woodatock Opera House. Tto seriee of three one-hour color films wUl be shown Tueadays at 7:88 p.m. Sept. 14, Oct. 13 and Nov. 8. General admission ticket la minimal. Judith Svalander, artiatic director of the Judith Svalander Dance theatre, will introduce each film drawing upon her extensive dance background to set the mood for the films. Ms. Svslsnder trained with the Royal Danish Ballet and waa a member of the Swedish National Touring theatre in addition to a career in dance and musical theatre in this country. She alao studied with Joan Lawson, distinguished dance in structor for England's Royal Ballet and aaaociate of Dome Fonteyn. In 1978 she joined the Judith Svalander Dance theatre, a not-for-profit dance company In Crystal Lake. The first film in tto series, "Ebb and Flow," Sept. 14 Uluetratee tto International Involvement in dancing and some of tto moet exciting per formances from around tto world. "The Romantic Ballet" Oct. 13, recounts tto history and epfrit of dance from 1831 until tto ToBM* Bergue Tto final film In tto aerlee "Tto Magnificent Beginning," Nov. 9, recounts the beginning of dance aa a performing art. Dame Margot Fon teyn narrates from the Versailles Castle where louia XIV foatered dance as a theatre art. Ticketa may be purchaaed st the Opera House box office the evening of the film showing. PLAIN FRIDAY SWEET COM 80S DOZ. SATURDAY MUSKMaONS 20cLB Id. 1 -L !)t frtaineto $ant LEARN THC ART OF STAINED (USS WINDOW 8UH0INC ONI BASIC FEI INCLUDES .6 Two (2)Hour L«s*on» •Tool Rvntal •Small CUm Six* •Taught by a Certified Tcochar • Si LEARN •Design •Glois Cutting •Load Coming •Soldering MAKE •Two (2) Protect* The first stewsrdees wss Miss Ellen Church, s registered nurse, who welcomed 11 passengers aboard a flight from Oakland, Calif., to Cheyenne, Wyo. In 1890. HAWS v t . i 1 9 14*WGIM/. ' ON MADUNL 9X (OP INHUMATION Al l HI VU4 47?4 m S, UNSET STEAK H OUSE UPPER LEVEL HI06 E AST LAKE SHORE DRIVE, WONDER LAKE FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY ALL YOU CAN EAT . . . 3-5 SERVED WITH HOMEMADE CLAM CHOWDER*POTATO PANCAKES DAILY SPECIALS MONDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 5UNDAY oz. BUTT STEAK IB BBQ 'ORK CHOPS L A I BBQ es F»SH FRY PR»M E K 4 0 CHICKEN K IEV Plus A FULL MENU - INCLUDING PRIME STEAKS • SEAFOOO ALL DIHNER ENTREES(E*CEPT FRIDAY FLSH FRY^ INCLUDE- RELISH TRAY, CHEESE * CRACKERS, HOMEMADE SO OP DU JOUR OR SALAD, CHOICE OF POTATOES OR FRESH VEGETABLES, AND WARM FRESH BAKED BREAD LUNCH SERVED 11 00A 5 OO PM. DINNER SERVED 5 00PM -|0'00PM CLOSED TUESDAY FINE DINING WITH A CASUAL ATMOSPHERE ABOVE THE K»N6S ROW OVERLOOKING WONDER CENTER BEACH • EXCLUSIVE NORTRSIDE STAIRWAY ENTRANCE FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 7I8~/800 New "Thank Goodness it Fits" by Playtex' lovely new lace trimmed bras designed with an exclusive fitting system that's so unique it has a patent pending! These pretty bras are proportioned especially for Nearly A, Perfectly A and Nearly B cup women. .Special Introductory Prices $7.99* soft cup styles in white or $8.99* li#«K feed tfyfca to vt*e< pk» Money iWk Guarantee front (OFCIOTBOK*** M. IM MUMYLKFC mi. r«*far<fca*l OTCM SUNDAYS tetof McMOMtY MARKfT PIACS sea-4tea Save on good looks, top-to-toe .. wear 'em under, over and out! School Smart Fashions HURRY...SALE ENDS SUNDAY AUGUST 29,1982 * The New Blouses! \ Prairie Looks and Tuxedo Fronts Reg TI5-S16 20V25% off all new tall styles! Soft trills and clean, classy looks tor sophisticated ladles and lunior achtevers In plaids, stripes, solids and prints Jr. missy and women's sizes Hurry' Save 25%! A Warm Front la Coming In Corduroy OC50 dm\J Reg S34 The new way to Knock out winter chills! Wrap up in a hooded, cordu roy jacket with zip front and bib detail It's fully lined with warm sharps and comes in smart fashion colors, raspberry and oatmeal In un iorH alias 7-15. missy 8-16. Save! Save $8 on Your Choice ... 2-Pc. Knits, Newer than Ever! *23 Set Reg S31 They're new! They're now!- Sweater and skin sets of waahabte acrylic -- terrific twosomes wwn swingy PMNMO SKIOS. m vm cows wi striped or sold tope over solid skirts. S-M-L McHENRY MARK IT PiACS 384-4100 Slap Lively! Save on New FallShoee Thla Week Only 20% on Our entire oleefc of ohoeo by ThomMcAn ... on sale now! Looters and oxfords and sNp-ona Smart dreaay stytea Examples Reg S20 9Q. now 14.71 Reg S34 99 now 27.98. Rush in! OPEN SUNDAYS iOTOS