MCHENRY DRAPERY, at I2S3 N. Green St. available aaMag Ike wMe fteveutory st the offices of DR. BOB PETERSON AND DR. DAN JANNOTTA, at 4SM-D W. Crystal Lake Rm4 fm Ike Wktopsrtaf Peiat Cealer. Map la aad let Dr. Jaaaotta (MO; Hdea Freaad, eplaMlrk :echniciaa; Mary Aaa Wegener, receptionist; Barkara tavang. oftomalrk techaiclaa; Failk NeabaMor. elBce aide; •ad Dr . Petersen take care of ad year epieasetryaecds. ->rtO r *•»;»• Chef Steve prepares a wok el steaming wkhe rice fer Ike laackeoa crew* at CHINA LIGHT RESTAURANT. 1M N. Green St. McHeary. Ckkw Light (eatares McHeary't lolsctisa of Ckiaeae aad Americaa , Ckiaa Ligkt to opea for laack aad to atop la today. For information about the fine goods and services the following businesses have to offer, look to The Lime Light Pages. RESTAURANT A FOOD SERVICE HOME I IMPROVEMENTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES in THE Fteai fixing a small deal or scrape, to major aate body repairs. RAD AUTO SERVICE. 4MS Ball Valley Road. McHeary. It McHoary's eae stop fix It skop. The experts at RAD hoodie all kiads el aatomollve repairs aad specialise la making yoar car look like aew. Insarance work to welcome. It's back-to-school time agala aad HORN8BY S, 44-- W. Elm street, la Ike Market Place Skepplag Center, to year keck- to-ockaol headqaartert. Everything stadents need, from notebooks to pencils, peas aad erasers, to la stock at Hornsky's. Step la today at Horatby't fer all yoar tckool tappUes. Ml. JANNOTTA R DR. ROSIRT PCTIRSON PAGE IS ' V - - • >4 t McHenry County hat needed a precise, accurate tyttem of dellveriag prepriated material and now it'i here. The PRO-DEL system, of Ike Shaw Media Group, embodies the best methods for prompt aad accarate delivery. Pro-Del to the answer to the distribution question la McHenry Coaaty. FURNITURE A APPLIANCE m a RAY iiicrfttc tatoa. mmmm laaa McHINSY HOJVH FLMIMISMiMOS 4«II W. mm. m. MIMM P m MM TAMTS FURMTUM s a w . M * I M . W - M A problem with your car? In this day and age you've got to mahe your car go as far as you can. The expert service technicians at BUSS FORD SALE8 AND SERVICE. MM Main St.. McHenry. caa do Just that. Buss Ford provides McHeary with the service and the parts Inventory to keep your car on the road. INDUSTRY MAKI PARTS CO. tam or.. rnatmmi m MM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS A INVESTMENTS ---------- * FIRST NATIONAL SANK Of McHINRY **•-- r-r TI-I IIRIW LITtZIA FINANCIAL CORP. MM HMMMH 0».. WTARFW UB» RA««« MARRNOO PROCRAL SA VINOS R LOAN «MW. mm. mmrnmtf iM-na McHRNRY STATI RANK ww w. a* aanwy *s.«oe OLD WORLD COWS AWN HUH ISS)M1INI|SMMII I *; SPECIALITY A DEPARTMENT STORES AOAMS INTIRPRISRS MIFW.M*. IM. MIHWWF MHW SARRS HALLMARK SHOP IMS a. O--1 a.. MIWM , MS4>a HORNSSYI 4MSW S*. »aaw Ml MM LITTLL TMASURIS LTD. IMSOWMM.. nwti'iMS-UM RADICOM INC. MMN.CtaHMM STIFF ANS JIWILRY HH W. OR-- a.. KM I--11 HM«X SPORTING GOODS SPECIAL SERVICES CHAIN-O-LAKM TRA VII MM w mm A., MSn* MS-MM LOONIY SALLOONS (SI»4W-MH m (IIIMV7-4M* MAR RAV DANCI STUDIO T COSTUMI SHOP mi w. «M» a. NCMMWV M»^sn PARKWAY HONS MIS W. Ma. IM., Ml MM SOUTHOATI FARRIC CAR! R I NT IS um MII mmwiW . APPAREL A ACCESSORIES ARIZONA SUN IMI1». A»E..TMINI| M-ISM RLURCAMRL ISM a. e*MN M.. MrtlMiry MS4I7I CANOYMAN*S QOSRT SMS W. B* W.. SWIewy MMTM CASUAL SNOPPR. TNI ISM a. ewm a.. woiwwf ass-wu oausTOPiiRR's nmn WRAR SMI W. MMM a.. MctWy MS-4SM FASHION SHOPPI, TNI WWSN«>M..MMHw( Ml T747 ' MW W. a« a.. MOTOWV MS-11 N BEAUTY SERVICES AUTO SALES -- SERVICE A PARTS McHenry, to balding its semi-annual drapery sale, from now through September. Call for aa appoiatmeat have our shop-st-home service or step la tne store to browse through the wide selection of fabric samples. House calls aad estimates are always free, without obligation to buy and someone Is always available la tke store to advise you on home decoratiag and window treatments. JOHN'S SPORT STOP mt.N.llwlt. IkHMtf M4-MM CHAPIL HHL OOLF AUR MM a. CHAP* MM M. . MM--N MS-SO CHINA LKM4T IMS a. Otmmm m.. MaMawy MMM LAURM*SPTZZA Ml IW. an a.. MtaMMwy SM-SNS LONOHORN STIAK HOUSI iiiw. s--<ai.. AA-- MI MI* SPRNORLV MIAT PACKINO CORP. Iltl OM Ssr SS.. MMMmcMSOSM V.F.W. VETfRAN'S CLUR . Maw. SM. iM.aau«nMiWM VH.LAOS SQUNtl MU w. aw a., aatiiii i MI MM ADAMS AUTO ROOT ON Ma. IM. I'AMSalaXalNii M<|i Ml MM ADAMS RROS. RADIATOR MRVICI MMM. Sto. IM. Milium 1 MM RUM FORD SALKS R SIRVICI MM MMII » . «*cHmmty MS-MM COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Mil W. Ma. IMMcMaary MS-S7M IUROPA MOTORS MMM. Ma. IM. MAIWIIY Ml MM OOOOYIAR TIM CRNTM 4MS W. mm. IM. Man»iy IM MM JRPSiN TIM CO. Mu* LAKKANO AUTO RRPAM •III W. Ma. IM.MJ Ill MM McHRNRY AUTO PARTS MM M. M.. MMMT MMM MITCHCLL Lincoln Monwry Wf a. Frwat M.. MiHimy Mt-MM OVIRTON CAMLLAC-PONTIAC 11 IS Mw» M., MiHwiff MS4MS RRD AUTO SIRVICI MM W. MM VMUr M.. mmrnrny SMMM LAWN A GARDEN asstolaat DENTAL Qaallty service aad depeadablllty are the hallmarks of the service department at EUROPA MOTORS. 2414 W. Route IM, aeer Chapel Hill Rood. If your car needs work, parttealarly you foreign car owners, you can trust the work of the trained repair technic laas at Europa Motors. Eur ops atoe featares a wide selection of Subaru and Saab automobiles- From the high-mileage Subaru to the elegant, touring Saab, Europa has the car yoa're looking for.