J esp* - w**t& *» FREEDOM ROAD Muhammed AN (I) and Kris Kristofferson star as two inde pendent-minded man who team to kaap land they have bean granted at the end of the Civil War in "Freedom Road." a four-hour mini-series. The NBC rebroadcast airs MONDAY, AIK2. 30 on "NBC Monday Night at the Movies" and TUESDAY, AUG. SI on "NBC Movie of the Week. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME ©KM Ccmpidog .1 PAOR 14 MONDAY, AUGUST 30 WKnu end the Boston Pop* to prt tent (hair tpeciol brand of musk. (60 aria.) S O t a i v M O Mixed Bag El <29 Otoe ae to fegue C S w t d W A El tSTN ip«W: 1*82 College Pvwtow IE) Uvowlro ED (9 SwSwg ED MOVMi Tito Lava Marina' A man advancei ruthle»»ly, via hit •enuoi prowett, from a tin o'clock nawKOitar to network pretideni John PhWp law, Dyon Cannon, Rob art Ryan. 1971. E l C M w QriMKMhriry 7.30 PM E O O il WKSP In Qndnnotl Mommo Carl ton trial to turn tha ttation't rating, tuccmi into failure. (R) 0 (32) CD <21 Major league » *- -M. i i rcif-„ n WMto Sa» El Under MMk Waod El <9 Cotobrotion CD Maaeywetfcal •:00 PM El O O (23) M*A*t*N An ormy ptychiotritt vintt tha 4077th. (R) BO ffi MOVN: freedom Road* Part 1 A former Union Army officer refurnt to tha abondoned plantation whara ha wot a tlov* and with tha help of a thcrecropper buyi thf/plantation. Muhommod Alt, Krit Krittoffarton, Ron O'Neal 1*79 O MM Oa*d ( _t ED (O © 3D Oraat Performance! 'On Oiont't Should art.' Tonight't program pratantt the true ttory of laonord ond Haaal /-i WHat and Tarry, tha Thalidomide J damaged child they adoptad (90 min.) CD MOVN: 'St Hatont' ) ©MOV* 'Knlghtrideri' L® ® Lacha libra m txMbHton Baiketbell: NBA AS Start vt. Chinata Army Taam ll̂ H CHino CD Start and Itripat CD 3D MOVN: 'A Matta. of Mneaanae' A girl accampomet ha' aunt an a cruita to Singapore where on Indian gigolo trontformt her Hay lay MIRt, Trevor Howord, Shothi Ko poor. 194®. @ MOVN: Kayt Of Tha Kingdom' to tad on A J Oonin't fomout naval of the Scottieh mittton ary whate devotion to humanity con auart tha forcet which tat out to Mltl) hit mittion m China. Oregory Pack, Thomot MitcheB, Vincent Price. Roddy McDowell 1943. El Tatofraaea U.S.A. •:30PM E O Q 29 Haaia CaHe Normon'i ago tumt ev eryone off while Chorley't intomma hot him waRting •no »og. (») IS fatat Martini: A Dancer *00 PM El O lav Grant low it the mnocant victim of an armed . haMup. (R) (60 min.) 0 <8 A Child't Cry Bum Qukarat El Jaogoa dot DaaWwe . CD Spertt laah % ID <31 tm o«b 9:15PM CD TSS Rvenlng Newe 9:30PM 3D GD 3D At Hte Retebud © Signature QD lagandt of Tennit © Raman Fetffvaf* 9:45 PM CD Ua lemgRi and 10:00PM O O O O O (23) ID ED Naal El lyewitoeti Newt El Twilight Zone 3D CD 3D>̂ «T af the WNd © Jarfh wld aad fee Hi Car»£rr\"7 (D MOW IWOT̂ 60 Mined Sag • © (2$ Infarmacian 63 ISPN Sparta Cantor 60 Artt/Sothabyt CD 39 Sanfard and San 10:15 PM CD Waaiaa In Jen CD AN In t̂he family 1 0:30 PA? O Qvlncy Quincy in vettigatet the death of the leader of a large evangelical organixation. (R) (60 mm.) o Crettwitt O CD Tenight Shaw o tBJf Nightfirr* O (23) AM In Mm family ' O CD 3D Saturday Night CD £2) Sanny MM Shaw 33) CD 3D Witeenein N^o^oiins CDM'A*S*H CD N Vaftoy CD MOVII: Taraan the Apa Man' QD <31 Independent NatoaHi Newt CD Under Milk Weed CD <2$ Rata Veeana CD (31 Chkegel SB Iron tide 10:45 PM CD Maatarplaaa Theatre 'Dnroeii ' Quean Victoria maett Ditroeli and their legendary ol Konce begin,. (R) (60 min.) [doted Captioned | CD MOVN: Three Own far Texee' Three Tenet Rangert, who would rather fight than eat, do jutt that from one trail to the other. Ne ville Brand. Peter Brown, Martin Mil- ner. 1968 11:00 PM © Tonight Shew O Sob Newhart O MOVN: *Shatofawn U.S.A.' Tha Wat tern Wheefert' leader wiR ttop at nothing to. ttoy king af the rink. Scott Baio, Gr̂ BrMlfard. Pa trick Swayie. 1979. O (23) Qwlnty CD® AlbHw Family CD Odd Caapte - CD MOVN: 'Alton' CD (38) latertalamoni T a night jjjij InftfiioMoMl McPinold'i Dual fy\nt from KnoxvtMo, TN - USA vo. USSK CD Traveler'! WerM 11:15PM 3D • 3D ^Aostofp^c9 YB^o^PGVE ' Oisros î * roe# it eleroted te the Hauae of * lordt. (60 min.) (Cloted Captioned] 11:30PM O MOVN: teat Tfeature af the Canaopdaw' Thit documentary chroniclet the recevo^y of the treoture of the 17th-century Spanith goHeon, Conception. Wil liam Conrad, Burt Webber. 19*2. © CD Lata Night with DavM lattarman O Mary Tyler Maara O MOVN: Te laah Hie Own' An unwed girl, in love with e fSer killed in W.W.I, givet her baby to frlendt who lott the*, Olivie de HaviRond, John lund, Reland Culver. 1946 CD (32) Comedy Claaaka CD Sart Starr Shew CD NlghtHne CD <39 MOVN: *CenfNcf A man murder* hit wife becouae of hit love for hit titter-in-low. and hot to. play cat end-mouae with the police. Aiextt Smith, Sydney Graenttraet. 1*44. 0D 24 OtapaNda CD (39 Am ftakkor CD 3$ TwMgM Zane CD MOVN: 'Maaaa' An odven- turoc ond o ungm crott path of a wonttd gongitsr. Robert AAHchum, WiMkim lowdU, Jmr* RuuoM. >952 Sho^nf OdME iî spM m CfMt te Critltl With leibera Jordan 'Children ol Violence.' Tonight't program lookt at the Bvet of juvenile gong member, m Ookland, CA. (60 min.) 12:00 AM o Ufa MgM with *--»-* I - •>* -NNv'N benernNNI CD MOVNi -Never a Dull A lophitticatod New York I i twfcwptif Jaxfa\i widowod roncHer wHh two Kvoly doujhtifi. Irto® DunnOr Frod MocMurroy, Notal.s Wood. 1950. EL (23> MOVN: *Ceiwmba: Itvde In Hadi* A moettro a threotened with tcandal when hit mittreti thowi up at a performance intending to make public their affair. Peter Folk. John Cattovetoe. 1*72 CD ® NHa Owf ServNe CD Nightflne CD MOVN: •Slwtetewn USA.' Tka itil 1 t » 1-- II I rem WaPrSnt r* tlSStSf I 'SOU*r Wtft ttop at nothing to ttoy king of the ' ' ft ^ a ,i nn*. JCvM oovo ̂ vffy oroorora, ra trick Swayze. 1*7*. 69 Cab at at CD 39 laf Patrei CD MOVN: The ttory of the greot hittorkol figure it told m e tenet of flaahbeckt. Oraan WeNer Mario ScheR. 1*46. 12J0AM CP NSC M»vi CD MGVN: 'Amet lap than' lt'» !**• ond Amarica'l run\put of goi end money. Jehn Rlttor, HdrveyKer man. If?* CD MOVN: -Datta Pea' SI Hgnator. CD 39 Newt/Sign Off 1245 AM ONawa El MOVN: ,*ma*hafa Satta- ttan' A Mm twrvey of haw the Armr traint its paradhito troopa. Robert Preaton, Idmond O'Brien. Noncy KeRy. 1*41. 1(00 AM El MOVN: 'Matdei at Ike Mardl Orae' Two tourbt. there ramance and Intrigue during the famed Now Orieettt comivel Didi Conn, David Greh. Berbi Ban