* First In Quollty •tint lii Soloctlon * First In SovingB it First In Sorvlco First In Horn* Entertainment Including Zenith TV's Sony Radio's Comploto Entortoli isnt 4400W. Rto. 120 ̂ McHonry lit*. 47 ft Country Club ltd. Woodstock ft M*A-STf ' l« prmn)id. (90 min.) a o 0 O MOW) 'A 1 In Tarns' A man who oflrtMniodoin 2«sV«tey © ® MOV* Seen* WaeT An ex-Cenfederate totdhr and Mi 10- i • hi nlH MM* Ml ̂ SMtd IS VIW ÎS WiBWW WW aw join a Ui Victor M m American doctor. Hen Drew, Ruth 1945 1959 WMMdta <8M*V« sr. VONkCttvaMDIroclar and prod ucer Omrfd Memet it Ike gaatt. CP flD nw Law* Baal Captain Stubing may 90 I* anather thip, o young man unwRRngly datet Kit Hon- ctt'i bett friend and Dot heipt a dto- obled turgten wMi miM prcbltmt. (R) (1 hr, 10 min.) ©3B«*9mmi Sfl Ttlrfiw UiA. OrSOFM O • I •Hot *ettl tot the Hr» thot gutted their Mng room. (R) 3D ® ® Jack Lendenw/W. Jock London In a profit* o^oot"S C'l M X»® 9sOOFM OOQdMy<M"cir /it rtccRtd to active naval duty to In- / iliNglN the dicth af on admiral. (R) ̂ (40 win.) B 09 IB Pynatly Kryttol woitt for Clatrfta (t recover irta tar* gery heping that the wW dear her at a warder tutpect. (It) (AO min.) CG) (32) Mk MMm DeSar Mm 33) B © A Trifcote to Ala* CD ® ĵjjf (Jj) JBB06# M DOIMM lltOOFM _ fmaidly lew* The fan and hear tache of uli|t Ma in the 'iff* laadt ta a campat trtd^dy. Mar fon, Scott Newman. 1977 O Ttnlght Shear ® U S. Opaa MgbSgbta ®TbaU«aB«Bt Captain Stubing !D!?Xgly datvt hit ftaMao? bett friend and Doc Mpt a dUebled tur- pean with marital piebtcmi. (R) (1 hr, 10 min.) ̂ ® (29 MOV* fModoea T< When e men dbcovert that hehatt the crathet Into a London tkytcraper, a cathedral crathet ante a cftwd and the Queen of England*! Me to endan gered. Lee Rimlck. Richard Barton. 1977 ® O AM tot Mm PanSy ® SarepetlM turat of Japan.' Tonight'» program 12*0 AM ® NM OVBfVlifllt a CapSenid ASC Newt ftaM. I (9 Nawc/Stgn Off 0O Mew^S) 9 MOV* Ha OfsbIb* Done Andr liOOAM Overnight 0 ® N B At Twdva 9 MOV* *S». Nataaa' •MidctcTea*' P Marten Tawda 1:15 AM 0ANm 1:30 AM ®MOV*TM Man "3" t' Hang Kong to Mcwteo City. Fred Wl- ter, Mfca Moy- Tarato Ortwat. 1973 WKONSSOAY SIFT. 1 btcemi apgtomoar giri. Joon Crow- ford, David Brian, Steve Cochron. 1950. * VyS^V Si WiWtSl •̂ MtWMt 33) 0> 39 Te Be 1 BOWCM CD Wanton la Jan f30 Noworte H>sHty 9 J0 FM CD Otdy the Sal Wta thSr̂ MCupotien. (AO min.) [dated C optioned) 0 Odd Caapte flD NASI Ptayofft! Tocmm Te Be Trade and (Bmov* Werldef 1 t45 AM 1 2i00AM I O Te Be I CNN S B 88 Tallage to ham frent ham Raim 3) (2$ Ota* te la Fagae ham prtoon end try to join th* Pre* 1^̂ ̂̂ - . - _ _ |lI n f . ,•..»fi • roncn *OfCS§ Tî nTHî T ÎOX' ovdipiso franca. Humphrey feogart, Claude Raint, Sydney Oreenitreet. 1944 B ArH/ltththyt CD TBS Ivanii §0 Latin Now Yath 10.-00FM SO QI9B flD MOVMi 'A Dandy la Aapk1 A Hosst̂ pn ||n death af three Srtttoh a, ance itii fiffav, lit® Cta ̂ tanay. T9BB. B MOVK tana A young low «ar pen Reno aa the awp, chaining It from a mining town ta a dhrarce teek- er't retort. Gal Nil let. Richard Dh. )nir Anita Laatoa. 19J9 o MOVNb Harti Cataai* A de- iT( TeBe B Aate Badwg *BS: CAST AtrCai 500 front thrartlda, CA llilSPM fl ^Bluffy* 11l90FM BBlth MgM IB (32) M*A*S*N CD ImIRMC Kî irt 33) ® ® Uat af tko WSd by hit teuatary. LadBe BaR, Mark Stevent, CMtan Webb. 1940 I al • 3» 0 MOVM; The Naaattag' A •arefuV telected group It Introduced ta *̂anifettetiant af the tapunataral. JaBe Hertte, Oolre M LiJ »-« 1OA1 BOSMt RlCnSfO •O'li'lOfl. ' 7W«I• 7i90FM CD <31 Rat Patrai O Style ®25 rO"Snks o4 Vlclof Hŷ o s dB§ic £ In* s I MOVMi <Ma af hn Wayne and hit ipalt help a pretty teaat agent trap tpiat who are tmaggRng contraband into Mexico. John Wayne. Ray Com gen, Man Tethane. T9SS CSMgMeap fl) 3# Sanfatd and San CD MO Mî y mA _ i-ltI-B^p WBW S» ^̂ ^Wa vwyW CB TwWo B Wbb»bb •tOOFM OOO 1030 PM C O Craetwtta UJ. CD <39 Jbn Sakker Q| 39 TwMgttt Zana CB MOVMi "Cat OUT A girl Inher- Mi a famRy carte which hat her teal s AlrC SiOOAM Aata BaMng S*. CAST CA SSMB *̂ RaHM '̂Sakwrt 19S7 I Pacta af LH* Jo end ita tpRt up. (R) I Rati Say Coh hcipt * IL ̂ ̂ ,eaMatt>lt«tft hffilhar WSKISn IWSI nfr ywnwinî wviirai • (R) («0 min.) O © O AS la NM NnNy B 0 ( 9 M tt jGt Benny ISB ! 124)0 AM O Lata MgM wtth 3J0AM p mN| Barry, Wi Walter. ini the ttery af e In the aM Watt. MOVSk Try fa MS A 1975. 3D® (SI •La ® MBVSi •Odna RBy' The tale 9 ̂ C î̂ 9B 1^9 Hjf* i 4.00 AM I IB Frag eanfd