o-sgi!g>: SALE 20*0" 2 Weeks Only Sale Dates 9/4-9/18 PRICES INCLUDE • Measuring Fabric • Tailoring Only twice each year will the manufacturer permit discounts on the full range of our luxurious fabrics. Don't delay, come down now to get a free estimate, or call, an< we will bring fabrics to your home. McHenry, III. 60050 ; RINGWOOD NEWS Doris Low 653-9262 Koty Christopher' 365-6037 Ho Id Ring wood Picnic Sept. 26 The date has-been set for Sunday, Sept. 26, to have a picnic far the Ringwood community. This includes all residents, former residents and friends of the area who would enjoy getting together for visiting and reminiscing. If you have old pictures of the town as it used to be, plan to bring them to share with others who are recent in the community. Any memorabilia of early Ringwood to share with others, would be greatly appreciated. v. 1 Not all details have been completed as to time and place but Watch this column for more information as further plans unfold. We do want you to keep this date °pen for what we are sure will be a most enjoyable time for everyone. OCCUPANTS OF RESIDENCE CHANGE We regret to see Jeff and Barb Hanson leave our community but we welcome Jim and Barb LaGreca and their son who have moved into the house. Jeff and Barb were desirous of making a change and so ,with their children, Britta and Keith, have moved to Marquette, Wis., where they are running the village grocery, fi you are driving through Marquette, we are sure they would welcome a greeting. When the Hansons decided to make the move, their property w4s sold to the Ringwood United Methodist church. The LaGrecas were former residents of Wonder Lake until their move to Chicago, so moving back to the area is like home for them. •° A CHOIR REHEARSAL Members of the Ringwood church choir will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday time at the Greenwood-Ringwood picnic last Sunday. There were about SO in attendance and those who were not participants in the volleyball and baseball games, were the spectators. Even the honeybees j( the picnic so everyone was quite cautious about each morsel of food that went into their mouth. Little Jaime Gamen was the unlucky one to be stung by a bee but fortunately she did not have much of a reaction from the sting. Other than the inconvenience of befesC it was a great picnic and we appreciate the efforts of the young people in making it a success. CHURCHSCHOOL Classes for church school will begin Sunday, Sept. 12, at the Ringwood church. The sessions will meet from 9:90 to 10:30 p.mi. with classes for three-year-olds tnrough sixth grade. * There will also be a nursery for little on«fs. Additional classes will be formed for young people through ninth grade if there is an interest. All youngsters of the community are welcome to attend and we invite the' parents to worship service at 9:15 a.m. SANTA'S VILLAGE Pat Malo and children spent Monday, Aug. 30 at Santa's Village in honor of Shawn's birthday. Jamie Pattinson accompanied daughter Christina for the fun and rides. They ran into Doris Low with daughters Linda Billikas and Pam Kehoe and their children Nicky, Charlie and Becky Billikas and Robin and Katie Kehoe. It was a tiring day put a fun day for all (even with the bees, who fortunately stung Doris and not one of the kids). DUB UQUE VISITORS Linda Billikas and children spent several days last week visiting friends out in Dubuque where they lived Kehoe, celebrating another year of togetherness. "Happy Anniversary" to all three of you wonderful couples and we wish you man more years of wedded bliss. DATES TO REMEMBER Sept. 5 - Worship service - 9:15 a.m. - Ringwood church. Junior church resumes next week. Sept. 6 - Labor Day. Sept. 7 - School resumes. Sept. 8 - Choir practice - 7 p.m. - Ringwood church. Sept. 9 - United Methodist Women - 7:30 p.m. - home of Linda Adams. Sept. 12 - Worship service - 9:15 a.m. - Ringwood church. Junior church - 9:30 a.m. - Ringwood church. GOD BLESS Fall Schedule At Church evenings at the church. New voicw before moving to North Quincy, Mass. are alwavs welcome so if v«i eninv (near Boston) a year and a half ago. are always welcome, so if you enjoy singing, plan to join us. TEXAS VISITORS DISLIKE COOL WEATHER Charles and Resae (Ackerman) Robinett with their two sons, Ralph and Nathan, recently spent a week here visiting grandparents, Clayton and Virginia Bruce, and other family members. The Robinetts are from Taylor, Tx. and the cool weather was just a little more than they are accustomed to. Resae was all for grandma turning the furnace on so they*could get warm. They did enjoy getting to see friends and relatives, with Judy Koller having a birthday party for little Nathan Robinett who was two years old. It was a potluck supper complete with birthday cake and gifts. It must have been a fun time for him with all his tftsius and aunts and uncles ifaere to help him celebrate. U.M.Y. - CHURCH PICNIC Despite overcast skies, there was no rain and everyone had a wonderful ago. SPEEDY RECOVERY WISHED A speedy recovery is wished for Mae Holcomb, a former resident of Ringwood, who is in the McHenry hospital. I'm sure a card shower would be welcomed by Mae from all of her former neighbors and friends. BIRTHDAYS Greetings to to Tom Low, Katy Christopher, Betty Madden and Lora Melsen on Sept. 7 and to Edith Skidmore and Michael Gorski Sept. 8. Sept. 9 is that special day for Mike Etten; and on Sept. 11, Holly Harvey Will celebrate her special day. Sept. 12 finds Virginia Bruce and Mark Avonar celebrating their special day. We wish all of you wonderful people a very "Happy Birthday" and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations to Del and Dee Price and to Vivian and Donald McDowell, both on Sept. 7. Sept. 8 is that special day for Pam and Dan Political Corner Crane Speaks _ For GOP Women The public is cordially invited to attend a fall luncheon hosted by the McHenry County Republican Women Saturday, Sept. 18, at 11:30 a.m. at the John Evans Inn, Crystal Lake. Guest speaker will be U.S. Rep. Philip M. Crane. Crane is a candidate for the new 12th Congressional district. Many other Republican candidates in the November election will also be present. Reservations for the luncheon may be made by contacting Linda Brodzik, 815 459-3974; or Carmella Nowakowski, 815 459-5177: or, by contacting Rose Lillegard, 717 S. Broadway, McHenry. No tickets will be sold at the door. JUDGE CANDIDATES The names of Ward S. Arnold, Fred A. Geiger, George W. Pease, and William R. Stanczak will be placed on the ballot for the two existing .vacancies of associate judge in the 19th Judicial circuit. With the onset of Labor day, summer activities will be ending and the fuller schedules of fall will begin. The September calendar at the Wonder Lake Bible church is no dif ferent. In addition to the regular schedule of services many other activities will resume during the month of Sep tember. <ffhe , choir will begin rehearsing Wednesday, Sept. 8, under the able direction of Ruth Brabenec. They are looking forward to another season of ministry with some new and exciting things planned. Additional voices are always welcome. On Saturday, Sept. 11, the Couples' Bible Study will have their first dieting for the 1982-83 study year. The group will be going out to dinner and then to the home of Jim and Mary Lou Warren to discuss the topics for study. The Warrens should be con tacted for reservations and in formation. Fellowship Plus, a group for those who are old enough to be grand parents, will meet Saturday, the 18th, at the home of Pastor and Mrs. Conklin. AWANA Clubs will resume ac tivities Thursday, Sept. 23, and Friday, Sept. 24. This year AWANA will pe meeting at Parkland school again, but, instead of Friday nights only, the groups will be divided so that some of the children will meet Thursday and some Friday. Dave and Shirley Madsen, the commanders, are looking forward to an exciting year ahead and the possibility of ex panding to include a third evening for high school youth. Those who have attended AWANA in the past will be notified by their leaders which day their group will meet. Leaders will begin training Sept. 12 at 7:30 p.m. following the Evening Bible Fellowship hour. Other regular activities, which have continued throughout the summer months, are: Men's Prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, church visitation at 6:45 p.m. Mondays, Missionary Prayer meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesdays, the Ladies Fellowship on the third Tuesday of each month and the monthly visits to Valley Hi Nur sing home on the third Sunday of the month. Special events during the%ionth of September include a week of prayer meetings for the AWANA year from Sept. 7 through 10 at 7 p.m. and the installation service for Pastor Merle D. Conklin at 2:30 p.m Sunday, Sept. 26. People of the area are always welcome at the activities and services at the church, located at 7501 Howe road, at the north end of Wonder Lake. The messages for Sunday* Sept. 5 are entitled, "Our Testimony Toward God" based on I Thessalonians 5:16-24 during the morning worship service, and "God Save The Queen", con tinuing the study in the book of Esther, chapters 1 and 2, during the evening Bible Fellowship^hours. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m. with bus service available on both sides of the lake, morning worship service begins at 10:50 a.m. and Bible PAfJF. 5 - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 3.1982 Fellowsmp hour begins at 6 p.m. Every ^Wednesday evening the congregation gathers for a Prayer & Praise service at 7:30 p.m. Nursery care is provided for the Sunday ser vices and there is also a children's church during the morning worship service , s After a shopper decides to buy a certain home appli ance, he 's faced with anoth er choice. Should he buy a service contract to go along with i t? ' There are two sides to ser vice contracts, says Dr. Thel- ma Hinson, extension family resource management spe cial ist at North Carolina State Universi ty. First appliance repair bil ls can demand a lot of money. So a service contract may be a good idea, especially if a shopper knows it might be hard to come up with S150 to fix a machine. Imhiscase, the S25 service contract may be a wise investment. "However," Dr. Hinson says, "research shows that most appliances break down in the first year. And these are usually covered by a war ranty anyway." If a buyer could handle a major repair bil l without too much of a financial bind, and if he is wil l ing to take a chance that the appliance will hold up after the"warranty runs out, a service contract may not be necessary. - SCHOLARSHIP WINNER The McHenry County Defenders are pleased to announce the selection of Bryan Petrucci of 7302 Manor road, Crystal Lake, as the recipient of the 1982 Alta« Rush Titus Scholarship award. Currently he is a student at Sangamon State university in Springfield where he has completed 90 semester hours toward a B.A. degree* in Environmental Studies. The annual. $500 scholarship honors and en courages a McHenry county student of junior, senior, or graduate standing who is engaged in some field of en vironmental study. The McHenry Pfaindealer 1(12 W«t» [ImSlrnl (USPS IIS 200) E.tobli.h.d 1I7S McH.nry Illinois tOOSO Phon.ilS MS 0170 Published Every W.dn.tday t Friday ot McH.nry Illinois Stcond Clou Pottogs PAID ot McHonry. Illinoit by McHiNRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Sond oddroti chongsi to McHonry Ploindoolor Ml2 W. Elm St. McHonry Illinois MWSO Subscribers oro roqwosted to provide immodloto notice of change of ad dress to The McHenry Ploindoolor. 3tl2 W. Elm St.. McHenry. III. 40050. A deduction ot one month from the eipiration of o subscription will be made where o change of address is provided through the Post Office department. f Thomas C. Mill«r-Publi*h*r Ad«l« Fro«hlich-EdHor 4* toarb ®mmng ihtospaper MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Y»or $16.50 1 Y»or $24.00 spurgeon's LABOR DAY HOLIDAY HOURS Sunday, Sept. 5, 1982 10 am-5 pm Monday, Sept. 6, 1982 9 am-2 pm (The (Carpet Mniqiit ' WE CLEAN YOUR CASTLE" •STEAM CARPET CLEANING •CUSTOM FURNITURE CLEANING •WINDOW WASHING FREE ESTIMATES INSURED CRYSTAL LAKE 815-459-5737 American Legion Post 491 RINGWOOD ROAD, McHENRY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 - 9:00 P.M.) •PERCH ALL YOU CAN EAT -OTHER MENU AVAILABLE PLUS GIANT SALAD BAR INCLUDED HALL FOR RENT PERECT FOR VyEDDINGS, BANQUETS. PARTIES AND MORE Available Now FIRST McHENRY CLUB THE CLUB THAT OFFERS CHECKING ACCOUNT SERVICES...PLUS MONEY SAVING COUPONS FROM AREA BUSINESSES! The FIRST McHENRY CLUB requires no minimum balance. For a monthly fee of only $4.50 (50<t ad ditional for accidental death insurance), you receive these services: unlimited check writing, free per sonalized checks, travelers checks and money or ders, plus every other month you receive money saving coupons on goods and services from area businesses! THIS MONTH'S COUPON PARTICIPANT^NCLUDE: SCENTIQUE PERFUM|CO. T Y P E W R I T E R S E R V U f i \ EDWARDS BROTHERS ROOFING SHUTTER HUT THE CASUAL SHOPPE ADAMS tAWN & LEISURE ARIZONA SUN LITTLE TREASURES COMMUNITY CABLEVfSION INC. McHENRY HOME FURNISHINGS SPURGEONS DON'S DAIRY FROST There's no other club quite like it. The FIRST McHENRY CLUB offers the services you want most and something special...coupons for you and your family. THE ALL DAY WEDNESDAY BANK N3TIONclL BaiMK OF M( HeiNlRY 3814 W. ELM ST. UP McHENRY 385-5400 MEMBER FDIC