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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1982, p. 10

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PAGE 10 - PLA1XDEALER - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1982 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriom, Situation Wanted, Wanted to Rent, Wanted to Buy, and Garago Solos MUST bo paid in advance. * Tho Plaindoalor is not responsible tor errors in classified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. * OFFICE HOURS:MONDAV-FRIDAY 8:30am to 5;00pm SATURDAY 9 to 12 NOON CLASSIFIED READER DEADLINE 3:30 MON. FOR WED. PAPER 3:30 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER CLASSIFIED DISPLAY DEADLINE M6N.t6ft WED. *>Af»tfc 4:00 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER PH0NI:815-385-0170 CUBIC FT AMANA Side Side Refrigerator; 36" ; stove. Both d. (1 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yamaha MX 100; 1980 BUSINESS SCRUICtS O B E D I E N C E COUCH & L0VESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent condition $125.00£ Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 JUST REDUCED Fro J keyboards with rhythm $20,000 to $14,500. 5 acrt section, .excellent condition, Giant Oaks Estates. Hoy NoJ DOG irwavs. eauutu \ SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, many sizes. 7-24-7-31c FOOSBALL TABLE $225.00. 7-24-7-3 lc AUTOS 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks FORD 1977. ; ( ton Super Cab Camper Special, power electric $15.00; 4 Mushroom, beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after 5pm after 5pm. Cash only, all prices firm 7- sncore with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard, 3 years old First f O R S A L E REAL fSTATE i ACRE High and Dpi BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SEBUICES BALLOON GREETINGS PRESENTS, .unique Balloon Bouquets for 111 occasions. Birthday for Children and Adults; Graduations; An- niversarys; Promotions; Grand Openings; Congratulations; Holidays and Special Events. In Costume Delivery. Call 815-728- 0824. 9-8tfc TIRED OF OVER­ WEIGHT. Call Her- balife. All Natural, Guaranteed Nutrious Weight Control. Gene Gaik 815-459-5424. 9-8-9- 10c ROBERT PEISERT Complete custom installation of Ceramic Tile, Hosiac Tile and Italian Quarry 815-385-3380 \ 9/1-11/24TF1 •Electrical •Family Rooms •Maintenance Free Decks & Porches •Home Repairs No Job Too Small Call Harry L Viezeas 3E Construction Hrl 815-385-2847 MATHISON 1 SEPTIC SERVICE Now Septidnstal lotions, and Repairs. Back ho* lj(prk. Quo*tion« ak septic systems Civ* us a call. Light Hauling, Drivev gravel, top soil, sand and fill. >15-344-3989 % MATERIAL 815/385-1970 '^fSRT. *S«d*Gri»el "Wick Dirt *Stone *Lime Stone ^Decorative Stone, Etc. *Jwk Call after 4:00 P.M. CALL ANYTIME ON WEEKENDS CONCRETE Con­ tractor, Foundations and all types of Con­ crete work. Quality work, free estimates. 815-385-4390: &-3-11-3C W I L L C L E A N basement, garages, also do lawn - Work. Reasonable. 815-653- 68%. ibg-9-10e ATTICS, BASEMENTif^ALBRECHT Con- & Garages Cleaned For struction, specialists in HAW BMTHOAV AUTOS REAL ESTATE CAR ACE SALE Less.,Will Haul 815-455-5536. Away. 9-ltfc G A R A G E D O O R SALES, Service & Repair. Electric Door Openers. All Work Guaranteed. 815-385- 4010. 9-ltfc WE WILL SING at your wedding ceremony, with guitar, piano or organ. Call 815-385-5497 , 815- 338-3218. 9-1-10-lc J & H WASHER DRYER SERVICE " AT REASONABLE RATES All Work Guaranteed Call before 9:00 am or oftor 5:00 pm 815-385-1653 8 4 9 1 5 8 4 8 I S C U S T O M S O L A R GREENHOUSE, Design and Con­ struction. Quality and Innovation Our Main Objective. We also distribute Brady & Sun, "Rational, Etc. 815-338- JC.^950 . 9-ltfc remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. . 9-ltfc INTERIOR & EX­ TERIOR Painting. Call us for a Free Estimate. We're very affordable! 815-385-7736 anytime or 8 1 5 - 3 4 4 - 1 7 2 2 a f t e r 6:00pm. 9-ltfc PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry. F r e e e s t i m a t e s , references & insured. Best Price Around! Call Bill 815-385-2843 . 9-ltfc DEBE ROOF REPAIR DON'T BUY A NEW *OOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES-HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED REID & SON CONST. 815-344-1020 BLACKTOP PAVING •RESURFACING •SEALCOATING Quality work at reasonable prices SOTKMKK SKOALS Business 312-991-5970 24 Hr. Phono Service Homo 312-546-0259 9/3-10/15 9/8-10 13 COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE •Tree Trimming •Tree Removal •Stump Removal •Firewood •Snow Removal •Free Estimates .•Fully Insured ALLAN'S BLACKTOP largest Discount Ever 50' Sq. Ft. for Grading & Blacktop Only On Driveways Over 1000 Sq. Ft •Parking Lots'New Drives •Long Lanes'Patching •Resuffacing'Seal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates •15-459-3960 . ' ' P - . I Q . 2 0 . ¥ PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING R e s i d e n t i a l - C o m m e r c i a l - I n d u s t r i a l Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers. SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid "New Drives •Resurfacing 'Parking Lots •Seal Cooting All work guaranteed Free Estimates ^ 312-546-5600 __ 5 > G r a y s l a k e , I I I . WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING. INC. Serving your area- 28 years-experience. We are now taking orders. Deal direct with owiier ft save!! Seal Coating Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312 223 5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312-367-0676 , C O M M E R C I A L • R E S I D E N T I A L * MARIA'S ALTERATIONS, For Fast Service & Low Prices. Open Monday thru Friday, 8am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 3pm 815-385-3269. 4821 West Crystal Road, McHenry. 9-ltfc -- PAINTING, Patching and Light Repairs. Very reasonable. David 815- 455-5536. - 9-ltfc ^ S C H U E R R W A Y Builders. All phases of Carpentry, Jflectric, Plumbing, Heating, Tiling. No job too small. Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4808. 9-ltfc NEED AN ESTIMATE For Your Concrete Work? Call Ken. Quality Work. All. Types Of Cement Work. 815-728- 1548. ; 9-ltfc J E N S E N W O O D Restoration. Antique, furniture repair and refinisting. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-385- 4024. 9-ltfc R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. 9-ltfc CUSTOM PRINTED Tee Shirts, Jackets, Uniforms, etc. Check our prices first! Blue Seas Enterprises. 815- 344-1563. 9-ltfc HELP ME HELP You Plan Your Financial Future. If You Don't, Who Will. Patrick J. L e t i z i a , F i n a n c i a l Planner since 1968. 815- 728-0404 . 9-ltfc CARPENTER, ROOFER looking for side work. Specializing in outdoor decks and reroofs. Free estimates. Call Russ, 815-344-2358. 8-25-9-10c BEFORE WINTER, Do Your Concrete Work. Call for free estimate. C&E Concretek.815-385- 3596 . 9-ltfc P L U M B I N G , N e w w o r k , r e m o d e l i n g , repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725. 9-ltfc LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reasonable rates. 815-385-9386 . 9- l t f c SEWING MACHINE REPAIR. Domestic & Industrial,In Home Service. We carry parts and supplies for all s e w i n g m a c h i n e s . Keener & Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728-0672 . 9- l t f c BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE P r o f e s s i o n a l D o g Grooming. All breeds. Call 815-385-2018 -for appointment. 9-ltfc L A W N C A R E . Y a r d Work, Hedges, Mowing, W e e d i n g , F e e d i n g , Trimming, etc. Very reasonable. David 815- 455-5536. 9-ltfc MONEY IS Available! If you are in need Of a loan, call 815-728-0404. Patrick James Letizia, Financial Planners since 1968^ 9-ltfc T O M H U B B A R D , A w a ? r d w i n n i n g magician, is available f o r s c h o o l s , auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312-395-6006. 9-ltfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449. 9-ltfc LOST LOST Several months ago. Heavy, man's contour gold wedding ring on gold chain. 815-385-1405 NOTICE SEMINAR IN PORCELAIN DOLL MAKING 3 Days Sept. 10-11-12 Classes Limited <. Call CJ.'S DOLL BARN Joyce Dixon 815-385-5789 8/25-9/10 Child Core UNLICENSED FACILITIES CAN'T BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Care Act of 1969. it is a misdemeanor to care for 4 or more other person's children in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to adver­ tise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and^well- being of the child. For information and Licen­ sing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN ft FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa, III. 60046 312-356-1011 CARD Of THAWKS THANKS TO ST. JUDE for favors granted. D.B. 9-8 PERSONALS TENNIS, SPECIAL for n e w m e m b e r s , Lakeland Tennis Club. 312-546-8224. 8-27-10-6C IN MEMORIAL IN LOVING MEMORY of our beloved Father Leonard Jensen, who passed away one year ago on September 8. You are not forgotten loved one, Nor will you ever be, As long as life and memory last, We will remember thee. Daughters June and Patti and families 9-8 HAPPY 21st DONNA JEAN LOVE YA! HOM INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR AND Base instructions in my home. $9.00 per hour. 815-728-1442. 9-8-9-lOc Kf COLUMN YOU CONTROL OUR DESTINY! 3 puppies, 2 females, l male, black & tan, 9 wks old. We must find a home soon... Call 815-648-4328 after 6pm. 9-8-9-10 FREE ADORABLE Very Mixed Breed Puppies, 815-344-1007 . 9- ltfc 2 FEMALE PUFPIES, 8 weeks old, Lab and Golden Retriever, 815- 653-0298. 9-8-9-iOc LOST, GRISWOLD Lake area. Male Springer Spaniel, liver and white markings. Family pet. Kathy 815- 385-2803. 9-8-9-10c MOTORCVCLES PETS FOR SALE 1981 VAMAHA, 850 Midnight Special, low miles, adult driven. Asking $3,000. Garage kept. 815-344-5992 Mike. 9-3-9-lOc 1979 HONDA. CMT 400, immaculate condition, must see to appreciate. Call 815-385-2335 after 5pm. • 9-3tfc 1977 KAWASAKI KZ 750,10,000 miles, touring seat arid backrest. Best offer. Call after 5:30. 815-385-1302. 9-3-9-lOc 1979 YAMAHA 750 SF Special, new tires, king and queen seat, extras, $1,850 or offer. 815-344- 1238. 9-3-9-lOc 1979 HONDA 750K, black, luggage rack, fairing, stereo, $2100 or best offer. Excellent condition, low miles. Call 815-728-0932. 9-ltfc 1981 650 CSR, Bought new this year, mint condition, only 2,600 miles, sissy bar and helmet included, $1,900. 815-385-6689. &-8-9-10C COLLIE PUPS, A.K.C. Registered, $125.00 & up. 815-385-3160. 9:8-9- 10c P U P P I E S , B L A C K Labrador Retrievers, $20 to $25. Ready to go. 815-385-4916. 9-3tfc HORSES AUCTION AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 12 NOON 2710 W. JOHNSBWt RD. (Rod 4 Whit* Farm House across from main en­ trance to Dutch Croak Woodlands i 1 milo East of Rte. 31.) Furnishings and equipment to sattlo ostate McCormick model J cub troctor;throo gang mowor, plow, disc, snow blade, roller; John Deore snow A blower; Homefite chain saw; Pabst runabout motor boat with trailer; 2 wheel trailer; lorgo selection of hand & garden tools & ladders; 1971 Baldwin organ & bench: rataan sectional; Early American hideabed & loveseat; Frigidare refrigerator & elec­ tric stove; Windsor style chairs; Telefunken stereo; air conditioner; 5 pc. dinette sets; sattee; recliner; TV; bedroom & living room furniture; other fur­ nishings & accessories. Estate off Emll Geiger DUNNINt S AUCTION SERVICE ELGIN 312/741-3483 9,. 9' 8c QUARTER HORSE, 8 year gelding. Can't be beat in speed, barrels, poles, plug, etc, etc. Yet calm for pleasure "Showmanship". $3,500.00. Call 815-459- 9812 ask for Carl. 9-1-10- lc 10x19 NX STALLS FiBfijK) TURN OUT, MESHED DAILY GRAM 4ARGE OUTDOOR RBM ARENA •NEW GO'ilN'NBON ARENA 4AR6EF0ALNK STALL AVAILABLE •MOOR ARENA AVAIAILE BY THE HOUR VISITORS WELCOME RAJA ACRES wi8SRn- in M» 4044 9/1TF1 SITUATION IPANTEP TWO YOUNG men willing to paint your home, interior or ex­ terior, reasonable, you supply the necessities. Call 815-385-2335 after 2pm. 9-ltfc BOATS , k MOTORS 16' CRESTLINER, deep" hull fishing boat. New Imron paint. 25 HP Johnson, used only 8 hours, new trailer, $1,975.00. Days 815-728- 0144, nites 815-653-3202. 9-8-fr-lOc FOR SALE: 1973 Ford Pinto Wagon, good condition, air con­ ditioning, am-fm stereo. $850. Call 815-675-6058 after 5:00 9-8-9-10 1978 TOYOTA Celica, 5 speedy excellent con­ dition, good mileage, air conditioned, $4,300. 813- 344-3452. 9-3-9-lOc 1973 MAVERICK, 6 cylinder stick, good condition, $650 or best offer. Ask for Jan, 815- 385-4460. 9-3-9-lOc 1977 DATSUN B210, hatchback, 5 speed, good running condition and miles per gallon. 312-639-9083. 9-8-9-lOc 1974 FORD PINTO, runs good, good condition, 62,000 miles, new tires, new brakes, $500. 815- 653-9746. 9-8-9-lOc LET US SHOP for your Auto & Cycle Insurance. Referred Standard, sub S t a n d a r d , B u d g e t terms. For personal quote call Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815- 338-3328. 9-8-9-lOc "MUST SELL" 1972 Ford Van, have tran­ smission, you put in, $250; also 2-C4 Tran­ s m i s s i o n s , 1 f o r 6 cylinder, 1 for 8 cylinder Fords. See at 3709 F i l l m o r e R o a d , Claremont Hills. 9-8-9- 10c 1975 VEGA WAGON, Back to Schools Special. Loaded, good shape, original owner, $1,275. 815-385-7071. 9-8-9-lOc 1600 CC MOTOR for Pinto $100.00; 4 speed transmission for Pinto, $75.00.815-728-1442. 9-8- 9-10c f± 1969 7V0LKSWAG0N Beetle, automatic stick, am radio, no rust. Must see. 815-385-7474. 9-3-9- 10c * 1971 MERCEDES 220 Diesel, stick, am-fm, low miles, mint, $5,500. Trades considered. 815- 877-0739. 9-3-9-10c 1973 CHEVELLE, $550 or best offer. 815-385- 0395. 9-ltfc WE BUY CARS a n d TRUCKS in any condit ion 8153380270 Free Towing RCAl ESTATE McHENRY EDGEBROOK Heights a r e a . 2 4 , 0 0 0 s q . f t . , zoned R-3. Possible 2 lots. Priced to sell. 815- 385-1708. 9-8-9-10c FOR SALE BY OWNER IN DUTCH CREEK WOODLANDS 1 year old, 2,000 sq. ft, ranch on Vi acre. 3 bedrooms, 2V> baths, fireplace, full basemer\t. $109,000. Call 815-385-8873 815-344-2175 AUTOS 1978 OLD'S CUSTOM Cruiser station wagon, p.s., p.b., a.c., power windows & locks, am- fm, CB in dash, new brakes, clean. Asking price $3,895.00. 815-344- 1018. 9-3-9-lOc 1 ACRE H0MES1TES Chapel Hill Oaks, Johnsburg, across from golf course $15,000 terms * Call 815-385-8783 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, gas heat on xk acre, attached garage, low taxes. Around $40,000. 815-338-0297. 9-8-9-24C rED nTti Modern i to 5 Bedroom Home near Hebron or Wonder Lake. Must have 100 percent financing. 815-648-2969. 9-8-9-lOc $235.00 MONTHLY $1,800 down, 2 bedroom Fix-it House. Gas heat, v a c a n t , l i v e a b l e . $27,80Q. (97/a). 815-385- 0169. 9-8-9-10c OWNER ANXIOUS to sell 3 bedroom raised ranch. Dining room, large family room, deck, room for bedroom and bath in lower level. E x c e l l e n t J f i n a n c i n g : rewrite; FHA; assume; contracj. $50's. Call 815- 344-3288 . 9-1-9-lOc LITTLE BEAUTY, By owner. Four room home, full basement, vftiyl sided. Newly r e m o d e l e d k i t c h e n , a p p l i a n c e s s t a y . Relocating same quiet area. Large lot. $27,500 firm. 815-344-1575 after 6pm. 9-8-9-lOc WHY RENT? With only $6,400 down you can own your own home, 11 percent interest, $45 closing cost, Price $50,900. 3 bedroom, air c o n d i t i o n e d , e a t - i n kitchen, fenced yard. * Call Carol ERA Brynes Bros. 815-459-5400 . 9-3-9- 10c HOUSE FOR SALE By Owner. Older 2 story home, 2 car garage, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, could also be 2 flat N e e d s T L C , b u t structurally sound, new electric and well in­ s u l a t e d . I n C i t y o f McHenry. Only 10 percent down. .2 year contract. Price and lerihs negotiable. 815- 385-6233 days or after 5pm. 815-385-1969 or 815- 385-5793. 9-ltfc CONDO FOR SALE, Very Clean. 2 bedrooms, l l / 2 b a t h s , a l l a p ­ pliances, , plus pool privileges, $38,000. Call for appointment after 3pm or weekends, 815- 344-1999: 9-ltfc .. 12Vi% FINANCING McHenry Area Owners willing to discuss terms on this 3 bedroom, brick and frame ranch with 1 '/i baths, large family room, full basement; 2'/i car garage, fenced in yard and deck. $60,900. 815-385-2595 9/3-9/8 9/8 _ v. v WANTED TO BUV WANTED TO BUY Hydraulic Tailgate Salt Spreader to fit on Dump Truck. Call 815-385-6223. 9-8-9-24C CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or^not. Immediate removal 312-526-3116. 9-ltfc % MOVING? CLEANING H O U S E ? B u y i n g A n ­ tique Furniture, China, Glassware, Lamps, Xmas Ornaments, etc 815-678-4141. 8-4-10-lc AUTOS, All Makes and Models, Running or Not. Cash paid. 24 Hours Pickup Service. 815-728- 1171. 9-ltfc CASH PAID For Junk J o h n s o n o r E v i n r u d e Outboard Motors. 815- 385-^056. 9-ltfc W A N T E D 8 " T a b l e Saw; 4" Belt Sander, 1 Hp Router; Radial Arm Saw. Call 815-338-2607. 9-8-9-10c TWO HUGE Garage Sales, 3620 W. Grand Avenue, 3702 W. Grand A v e n u e ( n e x t d o o r ) . September 10-11, 9 to 5pm, September 12, 9 to 1pm. Furniture, dinette table, 6 chairs, new; s o m e a n t i q u e s , 2 t r u n k s ; s c h o o l d e s k ; milk cans; 5 sets dishes; l i n e n s ; c u r t a i n s ; c l o t h e s ; h o u s e h o l d items; air conditioner; h a n d v a c u u m ; c h a i n saw; air compressor; many more items for house and yard. 9-8-9- 10c GARAGE SALE, 28898 Big Hollow Road September 9, 10, 9:00- 5:00. Antique sewing machine; two 195x14 radial snow tires and w h e e l s ; m u c h miscellaneous. 815-385- 8537. ,t 9-8-9-lOc B A R N S A L E : S e p ­ tember 10, 11, Friday- Saturday. 9:00-6:00. 9210 W o o d s t o c k R o a d , Garden Prairie, ,11. (15 miles west of Woodstock on Kishwaukee Road, off Bypass 14 ) 815-547- 8027. Farm collectibles and antiques; old dolls; old radios; farm toys; oak commodes; hall t r e e ; l i b r a r y t a b l e ; pictures; churns; lots of d i s h e s ( B a v a r i a n Germany Depression); Pine trestle table and captains chairs; Solid maple hutch, table and chairs. 9-8-9-lOc TWO FAMILY Garage Sale, Whispering Oaks, 1014 Hanly Street (4th house off Crystal Lake R o a d ) a c r o s s f r o m W h i s p e r i n g ' P o i n t C e n t e r . T h u r s d a y S e p t e m b e r 9 t h r u Saturday September 11 from 9an^ to 5pm. Mink P a w J a c k e t ; M i n k Stole; Ladies, mens and boys clothing; paper­ b a c k b o o k s ; l a m p s ; toys; golf clubs and bag; much misc. 9-8-9- 10c G A R A G E S A L E : Friday and Saturday, Sept. 10th and 11th, 9 til 5. Van, seat and tires, baby and toddler items, all brand names and much misc. items. 4114 N . S u n s e t L n , Sunnyside. 9-8-9-10 GARAGE SALE, Tool & Die makers tools, tap cutting tools & tool boxes-collectors; Regular tools; electric saw mounted on bench; chain saw. September 11,12, 8 to 5pm. 700 Oak, Woodstock. 9-8-9-lOc M U L T I F A M I L Y Garage Sale. Furniture, clothing (adult, childs), household goods, tack. 5 0 1 3 « ? A b b i n g t o n , Foxridge. 815-344-5611 or 815-385-1796. Sep­ tember 9, 10, 11, 9am to 4pm. No Early Birds. 9- 8-9-10c •. , L A K E W O O D S U B ­ DIVISION Garage Sale Entrance to Peterson Park. Some antiques, b a b y a c c e s s o r i e s , clothing. September 11, 9 to 4pm. September 12, 9 to lpm. 9-8-9-lOc G A R A G E S A L E . 3 Families. Children -and A d u l t s C l o t h e s ; F u r ­ n i t u r e ; B l u e R u g ; Childrens Picnic Table; Toys and Games; Suitcases; Winter Coats and Jackets. Friday & Saturday, September xO-11. 9am to 4pm. 4901 Bonner Drive. 9-8-9-lOc NEIGHBORHOOD Garage Sale, Friday 9- 3pm, Saturday 9-noon. 109 N. Ashland, McHenry (Foxridge). F u r n i t u r e ; a r e a r u g ; b a t h r o o m s i n k ; clothing; girls 20" bike; much mis. 15' Runabout Open Bow. 9-8-9-10c GARAGE SALE, 5215 N R i d g e w a y R o a d , R i n g w o o d . S t e r e o ; f a n ; d i s h e s ; f d e s i g n e r clothes; much misc. Saturday. September 11, 9 to 5pm. 9-8-9-10c

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