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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1982, p. 11

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OARAGE SALE PAOK IJ - PLAINDEALER - W EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 19K2 fOft SALt \ GARAGE SALE, 3708 W. Grant Road, Clairmont Hills Sub­ division. Sunday Sept . 5 & 12, 10 to 5pm. Dinette table with 6 chairs, coffee table, single bed, patio frame & windows, clothing, dishes, doghouse, much misc. 9-1-9-lOc " HHP WANTED EXPANDING COM­ PANY has immediate openings; Management Trainees, Advertising, Sales, Public Relations. Can earn $7.00 hour part time, $350.00 week full time. We train. 312-449- 1902. - 8-18-9-10c FOR SALE m MM DR. PEPPER POP Machine. Four flavors. Makes change. Ap­ proximately 10 case capacity, days 815-728- 0144, nights 815-653-3202. 9-8-9-lOc NEVER USED SEARS, 53,000 BTU, Electric Furnace, $175.00. Days 815-728-0144, nites 815- 653-3202 . 9-8-9-10c HELP WANTED ROUTE DRIVER Wanted to deliver morning newspaper Must be reliable. 2 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call between 9 & 5 815-344-3885 9 3 9 8 TIRED OF OVER­ WEIGHT? Want to make money? Call Herbalife, " Gene Gaik 815-459-5424. 9-8-9-lOc CRAFT PERSONS. Rent a table for $7.00 at the "Beach Gals" Christmas Bazaar, November 6th, 8:30 to . 5:00, at McCullom Lake Beach.& House, 815-344- 3864. 9-8-9-10c TRI-CHEM Division leader, McHenry County, new Christmas catalogs, supplies and instructions. 815-544- 6600 9-ltfc DESIGN DRAFTSMAN- ENGINEER Motivated, capable of design and development of farm machines. Apply in person, or send resume to: Mathews Co. 500 Industrial Ave. Crystal Lake, II60014 MATERIAL HANDLING Position Open Heavy l i ft ing and math aptitude Must be wil l ing to work hard, APP'v in person between 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm Alpha Plastics 3908 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. CRAFTWORKER We manufacture small metal sculpture that are cast in a rubber like mold. We need an experienced craftworker to help us make these molds. You would prepare a mold in your home and then spend approximately 3 hours in our shpp to finish each mold. The ideal person for this work has very good in­ telligence, learns quickly en|oys craftwork, has ex perience in making molds for ceramics and knows what gates and airvents are-has 3 hours you can spend in our shop, 2 or 3 days a week between 9:00 am & 5:00 pm 815-385-0484 Dick WAITRESSES Full or Port Time COOK Full or Port Tim* Nights BUS PERSON Day or Night APPLY IN PERSON Village Squire of McHenry 4512 W. Elm St. McHenry 815*-38 5-0900 9 3 9 Avon IURN YOUR SPARE TIME INTO SPARE CASH Sell Avon. Earn good money, set your own hours. $20.00 investment over 18 call Nancy HcClure 815-385-6105 SKILLED NIIRSIN6 FACILITY has immediate openings on all shifts for CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS Outstanding benefits Call Dora Lmdeman, R.N.,D.O.N. ROYAL TERRACE 803 Royal Drive McHenry, II. SI 5-344-2600 an equal opportunity employer Due to steady growth within all divisions of Fox Volley Systems, we ore constantly seeking ex­ perienced individuals ex­ cellent work records, we5 ore currently interviewing for the following positions: •Clerk for our international department. Person must hove good typing and math skills. • Personnel/Assistant, with excellent secretaricfijsnd writing skills. • •Experienced factory mechanic •Person experienced in set up for metal fabrication •Person experienced in electronic communications, speaker systems video, satellite, stereo, must be able to design, install and repair. We offer competitive pay, ex­ cellent benefits, ,and the oppor( tunityvfor personal growth and advancement. If you ore qualified and willing to work hard, call . j Mr. Harmon 312/639-5658 Or stop in and fill out on application Fox Volley systems, Inc. 1 72 5. Northwest Highway Cory, Illinois 60013 2 LARGE WAGON Wheels; 23" Riding Mower; Metal Book­ case; Swivel Office Chair. After 5pm 815- 385-3679. 9-8-9-lOc TWO 10 SPEED Bike's, 1 girl's, 1 boy's, $50 each or best offer. Coronet with case and music stand, $30.00. 815-385- 4526. 9-8-9-lOc VIVITAR XC 3 Camera, 50 mm lens, 135mm telephoto lens, 2X-1 automatic tele- con­ verter, Star filter, automatic flash, carrying case, $275.00. After 6pm. 815-344-4342. 9-ltfc EVEREST & JEN­ NINGS Childs Tjny Tot Wheelchair $800.00 or best offer; Everest & Jennings Childs grow electric wheel chair $1500.00 or best offer. 815-385-8669. 9-ltfc WASHERS, DRYERS & Refrigerators Recon­ ditioned and Guaran­ teed. 815-385-6431. 9-ltfc SEARS BMX DIRT BIKE, 2 years old. best offer. 815-653-9848 . 9- ltfc TWO 15" 6 Bolt chrome reversed and baby moons. Six 14" 6 bolt chrome reversed and baby moons for Datsun and Courrier pick-up truck. $250.00, will separate. Call after 6:30,815-385-4718. 9-ltfc P A I R T A M E COCKATIELS with 2 excellent cages, $100; 2 keets with cage, $20. 815- 385-3534 . 9-3-9-lOc HAMMOND SPINET Organ, walnut finish with bench, like new, half price, 312-948-0451. 9-3-9-lOc NEW & USED RR TIES, Bulk Grass Seed. We Deliver. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, Woodstock. 815-338-4200. 9-ltfc APPLIANCES: REFRIGERATORS, Freezers, Washers and Dryers, electric and gas ranges. Clean and like new at reasonable prices. All recon­ ditioned and guaran­ teed. Wahl Used Ap­ pliances, 3421 B. Pearl. 815-385-1872. 9-ltfc HEARING AIDS. Sales, Rentals & Repairs Free Testing. Call anytime 815-385-1135. Whispering Point Hearing Aid Center, 4302 vWest Crystal Lake *Road, McHenry. 9-ltfc PROFESSIONAL K Way system, complete with 6 button guns and transformers for 2 stations, priced right, as I just sold Tavern. Days 312-541-0050, after 6pm 815-344-2440. 9-8-9-10c TWO LIVING Room Swivel Chairs, gold R.C. ALLEN Visomatic S t a n d a r d O f f i c e Typewriter, very good condition, $30.00. 815- 385-6566 9-3-9-lOc TREND 6' Grandfather Clock; 16 HP Riding Mower with snow and garden plow; Knick- knack cabinet with glass doors; Folding table with ,4 chairs; Large lawn cement lion & deers; Formica Dining Room Table with 4 chairs and China Cabinet . 815-338-5988. 9- 3-9-10c L O U N G E C H A I R , occasional chairs, two desks, console TV, pictures and frames, clock shelf, peony bulbs. 815-385-8537. 9-8-9-lOc LOVE SEAT $100.00; recliner $50.00; leather chair $50.00; humidifier, like new $75.00; marble top coffee table $50.00 ; 2 Voice of Music speakers $20.00; Brand new snow blower, never used $200.00; chest freezer $125.00; red chest $5.00; 10x10 carped $15.00. 815- 459-1259. 9-8-9-10c 2 &/ 3 BEDROOM Apartments 1-2 baths, all appliances, car­ p e t i n g , l a u n d r y f a c i l i t i e s , s e c u r i t y system. City - of McHenry. $360 and up. 815-385-6566, 815-344- 1632. ' 9-ltfc PICNIC TABLES fo?^--velvet stripe; Round sale, ' 8 f t . $ 9 0 . 0 0 ; 6 f t . C o c k t a i l T a b l e , h a n d $70.00. Very well made. tooled leather top. 815- 815-728-1292. 9-ltfc 385-0078. 9-8-9-lOc FOft*THE BEST PRICE ON TOOLS Call 815-344-2346 or 815-385-6307 *Hand Tools *Air Toots *Floor Jacks *Air Compressors 7 DAYS A WEEK Introductory Offer RENT A QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3 00 per month for the first 3 months •Free Installation Call Collect- 815-338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning PULVERIZED TOP SOIL DELIVERED 7 Yards 12 Yards 20 Yards $60.00 $90.00 $130.00 J. PEASE CONSTRUCTION CO. 815-675-2582 312-587-9367 BRODY DINETTE Set with 6 Chairs on Coasters^' excellent ocnditkfa, $200 or best offer, afh-497-3526. 9-8- 10-1 5' HIGHxCYCLONE Dog Run, never used; 250 LTD Kawasaki, 800 miles, 312-639-1423 after 6pm. 9-8-9-lOc PLAYER PIANO, needs work, $150 or best offer; Childs walker $7.00; Wind up Baby* Swing $4.00; Call after 6pm, 815-344-1507. 9-8-9-lOc SCHWINN BMX Bike $45; Mens size 8 Snowmobile Boots $5.00. 815-344-0339 . 9-8-9-10c FIREWOOD, R. & M. Lawn Service. 312-639- 5872 . 9-8tfc 1 9 8 0 C O L E M A N Legionaire, sleeps 6. Asking $2,250. Call 815- 385-5060. 9-8-9-lOc MATCHING ALMOND Color washer & dryer, excellent condition, $450; Executive all Wood Desk $400; Deluxe dark maple bedroom set includes dresser, chest & night stand $500; Full Size Pool Table and accessories, Perfect condition $600; G.E, G o l d t o n e , 1 7 c u b i c f t . Refrigerator $100. 815- 338-7960. 9-8-9-10c SEARS BEST 3 HP Compressor, used 4 h o u r s , $ 5 7 5 . 0 0 ; Refrigerator, $50.00; Gas Range, $35.00. Call after 5:30pm. 815-455- 1627 . 9-8-9-lOc WAREHOUSE SALE MEDALLION OAK CABINETS And clearance on Kitchen Kompact Cabinets, f UP TO 60% OFF on slightly damaged and discontinued cabinets. Special prices on laminated coun­ ter tops and cultured marble and onyx vanity tops. We can supply all your storage needs for kitchen, bath, family room, bar, laundry room, or office. Bring in any room dimen­ sions you have for free estimate. NOW! ! All sales cash and carry Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 2?00 PMr~ TOP FORM CO., INC. 7616 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake, II. 815-728-0203 M« Henry 6 16TF-G 6 16TF 1972 DODGE MOBILE Home, 22 ft., sleeps 8, f u l l y e q u i p p e d w i t h generator. 815-653-6896. 9-8-9-10c 1974 HONDA 450; 1969 Honda 90; Poker table with 4 matching chairs; Olympus RD 35mm Camera. 815-385-1917. 9- 8-9-10c m RENT MATURE RESPON­ SIBLE female to share furnished home. $250 m o n t h l y . i n c l u d e s utilities & garage. Call early mornings 815-455- 3467. 9-3-9-lOc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 9-ltfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft.B15-385-1079 . 9-ltfc READY n NOW, 2 bedroom apartment, w i t h s t o v e a n d r e f r i g e r a t o r , d i s h ­ w a s h e r , c a r p e t e d throughout, 2xz baths. 815-385-2181. 9-ltfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully car­ peted, with stove and refrigerator. 815-385- 7830. 9-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rates. 815-385- 8905 or 815-385-0266 . 9- ltfc ROOM IN LOVELY Executive Lakefront Home on Pistakee Bay, $50.00 week. Use of small boats. Leave message for Doris, 815- 385-1811 or 312-566-4900. 9-ltfc 4 BEDROOM RAISED T^Ranch in McHenry, with a m e n i t i e s . C a l l a f t e r 5pm, 815-385-5290. 9-ltfc EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, $245.00 i n c l u d e d u t i l i t i e s , Lakemoor. 815-385-1079. 9-ltfc FURNISHED APART- M E N T f o r M a t u r e Single or Couple. 815- 385-8905 or 815-385-0266. 9-ltfc ON PISTAKEE BAY, o n e b e d r o o m a p a r t ­ m e n t , $ 3 2 5 . 0 0 m o n t h . U t i l i t i e s i n c l u d e d , s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required, no pets. 815- 385-9872 . 9-ltfc OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Is it tim* for you to mov* up? Does your current office space represent you well to your clients? Luxurious space available in modern Richmond Bldg. on U.S. Rte 12. 125 sq. ft. to 1,000 sq. ft. All utilities included. Call Bob May 815-678-4575 9 1TF McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY, ILLINOIS (Across from the Fox Hole) 385-9240 GLASSES MADE WHILE YOU WAIT! (Single Vision Only) Over 3 000 First Quality FRRMES Metal or PI<J S Z w ALL KIDS -FRAMES Metal S4S or Plastic Ih VISIT OUR BOUTIQUE DESIGNER SECTION Senior Citizens FREE FRRMES With Purchase Of Lenses E M E R G E N C Y R E P A I R S & F R A M E R E R I A C E M E N T (815)385-9240 D A I L Y 8 3 U 5 : 3 0 S A T 8 3 0 3 W E D 8 3 0 1 WHISPERING 0AKS, 2 bedroom housa 1 bath, all appliances, washer & dryer, A. C.,J--$425.00t month plus deposit and references. /Available October 1. 815^85-5818. 9-8-9-lOc 2 BEDROOM House in McHenry, 24 car g a r a g e - , s e c u r i t y deposit, $350.00. No pets. 'No calls after 10:00pm. 312-639-7275 . 9-8-9-17C LOVELY** 800 Sq. Ft. Apartment. Immediate occupancy, security deposit and references needed. Singles & couples only. $220.00 per month. No pets. Call Connie at McHenry Realty, 815-385-5922. 9-8- 9-10c CUTE, CLEAN 2 bedroom h»me in country setting, fenced in yard and 2 car garage. No pets. $350 m o n t h , p l u s u t i l i t i e s . Available October 1st, 8 1 5 - 3 4 4 - 3 3 1 3 a f t e r 6:00pm. 9-8-9-17C McHENRY, FOXRIDGE, 9 Room Home. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath's, car garage, all appliances, security deposit and credit check required. $475.00 plus utilities 815-385-3376. 9- 3-9-lOc W O N D E R L A K E , 2 b e d r o o m h o m e w i t h g a r a g e . A v a i l a b l e September 15th, no children or pets, security deposit & references required. Call after 5pm, 815-653- 9865. 9-8-9-10c CONDO, 2 BEDROOM $95 week; House, 1 bedroom $59 week. No pets. 815-344-1183. Op- t ion possible. 9-8-9-lOc N E W D U P L E X - Lakemoor. 2 bedroom, refrigerator, stove, $340.00 per mojrth, 1 month security deposit. Call 312-272-4941) 9-ltfc FEMALE TO SHARE 2 bedroom Condominium in Waters Edge. Call before 9am. 815-385- 4649. 9-1-9-lOc 1100 SQ. FT. Office or retail space, suitable for any professional use, law firm, etc. Amply parking. Call Charlotte between 10am & 5pm. 815-344-1050. 9-1-9-lOc WHISPERING OAKS Condo. 2 bedrooms, 14 baths, with garage, a p p l i a n c e s a n d a i r conditfoning. $350 per month plus utilities. References and security d e p o s i t r e q u i r e d . Available October 1. Call 815-385-3121. 9-8-9- 10c 2 BEDROOM CONDO, 2 bath, attached 1 car garage, central air, refrigerator, range included. 815-385-8830. 9-8-9-17C RICHMOND Apart­ ments. Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom, w^l to wall c a r p e t i n g , ! p r i v a t e balcony, large play area for children. Immediate occupancy. 815-455-5510. 9-3-10-lc R E N T W I T H O R Without option to buy, 2- 3 bedroom ranch house with room for horses.* $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 a m o n t h , references and $1,500 security d e p o s,i t required. 815-459-2132. 9-3-9-10c I M M E D I A T E ^ O C - CUPANCY, 5 bedroom, family room, garage, 10 acres with pond, $650.00 plus security. McHenry County Realty, 815-653- 5876 after 5pm 9-3-9-lOc M c HE N R Y , - 3 B E D R O O M H o u s e , garage, close to schools, n i c e n e i g h b o r h o o d , $375.00 per month plus utilities. 497-3744. 9-3-9- 10c SMALL 2 Bedroom House, east side Wonder Lake, vacant $300 plus s e c u r i t y & u t i l i t i e s . After 4pm, 815-653^3146. 9-3*0-10c FOR RENT, Month to month. 4 bedroom raised ranch, available i m m e d i a t e l y - i n McHenry, $485.00 per m o n t h , c r e d i t & r e f e r e n c e c h e c k required ERA RDG Realty, ask for Helen, 815-385-9394 9-3-9-8 B U I L D I N G , 4 0 ' x 3 3 ' with a 14'x 10' overhead door, $350 per month. 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 7 0 6 5 . 9 - 3 t f c WEEKEND CROSSWORD SOLI T ION ACROSS 1 Elucidate 8 On a-voyage 9 Declare 11 Slant 12 Dmed 14 Dash 16 Ekisi i f Exhausted 19 Untrutn 20 Mas being 21 Dance siep 22 Tum,uit 24 Roman 600 25 Boats*am s signal 26 Ouarrei 28 He a p of comOus iibies 29Toagiiate 30 Verbal 33 To harvest 35 Pnnte's measure 37 Bring iega* action 38 Completely 39 Senor s a' firMative. - 40Domfesi.c 42 Retains 44In^ec* 45 Eng. sn . school 4 7 Roll of na<r 48 Meiee 49 Love goddess 51 Sloping pas sage*ay 52 Aliens DOWN Capr> 2 Ga«n 3 Tantaium (Chem i 4 Roulme b Sun god 6 Day before me big day 7 Relate 8 Gives vent to •10 Foray 11 Appendage 12 Vaulted building pan 1 3 Terminates 15 Reou'remanr 17 To ejtnaust 18 Usefu hint 21 Nautica landing places 23 Pertaining lo one s birth 25 in favor of 27 Summit 31 Diving b-rfl 32 Fac-ai e* preSS'On 36 Compan 39 Sudden r b-ea* * 4 E g u n 46 E «pres o< :der 48 D'Sta- 50 d* irt 5|-»n re'w a 8? \ z 3 -4 c- •- 7 W $8 ft L f-a it \ ? 2 O • ' innj ;a- j e * 35 V> -' ,r •lO m V V ft b. FUNNYSIDE | ~ P R c D u c & | ' He's a pound heavier than he w as last wi-t k! ***** ***** *************************** Jf * * * * Political Corner *******s************************ ** Nunda Township GOP Will Sponsor Free Family Picnic A free family picnic sponsored by the Nunda Township Republican Central committee will be held at Veterans Acres park in Crystal Lake Sunday, Sept. 19. -*• The picnic will provide free food and beverages, games for children of all ages, prizes, music, a voter registration booth, and an opportunity for voters to meet and talk with their elected township, county, state and federal government representatives T h e p i c n i c w i l l b e h e l d i n t h e Veterans Acres main picnic shelter from 1 to 5 p.m. The 16 elected Republican precinct committeemen a n d c o m m i t t e e w o m e n o f N u n d a t o w n s h i p w i l l s e r v e a s h o s t s a n d h o s t e s s e s . I n t h e e v e n t o f r a i n , t h e picnic will go on as planned YMCA Walk On Saturday The Lake Region YMCA Walk will take place Saturday, Sept. 11. This fund raising project will provide participants who have secured pledges for each mile they walk to earn credit good for YMCA mem­ berships and program fees. . Pledge sheets for walkers are available at the YMCA courtesy counter. The walk is 14 miles long with rest stops at the four, seven and eleven-mile points which means that most contributors can multiply their pledges by 4, 7, 11 or 14 to determine how much they have pledged. The walkers will register from 8 to 9 a.m. at the YMCA Sept. 11 and proceed to walk on Saggers Blvd., to Pingree, to Three Oaks road and continue in Crystal Lake to South high s c h o o l , t o H a m p s h i r e l a n e a n d Broadway in Lakewood, to Coventry elementary school and back to the YMCA. A free YMCA Walk .tee-shtrj will be given to every walker upon receipt of the first 25 dollars. Gold Rush To Start Soon Although the opening day of Gold Rush is still over a week away, word is spreading across the nation about this u n i q u e o p p o r t u n i t y f o r f u n a n d f u t u r e i n v e s t m e n t . A n i n q u i r y f r o m California was received asking about McHenry Gold Rush. i McHenry shoppers have an op­ portunity of striking it rich beginning Sept. 18. The McHenry Gold Rush will begin that day and put fun and ex­ citement into the routine of doing r e g u l a r b u s i n e s s i n t h e c i t y . Customers can prospect for gold in its f i n e s t r e f i n e d f o r m w i t h n o e x t r a effort or cost. . Striking gold will be even more profitable than anticipated since the price of gold has already risen 50 p e r c e n t s i n c e M c H e n r y s t r u c k t h e plans for the spectacular Gold Rush The normal adult takes about 16 breaths a minute when awake, six to eight when asleep and as many as 100 under stress. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER NEWSPAPER Available At The Following Locations: •WHITE HEN 'Y PANTRY •McHENRY DRUG •BELL LIQUORS •BOLGERS DRUG STORE •BEN FRANKLIN •OSCO DRUGS •JEWEL •HORNSBY'S •HERMES ft CO. •LIQUOR MART •VILLAGE MART •J ft R STORE •McHENRY HOSPITAL •FOOD MART •J ft L GAS • ACE HARDWARE •LAKEVIEW •SUNNYSIDE FOODS •ADAMS GROCERY •LITTE STORE •FRED ft IRENE S TAP •SUNRISE GROCERY •STEINY TAP •McCULLOM LAKE GROCERY •NORTHWEST TRAIN •BITS ft PIECES v-->--* •REVCO DRUG •ISLANDoFOODS • CONVENIENT FOOD •COUNTRY CUPBOARD It takes one second for the wings of a small hummingbird to beat 70 times HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Streel McHenry, II. 60050 3 YEARS - S40.00 2 YEARS - $28.50 1 YEAR-Sl 6.50 6 MONTHS - $8.50 PAYMENT ENCLOSED A N a m e . . . . . . t Address City Prices good in McHenry County

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