4% HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 (815)459-2641 MISCELLANEOUS Guinea Pig, 2-month female, 455- male, road, wh wit By Ms. Flo Klemm People lose dogs-cats...People find dogs-cats. Those who find them are frustrated because of no ID. They call Helping Paws, Animal Control, the police, hoping to locate the owner. Those who lose them are frantic because the beloved pet is out there somewhere with no ID. They, too, call. Sometimes 'lost and found' are reunited, sometimes not. The Helping Paws office at 465 Virginia street, Crystal Lake, does sell identification tags and we do urge you to please, not only remember the importance of an ID tag, put one on your pet today! All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract, along with the adoption fee which includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of Helping Paws' choice, or a deduction from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice . When adopting a pet through Helping Paws, please for your future reference, keep name, address, phone number of the person from whom you adopted pet, and adoption fee, by check, payable to Helping Paws. DOGS FOR ADOPTION . English Setter mix, 4-month, tan- lite male, shots, housebroken, good ith-pets and children, 312-658-3063. Collie Purebred, 3-year, tri-color male, neutered, shots, housebroken, good with children and pets, 459-8925, 455-0545. 'Benji' type, 6-month female, black curly hair. 459-3829. Four female Labrador mix, 14-week puppies,*344-1007. 'Sanko' Shepherd, lV^year male, long hair, 312-931-1703. Yorkie mix, adult male, medium long sandy brown hair, small size, 312- 639-6530. Collie-Retriever, 2Vf^year male, housebroken, 455-5425. Malmute-Shepherd, 3-year^male, shots, good with children and pets, 312-497-3822. Husky-Collie, 3-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, good with pets and children, 312-497-3245. Bull Terrier, 1-year, tri color female, shots, housebroken, good with children. 344-0339. Black Labrador, 2-month female, 312-438-7609. Collie-Shepherd, 3M>-month female, housebroken, good with pets and children,. 815-923-4332. German Shepherd, 1-year male, black, 815-653-9342, 653-9611. CATS FOR ADOPTION Three 7-week: grey male, long hair; white with grey tip ears, tail, medium long hair male and female, 312-639- 5142. 'Morris', long hair, 1-year male, neutered, shots, good with pets and cfinfreQ^312-639-5142. Two 15-week, short hair, female Tortoise; one 8-week female, silver grey, stripe short hair, shots, good with children and pets, 459-0635. Two 4^-month, short hair: white- grey male; grey tiger female, shots, eood with pets and children, 459-6523. Black Tiger, short hair, 6-month male, shots, neutered, good with pets and children, 338-2573. ^ White with black, 10-month male, shots, neutered, three black-white, 7- week-old kittens, 338-0132, 459-6256. Grey-black-white tabby female, spayed, shots, good with pets and children, 459-7682. White with brown, 15-week male, shots. 385-8263. , . . • Brown Tiger, 4-year, long hair female, shots, spayed, good with children and dogs, 459-6523. m Medium long hair, 13-week, black male; young adult grey short hair female, shots, good with pets /tnd children, 455-1256. Brown Tabby short hair, 4 V2-month male, shots, good with petsj and children, 459-3946. Persian mix, white female, medium long hair, declawed, shots, 312-639- 7427. Five 7-week: two Calico; one black; two grey-white, 338-2378. Siamese young adult female, 312- i 658-4241. 'Morris' young adult medium long hair, 459-8486. Cream part Persian, 6-month male, good with children and pets, 344-2277. Black-brown Tiger, 2Vfe-year male, neutered, declawed, shots, good with pets and children, 459-5597. White long hair, one-year female, blue and green eye, 459-5212. Three 4-week kittens: two black, 1 grey, 455-2575. Part Siamese, 15-week, gold male; gold-white male, brown-grey, 10-week male, 815-568-6003. Dark grey long hair, 4-month female, 385-9631. Black-white, 2-year male, declawed, neutered, H^ots, 385-3843. Five 13-week: orange^hite; three tortoise; black-white, 815-568-6797. Two black males, 2-months-old, 338-8923. Tan-orange stripe, 9-month male, declawed (4 paws); shots, neutered, 312-639-6275. Two black 6-week, short hair, 385- 5588. ' Gold-white, 4-year male, neutered, declawed, gold stripe, 17-week male, both medium long hair, 312-658-5515. Four 14-week: two calico; one white, one grey-black, 338-6822. Two 5-month females; one white, one grey tiger, 455-2637. Siamese , 3-year male, shots, neutered, declawed, 312-658-8477. Orange-white adult, short hair male, 455-0124. Siamese, two-year male, neutered, 385-4450. male, Wood- LOST DOGS Springer Spaniel, 11-year neutered, liver-white, River Griswald Lake, 385-3803. Pit Bull-Labrador, 3-month brown-gold-black, Frenr^nt, stock. 338-5131. Black Labrador 2-year female, spayed, Woodstock, 338-9524. Black Labrador, l^-year male, Burtons' Bridge, 459-9049. Dachshund, 7-year male, Covered Bridge, 459-3963. Beagle, l^-year male, gold collar and ID, Wauconda, 312-526-6742. ' Great Dane mix, gold male, 4%-year- old, Wauconda-Island Lake, 312 526- 6149, (reward). Black Labrador, 2-year male, two back paws white, white flea collar, Village Prairie Grove, 459-1649. Two dogs: German Shepherd, 1- year female, spayed, German Shepherd-Coonhound, 2-year male, neutered, Village Prairie Grove, 459- 101?. - Siberian Husky, 2-year male, Spring Grove. .459-2641. FOUND DOGS Great Dane, lVfe-year male, black with white star on chest, white paws, brown cdlar, Crystal Lake, 338-3821. Samoyed adult, white, Woodstock, 338-9526. Resembles retriever, light tan adult female, red collar, Wonder Lake, 815- 653-9903. Bedlington Terrier, 2-year, white female, choke collar, Wonder Lake, 815-728-1646. Two dogs: wearing collars and tags from Genosee County, Michigan, blonde Cockapoo, black 'Skipakee', Crystal lake, 459-6147. Beagle-Terrier, 11-week male, Spring Grove, 815-675-2486. LOST CAT Black Persian mix, 8-year, large female, spayed, flea collar, Orchard Beach and Shalimar area, McHertFTTv 385-1721. / FOUNDCAT Black stripe young adult tabby male, white tuxedo front, paws, fluffy tail, white flea collar, Rudat near Lee driver off McHenry, 455-2422. Please call Animal Control when you find or lose a pet. They will not pick up a pet unless you wish. They also have pets for adoption. Call 338- 7040. For information on Helping Paws lost and found and adoption, call 459-2641. PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1982 60 Years In Masonry & I TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE The Kiwanis club of Crystal Lake is presenting its Travel and Adventure series which will present five nationally known adventurers and explorers of the travelogue field. These men and women appear oh such major platforms as National Geographic, Washington, D.C.; Or chestra hall, Chicago; and Town Hall, San Francisco. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 815-459- 3393. The first program of the new season will be "Great Capitals of Europe" Sept. 28 at the Crystal Lake Central high school auditorium. "W >v 1 Kenneth S. Bowsher, at right, receives the congratulations of Harold E. Gannon, left, district deputy, GHkid Master, on the occasion of Bowsher's sixtieth year in Masonry. In center is Robert A. Banzhaf, Master of McHenry Lodge No. 158. Bowsher celebrated his sixtieth year by conferring the Master Mason's degree upon Verne Jobst. The 60-year member was presented a plaque commemorating his past services as Master of Leyden Lodge No. 993, and as secretary of McHenry lodge. The McHenry Plaindealer HllWnt Elm StrMt (USPS 335-108),' EXobllttwd l«75 McHenry. Illinei* 40050 Phon* 115-305-0)70 Publithad Every W«dn**doy A Friday at McHanry, Illinois Sacand Clan Paitaga PAID at McHanry. Illinois by McHENHV PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Sand addrau changai to McHanry Plaindaalar 3013 W. Elm St.. McHanry. Illinois 50050 Subicribart ara roquoftod ta pravlda Immodlota natica ol changa of ad- dro» to The McHanry Plolndaalor 3(12 W Elm St.. McHanry III. 50050 A dadwctlan of ona month from tha expiration of a subscription will ba mada where a changa of addrass it provided through the Post Office department Thomas C. Mill*r-Publi*h*r Ad«l« Froehlich-Editor fltoarb Winning iletofipaptr MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASOCIATION • ' i SUBSCRIPTION RATES * 1 Yfor $16.50 1 Y«or $24.00 Outside McHenry C Aunty Jacki Sorensen's AEROBIC DftNOP SHAPE UP NOW! Trim inches off your body and energize yourself with the original Aerobic Dancing program. All Classes are held at Chance To Dance Place 804 Mill St., McHenry Dates:New Fall 12 Week Session Sept. 20tH-Dec.10th Each class meets twice a week for 1 hour / Babysitting: Available at all morning and 4^" < afternoon classes Regular Women's Classes: , Mornings, Afternoons and Evenings Men's Coed Class: Tues/Thurs 8:30-9:30 pm "LITE" Classes (Brisk Walking Program) Mornings and Evenings Special Cjgss for Moms-Mon/Wed. 2:15-3:15 pm Registration and Information Dates: Thurs., Sept. 16th, 4-7 pm ^ Fri. Sept. 17th 4- 7 pm Sat. Sept. 18th 10:00 am-1:00 pm (Mill Street is 2 blocks.south of Ro.u&e 120. .j. off the Crystal Lake Blacktop) .©1982 Aerobic Dancing, Inc V BUDDY'S WORKSHOP Locking Nuts Can Be Given Holding Power We have new lawn furniture that is held together with bolts and locking nuts. We had the same type once before and the nuts always worked loose because people "plopped" down in the chairs and squirmed around while sitting in them. Is there anything I can do to help keep the nuts firm and tight? ' Remove the nuts and apply a few drops of cleat shellac to the threads before replacing them. This will form a seal which will help to prevent the nut from loosening due to vibration. spurgeons New from Piaytex! No Body's Perfect by Support can be Beautiful* At last, a unique bra that adjusts to custom fit you...each side separ ately...all month long. So unique...it has a patent pending! SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER $OQ0Refund (mail-In) Offer Expire*: November 15. 1982 (Sec salesperson for details) OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO 5 U«* our Fro* layaway... or ChooM and Charga today I McHENRY MARKET PLACE T Enjoy o day in the pork wftk~ family and friends II I m m 1 m • --• m m • * 1 MUSICFEST '82 Entertainment from many Local Talents featuring a variety of music for everyone SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH AT McHENRY'S PEARL STREET PARK FROM 1 P.M. UNTIL 11 p.m. •"Sound Images", disco •Blues, jazz and dixieland •"Sidewinder", Country and Western Music & Entertainment underwritten,by: 3519 West Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 (815) 385-2400 •"Robert Gans", Folk School of Music • - •"Wolff Family", 19 Pc. Band (an entire family Orchestra on "It's Incredible" in Oct.) •"The St. Regis Spins", by Popular demand from Fiesta Days! •"Legend", Top 40 entertainment •"Heater", Rock and Roll, Here To Stay GREAT MUSIC STARTING AT 1 P.M. UNTIL 11 P.M. Concessions Support Civic Organizations LION'S CLUB JAYCEES McHENRY RESCUE SQUAD JOHNSBURG RESCUE SQUAD "Celebrating 100 years of service to the families of McHenry"