V PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22.1982 No cash refunds on prepaid adt. Card* of Thank*, In Momoriam. Situation Wantod, Wantod to Ront, Wantod to Buy, and Garago Salo* MUST bo paid in advanco. •• .• Tho Piaindoaior it not rosponsibio for errors in classified ads aftor tho first insertion. Chock your ad aftor tho first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS:MONPAY-FRIDAY 8:30am to 5:00pm SATURDAY 9 to 12 NOON CLASSIFIED REAPER DEADLINE 3:30 MON. FOR WED. PAPER 3:30 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER CLASSIFIED DISPLAY DEADLINE 4: M M6N.K>ft wlb.frAHfe 4:00 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER PH0NI:815-385-017P CUBIC FT. AMANA Side Side Refrigerator; 36" i stove. Botl d. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yamaha MX 100; 1980 BUSINESS ttftUICES COUCH & LOVESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent condition $125.00;; Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 keyboards with rhythm section, excellent condition JUST REDUCED Fro* $20,000 to $14.500t 5„ acre Giant Oaks Est/tes. Ho\ No* O B E D I E N C E I) oc cautnu airwavs M SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, many sizes. 7-24-7-31c F( )OSBALL TABLE $225.00. 7-24-7-3 lc AUTOS 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks FORD 1977. ; i ton Super Cab Camper Special, power electric $15.00; 4 Mushroom, beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after 5pin after 5pm. Cash only, all prices firm 7- ;ncore with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard. 3 veafS old. First FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ACRE High and l)r;| BUSINESS SERUKES BUSINESS SEMIKES BALLOON GREETINGS Present's unique Balloon Bouquets for all occasions. Birthday for Children and Adults; Gradua tjons; An- niversarys; Promotions; Grand Openings;» Congradulations; Holidays and Special Events. In Costume Delivery. Call 815-728- 0824 . 9-8tfc WE WILL SING af your wedding ceremony with guitar, piano or organ. Call 815-385-5497 , 815- 338-3218 . 9-i-10-lC BEFORE WINTER, Do Your Concrete Work. Call for free estimate. C & E Concrete, 815-385- 3596. 9-ltfc ;• OOO % MATERIAL 815(385-1970 "Sand *Gra»el * *Blick Dirt *Stone lime Stone *Decorati?e Stone, Etc. *Jwik Call after 4:00 P.M. CALL ANYTIME ON WEEKENDS GARAGE DOOR SALES, Service & Repair. Electric Door Openers. All Work Guaranteed. 815-385- 4010. 9^1tfc CUSTOM SOLAR GREENHOUSE, Design and Con struction. Quality and Innovation our Main Objective. We also distribute Brady & Sun, National, Etc. 815-338- 4950 . 9-ltfc PROFESSIONAL Painter. Guaranteed quality work, interior, exterior painting. Wall washing, varnishing, staining, also small jobs. 815-385-7144 . 9-22- 10-lc TYPING DONE Cheap! Tall 815-385-5622. 9-17-9- 24c PROFESSIONAL Carpet Cleaning for less. Ken 815-455-5536. 9- 22tfc •Electrical •Family Rooms •Maintenance Free Decks & Porches •Home Repairs No Job Too Small Call Harry L. Viezens Constriction Q 815-385-2847 LAWN CARE. Yard work. Hedges, Mowing, Trimming, Fall Clean up, etc, Very reasonable. Ken 815-455- 5536. 9-ltfc PROFESSIONAL Window Cleaning. Reasonable. Ken 815- 455-5536 . 9-22tfc C A R P E N T E R - ROOFER looking for side work from reroofs to home repairs. Big or small, I do it all. Guaranteed work. References offered. Free estimates. Call Russ Swanson. 815-344- 2358. 9-22-10-8C MONEY IS Available! If you are in need of a loan, call 815-728-0404. Patrick James Letizia, Financial Planners since 1968. 9-ltfc ALBRECHT Con struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. 9-ltfc CONCRETE Con tractor, Foundations and all types of Con crete work. Quality work, free estimates. 815-385-4390. 9-3-1 l-3c L E T S O U N D - / MASTERS, Mobile Music provide the music for your party, wedding or any occasion. Call 815-344-5233 for in formation. 9-22-9-24C CUSTOM PRINTED Tee Shirts, Jackets, Uniforms, etc. Check, our prices first! Blue Seas Enterprises. 815- 344-1563. 9-ltfc HELP ME HELP You Plan Your Financial Future. If You Don't, Who Will. Patrick J. Letizia, Financial Planner since 1968 . 815- 728-0404 . 9-ltfc BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Professional Dog Grooming. All breeds. Call 815-385-2018 for appointment. 9-ltfc BAUMAN CARPET Cleaning. Low rates. 815-943-4793. 9-10tfc NOTICE AIKIDO Martial Art Exhibition Thurs., Sept. 23 7:30 p.m. North Jr. High Main Gym Crystal LakoML Beginners Classes Starting Oct 4th} 815-338-8560T GREGORY, YOU'RE never in when I call. This is too much. C.P.J.D. 9-22 HAPPV BIRTHDAY MATHISON SEPnC SERVICE Now Soptic Installations, and Ropairs. « Back hoe Work. Questions about your soptic systems? Give us a call. Aight Hauling, Driveway gravel, top soil , sand and fill. 815-344-398psTl 'til ik 9/J-ll/24TFI mm PEISERT Complete custom installation of Ceramic Tile, Hosiac Tile and Italian Quarry J-XLee_. estimates, I J'JOJ'jJOv-' references & insured. INTERIOR S EX TERIOR Painting. Call us for a Free Estimate. We're very affordable! 815-385-7736 anytime or 8 1 5 - 3 4 4 - 1 7 2 2 a f t e r 6:00pm. 9-ltfc PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, wall papering and carpentry. KANE COUNTY (UN SHOW SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 2* 8:00 am-3:00 pm Kane County/ Fair Grounds Rto. 38 and Randall Road St. Charles, II. 9/22 9/24 ROOF REPAIR DON'T BUY A NEW *OOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES-HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED REID & SON CONST. J15-344-1020 LakJ COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE •Tree Trimming •Tree Removal •Stump Removal •Firewood •Snow Removal •Free Estimates •Fully Insured (815BI5-6733 • Large argesl Discount Ever 50' Sq. Ft. for Grading & Blacktop Only On Driveways Over 1000 Sq Ft •Parking Lots*New Drives •Long Lanes'Patching •Resurfacing'Seal Coating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815-459-3960 BLACKTOP PAVINO •RESURFACING •SEALCOATINC Quality work < reasonable pric SEPTEMBER SKOALS Business 312-991-5970 24 Hr. Phone Service Home 312-546-0259 WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Serving your area- 28 years experience. We are ROW taking orders. Deal direct with owner & save!! Seal Coating Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312367-0676 COMMERCIAL R E S I D E N T I A L 3 31 IF 3 3ITFG PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING R e s i d e n t i a l - C o m m e r c i a l - I n d u s t r i a l Big savings on Residential work Proven by thousands of satisfied customers, SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid "New Drives •Resurfacing "Parking Lots •Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates _ 312-546-5600 N & G r a y s l a k e , I I I . Best Price Around! Call Bill 815-385-2843. 9-ltfc T O M H U B B A R D , A w a r d w i n n i n g Magician, is available f o r s c h o o l s , auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312-395-6006 . 9-ltfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP, no job is too small. From hanging a door to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449. 9-ltfc P L U M B I N G , N e w w o r k , r e m o d e l i n g , repairs, water heated, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725. 9-ltfc LOCAL MOVING and HAULING, reasonable rates. 815-385-9386 . 9- ltfc SEWING MACHINE REPAIR, Domestic & Industrial,In Home Service. We carry parts a n d s u p p l i e s f o r a l l s e w i n g m a c h i n e s . Keener & Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728-0672. 9- ltfc S C H U E R R W A Y Builders. All phases of Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing, Heating, Tiling. No job too small. Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4808. 9-ltfc NEED AN ESTIMATE For Your Concrete Work? Call Ken. Quality Work. All Types Of Cement Work. 815-728- 1548. 9-ltfc J E N S E N W O O D Restoration. Antique, furniture repair and refinisting. Also Custom Woodworking. 815-385- 4024 . 9-ltfc R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . F r e e .estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. Vltfc PRAYER MEETING Commitment of Light Meets every Thursday night 8:00 PM in Lakeland Park for Praise and Prayer Call 815-385-8864 or 815-385-2778 PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS Guitar and all band in struments. Teaching 12 years at 1212 N. Green St. McHenry 815-385-5078 9/32-9/24 9/22 Child Care UNLICENSED FACILITIES CAN'T BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Care Act of 1969. it is a misdemeanor to care for 4. or more other person's children in your home unless that home' is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to adver tise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well- being of the child. For information and Licen sing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN ft FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa. 111.60046 312-356-1011 MOTORCYCLES 1982 HONDA 750 V 45 magna, 3,100 miles, $2,500. 815-385-6453 after 4pm. 9-22-9-24C 1979 HONDA 750K, black, luggage rack, fairing, stereo, $2100 or best offer. Excellent condition, low miles. Call 815-728-0932. 9-ltfc 1979 HONDA CMT 400, immaculate condition, must see to appreciate. Call 815-385-2335 after 5pm. 9-3tfe HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNN $MIIN Max, Salli, Mander, Repeat, Billy (20). Bubba (60), Gary (16), Eric (17), Murryr Skladany and Leon. 9 TOBRI HAPPY 18th Lots of Love, Your Little Teddy Bear PERSONALS PIANO, ACCORDION and 0R6AN LESSONS 5 openings on fall schedule. 20 Years Teaching Experience 815-385-4070 CAM Of THUMBS T H E T H O U G H T - FULNESS and Sym pathy extended by our. Friends and Neighbors, during our recent sorrow, will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our Sincere Thanks to all. Bernice and Claire Miller 9-22 I WISH TO THANK my Family, Relatives and Friends for Jhe cards and gifts I received on • my 85th Birthday. You made my day a very s p e c i a l o n e . Art Kattner 9-22 AUTOS AUTOS HAPPY 30th TWEETIE BIRD Mom, Da & Dave HAPPY 20th TOM We wish to thank all our relatives and friends for cards, and good wishes received, also for attending mass, on the occasion of our 40th Anniversary. We would especially like to thank our family for their wonderful gift of a trip to Hawaii. LeRoy and Kae Wagner ,22 HAPPV ANNIVERSARY 1978 FIREBITtD Esprit, excellent condition, must see, loaded with extras, priced to seN. $4,500 or best offer. Call after 5pm. 815-385-3185. 9-15-10-1C 1972 VW SQUARE Back stationwagon, engine good, new tires, needs body work. 815-455-2575. 9-17-9-24c 1978 LTD II, 4 door sedan, good runner, p.s., p.b., air, rear window defogger, $2,000 or best offer. 815-385- 0092 after 6pm or weekends. 9:22-9-24c 1976 PONTIAC GRAN LeMans, low miles, no rust, well kept, $2,695 or best offer, 815-344-3437 after 4:30pm. 9-22-9-24c 1976 TRIUMPH Spitfire Convertible, needs minor work, great economy and tran sportation, $2,500 firm; E8 ft. Mark Twain with 125 HP Johnson, $2,200; 1965 Jeep Pick-up with plow, 4 wheel drive, wench, body rough, runs great, $1,500 or best offer; 1952 Willys Jeep, b o d y r e m o v e d , everything there, $300 or best offer. After 6pm, 815-385-9603 . 9-22-9-24C 1977 CUTLASS, 4 door, small V-8, many extras, excellent condition, $3,150 or best. 815-385- 9057. 9-22-9-24C 1964 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, $650.00; 1975 D<#f£-\pndq»^ Van, $1,500 00.815-344-1397. 9- 22-9-24C 1972 FORD GRAND Torino Squire Wagon, 351 C, automatic, p.s., p.b., a.c., Asking $500.00; 1975 Chevy Impala wagon, bad motor, nice car, $250.00 as is, make offer if repaired. Miscellaneous parts, starters, alter nators, radiators, tires, etc. $5.00 to $25.00. Call anytime 815-728-1171. 9- 22-9-24C LET US SHOP for your auto and cycle in surance, preferred Standard-Sub-Standard, BudggJU-iWms. For Personal Quote, call Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815-338^328. 9- 22-9-24C 1973 PONTIAC Bon neville, good condition. 815-385-3219. 9-17-9-24C WE BUY CARS a n d TRUCKS i n any cond i t i on 815-3380270 Free Towing 1980 FIAT BRAVA. Low miles, am-fm, air, p.s., p.b., $4,800 00; 1980 KZ "440" Motorcycle, 1,800 miles, mint condition. $900.00.815-385-2484. 9- 22-9-24C 1972 FIAT SPIDER Convertible, excellent condition, $2,000 or offer. 815-385-0160. Call after 3:00pm. 9-22-9-24c 1973 MERCURY, 4 door, runs good, .needs exhaust, $275.00. 815-385- 1316. 9-22-9-24C 1 9 7 3 C H R Y S L E R Newport, good running, clean, $850.00. 815-385- 3609. 9-22 1974 CHEVY % ton, 4x4 truck with Meyer plow complete, excellent condition. 815-385-0189 after 5:00pm. 9-22-9-24c 1971 BUICK LeSABRE, $395 or best offer. Cash. 815-653-9967. 9-22-9-24C 1976 MONTE CARLO Landau, 305,2 door, p.s., p.b., new tires, no rust, excellent condition, $2,500.312-587-6713. 9-22- 9-24c 1971 CHEVY IMPALA, clean, engine runs well, $650.00.815-344-2590. 9- 22-9-24C 1976 MERCURY, 302, 69,000 miles, p.s., p.b., new tires, $1,500. 815- 385-4895. 9-22-9-24C 1975 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle, air con ditioned, sunroof, Texas car, no rust, $2,400. 815- 385-0694. 9-22-9-24C 1971 MGB CON VERTIBLE, overhauled engine, new brakes, muffler system, shock absorbers, new top, tires and paint. Asking $2,500 or best Offer. 815-344-3864. 9-22- 9-24C KT COLUMN GIVE AWAY, In credibly cute kittens! Free! Call after 5:30pm, 815-344-3219. 9-22-9-24C FOUND, SIBERIAN Husky near Sullivan's Foods. Must identify. 815-344-1384 James. 9-22 FREE ADORABLE Very Mixed Breed Puppies, 815-344-1007. 9- ltfc L O S T G E R M A N Shepherd, black and tan, 2 years old, female. Orchard Heights area. 815-385-8437. 9-22 FOUND, LARGE Male Blonde, St. Bernard type dog. Vicinity of McHenry Shores. Call Pam 815-344-0899. 9-22 7 GERMAN SHOR- THAIR and German Shepherd Mixed Pug- pies, 5 weeks old. After 5pm, 815-344-3059. 9-22- 9-24C --a* FREE 3 PLAYFUC Tiger striped kittens. Litter trained. 815-385- p705. 9-22-9-24e FREE TO GOOD Homes. Cute and chubby mixed breed puppies, 7 weeks old, will be medium sized dogs. 815-344-3885. 9-22 PCTS FOR SALE FEMALE COCKAPOO Pup, 4 months, housebroken, all shots, loves kids, white & tan, $100.00.815-344-3532. 9- 22-9-24C TENNIS, SPECIAL for n e w m e m b e r s , Lakeland Tennis Club. 312-546-8224 . 8-27-10-6C INSTRUCTIONS ORGAN, PIANO, Ac- cordian, Guitar, Banjo instructions in your home. Specializing in popular music, $6.00 and up. 815-344-1743, 815-459- 5548. 9-22-9-24C PIANO LESSONS. Have you been wanting to learn piano? Now is the time. 815-344-5369 daytime. 9-10-9-24c SHAfrauiK PRICE BARRIER On our 7 remaining Brand New 1981 DODGE ST. REGIS 4 DOOR SEDANS •Full Factory Warranty •Excellent Trailer Towing Vehicles List Price *9849 Special Sale Price While They Last' *8350 •Full Size Family Car •All Identically Equipped Color: Pearl White ^ Interior: Blue All Vinyl Bench Seats 318 4BBL H.D. Engine with Auxiliary Oil Cooler Automatic Transmission Auxiliary Transmission Cooler Sure Grip Rear Axle Front & Rear Sway Bars H.D. Rear Springs H.D. Front & Rear Shock Absorbers H.D. Power Disc Brakes H.D. Power Steering with Auxiliary Oil Cooler Maximum Capacity Radiator • H.D. 100 Amp Alternator •H.D. 85 Amp Battery •EngineTemperature, Oil Pressure & Alternator Gauges • Electric Deck Lid Release • Electric Rear Window Defroster • Left Outside Remote Control Mirror, Manual Right •Trunk Light • Additional Dome Light •Power Windows •5 - P225/75 R 15 BSW High Performance Tires BENOY £3.°.p , 656 LAKE AVE. WOODSTOCK, ILL. 815-338-5100 | rlynHNltfi ^ T Th. 8 am 9pm W F r 8 a m ' > p m S a l S a m 4 p m (HKVMJ.K Dodge fop Quality V