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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1982, p. 13

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PAGE 14-PLAINDFA* WW -WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, IS GARAGE SALE RENT FOR RENT fOft REMT G A R A G E S A L E , Saturday and Sunday, September 25, 26, 9am- 5pm. ^^70- Gallon aquarium; miscellaneous ap­ pliances; mens and womens clothing; and much more. 4808 H o w a r d S t r e e t , McHenry (Whispering Hills). 497-4371. 9-22-9- 24c GARAGE SALE, Many Goodies! 7427 N. Oak Street,. Wonder Lake (east side). Thursday, Friday and Saturday. September 23, 24, 25, 9am-5pm. 9-22-9-24c G A R A G f c S A L E , September 23-25. 10am- ? 1703 Meadow ]jpne, Lakeland Park. 9-22-9- 24c CRAFT SALE, Friday September 24, 9-5pm. Dolls; doll clothes; wood crafts;, some Christmas ornaments; many miscellaneous items. ,4117 Wilmot Road, Sunnyside. #22-9- 24c 3 GARAGES, 12 families, Windy Prairie Acres, off Ringwood Road, signs posted. T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y , Saturday, September 23, 24, 25. 8:30 til 4:00. Pit \couch; T.,V.'s; dressirs; baby, toddler, juniors, nice adult clothes; toys; electrical supplies; lavatory; h a n d - m a d e c r a f t s ; firewood. 9-22-9-24C FLEA MARKETERS Closeout! September 24 & 25,10am-4pm. Rain or shine. 7505 South Drive, Wonder Lake. 9-22-9-24c YARD SALE, Saturday 9-3. 3812 W. Main Street. Assorted girls clothes, toddler to size 7; 5 ladies coats; C.B. antenna; miscellaneous household items; etc. 9- 22 G A R A G E S A L E , Friday-Saturday, 10am to 5pm. 903 N. Green S t r e e t . F u r n i t u r e , misses-women's winter pickets and coats (some neVer worn), much ' misc. 9-22-9-24C GARAGE SALE, 100 hand tools; refrigerator $35; Oak twin bed $35; Jenny Lind twin bed $40; 6 kitchen chairs $30; old books 1890-1940; rabbits $2.00 each; Grundig Stereo System a n d t u r n t a b l e - 3 speakers $200; tape deck cassette player $75;y$peakers$50; 1970 Chevy convertible $300; T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y , Saturday, 9-5pm. 1511 Hillside, McHenry. 2 blocks west of McHenry Drive-in. 9-22-9-24C G A R A G E S A L E , Thursday and Friday, 9 to 4pm. Clothing for e v e r y o n e , m i s c . household. 5313 W. Shore Drive, McHenry. 9-22-9-24C 8 FAMILY GARAGE S a l e , a n t i q u e s , household items, baby items, furniture, clothes all sizes, old walnut chairs, truck shell, tools and much more. Sep­ tember 24, 25, 9am-5pm, 501 Dale Avenue, McHenry. 9-22-9-24c G A R A G E S A L E , S e p t e m b e r 2 4 - 2 6 . F u r n i t u r e , c l o t h e s , books, toys, much miscellaneous. 120 to Lilylake Road to 613 Christine Drive. 9-22-9- 24c GARAGE SALE, Boys clothes, snowmobile suits, ski boots, skis, ice skates, furniture, winter coats, books, games, tools and much more. Friday-Saturday, 9- 4pm. 4214, Ponca, C o o n e y H e i g h t s , McHenry. 9-22-9-24c G A R A G E S A L E , Thursday September 23, 9-3:30pm. One day only but great prices everyone will like! 3302 W. 3rd^ Avenue. Behind St. Pat's. 9-22 FOUR FAMILY Garage Sale. Friday and Saturday, September 2< & 25c 10am-4pm. 1P73 Audi, tandem, dirt bike, 10 speed bike, float boat, boat lift, 2 snowmobiles with trailer, end table's, coffee table, fish tank, womens size 7 ski boots with skis, much misc. 2509 N. Villa Lane, enter through Chapel Hill Golf Course. 9-22-9-24c S A T U R D A Y O N L Y G A R A G E S A L E , H u m m e l B e l l s ; Collectibles; Depression Glass, S i l v e r p l a t e i t e m s ; c o l l e c t o r p l a t e s ; assorted records (in­ cluding original Bing Crosby); clothing- size 7-8,9-V0, nice blue jeans. Must see to appreciate. 5202 Winding Creek Drive. 9-22-9-24C MOVIN£ SALE, Bikes, organ," toys, lamps, s e w i n g m a p h i n e , stereos, mtfch more. Friday-Saturday 9 to 5pm. 5501 Memory Trail. 9-22-9-24C GARAGE SALE, Tires; T o y s ; G a m e s ; Awnings; Baby clothes; adult <jl6thes; records; much"®more. 9 til 4pm, Thursday and Friday, September 23 and 24. 3306 2nd Avenue (Behind St. Patricks Church). 9-22-9-24c cap4, pbp- mper; something for everyone. 911 Florence, Pistakee Highlands. Ringwood to West to Florence. Thursday and Friday, September 23 & 24. 9 to 5pm. 9-22 F L E A M A R K E T , Sunday 9-26 (Raindate 10-3-82; 9flm-5pm. Rte. 176 and Bay View Beach Road (3 miles west of Island Lake, at Burtons Bridge Lower School), Free admission to public. Dealer $7.50, ($5.00 prepaid). Call to reserve space. 815-455- 1431. 9-22-9-24C GARAGE SALE, 1716 N. Flower street. Sep­ tember 22, 23, 24. 9:00am to 4:00pm. Clothes NB to adult sizes, plus formals; loveseat; coffee table; lamps; Sears B-W TV; Zenith record player; 9x12 brown braided rug; dorm size refrigerator; piano; crib; toys; and much miscellaneous. 9- 22-9-24C 1 ANTED 0 BUY McHoary SLWRN (flfifi Solos 0 Sot. t SON. Sept. 25 A 24 t t © 5 Follow signs from Bull Valley & Barreville. Free maps at Sales marked with flags. 9 / 22-9/24 9/22 WANTEDSTARCRAFT ui Venture Pop-up Camper. 10-12 ft. box. Sleeps 6.815-728-0010. 9- 22-9-24C FOR RENT WJTH OPTION, McHenry. 4 bedrooms, lVfe baths, 3 car attached garage, $450.00. 815-653-4321 or 815-385-4565 evenings. 9- 22-9-24C 3 BEDROOM RANCH, appliances, available immediately, $365 per month, security deposit and references. 815-344- 2853. 9-22tfc LADY WANTS TO share her home with same. Lovely spacious 2 bedroom home with large yard. 815-385-2436. 9-22-9-24C FOR RENT WITH or without option to buy, 3 bedroom house, living room, dining room, f a m i l y r o o m , f u l l basement, fenced yard, immediate occupancy. 815-344-0456. 9-22-9-24C GARAGE SALE, One Day Only ̂ Thursday, September 23, 9-4pm. Variety of household items including sofa, lamp, dishes, etc. No early birds, 504 Ken " sington, Foxridge. 9-22 A T T I C A N D B A S E M E N T S a l e , General Fall Cleaning. Everything but the kitchen Sink. September 23, 24, 25. 9am to 5pm. 908 S. Rte. 31, McHerry. 9-22 TREASURE SALE II, Huge Success at Treasure I, So We're Havjng Treasure II. Household Items; kids to adult clothing; truck MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying An­ tique Furniture, China, Glassware, Lamps, Xmas Ornaments, etc. 815-678-4141. 8-4-10-lC AUTOS, All Makes and Models, Running or Not. Cash paid. 24 Hours Pickup Service. 815-728- 1171. 9-ltfc CASH PAID For Junk Johnson or Evinirude Outboard Motors. 815- 385-4056. 9-ltfc WANTED TO BUY Hydraulic Tailgate Salt Spreader to fit on Dump Truck. Call 815-385-6223. 9-8-9-24C CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-526-3116. 9-ltfc BOAT TRAILER for 21ft. boat, 3,600 lb. capacity. 815-344-1568 after 5pm. 9-22-9-24c 2 BEDROOMHOUSE with garage, fenced y a r d . S t o v e a n d refrigerator, $375 month plus utilities, security deposit and references required. Available November 1st. 815-385- 6167 after 5pm. 9-22-9- 24c MAN WANTED to share M c H e n r y h o m e . F i r e p l a c e , w a s h e r , dryer, micro, etc. $275 per month. Everything furnished. Available now. 815-385-2233 . 9-22-9- 24c RENT WITH OPTION to buy. New 3 bedroom Raised Ranch with 2 car garage. 1 block from Lake. $64,000. $450 per month. First 6 months rent toward purchase. 312-497-3533. 9-22-10-lC JOHNSBURG SCHOOLS, 3 bedrooms, V/z baths, fenced yard, $500 month plus deposit. References. 815-385-2756 after 7pm. 9-22-9-24c VFWCLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12pm weekdays or after 6pm. 9-ltfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available,. Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc.," 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft 81f-385-1079. 9-ltfc READY NOW, 2 bedroom apartment, with stove and r e f r i g e r a t o r , d i s h ­ w a s h e r , c a r p e t e d throughout, 2% baths. 815-385-2181. 9-ltfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully car­ peted, with stove and refrigerator. 815-385- 7830. 9-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly rates. 815-385- 8905 or 815-385-0266. 9- ltfc ROOM IN LOVELY Executive Lakefront Home on Pistakee Bay, $50.00 ,week. Use of small boats. Leave message for Doris, 815- 385-1811 or 312-566-4900. 9-ltfc EFFICIENCY APARTMENT,' $245.00 i n c l u d e d u t i l i t i e s , Lakemoor. 815-385-1079. 9-ltfc L O O K I N G F O R , SINGLE person to share 2 bedroom house in Wonder Lake. $200 m o n t h l y i n c l u d i n g - utilities. After 6pm, 815- 653-9087. 9-22-9-24C FOX RIDGE CHALET. 3 bedrooms, 2 "bath, basement, 2 car garage. $550 month. 815-455-3633, 312-455-3326. 9-22-10-lc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, Above Bolgers Drug Store. 815-385-4500. 9-22-9-24C M c H E N R Y , 2 b l o c k s from Peterson Park, 3 b e d r o o m , s t o v e , refrigerator, washer, dryer, $360 per month, security deposit and credit references. Call after 5pm, 815459-9481. * 9-17-9-24C COZY 2 BEDROOM House, fenced yard, lVfe car garage, appliances, fireplace, pets con­ s i d e r e d , $ 4 2 5 m o n t h . A f t e r 7 p m a n d weekends 815-344-4316. 9-17-9-24C 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, available October 1, Eastwood Manor, large yard. $375.00. Call 815- 344-0524 . 9-17tfc McHENRY FOXRIDGE, 9 room home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 212 car garage, all appliances; 2 months s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t a n d credit check required, $475.00 plus utilities. 815- 385-3376 . 9-22-9-24C L A R G E 2 B e d r o o m Ranch in Sunrise Ridge. F a m i l y r o o m w i t h fireplace, formal dining room, large kitchen, lVfe baths, patio, deck and 2 car garage on acre. C r e d i t R e f e r e n c e s Required. $500 monthly plus security. 815-385- 3395. 9-17-9-24C 5 ROOM HOUSE, Ideal for 1 or 2 persons over 40 or Senior Citizens. $325 monthly plus utilities. Security and referen­ ces. McHenry-Lake County Line on 134. Weekdays 312-327-5351, Saturday and Sunday 815-385-6606. ^-9-24c 2,000 SQ. FT. Building. Center pf McHenry. Call 815-385-3683. 9-17tfc 1-2 BEDROOM HOUSE, largerooms, large attic, 2 car garage, Pistakee area, $325 month, no children, 815-344-5238. 9- 22-9-24C 2 & 3 BEDROOM Apartments 1-2 baths, all appliances, car­ p e t i n g , l a u n d r y f a c i l i t i e s , s e c u r i t y system. City of McHenry. $360 and up. 815-385-6566, 815-344- 1632. 9-ltfc FURNISHED APART­ MENT frfor^jMalure Single pr Couple.%15- ror 815-385426 ̂ 9-ltfc 54 RICHMOND Apart­ ments. Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom, wall to wall c a r p e t i n g , p r i v a t e balcony, large play area for children. Immediate occupancy. 815-455-5510. 9-3-10-lC OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Is it tim* for you to move up? Does your current office space represent you well to your clients? Luxurious space available in tnodern Richmond Bldg. on U.S. Rte 12. 125 sq. ft. to 1,000 sq. ft. All utilities included. Call Bob May 815-678-4575 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER NEWSPAPER Available At The Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY •McHENRY DRUG •BELL LIQUORS •BOLGERS DRUG STORE •BEN FRANKLIN •OSCO DRUG.* •JEWEL •HORNSBY'S •HERMES ft CO. •LIQUOR MART •VILLAGE MART • J ft R STORE •McHENRY HOSPITAL •FOOD MART • J ft L GAS • ACE HARDWARE •LAKEVIEW •SUNNYSIDE FOODS •ADAMS GROCERY •LITTE STORE •FRED ft IRENE'S TAP •SUNRISE GROCERY •STEINY TAP •McCULLOM LAKE GROCERY' •NORTHWEST TRAIN •BITS ft PIECES •REVCO DRUG •ISLAND FOODS •CONVENIENT FOOD •COUNTRY ^ CUPBOARD JOHNSBURG AREA, 1 & 2 bedroom apart­ ments for rent, security deposit required, no pets. 815-385-9872., 9- lOtfc APPROXIMATELY 5,000 sq. ft. Industrial Building. Hi Point In-, dustrial Park. 815-344- 1033. Ask for Ron. No. 4506. Century 21 Care. 9- lOtfc 1150 SQ. FT. Office or Retail Space, high traffic location, suitable for law firm or any p r o f e s s i o n a l u s e . Reasonable rent. 815- 344-1033. Ask for Ron. No. 3725. Century 21 Care. 9-10tfc LARGE 3 BEDROOM Home, Brittany Park, lM. baths, close to schools, garage, $500 month. 815-344-0366. 9- 10-9-24C 2 BEDROOM CONDO, 2 bath, attached 1 car g a r a g e , c e n t r a l a i r , refrigerator, range included. 815-385-8830. 9-22-9-24C j 2 BEDROOM HOUSE i Crystal Lake. F basement, large f< in yard. 312-825-3497 ̂ 9- 22-9-24C // MALE ROOMMATE Wanted, Lakefront, large furnished house, ' W o n d e r L a k e , references required, $375.815-728-1430. 9-22-9- 24c * ' TWIN LAKES, Wise. 2 bedroom house, in nice area, including large 2 car garage and ap­ pliances. $325.00. 414- 877-3590. 9-22-9-24C ROOMS FOR LIVING, carpeted, clean, cable TV, kitchen privileges. Working people only. McHenry Depot Hotel. 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 9 7 3 8 a s k f o r manager. 9-22-10-lc APARTMENT WITH stove and refrigerator. Must have references and security deposit. No pets. Call 815-385-4903. 9-22-9-24C McHENRY AREA 3 b e d r o o m h o u s e . Security deposit and references. No pets. $350.00.312-223-0043. 9- 22-9-24C TWIN LAKES, Wise. 2 bedroom house close to shopping, including appliance^ and l1^ car garage. $325.00 per month. 414-877-3590. 9- 22-9-24C AVAILABLE October 17" 1982. 8 Room home in Millstream area, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and appliances, 2 car. garage, $460 per month plus security deposit, references required. 815-385-7171. 9-22-9-24C WONDER LAKE, 1 bedroom home, stove and refrigerator, $280 month plus utilities, one month security deposit, no pets, references required, weekdays 312- 549-7014, extension 252; Week nights 312-227- 4220. 9-22-9-24C WEEKEND CROSSWORD Slightest Reading tub Adam•ton Greek: animal Corrects Hock Strangle Stained Out fish Toughen 72 Skillet SOLUTION rron EMacra nHOFJPi urju HQCiEJ asintJU GtjQ 13EJCJU OOEDQ U13HEI LiUDEJB BBC QBE BklCtEJO rj GJQB EiBnCP fclDE-iUH UlCEE) EJUu t'jf 'kJt'uA' IlQLiCiSEJu kUUKOGEJ BKUEUCi QBE! BCfUO tnKKian BBUDQ UQGJ HEQEil uCC (2B0 DEBSJC. f-inOWfel tjCiBB HBOC OBfelO OEJO0E E0EE r-.LL'u UQDEU HEBE HUKfcJ Sagenc L. stem: Inclined Hamper Boreal Obsession searchers isert sh<ub Dye trees Summit Eire Handed T errler Neckback DOWN 1 Erie 2 Indebted 3. Centipede 4. -- Head 5. Oxalis 6 Tunisian measure 7 Spelling book 8 Clerk 9 Easy times 10. Prefix: within 1t Palm 12. Prophet 13. Coaster 31 Proverb 23 Each 26. Mother 28 Skulk 29. Father* 30. implied 31. Corny 33 Tot 35. Cough out 36. Child talk 37 Rule 39 Gayou 41. Ski resort 43. Televise 44. Manner 46 Fuel holder 49 Trick* 50 Lair 53 Critical point 55 Pledge 56 Among 57 Mantle 58 Amazon Cetacean 60 Isaiah Gt -- Avi* 63 Tour 64 Sharpen 66 Sick 68 Copy 1 kAmerican Viewpoints A friend is a person with whom 1 may be sin­ cere. Before him, I may think aloud. Ralph Waldotmerson W 5. 6. m 53. 7 8 17. m. <t. 10 II. tl 13, Vary Fold To help lengthen life of sheets and pillowcases, vary the way you fold them. Con­ stant creases in the same places weaken the threads. m 4 Vffl i r 7 X' I i "//>-A l\\ .-'"Sr ITS ABOUT TIME TO HANG UP THE GLOVES. Sure, you hate to see summer go. You'll miss mowing down the grass. Wiping out the weeds. But think about the benefits. No more getting knocked out by the heat... the humidity. No more getting knocked out by the nigh cost of air conditioning either. At least not till next summer rolls around. After all, autumn winds cool things down a lot. Air conditioners don't have to work as hard. Or as often. The demand for electricity • goes down. Way down. Since we have to make less, it costs us less to make. So on or after September 14th, whenever your meter's read, it'll cost you less to buy. About a penny and a half less per kilowatthour. Down from nearly, nine cents to roughly seven and a half cents. Which is more than a 15% savings. It almost makes you glad to see winter come. Commonwealth Edison Dorlt take fcmoncw fcr gianted. LET US TURN THIS (NICE) OPEN AIR SCREEN ROOM INTOTH/SGREAT Call us TOD A Y! J 31 Now you can enjoy TWICE THE (JSI of your covered Patio or Screen R< with only a small investment We can even show you how to qualify for the new 15% Tax Credit RT 14 NORTH WALWORTH, WISC. Open Daily 8 AM to5 PM 414/275-2176 Saturday 9 AM to 12 Noon -- - - 7

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