PAGE 18 - PLA1NDEALER • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26.1982 9 Market t V* l.ii . > Account Earn 10% interest from now until December 14...then continue to earn high money market fund rates. It's better because you get 10% interest. A minimum of $2,500 gets you started. Until December 14, your money will be earning 10% in a repurchase agreement backed by federal securities (but not insured by the FSLIC). Mc Henry Savings' new Money Market Account is Federally insured. After December 14, according to federal regulations, we will open your McHENRY SAVINGS MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT paying initially 10%. This account will be insured up to $100,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (something the money markets never had.) You will be able to take money out anytime. Your money is never tied up in our MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT. Full access is yours from the moment it's opened. You'll be able to write up to three checks a month for as little as $500 per check. Now that McHenry Savings has something better...don't delay. Remember everyday you delay is costing you money. Call 385-3000 or stop in today for further information. McHENRY S A V I N G S ESLE ttr » **0 lOM ASftOClftVlO*1 1209 North Groon St root, McHonry 815-3*5-3000 10520 Main Stroot, Richmond 915-678-2061 10402 North Vino Stroat (Huntloy Contor oh Routo 47) Huntloy 312-669-3333 SAVERS HOURS: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday, McHenry Office Drive in windows open Wednesday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Closed Wednesday in Richmond and Huntley. /