I'.u.i. ts- M.Ai I FR-VVRPVKS!)\V "KCrMBFRl. 1982 * » Lakemoor-Lilymoor Area Margaret Karas 385-4934 :>• Support elps Family This past week has been a time of '^remembering and giving thanks for > ill of us. Among those who faced a sad v^fcoliday was the Bob Dawdy family of Lily moor. Suffering the loss of their -A J « m oldest son Max on Oct. l, followed by the death of Bob's mother nine days later, has made this a traumatic time for them. Evelyn and Bob want their friends and neighbors to know how much their moral support, prayers and concern has helped these past weeks. And the support and prayers are still there. It is gratifying to know there are so 31 t1 ••V m~ s-' M £ <v k • >. » ) »1fl lo *{f Announcing: Evening Hours for Physical Therapy effective December 1 The Physical Therapy Department at Memorial Hospital, Woodstock, is now providing its services to the public two evenings a week -- Monday and Wednesday evenings "until 6 p.m. -- effective December 1. As usual an order from a physician is needed before treatment can begin. Call 338-2500, Extension 227 or 345, for appointment information. Hours of Service: Monday and Wednesday -- 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday & Friday -- 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday--8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL m&ny people willing to share a part of themselves. The Dawdys know this from experience, and are deeply appreciative. FIRST ROLE Terri Gorski of Lakemoor made her debut as an actress in the leading role in the production of "Barefoot in the Park" put on by the Drama club of McHenry East campus. Terri, a senior, tried out for a part in the play and was surprised when she was given the feminine lead, never having done any acting previously. Suzy Wipper, another talented person from our area, was stage manager for the production. After six weeks of arduous rehearsals, the play was presented for three per formances. Terri learned first-hand of the biggest joy of being an actress: the applause! That is the greatest satisfaction for the long hours of practice, the frustrations and the butterflies. DEER CONFRONTATION A deer in the road was the cause of an accident that gave pain to two sisters from Parkside. Due to the driver's action in attempting to avoid hitting the deer, the car rolled over a few times. Cindy Gaines, riding in the back seat was thrown out of the rear Better Christmas Buys , Are Yours Now... Bearcat0 8 CHANNEL POLICE SCANNER LIST $183.00 PRICE INCLUDES fCRYSTALS I r .Cy? > < --V-f V PROGRAMMABLE BEARCATS FROM j19995 ( ( ( ( ( C M . n n n ) ) ) ) ) ) ) r a d i c o m c mm- SPECIAL OFFER TO ORGANIZATIONS CHURCH GROUPS BUSINESSES CLUBS SORORITIES MANUFACTURERS •» anyone planning ADULT OR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS PARTIES OBTAIN EXTRA SAVINGS and/or TAX EXEMPT DISCOUNTS Com* into Mo*n*by * and ash tof th« manager. Ha will parson ally giva you a oaal and haip you salact and ordar your gift*. * ? J J i j i O Don t tocgat to feting your stata aalas tai •••mption numbr if youi organization hat one \ r J; * s* '• % * < * . 5* * * s" s* * « % • 5 r i 2604 N. CHAPEL HILL RD. McHENRY, ILL 60050 815-385-4224 4400 West dRte. 120 a McHenry, llf o Daily 9 to 9; Sun jL».Cua.i Country Club Rd.i II I i Rt. 47 & y 10 to 6 Woodstock, window, resulting in a painful shoulder injury. She is getting better, and will not have to use braces too much longer.^ Tammy was more fortunate just suffering bruises. IMPORTANT DAY Dec. 5 is a special day for two households in Lilymoor. Chuck and Irene Thornton will be celebrating their anniversary. Donald Vornkahl will be enjoying a cake made by his mother Marion, along with birthday wishes from his dad Hal and sister Debbie. MONDAY NIGHT MEETING The Lily Lake Ladies League now meets on the first and third Mondays of the month at the Lakemoor Municipal building. Anyone interested in joining the group should contact Helen Para, president, or any other member. Hostess at the last get together was Jean Dember, who served a variety of foods plus the first fruit cake of the holiday season. Winners at the bunco tables were Connie O'Rourke first, Millie Narcarti second, Julia Kraus booby, and Ann Brzezninski special. And a fun time was had by all. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Dec. 2 - Free blood pressure screening, Senior Citizen Center, 1304 Park St., 11 a.m. Dec. 6 - Lilymoor Association meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1008 N. Dale. Call 385-8568 for information. Dec. 9 - Lakemoor Village meeting, 8 p.m. Only meeting in December. Dec. 9 - McHenry Nunda Public Library Board meeting. 7:30 p.m. at the library on Lily Lake road. Dec. 18 - Christmas party for Lakemoor residents. Call 385-1117 for information and reservations. "Children have more need of models than of critics." GOD BLESS County Man Free On Bond SHAW MHMA NCWS tttVKS A Lake In The Hills man convicted of sexual assault charges in August remains free on bond while appealing i he conviction. The state asked the court recently to vacate an order which allows Anthony W. Donato, 26, of 115 Hunters Path, to be out of jail. Donato was sentenced to serve six years' imprisonment following a trial before Judge Leonard Brody in 19th Judicial Circuit court. He was charged with indecent liberties with a child, contributing to the sexual delinquency of a child and deviate sexual assault. The court found Donato guilty on each charge in a bench trial, where testimony indicated he had sexual relations with two teen-age girls who babysat for his children. Assistant State's Attorney Gail Moreland, who prosecuted the case, asked the court to vacate the Oct. 19 order which allowed the defendant to continue to be free on bond. Moreland called witnesses who testified that one of the victims in the case has become increasingly emotionally disturbed because the defendant is not imprisoned. The victim's father and a social worker, who is the victim's school psychologist, both testified /or the state. "The victims feel there is injustice. The defendant was found guilty, was sentenced, but is free," Ms. Moreland told the court. Brody said there was no evidence presented to show the defendant had bothered the victims while out on bond awaiting an appellate court hearing. The court let his original order stand and denied the state's motion to vacate. ACT NOW AND OUR MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT ;> ) lit/tjfca •. COMPETITIVE RATES. 2% MORE. SINATRA TRAINED IN GYMS AS A BOXER BOTH HIS FATHER (MARTY O'BRIEN) AND HIS UNCLE (BABESIEGER) WERE PROFESSIONAL FIOHTER8. J0* VAN JOHNSON (67) HA8 HAD 2 SERIOUS| CANCER OPERATIONS. HE BELIEVES IN "POSITIVE THINKING." "l KEEP IMAGINING MY8ELF AS A HEALTHY PERSON. IT'S BEEN NEARLY 20 YEARS | SINCE MY SECOND CANCER OPERATION THERE ARE MORE THAN 500 EPISCOPAL FEMALE PRIE8T8 IN THE US --52 OF THIM IN NEW YORK CITY. VARICOSE VEINS. WHICH AFFLICT MILLIONS OF AMERICANS, UKAJUf TO.THIS DAY .AN ENIGMATIC CONDITION EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE ONE OF MANKIND S EARLIE8T AILMENTS. HEREDITY PLAYS A STRONG ROLE IN THEIR DEVELOPMENT. Excerpts from THE NUTCRACKER SWAN LAKE COPPELLIA and more At First Federal, it really pays to plan ahead. You see, if you sign up for our exciting, new Insured Money Market Account before we officially start offering it on December 14, well give you a bonus: 2% higher interest for the first 30 days of your new account. So bring your $2,500 minimum deposit to First Federal now. Well hold your money in an insured savings account until December 14. Then well automatically open your new First Federal Insured Money Market Account. And start paying highly competitive rates based on market conditions. Plus your 2% bonus for acting early. MORE ACCESS Youll have really easy access to your First Federal Insured Money Market Account with preauthorized drafts, checks and First Federal Automatic Teller Machines. And there are no penalties for withdrawal. MORE SECURITY Unlike some other money market funds, your First Federal Money Market Account will be insured for up to $100,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. What's more, our competitive rates will be guaranteed weekly. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? If you can think of anything else you'd like to know about our new Insured Money Market Account, just call us. But you'd better think fast. Remember, we're only offering the 2% bonus through December 13. So why not just stop by the First Federal office nearest you. There are 64 of them conveniently located across the state. Well answer your questions in person. And get you on your way to earning more. First Federal of Chicago. p . . . . McHenry 4400 West Elm Street 385-9000 ' Main Office: Dearborn and Madison, Chicago, 1-312-977-5000. And 63 other offices statewide, ©198^ First Federal Savings and L>an Association of Chicago. Member: Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. !--•••• \ 3V Photograph by Craig Schreiner Woodstock Opera House presents JUDITH SMLA^DER D4NCB THEATRE at^the Woodstock Opera House an exquisitely restored historic theatre an hour's drive or less from most Chicago area locations. Friday, December 10 8:15 p.m. *6.00/'5.00 Saturday, December 11 8:15 p.m. tOO/'SJO Students *4.00 all seats TICKETS (815) 338-5300