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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1982, p. 23

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Legal Notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is, hereby given that o11, November 10, 1982. n certificate was filed 'tin the Office of the Country Clerk of McHen/ry County, Illinois, setti ng forth the names and post-office addressees of all of the persons owning, conductinf { and transacting the bus iness known as H1LLC UEST ASSOCIATES AND HILLCREST APART­ MENTS, located, at the southeast corner of McCullom Lak.t> Road and Orleans Street, McHenry, IL,., 60050 which certificate sets forth th€ owners as follows: Sh.'eldon L. Baskin, D/aniel N. Epstein, Irv ing Coppel, Anthony /Bono and Hillcrest In vestors, Ltd. Dated N,-ovember 10, 1982 Ros* »mary Azzaro, County Clerk (Pub. Nov. 19,26& Deyj. 3,1982) Mo. 820491 Legal Notice NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE STA TE OF ILLINOIS )SS COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION,' a corporation of the United States of America, Plaintiff, -vs- ROBERT SCHINDLER j d-b-a R & R ) CONSTRUCTION: ) etal., ) ) Defendant. ) IN CHANCERY General No. 82 CH173 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pur­ suance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, M I CM-A E ii, SULLIVAN, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Friday, the 10th day of December A.D. 1982, at the hour of 9:00'o'clock A.M. Local Time), in Room 309 of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder / for cash all and singular, (he following described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lots 40 and 41 in Block 10 in Fox Lake Vista Unit No. 4, a Sub­ division of part of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Sec- lion 29 and part of the Northwest Suarter of the ortheast Quarter of Sec­ tion 32, Township 46 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac­ cording to the Plat thereof recorded November 3, 1927 as Document No. 80677, in Book 6 of Plats, page 8, in McHenry County, Illinois. A D D R E S S O R L O C A T I O N , O F PROPERTY: 7408 Cuneo Drive, Spring Grove, IL., 60081 together with all buildings and im­ provements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, this 9th day of November A.D. 1982. VERNON W. KAYS, JR., Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois KELL, CONERTY & POEHLMANN 121 East Calhoun Street P.O. Box 588 Woodstock, IL., 60098- 0588 (815) 338-4511 Attorney for Plaintiff (Published in The McHenry Plaindealer on November 19, 26.and December 3. 1982.) Exhibit A j. , , ' No. 820492 Legal Notice Public notice is hereby given that the County of McHenry, Illinois will hold a public meeting in connection with a feasibility study of a roadway bypass ».a jtbui.Bi'j b Ei southeasterly of the City of McHenry on Thur­ sday, December*), 1982, at 8:15 P.M. in the cafeteria of the McHenry High School West Campus at 4724 West Crystal Lake Road , McHenry , Illinois. The general limits of the project are proposed o be from ihe vicinity of Bull Valley Road at Crystal Lake Road easterly across the Fox River to the vicinity of River Road then north­ erly and easterly to the vicinity of Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road. All parties interested in obtaining additional information regarding thefeasbility study, who have questions about it, or who have suggestions to offer, will be given an opportunity to be heard. (Pub. Dec. i,3& Dec. 8,1982) No. 820505 Legal Notice of 17 , 43 :e 9 d ac- STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) )SS COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS- FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO, a Corporation, Plaintiff; vs. ALLAN F. MARVIN; NANCY R. MARVIN, and UNKNOWN OWNERS: NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS: and UNKNOWN HEIRS OR DEVISEES OF , Defendants. No. 82 CH 352 NOTICE The requ i s i t e Af ­ fidavit for Publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, NANCY R. MARVIN, Certain Defendant in the above-entitled suit; that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenry County , Chancery Division, DV the ^said Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a ce r t a in mor tgage conveying the premises described as follows, to- wit: o Lots 17 and 18 in Valhalla Sub­ division, a Sub­ division of part of Fractional Northeast Q u a r t e r Fractional Sec t ion Townsh ip North, Ran East of the Principal Meridian, cording to the P la t the reof recorded October 26, 1921, as Document No. • 52903, in Book 4 of Plats, page 43, in McHenry County, Illinois. and which said mor­ tgage was made by ALLAN F. MARVIN and NANCY R. MARVIN, Mortgagor, to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTAL LAKE, n-k-a F IRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO, a Cor­ poration, as Mortgagee, and filed for recording in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County , Illinois, as Document No. 676953. And for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the said court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is now pending. NOW THEREFORE, unless you, the said above-named Certain Defendant, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein in the Office of the Clark of the Circuit Court of McHenry County , Chancery Division, in the City of Woodstock, . . may __ entered against you at any time after that day MICROWRVE CARTS, P IZZA CRISPER, BACON RACKS, ROAST RACKS, AND MORE AVA iLA t iL f c AT LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N . FRONT ( S . RTE. 31 ) 385-0882 Come meet me at Hornsby's "c!£oM*-10 , . &CT»C \o 2:00 Choose From A Variety off Keebler Crackers A fantastic buy - stock up now for tha Holidays. 1.07 Pecan & Chips Sandies Deluxe Pecan Sandies are shortbread cookies with crunchy pecans. Chips Deluxe has big soft chips that melt in your mouth. A it>y«s°5 & aft CO0' D"- 5ih- Frio®/* pec- 3 dfl y* Sun Daily 9 to 9 Sunday 10 to S Priest effective while quentities last. We reserve the right to WmH quantities. YOUR MOffc SAVWG * sWC"0N and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer for relief in said Bill to Foreclose Mortgage. DATED AT: Wood­ s t o c k , I l l i n o i s November 16, 1982. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., Clerk HOLMSTROM & GREEN Attorneys for Plaintiff 145 Virginia Crystal Lake, IL., 60014 (815) 459-8440 _ (Pub. Nov. 26, Dec. 3 & Dec. 10,1982) No. 820497 Legal Notice Public notice is hereby given that the County of McHenry, Illinois will hold a public meeting in connection with a feasibility study ot a westerly highway bypass around the City of McHenry on Thur­ sday, December 9, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the ca fe te r i a o f the McHenry High School West Campus at 4724 West Crystal Lake Road , McHenry , Illinois. The general limits of the project are proposed to be from Route 31 in the vicinity of Ringwood southwesterly to Route 120 in the vicinity of Draper Road then southeasterly to Route 31 one to three miles south of McHenry. All parties interested in obtaining additional information regarding the feasbility study, who have questions about it, or who have suggestions to offer, will be given an opportunity to, be heard. (Pub. Dec. 1,3& Dec. 8,1982) No. 820504 Legal Notice PAGE 23 - PL AiXDEALEK STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) )SS COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR THE ADOPTION OF BRIAN RICHARD MADALINSKI, a male minor child Case No. 82 F 303 ADOPTION LEGAL NOTICE TO: ALL WHOM MAY CONCERN IT ' TAKE NOTICE that a Petition was filed in the Circuit Court of McHenry County , Illinois, for the adoption of the child named BRIAN RICHARD MADALINSKI. Now, therefore, unless you, ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN file your answer to the Petition in said suit or otherwise file your appearance therein in the said Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial C i rcu i t , McHenry County, Illinois, held in the Courthouse at 2200 N. Seminary Avenue in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 27th day of December, 1982, a default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said Petition. DATED; November 19, 1982 at Woodstock, Illinois Vernon W. Kays, Jri, Clerk of Circuit Court, McHenry County Narusis & Narusis A t t o r n e y s f o r Petitioners 213 W. Lake Shore Drive Cary, Illinois 60013 Tel: 312-639-5535 (Pub. Nov. 26, Dec. 3 & Dec. 10,1982) No. 820499 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) )SS FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3. lW D i s s o l u t i o n A T Marriage; that sum­ mons was duly isstwq out of said Court against you as provided by law, COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) IN THE CIRUCIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF RANDY L. PARSONS, Plaintiff, and THERESA ANN PARSONS, Defendant. No. 82D0802 PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, T H E R E S A A N N PARSONS, Defendant in the above-entitled suit that the said suit has been commenced in the Ci rcu i t Cour t o f McHenry County by the said Plaintiff against you , p ray ing fo r a and that the said suit |s still pending. jy% NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, THERESA ANN PARSONS, til# said Defendant, file your" answer to tfrs Petition in said suit oc otherwise make yc appearance therein, the said Circuit Count McHenry County, hefyl in the courthouse in the City of Woodstock, Illinois on or befott thirty (30) days after tii being 1982 default may oe entered against you at any time after that day and a judgement reni dered in accordance with the prayer of said Petition. Dated: November 16. 1982 Vernon W. Kays, Jr.", SAMUEL J. DIAMOND Attorney for Plaintiff 3431 W. Elm Street »Zi McHenry, IL., 60050 ' ' 815-385-6840 > ^ (Pub. Nov. 26, Dec. 3&' Dec. 10,1982) » No. 820498 SAVING Rt. 47 & Country Club Rd.-Woodstock 4400 W. Rta. 120 McHenry, Illinois REPLACE Y 0 U R M ENERGY^ WASTING FURNACE! mm- fedL'1 THE ENERGY COMMAND FURNACE FEATURES: (^Exclusive Heat Transfer Module...HTM® •No Chimney required •Easy Installation •Operates on Natural Gas or LP. •heats your water too! . With the 94-95% EFFICIENT j4ytva#va® ENERGY COMMAND COME IN AND SEE THE AM AN A ENEMY COMMAND Hi OK4ATKM AT Buch Bret. Plvmbing A Heeling TM GAS FURNACE OTHER ENERGY-SAVING EQUIPMENT •hydro-Pulse Boilers •Ground Water heat Pumps •Much More! We Service All Makes Of Heating & Plbg. Equip AVERAGE SAVINGS fROM 26-40% ON YOUR HEATINS COSTS! BUCH BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING A THIRD GENERATION OF SERVING THE McHENRY AREA FOR OVER 50 YEARS' (8)5)385-5300 3012 W. Rio. 120, McHoary MMM.M Elf at .1x39 ENJOY CHRISTMAS IN THE COUNTRY...when you come in and browse through our selection of decorations and joyful holiday gift ideas. COMPLETE DECORATION CENTER FOR THE "DO-IT-YOURSELFER" Fresh Greens & Trimmings*Holiday Candles*Hand-Crafted Ornaments*Flocked & Artificial Trees*Silvestri Miniature Li£hts*Poinsettias & Holiday Plants •Fresh-Cut Christmas Trees*Maggies "Kustom Korner" Bows, Wreaths, Swags SALE -- COUNTRY CHRISTMAS SHOP Christmas Tree Miniature Light Sets, by hrankel.. 40 Lights-$4.49 & up (Reg. $6.49) Indoor/Ouidoor 80 Lights-$8.98 (Reg. $10.98) Indoor or Outdoor Tinsel Garland by National... $2.99 (Reg. $3.99) 15 Fl. Original Mountain King - SAVE $25.00 on IVi Ft. Snow-Covered Balsam or 7 Ft. Rocky Mountain Fur Foldaway Specimen-Type Christmas Trees... White Pine - Sheared Balsam - Scotch Pine Norway Pine...All Plantation-Grown M Clous Vis«s CUSTOM-MADE WREATHS Fresh Roping-Greens-Holly- Flocked Christmas Trees- Living Christmas Trees Sale on Fresh Evergreens - Mixed Mini-Bunch Sale Priced at...$2.50 Holly - SAVE 25% on pound quantities Special Feature: FREE Holiday Design Session - Sat. & Sun. Dec. 4 & 5; and 11 & 12 1:30 to 3 p.m. Learn how from our professional designers. $I .(HI \ AI I K cJ SANTA wjicwtrvvi SPIC HI OIIIK M INI MamrrwuiMl sanla Hmk lur mr> Mtl.llir |inr< li;iMil in "in < oiinlr* < liritliitui Mn>|> xjnla Hmk* mil IIM-II itmuril AM PTMHJM Ivyli IM-NHJIHIIM cm-Iii(It'll) 111 11111 14 ikpiiflmiiilv. »\i»-|»l i I hi < Iiiinlri < hn*linav shiip vania ;BuiV > jliil till l»<« M l'»H2. I Ins »ll« r inj\ In oiihtlruoii at an* mm .BUCK \ W Nampk- Onh J < Hint' In / lk*iuil\ SI.OW VAl.l'K >f. • O MANY MORE SPECIALS IN OUR 14 DEPARTMENTS! Hours: Mon.-Fri. V-9: Sat. 9-5: Sun. 10-5 815-459-6200 owerwoi Kl . 14 & 176 , Crys ta l Lake . I l l ino i s Visa MasterCard [ American Express Cards Accepted

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